The NFL refs CHEAT?!


10 (100%)
In the short span of 2 back to back games i've lost all respect for the NFL and it's officiating. After seeing 3 blatantly horrible calls in the Patriot/Bronco game, and 2 blatantly horrible calls and 2 no calls in the Steelers/Colts game it's going to take some time for me to get over the anger i feel.

Let teams play the game. Maybe there should be more than 1 head official. Teams should be able to challenge so called "judgement calls" like pass interference and forward progress.

It has arived to the point that it's no longer the best team that wins, but the team that gets the best calls, and that is wrong in every sense of the word.
tell me about it...i wouldn't say it's rigged, but i would say it's a hard job to be a ref and some of them just make horrible fucking calls...not that the Ravens would've necessarily been in the playoffs or deserved to be in them, but they would've easily had won 4 more games if it wasn't for horrible ref even admitted to fucking up on a crucial game-winning call after the game was over, which is something that refs just don't admit
I say the colts lost this game because of the stupid playcalling on 3rd and 2. They threw a deep pass in which they should have ran the ball. Pick up that 1st down then take a couple of shots down the field. Also stupid TV for saying Mike V has never missed a FG in the postseason. :) That shit will curse anyone.
[quote name='pimpinc333'] Also stupid TV for saying Mike V has never missed a FG in the postseason. :) That shit will curse anyone.[/QUOTE]

The guy aimed way right though...
the fucking colts lost this game cause the steelers wanted it more, period! the steelers got screwed on that "incomplte pass" call where it was obvious that an interception had occured. the dude had control and made a football move, he fucking rolled with it twice, so if anybody got screwed it's the steelers, and they still pulled out the win. i'm a Broncos fan btw:applause:
The NFL sets up teams to win the Superbowl. It has every year for a while. They set up the Colts this year. Next year it'll be some other team.
[quote name='mmn']The NFL sets up teams to win the Superbowl. It has every year for a while. They set up the Colts this year. Next year it'll be some other team.[/QUOTE]

uhhh if they set up the colts then they would have won, right?
[quote name='soxfan4525']uhhh if they set up the colts then they would have won, right?[/QUOTE]

No, Colts choked.
[quote name='SIUfan86']the fucking colts lost this game cause the steelers wanted it more, period! the steelers got screwed on that "incomplte pass" call where it was obvious that an interception had occured. the dude had control and made a football move, he fucking rolled with it twice, so if anybody got screwed it's the steelers, and they still pulled out the win. i'm a Broncos fan btw:applause:[/QUOTE]

That was one of the plays i was counting and the one that finally sent me over the edge. I'm a shit ass 49er fan, but i love all of football. I just want to see some fair games, but it's not happening right now.

There was also a bad no call when Ward got tackled a good 3 yards before the ball got to him. Big Ben fumbled but after the play was then rulled "forward progress was stopped". How about the false start on 4th down that caused the entire Colts D-line to jump the gun and it ended up a NO CALL?!?! "There was no false start by the offense, and no defensive player initiated contact." Gimme a fucking break.

How about the fucked up "defensive" pass interferance call on A. Samuel during the Patriot game. That was one of the most obviously offensive pass interferance plays i've seen in years and yet somehow no one saw it?! Even the damned announcers were saying how bad and baffling the call was! How about A. Davis getting tackled causing Brady to get picked off at the end of the game? How about the touchback that should have occured because Chump Baily slowed down at the 10 yard line?!
[quote name='mmn']The NFL sets up teams to win the Superbowl. It has every year for a while. They set up the Colts this year. Next year it'll be some other team.[/QUOTE]

Originally Posted By soxfan4525
"uhhh if they set up the colts then they would have won, right?"

mmn got pwned!!!:D
[quote name='SIUfan86']quote:
Originally Posted By soxfan4525
"uhhh if they set up the colts then they would have won, right?"

mmn got pwned!!!:D[/QUOTE]

Um not really. They were set up to win, but missed a deep catch, and the field goal to tie it up.

The refs can't really make people catch the ball, or kick it better...
I just want to see some fair games, but it's not happening right now.

There was also a bad no call when Ward got tackled a good 3 yards before the ball got to him. Big Ben fumbled but after the play was then rulled "forward progress was stopped". How about the false start on 4th down that caused the entire Colts D-line to jump the gun and it ended up a NO CALL?!?! "There was no false start by the offense, and no defensive player initiated contact." Gimme a ing break.
[quote name='Deadpool']. I just want to see some fair games, but it's not happening right now.

There was also a bad no call when Ward got tackled a good 3 yards before the ball got to him. Big Ben fumbled but after the play was then rulled "forward progress was stopped". How about the false start on 4th down that caused the entire Colts D-line to jump the gun and it ended up a NO CALL?!?! "There was no false start by the offense, and no defensive player initiated contact." Gimme a fucking break.


I agree with this point.
[quote name='Deadpool']Um not really. They were set up to win, but missed a deep catch, and the field goal to tie it up.

The refs can't really make people catch the ball, or kick it better...[/QUOTE]

they were set up to win? what the fuck?! they were making a comeback and the steelers sacked manning on the 2 yard line. the only reason indy had a fourth chance was cause bettis fumbled. and bettis didn't just drop the ball. anyone would have fumbled that ball. the guy popped the ball with his helmet, a perfect hit. then they just choked by missing the fg. i dont know how u can say indy was "set up" to win. if bettis hadn't fumbled pitt would have scored and the game would have already been over then!:bomb:
It seems more like the NFL is rigging games to keep them close in order to keep the ratings up and they're overcompensating due to the fact that most of last weeks games were blowouts.
[quote name='SIUfan86']they were set up to win? what the fuck?! they were making a comeback and the steelers sacked manning on the 2 yard line. the only reason indy had a fourth chance was cause bettis fumbled. and bettis didn't just drop the ball. anyone would have fumbled that ball. the guy popped the ball with his helmet, a perfect hit. then they just choked by missing the fg. i dont know how u can say indy was "set up" to win. if bettis hadn't fumbled pitt would have scored and the game would have already been over then!:bomb:[/QUOTE]

I stated that because the way the officiating had been it seemed that way. I never said they should have won or deserved to win. In fact The Steelers seemed like they went into cruise control after the first quarter.
[quote name='zionoverfire']It seems more like the NFL is rigging games to keep them close in order to keep the ratings up and they're overcompensating due to the fact that most of last weeks games were blowouts.[/QUOTE]

I actually like that theory. Well except for the no call on P.I. at the end of the Patriots game.
MAn If your bitchin about calls just STFU. The officiating being bad is a regular occurance and no team gets screwed anymore by calls.......If the Colts scored at the end everyone would be blaming the call. Thats BS since they still had football to play and Pitt wouldve lost because of Pitt in the end
[quote name='Deadpool']How about the fucked up "defensive" pass interferance call on A. Samuel during the Patriot game. That was one of the most obviously offensive pass interferance plays i've seen in years and yet somehow no one saw it?! Even the damned announcers were saying how bad and baffling the call was! How about A. Davis getting tackled causing Brady to get picked off at the end of the game? How about the touchback that should have occured because Chump Baily slowed down at the 10 yard line?![/QUOTE]
Don't even get me started about this fucked up call. This was a bullshit call because of the ref favoring the home team and pretty much started the downfall of the pats. The fumbles later in the game didn't help either but the pats could had at least two or three bullshits calls dropped especially the call against samuel.
[quote name='lowgear26']MAn If your bitchin about calls just STFU. The officiating being bad is a regular occurance and no team gets screwed anymore by calls.......If the Colts scored at the end everyone would be blaming the call. Thats BS since they still had football to play and Pitt wouldve lost because of Pitt in the end[/QUOTE]

WTF are you talking about?! If the Colts scored at the end of the game it would have been because of Bettis fumbling, not a bad call.

Are you even watching the games or are you just this dumb?
NFL rigs games to keep them interesting to keep the ratings up ya. How do you think offenses could get away with so much in the 2 minute warning?

They only rig to make it exciting, what do you think they are the NBA?
[quote name='lowgear26']MAn If your bitchin about calls just STFU. The officiating being bad is a regular occurance and no team gets screwed anymore by calls.......If the Colts scored at the end everyone would be blaming the call. Thats BS since they still had football to play and Pitt wouldve lost because of Pitt in the end[/QUOTE]
Perhaps you skipped grammar class a little too often!
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']NFL rigs games to keep them interesting to keep the ratings up ya. How do you think offenses could get away with so much in the 2 minute warning?

They only rig to make it exciting, what do you think they are the NBA?[/QUOTE]

Actually i don't think NBA refs actually watch the game. They just blow random whistles and point at people. I stopped watching the NBA 5 years ago.
[quote name='Deadpool']Actually i don't think NBA refs actually watch the game. They just blow random whistles and point at people. I stopped watching the NBA 5 years ago.[/QUOTE]

The NBA Refs are very good at putting certain players in foul trouble to control the game. They know what they are doing.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']The NBA Refs are very good at putting certain players in foul trouble to control the game. They know what they are doing.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Deadpool']:lol:[/QUOTE]

I use to watch basketball heavily, when my milwaukee bucks went to the eastern finals in 00-01, but then the fix came on, and the NBA needed Iverson in the finals for ratings, and the Refs would put ray allen or Big Dog on the bench early in every single game untill they susepended scott williams for the final game 7 (because they know hes the main player off the bench who brought energy threw defense)
This has to be the worst postseason officiating I have seen in the NFL since replay has been instituted. I'm finally over the incomplete catch in the Bucs-Skins game and then to see some of the calls in the Colts-Steelers game and Bears-Panthers game I just didnt know what to think. Doesn't the NFL have some penalty for officiating crews? I dont know about games being rigged, but Indy had way too many chances to win that game, it was just ridiculous....some would call it drama.
I'm still mad about some of the calls in the Bucs/Skins game (and some of the no-calls as well).

EDIT: Also, I haven't had respect for NFL officials since the Raiders vs. Patriots "Tuck Rule" game. I felt like I was taking crazy pills after that.
If the NFL was rigged don't you think the NFL would pick teams that everyone likes?

I think everyone would be cheering for the Colts since they had that impressive run and the horrible loss of Dungy. The Colts winning the superbowl is a much newsworthy story than Seattle, Pittsburgh, Carolina, or Denver winning it.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the Carolina/Chicago game where the play clock had blatantly run out on the Bears last play.
[quote name='Mex25']Don't even get me started about this fucked up call. This was a bullshit call because of the ref favoring the home team and pretty much started the downfall of the pats. The fumbles later in the game didn't help either but the pats could had at least two or three bullshits calls dropped especially the call against samuel.[/QUOTE]:-({|=

The Patriots lost this game because Denver is a much better team and The Broncos capitalized on The Patriots fuck ups/turnovers. To credit the refs with "turning the tide" in this game is just rediculous. Were you even watching the same game as the rest of America? GO BRONCOS!!!
The Patriots played bad, but the fact that the Broncos were handed two touchdowns didn't help their cause either. That Champ Bailey fumble obviously went through the back of the endzone and was inside of the pylon. I don't even need to talk about the other play as it's already been mentioned plenty of times in this thread. I hope the Steelers beat the Broncos asses.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Also stupid TV for saying Mike V has never missed a FG in the postseason. :) That shit will curse anyone.[/QUOTE]

Man that always happens whenever they say statistics like NEVER and PERFECT in such and such. Then next thing you know, the sportscasters freakin' jinx the player/team. IT ALWAYS HAPPENS:bomb: !
[quote name='Dante Devil']If the NFL was rigged don't you think the NFL would pick teams that everyone likes?

I think everyone would be cheering for the Colts since they had that impressive run and the horrible loss of Dungy. The Colts winning the superbowl is a much newsworthy story than Seattle, Pittsburgh, Carolina, or Denver winning it.[/QUOTE]

It would be big news in those town though.

BTW did you guys know that the #1 sport in the U.S is NFL football and #2 is Women Figure Skating?
[quote name='SIUfan86']the fucking colts lost this game cause the steelers wanted it more, period! the steelers got screwed on that "incomplte pass" call where it was obvious that an interception had occured. the dude had control and made a football move, he fucking rolled with it twice, so if anybody got screwed it's the steelers, and they still pulled out the win. i'm a Broncos fan btw:applause:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was definitely an interception. I don't know what that ref was smoking. Plus, that's right when The Colts started to mount a comeback. They probably would have won if Vanderjagt didn't miss the field goal.
I dobut it is rigged. The teams in the Championship games (except for the steelers) dont have much of a natioanl appeal. So if they were rigging it for ratings the teams they picked are terrible. The refs just make bad calls thats part of any sport. deal with it
When it comes to referees, they do a bad job officiating in any sport. Be it college football/basketball, the NBA, MLB, NHL, and the NFL. I've attended games where the home team had no business being in the game and because of the way the game was being refereed ("called"/rigged) they end up winning. Look the Colts lost because they didn't want it bad enough. Pitt laid everything on the line and won. They talked the talk and walked the walk.
[quote name='SIUfan86']:-({|=

The Patriots lost this game because Denver is a much better team and The Broncos capitalized on The Patriots fuck ups/turnovers. To credit the refs with "turning the tide" in this game is just rediculous. Were you even watching the same game as the rest of America? GO BRONCOS!!![/QUOTE]
What are you talking about?! If it wasn't for those dumb mistakes, the fumbles, then the pats would have at least still been on the scoreboard. The only reason denver beat new england was because of the dumb mistake they made and some bullshit calls by the ref. Now I know you didn't watch the game.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I say the colts lost this game because of the stupid playcalling on 3rd and 2. They threw a deep pass in which they should have ran the ball. Pick up that 1st down then take a couple of shots down the field. Also stupid TV for saying Mike V has never missed a FG in the postseason. :) That shit will curse anyone.[/QUOTE]

lol i know what you mean
I don't agree with being cursed or jinxed. No one remembers the 20 or so other times they said he had made field goals in a rowand he did make them. People only remember the comment the time he missed. And face it, people miss kicks.
NEW YORK (AP) - The NFL said the referee made a mistake: Troy Polamalu caught the ball.

The league acknowledged Monday that Referee Pete Morelli erred when he overturned on replay Polamalu's interception of a Peyton Manning pass Sunday in the playoff game between Pittsburgh and Indianapolis."
I think in every game the refs make mistakes in either missing a call or calling something that shouldn't have been there or botching some call. It gets magnified when the postseason rolls around because of the importance of the games. This happens in every major sport it's just human error. I don't know how they will fix it; maybe it will become like golf where people watching at home can call to report an infraction that occurs and the player will be penalized after rules officials go back and confirm something. Now that would be interesting....especially in the NFL.
[quote name='Deadpool']Let teams play the game. Maybe there should be more than 1 head official. Teams should be able to challenge so called "judgement calls" like pass interference and forward progress.[/QUOTE]

Oh, yeah, that's really practical. Let's challenge opinions! C'mon now. Or should there be a special "blatant" clause where if a call looks "really" bad then they can challenge it? Where do you draw the line? You can't. It's not practical.

[quote name='Deadpool']It has arived to the point that it's no longer the best team that wins, but the team that gets the best calls, and that is wrong in every sense of the word.[/QUOTE]

No, it really doesn't.

The speed of the game is so unbelievably fast that officials are bound to make mistakes every once in a while.

Did I agree with the Troy Polomalu call? No, I didn't. Did I agree with that pass interference call? No, I didn't. But bad calls happen. That's part of the game. They officials don't ultimately decide the game, though... the players do.

The average NFL game has what... 100? 120 plays? You think that a bad call in one or two of them is really going to make a difference? Yeah... it could. But ultimately, if a team plays well and, more importantly, better than they're opponent... they're more often than not going to win.

The NFL is not rigged. End of story.
bread's done