The "Nobody Watches TNA Wrestling" Wrestling Thread

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So, Myke, what did you think of the "Bathroom Brawl"?

And since no one got a chance to read/comment this in the last thread, I will re-post it:

[quote name='Matt Young']It's going to take time to build an audience on Monday nights. The fact that they maintained their usual rating while going head to head with WWE is a good sign.

And since I forgot to mention it before... I really hope Drew McIntyre doesn't win MITB. I like him, but he's nowhere near world champion level, and I'd hate to see that as the end of WrestleMania, of all shows.

Speaking of MITB, it's been booked terribly. I mean, I like most of the guys who are in it, but it's just so... weird. Here were my predictions from before they started doing qualifying matches:

Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz vs. Christian

Of course, I didn't know it would be a 10 man match. But I only got 2 guys right- 3 if Kofi qualifies tonight. At least all of the guys I named will be on the WM card, as long as Kofi qualifies tonight. What happened with him, anyway? He was pretty hot at the end of last year/beginning of this year, but since being in the WWE title match at Elimination Chamber, he's wrestled in a meaningless six man, teaming with Yoshi Tatsu and Evan Bourne against the imploding Legacy, and he beat Chavo on Superstars. I'm pretty sure that's it.

The Miz, I can understand being in a tag match since he now holds the title, and they always seem to squeeze Big Show onto the card. As for their opponents, Morrison and Truth, I can accept Truth not being in MITB. I almost slotted in MVP instead of Truth. But, as much as I enjoy watching the team, Morrison is too good to be stuck in a tag team right now. He should have been one of the top choices- along with Christian- to win MITB, and now he's not even in it.

As for the guys who did qualify, and who they defeated:

Christian beat Carlito: No-brainer here.

Dolph Ziggler beat Morrison and R-Truth: I already gave my opinion on Morrison and Truth. Good match, but Ziggler hadn't won a match outside of Superstars in 6 months (unless you include countout and DQ victories over Kane). Ziggler should have been IC champ last year, but this was out of nowhere.

Kane beat Drew McIntyre: Kane's only useful purpose is to put people over. He certainly should not be in a ladder match. And him ending McIntyre's undefeated streak was so stupid. Drew should have lost, in an IC title match, to someone who would have gained something from the victory. Then again, this episode of Smackdown was the worst booked show I've seen in my 20 years of watching wrstling, so...

Shelton Benjamin beat CM Punk: Shelton's always awesome in MITB, and Punk vs. Mysterio will be a really good match, but Punk's a 2-time defending MITB winner. He should have been given the opportunity to defend that honor, and should have been the man Christian (or Morrison, if he was in it) knocked off the ladder at the end to win the match.

Jack Swagger beat Santino Marella: REALLY? Did anyone expect Santino to win? They could have at least given Swagger a credible opponent. And, while I like Swagger, he's in the same boat as Ziggler- he hadn't been pushed since SummerSlam of last year.

MVP beat Zack Ryder: So, it was obvious that MVP was winning, but they could have at least given Ryder more than a minute and a half.

Matt Hardy beat Drew McIntyre: I still like Matt Hardy, even though he got all fat from volcano tacos, but he hasn't done anything in the last 6 months since his brother left. He had been teaming with The Great Khali and Maria on Superstars, for God's sake. And, although it was "expunged", that was another loss for McIntyre.

Evan Bourne beat William Regal: Neither man had won much in a long time. Evan Bourne will be great in a ladder match, but that's really all I have to say about this one.

Drew McIntyre beat Aaron Bolo: Um... yeah. I'm glad they got McIntyre into the match, but they've booked him terribly. And if this is just a "swerve", having him lose, only for him to go on to win MITB, fuck that.

So my point is that, while I still expect the match to be good and I like most of the participants, it's kind of a letdown. And really, who besides Christian (and maybe McIntyre) would be a credible winner? I see this year as the first time a MITB winner loses in his title match.[/QUOTE]
Simple solutions for TNA.

1. Minimize or get rid of everybody over the age of 40. Hogan, Flair, Nash and Sting combined should get no more than 15 minutes of airtime. Not 90 minutes out of the show like in previous weeks.

2. Get rid of all of the Hulk Hogan Cronies who do not belong in TNA. This includes Brooke, Bubba the Fatso, Nasty Boys and god knows who else.

3. More realistic storylines. Having Abyss gain power from a ring is an insult to everybody who follows in 2010. Is it that hard to have storylines about wrestlers motivations being Money, Women and Championships?

4. Make Impact about actually Wrestling and not stupid angles and talking. There is a decent size fan base that is begging for it and do not even bother to watch Raw the past 8 years because of it. Following Raw's business plan is not going to bring in new viewers. It might steal a couple here and there but it is not going to turn nobody into casual or casual into die hards. Alot of people who watched Nitro didn't just switch over to Raw in April of 2001.

5. Get the hell out of the Impact Zone. It makes TNA look so bush league compared to Raw. The Casual person is going to see that Raw is in an Arena of 15-20'000 and looks like the Superbowl compared to Impact being in a 2000? seat tv studio. Visually alone they are selling their product as being inferior.
I'm not watching Jeff Jarrett fight Val Venis in a shitter, despite the appropriateness of the decor.

EDIT: As for MITB, it's for Christian or McIntyre to win. And we know bloody well who's on McMahon's current mancrush list and who McMahon *never* viewed as a main event star. McIntyre wins. Not too hard to figure out.

wildcpac, your point #3 is quite the revelation, though it shouldn't be. Dudes fighting for prestige, paydays and women? It's so ridiculously simple.
TNAs gonna stay in the Impact Zone until they can fill arenas. They have a hard time filling up a PPV outside of Orlando, let alone a regular Impact show. I remember when I was about 8 or 9 at a WCW Worldwide tv taping (way before the Universal Studios days, this was Cowboy Watts era) and they actually made the back side of the arena move to the front side where the hard cam shoots to make it look fuller.
TNA can lick the bottom of my balls....

....and on a lighter note, I'm going to their house show on Thursday. I'm going to buy a cheap 10 dollar ticket and probably easily move up front
So... Raw opens with the glass break theme everyone knows and loves... followed by a pretty mild promo by Stone Cold. Sure he broke the mold by using some colorful language, and even needing to be censored, but it was disappointing. Plus, he was sipping his beer. What the hell, I thought he was a man! From texas! he might as well be the Queen of England during tea time.
[quote name='Purple Flames']I'm loving the actual wrestling on RAW tonight, and damn good match-ups to boot.[/QUOTE]

yeah seriously..besides the normal Divas botch fest, it has been a really good show so far and Jericho/Micheals is really entertaining.

Yeah who watches WCW nowadays lol.
Just happen to change the channel to Spike while Beer Money were cutting a back stage promo. I was really digging those guys. TNA need to push those guys some more.
I like how King is acting like winning over HHH is more important than dude holding the title for a few months...
[quote name='Purple Flames']I'm loving the actual wrestling on RAW tonight, and damn good match-ups to boot.[/QUOTE]

+1. Definitely enjoying the matches sofar.
I turned off Raw after Grounds keeper Willie came out. I hope someone somewhere notices. I have TNA on in the background and I'm trying to figure something out. Is Eric Bischoff a heel or a face? Here's a rundown...

Hogan and RVD are beating the shit out of Sting. Hogan gets the bat and is about to tee off on Sting. Bischoff comes out and calms Hogan down, saying that pummeling Sting with the bat isn't the right thing to do, he isn't here to wrestle, he's here to be a leader, blah, blah, blah. The segment ends with Sting escaping without a bat-beating and (I think) they go to commercial.

Now we're back from commercial and Jarrett and Hernandez are talking about working together or some such business. Bischoff is in the background, listening in. After the conversation ends, Bischoff walks up and starts running down both men, claiming that they have no business making matches or planning anything. He sticks Hernandez in a handicap match and (presumably) humiliates Jarrett by forcing him to be the ref for the just-made matchup.

It was the most schizophrenic thing I've seen in professional wrestling in as long as I can remember. I realize that characters don't need to be pure good or pure bad, I understand nuance, I remember that Steve Austin shifted from heel to face without changing his tune. The difference is that Austin was always, at least throughout the genesis of his "Stone Cold" persona, consistent. He'd attack anyone if given the opportunity, he'd cheat if he had to, he'd win or lose based on the same set of ideals and abilities.

It was one thing when Mike Adamle made no sense and seemed lost but Bischoff has been around professional wrestling since what, 1987? Maybe earlier? He should be able to spot things that just straight up do not make sense before they come to life. All these jackasses deserve to lose their jobs.
[quote name='Halo05']Hogan and RVD are beating the shit out of Sting. Hogan gets the bat and is about to tee off on Sting. Bischoff comes out and calms Hogan down, saying that pummeling Sting with the bat isn't the right thing to do, he isn't here to wrestle, he's here to be a leader, blah, blah, blah. The segment ends with Sting escaping without a bat-beating and (I think) they go to commercial.[/QUOTE]
I think it's obvious that Bischoff was protecting Sting, and that Biscoff is somewhere behind Sting beating the shit out of RVD and Hogan.
.....Kofi must have ate chicken over Batista's bag....that Batista bomb was on dude's neck!
[quote name='Brak']I think it's obvious that Bischoff was protecting Sting, and that Biscoff is somewhere behind Sting beating the shit out of RVD and Hogan.[/QUOTE]

I got a bad feeling that in about six months we are gonna see Hogan vs. Sting for the title.:bomb:
Watching Impact now... and it's way better than that rated "G" WWE crap tonight. TNA now reminds me of WCW when it was at it's peak. Obviously, Bischoff really can turn stuff around.
[quote name='Brak']I think it's obvious that Bischoff was protecting Sting, and that Biscoff is somewhere behind Sting beating the shit out of RVD and Hogan.[/QUOTE]

I did not think TNA would try something so... I dunno, complicated at this point but you may be right. It's certainly a better alternative than, "The writers are just pants-on-head stupid."
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Watching Impact now... and it's way better than that rated "G" WWE crap tonight. TNA now reminds me of WCW when it was at it's peak. Obviously, Bischoff really can turn stuff around.[/QUOTE]

viral marketing?
[quote name='mykevermin']viral marketing?[/QUOTE]

No... longtime WWE fan (and still am). Frustrated with their product? Yes. But I've been watching WWF/E since Wrestlemania 2, and they have ups and downs. However, at 31 years of age, I'm just not finding their weekly offerings appealing at all. Now, if I was 7, it would be smoking hot.

I can't see how people can watch the same matches over and over and over again. Orton v H... again?! Sooooo much talent in that company, and just the same ol same ol being shoved down our throats. WWE is like a traveling carnival... fun when it comes to town, but that's the same bearded lady that was here last year... and the year before.
speaking of beards, I turned on TNA to see a barber's chair in the ring with Eric Bishoff. That can't be the superior TNA product, can it?
I used to love TNA...when it was so much different thank WWE. It had actual WRESTLING on it. The high fliers! To tell the truth, the very first time I watched it and within 5 minutes saw Petey Williams do the Canadian Destroyer, I was hooked. THOSE were the TNA shows that rocked...Then Booker T came in...then Scott Steiner...then Hogan.

I freaking HATE HATE HATE what it has become. For the last 6-8 months I have not watched either TNA or WWE for more than 10 minutes. Bring back the GOOD TNA. fuck Hogan. fuck Bishoff. fuck Nasty Boys. Those losers are what ruined WCW which I also loved. Unless it DRASTICALLY changes, I'll get my fix with the UFC.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Watching Impact now... and it's way better than that rated "G" WWE crap tonight. TNA now reminds me of WCW when it was at it's peak. Obviously, Bischoff really can turn stuff around.[/QUOTE]

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Pass the koolaid and the bong. TNA is better because they have 60 year olds in the ring? TNA is better because it's an updated version of WCW circa 2000? A wrestling show that forces Nasty Boys/ Team 3D down the fans throats is never better show. Especially when the senior citizens in Hall, Nash, Hogan, Flair and Sting take up the rest of the show.
The Daily Show just introduced Foley as a correspondent by talking about congressional behavior being a work like pro wrestling...using the metaphor of Shawn Michaels feuding with the Undertaker.

Ok, so we got the Bret reveal and they did it well, but I haaaaated the way they filmed it. The crowd was reacting to it while they were only showing Austin and Vince. They needed to have a standard hard camera shot of Vince & Bret while Austin & Vince were talking that showed Bret taking the cast off and the crowd's reaction. Not a big deal, but it was annoying they way it came off for home viewers.

Hot crowd for Raw which always helps.
TNA owned it tonight. How can any ADULT enjoy WWE? It's marketed to 10 year olds for christ sake! The X - Division brawl was good, Hardy Vs. AJ was good, about the same level as their first match in Nashville at the Asylum. Line of the night - James Storm "It's all about makin cash and gettin trashed". I did flip to Raw during a commercial to see Batista getting legit color only for the hard cam to zoom out, because WWE can't show color. I did think it was cool that Batista refused the towel to wipe it off. Also Flair is cutting some great promos in TNA, making himself bleed just for a promo is pretty damn cool.
[quote name='jousley']Unless it DRASTICALLY changes, I'll get my fix with the UFC.[/QUOTE]

How can anyone compare professional wrestling/sports entertainment to MMA? That's like comparing baseball to chess.

I do agree with the angst towards Hogan and his friends. I loathe Hogan... but they are limiting his television time significantly. Having Hogan in the role of "owner" limits his in ring work. I imagine he is well aware that he can no longer "go." Hence the reason he's feuding with the likes of Flair and Sting. Those are big card feuds. Now if he was challenging Styles, Wolf, etc, it would be an entirely different story.

Yes... the barber chair segment was weak. But you have to look beyond what is in front of you. In "real life," Foley and Bicsoff HATE each other. The simple fact that they are "working a program" together makes for very intriguing television.
[quote name='pimpster4183']TNA owned it tonight. How can any ADULT enjoy WWE? It's marketed to 10 year olds for christ sake! The X - Division brawl was good, Hardy Vs. AJ was good, about the same level as their first match in Nashville at the Asylum. Line of the night - James Storm "It's all about makin cash and gettin trashed". I did flip to Raw during a commercial to see Batista getting legit color only for the hard cam to zoom out, because WWE can't show color. I did think it was cool that Batista refused the towel to wipe it off. Also Flair is cutting some great promos in TNA, making himself bleed just for a promo is pretty damn cool.[/QUOTE]

Because TNA is marketed towards senior citizens who liked to torture themselves watching WCW 10 years ago. WWE might have the same format with the same wrestlers in the same matches as the past 5 years but at least it's not a rehash of WCW with 50 year olds who are now 60.
[quote name='wildcpac']5. Get the hell out of the Impact Zone. It makes TNA look so bush league compared to Raw. The Casual person is going to see that Raw is in an Arena of 15-20'000 and looks like the Superbowl compared to Impact being in a 2000? seat tv studio. Visually alone they are selling their product as being inferior.[/QUOTE]

I've been to the "Impact Zone" back when they filmed XWF ( and it can seriously only hold about 200-300 people. The way they set up the camera makes it look way bigger than it is.
I have a problem with them creating drama over who is really running TNA so early on. Bischoff, Dixie, Hogan - pick one, go with it. Bischoff was not needed - the whole heel owner/GM thing has been beaten into a fine powder.
[quote name='wildcpac']Pass the koolaid and the bong.[/QUOTE]

Certainly. Or are you suggesting that you're a wrasslin' fan who doesn't smoke bud?

[quote name='wildcpac']TNA is better because they have 60 year olds in the ring? TNA is better because it's an updated version of WCW circa 2000? A wrestling show that forces Nasty Boys/ Team 3D down the fans throats is never better show. Especially when the senior citizens in Hall, Nash, Hogan, Flair and Sting take up the rest of the show.[/QUOTE]

TNA is currently better because they are not limiting themselves to what's within the envelope. Sure... there's some old dudes limping around in the ring, but most of these feuds are either new or rehashes of great feuds from the past. Team 3D is definitely not happy about working with the Nasty Boyz... they've made that public in interviews. And yes... the Nasty Boyz are terrible. But 3D? They can definitely still run with the young guys. If you think that HHH and Taker still have it, then 3D definitely still has it.

Tonight's Impact was well balanced between the young and old. As far as Hall and Nash go, did you ever think that is why they are pairing them up with Young and Pac? Young and Pac can wrestle, so look for them to carry the in-ring action at Destination X.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']How can anyone compare professional wrestling/sports entertainment to MMA? That's like comparing baseball to chess.[/QUOTE]

I didn't mean it to sound like a comparison. I just mean that since I have been watching so much UFC over recent years, I tolerate a LOT less bull shit in wrestling. The formula of 50 minutes of talking/promos and 10 minutes of wrestling per hour has really ruined it for me.
[quote name='wildcpac']Because TNA is marketed towards senior citizens who liked to torture themselves watching WCW 10 years ago. WWE might have the same format with the same wrestlers in the same matches as the past 5 years but at least it's not a rehash of WCW with 50 year olds who are now 60.[/QUOTE]

Yea, ok. TNA is on Spike TV which is geared towards the 18-30 something male demo. Hogan and Flair wrestled once, WWE has been promoting a old ass Bret Hart/McMahon program for months now. The only thing Bret could handle is a kick to the gut.

Edit - Also about the TNA not promoting Hardy/AJ, Spike has been promoting that match yesterday and today after shows during credits. TNA posted it online as well.
The rewind matches were about as good as I expected. HBK-Jericho was short, but great. The finish was a bit screwy, but protected both guys, and the Edge spear video package combined with the spear he delivered after the match helped get that move over as a big deal leading into the show. They've been harping on it for weeks, but tonight was the first night where it felt like something truly important due to the video package they created for it. Orton-HHH was less boring than last year's match, but still wasn't very good. The screwy finish here at least led to more buildup to Orton-Ted-Cody, which, I guess maybe one person other than the three people involved wants to see. Show-Cena was slightly more exciting than their WM XX match, but I loved the finish, with Batista sorta, but not really interfering leading to Show KOing him.

While it wasn't a homerun as far as great matches, it was one for 'Mania build, which is the far bigger deal. They built up the major matches, sans MITB, very well. Sheamus's promo was the first thing they've done that made me care about his match with HHH. He showed more intensity in it than any other before, and told a nice, if somewhat illogical story about HHH being the man he looked up to most as a kid, and it being a dream to face him at 'Mania. The whole "I BOW TO NO KING" deal ruled, too. Bourne took the Razor's Edge in such an awesome way that he took out the camera man.

Kofi-Batista was less of a massacre than I expected, but man did it ever show that they have no faith in Kofi anymore. Dude won't even be in MITB unless they do one last qualifier next week. The blood in this combined with the springboard into the sorta-clothesline/spear thingy from Batista made this more memorable than it would've been otherwise. Also, his scaring of an overweight Cena fan was tremendous.

The massive HBK-Taker video package with the superstars talking about the importance of the match, its stakes, and their opinions on who could win was fantastic. It made the match seem like an even bigger deal since they rarely have guys comment on matches that they aren't in. They also did a good job of reiterating that the no DQ/no countout stip ensures that there WILL BE a winner. On a night of screwy finishes, this might've been the right show to do it to make that seem even more important.

The contract signing was glorious. Vince's goofy antics have made this feud way more memorable than it otherwise would've been with the hot and cold build, and he was once again great tonight with his fake limp and Bret-esque posing. Austin was used sparingly tonight, and it was for the better, as the crowd was hot for him every single time he came out. The induction of Stu was expected, but good to see, as was Gorgeous George's. The reveal of the non-injury was done better than I expected, and now the real hype begins for that match.

Screens -

More screens -
Um, no.

The greatness of Big Dave


Quotes -
Austin - It’s good to be here tonight. Just standing here in the ring, being back in the ring, here in the WWE, makes me want to open up a big fat can of whoopass! I must be out of shape, because walking down that aisle - looks like it may be 80 feet, BUT IT SURE MADE ME THIRSTY! BARKEEP, GET ME A DAMN BEER! Thanks, son! When I signal ya, I WANT A BEER IN THE RING! Bret’s a true artist - one of the best I’ve ever been in the ring with. I never thought I’d see it, but this year, it’s Bret Hart versus Vince McMahon. I happen to know a few things about Vince as well, and while I’ve never really seen eye to eye with him, but I always enjoyed what he brought into the ring with him. He didn’t bring in scientific dropkicks, but he was always cuthroat and he brought his A GAME! So tonight, we’re gonna sign the contract for that match, and Vince is always screwing Bret and trying to screw everyone, so I’m here to oversee the signing of that contract to make sure that the match goes into ‘Mania without any hitches. Hold on, I’m thirsty!
King - His idea of a balanced diet is a beer in each hand.
Austin - I love being thirsty. Vince ain’t pulling the wool over anyone’s eyes tonight, and it makes no difference to me if I have to break my foot off in his ass - AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE CUZ STONE COLD SAID SAYS! (Cena comes out)
Sheamus - As a young boy, I was a big WWE fan, and there was one man who stood out to me - one man who would sell his mudder down da river, turn his back on his best friend, and use a sledgehammer to get to the top of WWE AND STAY THERE. HIS NAME WAS HHH! He beat greats such as Austin, the Rock, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker, and throughout the years, has won countless world championships. Look at me - in one year, I’ve ended careers, dominated Raw, and became the WWE CHAMPION! At WrestleMania, I was supposed to defend my WWE Title, but Hunter ruined that. But I thiank ya for it - when I came to Raw, YOU WERE DA MAN I WANTED TO FACE AT MANIA. YOU’RE THE MAN WHO CAN CATAPULT YA TO SUPERSTARDOM IN WWE, AND IN TWO WEEKS TIME, I’M GONNA GET MY CHANCE! Last week you said that Mania could be a turning point in my career, but I say it’s gonna be one in yours, because I’m gonna beat you so bad that the king of kings will not be the same again! THIS WARRIOR BOWS TO NO KING! AT THE BIGGEST STAGE OF THEM ALL, THE CELTIC WARRIOR WILL TAKE YOUR THROWN!
HBK - Steve, I’m not gonna waste your time. You think I can beat the Undertaker?
Austin - I think you can, but I don’t think you will. The streak goes to 18-0 - that’s just my opinion.
HBK - I knew I’d get the truth out of you. At WM 14, when you beat me for the WWE Title, people thought my career was over. I proved them wrong, and I’ll prove them wrong this year. Tonight, I get my shot at Jericho, and I’ll make sure that he knows…
Jericho - Beat me!? Steve, I wanna thank you for giving me this match tonight, because it gives me another chance to embarrass Shawn before ‘Taker retires you.
HBK - Last week on SD, Taker sent me a message by destroying 4 guys - TONIGHT, I’M GONNA SEND A MESSAGE WHEN I DESTROY YOU!
Jericho - He’s a bit crazy, isn’t he!? From one great champion to another, why do we need to have this match? Maybe we can have some Steveweisers like the old days? REMEMBER FRISCO!?
Austin - Get out of my office. GIT!
King - I tried to sit next to Maryse today at catering and she threw a cup at me. I WAS MUGGED! GET IT!?
Edge - SPEAR!
King - Legend has it that Gorgeous George was responsible for more TV sales than any movie star!
King - Batista has a special feeling about John Cena!
Austin - SIT! Going into the Hall of Fame was one of the proudest moments of my career, and this year, Stu Hart was supposed to go into it. You figure that since you’re Vince McMahon, that Stu isn’t going into the HoF, and if anyone deserves to go in, it was your father, who trained you and the rest of the Hart boys. SO I’M GONNA OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE THAT STU HART WILL OFFICIALLY GO INTO THE WWE HALL OF FAME! Do you have a problem with that?
Vince - No, I don’t. Your dad’s gonna be inducted, and that means the entire Hart family will be there, and that means that everyone in that family who has ever been in this ring is a dysfunctional dyrilect! You’re different - you’re a dysfunctional HANDICAPPED DYRILECT! If you sign this, it’s iron-clad, AND IF YOU DON’T SHOW UP, I’LL SUE YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!
Bret - It wouldn’t matter if both my legs were broken, because I can and will beat you! I don’t want this to be a wrestling match, THIS IS GONNA BE A FIGHT! A MASSACRE! I WANT THIS TO BE A NO-HOLDS BARRED MATCH! WHADYA THINK OF THAT!?
Vince - In the immortal words of Stone Cold - HELL YEAH! Ya know Bret, you’ve done it again. In Montreal, I stated that Bret screwed Bret, and over the past few months, Vince has screwed Bret, but now with this stipulation, BRET HAS SCREWED BRET! NOW SIGN IT!
Austin - I’m looking forward to seeing you take the worst ass-whooping of your life! There’s one thing I forgot to tell ya. Well, I’ll let Bret tell ya.
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[quote name='pimpster4183']WWE has been promoting a old ass Bret Hart/McMahon program for months now. The only thing Bret could handle is a kick to the gut.[/QUOTE]

I agree. McMahon/Hart is weak. Hence the reason they have made the match "no holds barred." This is going to be a mess in the ring.

IMO, the Wrestlemania card only has a few intriguing matches. Edge v Jericho should be classic, as well as Taker v Michaels. Orton v Rhodes v Dibiase is telling an interesting story. The Money in the Bank match is always entertaining, but they usually throw that away at the beginning of the PPV. The rest of the card is weak. HHH v his special workout buddy Sheamus? The tag title match-up between two teams that haven't been thoroughly established as actual tag teams? Cena v Batista... goodnight.
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