The Official CAG September 2010 Pick-Ups Thread


Got the newer version of Bl for $10 since they had the price for the old one that was on sale this week in front of it at Best Buy. :)

I also bought Sin & Punishment and Super Metroid on the VC (my first VC games). Got Other M last month (on the 31st :p)...
Went to a few Half Price Books stores in Columbus today, since everything was 20% off. Got The Boondocks Season 1 & 2, Eastbound & Down Season 1, and Bluray Generation Kill.
I'm new to CAG, but I did pick up some great items this month, so I figured I would share.

Got :ds:Chrono Trigger for $12 at Amazon and :ds:LoZ: Spirit Tracks for $18 at Walmart.

Also picked up :br:BSG: The Complete Series from Amazon. Super excited about having the whole series finally and even happier about it being HD.
[quote name='lmz00']

Is that SC2 signed underneath the seal? If so, I'd send it along with that letter to VGA.[/QUOTE]
Is that Nintendo 64 sealed?How much was all that.?

Lucky lowball on ebay. Got all 3 for 34 bucks shipped.

BoF and FF3/6 speak for themselves but I think Secret of Evermore is underrated. I beat a buddies copy growing up and have fond memories of that game.
Got Valkyria Chronicles used from Gamestop and Valkyria Chronicles 2 on sale from Kmart. Too bad I don't have a PS3 XD. Also just downloaded Lair of the Shadowbroker for ME2

I had quite a few pickups from the end of last month - this month...:D

The Nagato figure is old, but the venom I just received today.
Bought the ps3 games from a CaG. :D
Still have a lot more games coming too...spent at least $300+ when I decided to build my PS2/psp collection again.
All of this was brought of eBay.

Shut up, I like Two Worlds.

Not-very-interesting shopping story:

Finally renewed my PowerUp card so I should have a crap-ton of points whenever it finally credits. I was pretty happy about RE5, too; I had just the regular version from Gamestop that wouldn't read, it looked like someone had tried to resurface it. I took it back in and showed the guy, but I didn't have my receipt and he said they didn't keep specific purchase information in the system. I asked if he'd look up my account just for giggles and he liked whatever he saw so, instead of just exchanging it, he returned it and resold it to me, then disappeared into the back for a few minutes and came out with that steelbook and was like "here, just take this one." Well all right. Plus it looks like I got points for "buying" it.

Also, out of morbid curiosity, do you guys buy all the movies you like or do you buy ones before you've seen them?
[quote name='lmz00']

Is that SC2 signed underneath the seal? If so, I'd send it along with that letter to VGA.[/QUOTE]

Yes it's autographed by most of the development team I think.... what is the VGA and why the hell would I want to send that to them?
Currently own a almost three year-old 20GB Pro Xbox 360. (That just red-ringed, but is still just within the 3-year warranty for that, so it's getting fixed)

Wanted a bigger Hard Drive

Needed a new controller (Since my current one is getting pretty beat up feeling/looking)

Don't like the 360 in Black.

So I bought the FFXIII bundle.


Also bought the faceplate along with it as Amazon offered to refund the price of it once it shipped. Don't have a extreme interest in FFXIII but it looks interesting enough. Haven't played a JRPG in years.

Now to find the cheapest official wi-fi adapter I can.
[quote name='Survivalism']Also, out of morbid curiosity, do you guys buy all the movies you like or do you buy ones before you've seen them?[/QUOTE]

Depends; some are blind buy, some I love, and some are just too cheap to pass up. I'd say it's like 70/30 (have seen/have not).

[quote name='SlaughterX']Yes it's autographed by most of the development team I think.... what is the VGA and why the hell would I want to send that to them?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Animal7390']out of curiosity, why do you only buy new stuff?[/QUOTE]

please see his other posts, its been answered a lot. long story short. he likes new stuff and is making a sealed collection to preserve. and has lots of expendable income.

picked up

:360: Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker
:360: Dragon Age Origins: Witch Hunt
:360: Alan Wake
Today I went to my favorite pawn shop and bought...

Final Fantasy XIII= $14.99
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2= $14.99
Call Of Duty 4= $9.99
Got both Star Wars: The Clone Wars (movie) and season 1 of the TV show on Blu-ray, and a 500GB hard drive for my PS3.
[quote name='Freemason']please see his other posts, its been answered a lot. long story short. he likes new stuff and is making a sealed collection to preserve. and has lots of expendable income.[/QUOTE]

thats cool, i didnt even know where to look. thanks for the basic answer. i knew the sealed collection. did not know about the expendable income.

VC2 is getting a ton of my playing time lately. Cheesy story aside, I'm definitely enjoying it more than Other M.
thats because Other M is an insult to the entire Metroid franchise... a dog shit covered cadaver sandwich layered with pig uterus would leave a better taste in my mouth than this POS.
Uncharted 1 - New from Ebay $18.50 including shipping.
The Simpsons Season 8 - $14.95 from WalMart.
TMNT ('03) Season 4 - New from Ebay $7.97 including shipping
Young Buck - The Rehab - $7.99 from BB

Coming in the mail:

Udon's Art of Capcom 2 - $28.90 total from Amazon
Halo: Reach - $44.99 total from Newegg
Watchmen The Complete Experience (Blu Ray movie / PS3 game)
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Click on Pictures to Zoom! Got various PSP & DS Games. VC II from K-mart. Used my Other M VG credit towards P3P. Got a bunch of Resident Evil Stuff for the ole collection. Imported Tales of VS off of ebay. $21 shipped!! :D And best of all got an iPad!!

Have some stuff on the way too. Red Vs Blue S1-5, S6-8, Halo: Reach Legendary, Halo: Reach CE Guide. :)

I won a tiny Atari in the ultimate lowball sale. I love these tiny Ataris. This one comes with 20 games.
Air-Sea Battle
Canyon Bomber
Crystal Castles
Haunted House
Sky Diver
Yars Revenge
Desert Falcon
Food Fight
Planet Smashers

I would be so ecstatic if Sega made a tiny Dreamcast or tiny Genesis with a bunch of pre-loaded games. (One can dream) :bouncy:
I ordered Pokemon Platinum from Amazon yesterday.

Along with a shiny new cobalt/black DS Lite. I would have waited for the DSi XL's price drop but it's not backwards compatible with GBA games so the DS Lite will do until the 3DS is released (I'm assuming) next year.
Metroid Other M--from Amazon (since for some reason, Gamestop refuses to process my credit card).
Metroid Other M art folio--traded a paperback book to a GS employee for it. Totally random thing too, as I found out one of my coworkers also works a second job at GS.
(This is also where I add my obligatory "fuck you Gamestop!" rant. First time I try to buy something from them in 3 years, and they still fuck up my order. This was why I stopped doing business with them in the first place!)
[quote name='Freemason']thats because Other M is an insult to the entire Metroid franchise... a dog shit covered cadaver sandwich layered with pig uterus would leave a better taste in my mouth than this POS.[/QUOTE]
You couldn't be more wrong. Other M is the best game this year. And one of the best games this gen.
I like the game and definitely don't hate it like Freemason over there, but one of the best of the past 5 years? Yeah, that's pushing it.
I just received Uncharted 2 and Dead Space in the mail from a trade here on CAG. I've played through Uncharted before, but I wanted my own copy.

I also picked up Kingdom Hearts: BBS and the strategy guide from Amazon.

On the 31st of last month I got Metroid: Other M from Amazon as well.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I picked up that 42" insignia plasma from Best Buy and I'm very happy with it. And I also ordered the Alan Wake LE from amazon for $29.99 with my $10 promo from BBS. I had a $24 GC, so my total was $6. I already played and traded in the regular edition, but this was too good to pass up. Plus, one more sale is some more profit to remedy for a poor selling game.

I also picked up Crimson Skies for $2 at a local game store. Somewhere along the way I lost my copy, and this is definitely a game I would love to replay. So many good times with it back in the day.

I want to pick up Reach, but I'm not really into FPS anymore and I have way too many time sucking RPGs to play. I'm about halfway done with BBS and 1/3 of the way through FFX right now.
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:psp: SMT: Persona :wii: Metroid: Other M :360: Stranglehold - Goozex.
:360: Overlord II $5.32 - Amazon
:wii: Cursed Mountain L.E. $6.61 - Amazon
:ps3: R&C Future: Tools of Destruction $7 - eBay
:ps3: Midnight Club: LA Complete Edition $8.99 -eBay
:360: Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light x2 $15.40 - eBay

Completely forgot I had Metroid active on Goozex as I didn't pay attention to my queue for a few days. Didn't think the game would move that fast either.

Guess I'll see what I can do with a second copy.
Picked up:
All Blu-Ray
The Wicker Man
High Tension
The Brave One
At Best Buy $25 before RZ coupon so I ended up paying $15 for all 3

:ds:Rune Factory 2 200 pts Goozex
:ds:Puzzle de Harvest Moon 100 pts Goozex
:360:Crackdown 2 CAG
:360:Mass Effect 200 pts Goozex

Lots more on the way

So pissed I missed the Overlord 2 on Amazon
My last post in this thread was "full of fail." I upgraded the PS3's hard drive, spent a few hours re-downloading all of my games and whatnot, popped in Clone Wars, and about an hour into the movie, the Blu-ray drive decides to go bad (launch 60GB). Now, I'm currently waiting on a coffin from Sony, who is charging me $190 to fix it. I'm scared that the one they send me back is gonna be all dirty and scuffed up. :(


I'm a sucker for Sony's T cameras. I've had the T1, T100, T500, T900, TX7 and now this one.
[quote name='lmz00']My last post in this thread was "full of fail." I upgraded the PS3's hard drive, spent a few hours re-downloading all of my games and whatnot, popped in Clone Wars, and about an hour into the movie, the Blu-ray drive decides to go bad (launch 60GB). Now, I'm currently waiting on a coffin from Sony, who is charging me $190 to fix it. I'm scared that the one they send me back is gonna be all dirty and scuffed up. :(

That sucks... If you don't mind me asking, how hard was it to transfer your game saves? I've been thinking about buying a slim because I'm really worried that one day my launch 60gb PS3 will one day just decide to stop working.
[quote name='KillerRamen']That sucks... If you don't mind me asking, how hard was it to transfer your game saves? I've been thinking about buying a slim because I'm really worried that one day my launch 60gb PS3 will one day just decide to stop working.[/QUOTE]
Well, the fortunate thing is that I don't play my PS3 much at all, so I don't really have anything worth saving. I don't think you can restore from a full backup on another console (could be wrong), so I'm guessing you just have to copy the save files to a USB drive or memory stick.
bread's done