The Official Heroes Season 2 Discussion Thread II - Ends Dec. 3 =[

Liquid 2

8 (100%)
A certain somebody deleted the old thread for no reason whatsoever, so here's a new thread.

Who was that someone?! I want to know! :)

And it MIGHT not end December 3rd, but i wouldn't hold my breathe.
It ends December 3rd unless the Writers' Strike is resolved, and seeing how the last one lasted ~6 months, I'm not getting my hopes up.
Isnt the point of spoiler tags to warn people that if you click on it, you will probably be spoiled? Ah well, back on topic.

This weeks episode was great. Had to be the best cliffhanger of the series.
[quote name='Bezerker']Isnt the point of spoiler tags to warn people that if you click on it, you will probably be spoiled? Ah well, back on topic.

This weeks episode was great. Had to be the best cliffhanger of the series.[/QUOTE]
I mean no untagged spoilers for a week. =p

Clarified it in the OP though.

But yeah, last night's episode was easily the best of the season.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Heroes is a quality show.[/QUOTE]
For me to poop on!!

Though at least this week's episode finally put the kibosh on Hiro's awful, terrible, HORRIBLE storyline. I mean, seriously, that shit was all kinds of bad. And if they can kill off Peter within the next episode or two, this season might still be able to recover!
[quote name='Brak']Why was the other thread deleted?[/QUOTE]

Someone made a comment along the lines of "the cast of heroes could totally kick the ass of every transformer" someone got pissed and deleted the thread.
I wonder what finale will air on Dec 03, a mid season, a full season, or a series.

Should I even bother watching the next 4 episodes?
I remember them talking about there being 2 "chapters" done this season... hopefully they have all of this chapter written so that they can just do an early hiatus through december and we can get them writers mo money!

and last weeks episode was amazing i almost creamed my pants...
Previously on jollydwarf...

...This show needs a no-nonsense, ass-kickin' "Wolverine".

...It's too dour.

...Too many storylines to follow or care about.

...Wouldn't be surprised if it didn't even have a third season the way this one's gone.

And now, an all new jollydwarf...

Best episode of the season, but very bittersweet, as it got me completely psyched to see where it's probably going, but the buzz was killed right away by the severe threat of a totally compromised story arch.

To be continued....
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Someone made a comment along the lines of "the cast of heroes could totally kick the ass of every transformer" someone got pissed and deleted the thread.[/QUOTE]

I hope you are kidding...
Well here is some more news. This is from kevin smiths blog at I have tried to watch heroes but have never been able to get into it like most. I thought with me being a kevin smith fan I would atleast watch the one he writes. guess that will be next season.

- “Heroes: Origins” has been temporarily shelved by NBC. It’s not completely dead; but with all the Writer’s Guild strike stuff happening, they’ve opted to slow their roll with “Origins.” I’m a little bummed, but also a little relieved - as it meant I would’ve had to rush back to L.A. the day after we wrap “Zack and Miri” to start shooting the “Heroes” ep. Now, there’s more breathing space. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if “Origins” was put in motion again next season instead of this season.
The writers' strike is the absolute best thing that could happen to this show.

It was on a downward spiral this season, and a lengthy break gives them time to reboot.
[quote name='Plinko']The writers' strike is the absolute best thing that could happen to this show.

It was on a downward spiral this season, and a lengthy break gives them time to reboot.[/quote]

Have you seen the last few episodes?? we're just starting to get back the momentum! the last thing we need is a reboot. We need to keep going and keep doing what was done in "Out of Time" because that episode was amazing.
This season is like last season. It started off slow and about mid way through is when it starts getting juicy.

However for me, I like it just as much as the first season.

PS-Chester isnt a bitch but god damn that third album sucked more cock than a hooker on a vegas fight night/superbowl night get the point.
They have said that they have filmed all the way through the half way point in the season, where chapter 2 ends. It's said that they wanted Kring to re-shoot that mid-point break to be a season finale but he refused. NBC is pissed at him.
And the season is definitely getting good now.
This week's episode was the best episode of the entire SERIES. Stupid companies give the writers more money already.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Someone made a comment along the lines of "the cast of heroes could totally kick the ass of every transformer" someone got pissed and deleted the thread.[/QUOTE]

i really hope this is a joke

anyway, this last episode was great
west is a pussy. mohinder is joining the "bad guys". niki might finally be gone too. and it seems like elle is bobs kid.

hiros storyline is finally relevant too! so im wondering if hiro fulfilled history or changed it? im guessing adam monroe was kensei's given english name, and since he is apparently immortal does that mean claire is as well?

i wonder if peter is going to be able to bring caitlin back to the current timeline or if that was just their way of writing her off the show.

now all they have to tie in is the maya/alejandro/sylar storyline. perhaps maya is the only one that can actually kill adam.

and my crazy theory for this week. adam has the same power has peter (although unbeknownst to him) and learned to regenerate from someone else and learned to travel through time from hiro. AND hes peters dad.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i really hope this is a joke

anyway, this last episode was great
west is a pussy. mohinder is joining the "bad guys". niki might finally be gone too. and it seems like elle is bobs kid.

hiros storyline is finally relevant too! so im wondering if hiro fulfilled history or changed it? im guessing adam monroe was kensei's given english name, and since he is apparently immortal does that mean claire is as well?

i wonder if peter is going to be able to bring caitlin back to the current timeline or if that was just their way of writing her off the show.

now all they have to tie in is the maya/alejandro/sylar storyline. perhaps maya is the only one that can actually kill adam.

and my crazy theory for this week. adam has the same power has peter (although unbeknownst to him) and learned to regenerate from someone else and learned to travel through time from hiro. AND hes peters dad.

Since TV and movies love using the Bible as source material, the first thing I thought of when they talked about Adam was Adam and Eve.

So, if Adam does turn out to be Father Petrelli, as your theory might suggest, Peter and Nathan could be Cain and Abel figures. It would really lend creedence to the theory if Adam is the first of "his kind." I mean, season one made it seem like Peter and Nathan would have some grand face-off all the way up until the end.

Oh, and my theory (at least it was until they introduced Adam; it still might be valid):

West is a bad seed. I initially thought he was flying around picking off the people in the photograph.
I don't know why people complain so much about the speed of which they reveal things. Its like that on purpose, just like comics, they want you to "buy the next issue". Of course people complain in comics too, but then suddenly theres a something revealed and but just enough to piss you off and make you want/need to pick up that next issue.

My biggest complaint is that Hiro didn't use his time in Japan to grow out his hair and soul patch to become Future baddass good English speaking Hiro. Masi could have got all cut and buff too as part of his journey, that would have been sick. Last season he already went through his nerdy anti-hero phase, he doesn't have to go through it again.
Here's a preview that leaked of the 11/19 Heroes, where Ando has to "become a hero" and takes a position at a questionable NYC office building to learn more about a mysterious woman that could lead them closer to secrets about The Company and the fate of humanity.
herees the series finale. the big fight will start and when it looks like the world is doomedeverything will fade out in a dream sequence and we will see kitty pride waking up in her bed and realize all of what happened in heroes was an x-man's dream. damn show borrows alot from that series.. and now they have apocalypse.
this past episode was pretty good...But GOD AWFUL acting at times
parkman and his crying to the girl about her being stuck in the dream....hiro and taking his heart ...they had the dramatic music playing, they had the dramatic lines written out, but neither me or my wife felt anything but ok lets get back to the story...:roll:
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Someone made a comment along the lines of "the cast of heroes could totally kick the ass of every transformer" someone got pissed and deleted the thread.[/quote]

:whistle2:k Wow, really?

Back on topic,
"strike two" in the love department for Hiro. :cry:
Some thing's that Bob explained about Adam didn't make sense to me.
Bob mentions how Adam some how made snow falls on Miami instead of a Tsunami wiping out the eastern seaboard. So is this a power that Adam also wields. We know that he is immortal but what else can he do? Anyway, I don't like how some of these abilities are doubling up for characters. We have two people that have healing factor, two that can fly.
[quote name='MadFlava']Some thing's that Bob explained about Adam didn't make sense to me.
Bob mentions how Adam some how made snow falls on Miami instead of a Tsunami wiping out the eastern seaboard. So is this a power that Adam also wields. We know that he is immortal but what else can he do? Anyway, I don't like how some of these abilities are doubling up for characters. We have two people that have healing factor, two that can fly.

More fuel for the fire - regarding characters with similar abilities: The second I saw Kensei regenerate his wounds, I thought of Claire immeditaely and figured he was some sort of ancestor. Now, going by what Ramstoria said about Adam possibly being Father Petrelli, and knowing that Nathan is Claire's biological father, that lends some support to the theory. Ohh, the conspiracy theories abound...
[quote name='MadFlava']Some thing's that Bob explained about Adam didn't make sense to me.
Bob mentions how Adam some how made snow falls on Miami instead of a Tsunami wiping out the eastern seaboard. So is this a power that Adam also wields. We know that he is immortal but what else can he do? Anyway, I don't like how some of these abilities are doubling up for characters. We have two people that have healing factor, two that can fly.

I thought bob was trying to imply
that adam was responsible for the tsunami and the company 'saved the day' by turning it to snow? Bob trying to further (if that's neccesary) demonize Adam and paint the company in a positive light...
[quote name='Vampyre611']I thought bob was trying to imply
that adam was responsible for the tsunami and the company 'saved the day' by turning it to snow? Bob trying to further (if that's neccesary) demonize Adam and paint the company in a positive light...

Thats the way I took it as well.
The way I understood it,
the tsunami would have been some terrible natural disaster that they somehow prevented, demonstrate the original company members' desire to help the world and exhibit a dramatic success story.
[quote name='Liquid 2']The way I understood it,
the tsunami would have been some terrible natural disaster that they somehow prevented, demonstrate the original company members' desire to help the world and exhibit a dramatic success story.

Also a good take on it. Regardless it seems
the company originally worked for good (or want us/Mo to think that...)

makes me wonder though
if that is pre or post Adam's influence...
[quote name='Vampyre611']Also a good take on it. Regardless it seems
the company originally worked for good (or want us/Mo to think that...)

makes me wonder though
if that is pre or post Adam's influence...

id imagine they were a good group with adam. but something happened that split the group up. i mean in the present the group isnt together at all. maury is a bum, angela and kaito seem to be connected with, but not working for the company, linderman was still there but hes dead, bob is apparently trying to move the company in a new direction.charles is also dead, and adam has gone rogue. angelas husband is also dead. thats 8 of the 12, who are the other four?

thank you google, seems like everything has a wiki page nowadays. you could spend a lot of time here...
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']
id imagine they were a good group with adam. but something happened that split the group up. i mean in the present the group isnt together at all. maury is a bum, angela and kaito seem to be connected with, but not working for the company, linderman was still there but hes dead, bob is apparently trying to move the company in a new direction.charles is also dead, and adam has gone rogue. angelas husband is also dead. thats 8 of the 12, who are the other four?

thank you google, seems like everything has a wiki page nowadays. you could spend a lot of time here...

I dunno, something about Adam saying "you will suffer" to hiro doesnt really make it seem like he'd be in the good guy category... but then again, if adam really was as bad as bob claims why would kaito say "out of all of us i never thought it would be you"...
Well, this is the image of who Mr. Petrelli is in the picture:


Its obviously Adam. He's looking to the side so you dont see his face directly, but the hair and facial structure look like Adam's. Not to mention that the only others they havent shown yet are a Dr. Phil looking guy, and women.
[quote name='Vampyre611']
I dunno, something about Adam saying "you will suffer" to hiro doesnt really make it seem like he'd be in the good guy category... but then again, if adam really was as bad as bob claims why would kaito say "out of all of us i never thought it would be you"...

oh dont get me wrong, im not saying adam is a good guy, im just saying at one point in time the group of 12 was doing good and adam was a part of the group

[quote name='Bezerker']Well, this is the image of who Mr. Petrelli is in the picture:


Its obviously Adam. He's looking to the side so you dont see his face directly, but the hair and facial structure look like Adam's. Not to mention that the only others they havent shown yet are a Dr. Phil looking guy, and women.

yeah, i saw that on the wiki too and you could certainly make a case for it.
Bump because I just realized Bob is Sammy Jenkis from "Memento."

Oh, and IGN has three clips up from next week's epsiode.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Is the Dec. end date because of the strike?[/quote]

Yes. And thankfully it was the end of a story arch, so it will at least make sense. But they refilmed the episode to make it more climactic and lead into the the next season when the show returns from hiatus.
I was reading the wiki link about the Group of 12, and they imply in the mobile game that Arthur Petrelli and Adam Monroe are part of the founders of the group

Now, if Adam Monroe is the Petrellis' father, why would they mention him twice in a list like this?
Possibly already discussed here(?) but the latest EW has a blurb from the creator of Heroes saying he realizes he screwed things up with the beginning of this season.,,20158840,00.html

The main one I agree with is his first point - Pacing is too slow. And really his 4th point - Hiro in feudal Japan too long - is just an offshot of that.
bread's done