The Official Nintendogs Thread!

[quote name='godhatesjustyou']heh, i called the wiggle-his-butt move, "Shake That Ass."

and what exactly is considered "rolling over"? i mean, i got my dog to lie on his side, and then on his back, just which is the roll over? cause i personally called the one on his back "Play Dead."[/QUOTE]

Yeah, when it rolls over, it goes from onto it's side and then onto it's back.

I just got 2000 Trainer Points in the Chihuahua version, and, as I thought the Miniature Pinschers were unlocked.

I just taught my boxer, Vernon, to do a backflip and a handstand. Those tricks are so fucking sweet.

I figure I'll take the championship of Agility today with my second dog. I'm going to have to find out how I can unlock the shiba, because I want one and no one I know has lab.

But, yeah, handstand is the sweetest move. I'll go start up the game again.
[quote name='moiety']Well so far I've taught my beagle, Max, to sit, lay down, and give his paw. We already took our three walks, and he placed 2nd in the Disc Competition! Evilmax and I played bark mode, so I now have the lab unlocked in my version and he has the beagle. It was fun to watch them romp and play.[/QUOTE]
Is evilmax also named Max? I still have to wait for my copy of Nintendogs, but I wonder if I named my dog after my bf it would drive him nuts...
[quote name='Farny']Yeah, when it rolls over, it goes from onto it's side and then onto it's back.

I just got 2000 Trainer Points in the Chihuahua version, and, as I thought the Miniature Pinschers were unlocked.

I just taught my boxer, Vernon, to do a backflip and a handstand. Those tricks are so fucking sweet.

I figure I'll take the championship of Agility today with my second dog. I'm going to have to find out how I can unlock the shiba, because I want one and no one I know has lab.

But, yeah, handstand is the sweetest move. I'll go start up the game again.[/QUOTE]

So do you have to rub the stylus a certain way to get them to do these moves or what?
[quote name='Snake2715']So do you have to rub the stylus a certain way to get them to do these moves or what?[/QUOTE]

Yep. A circle then downward motion can mean sit. A circle and leftward/right movment can start "roll over" Im still learning :)
[quote name='Snake2715']So do you have to rub the stylus a certain way to get them to do these moves or what?[/QUOTE]

THe earlier moves, yes. Backflip is a combination of either down and jump or sit and jump. Handstand is a combination of lie down and beg. You have to move your stylus in different directions to get them to learn the earlier tricks. (Beg was really tedious learning) but after you know both moves, you just do them in succession and it'll do the advanced trick.

But, yeah, if I didn't tell you guys this, you would've figured out by the time you got obedience trial expert class. There's also this move where the dog'll jump to his feet from the roll over position, and if you roll over then do the spin move, he'll spin on the floor like a breakdancer or something. THat's so sweet.

And, on a side note, the third judge in the obedience trials must have some sort of judging problem. His score is always at least a full point lower than the other two.

I mean, like, 9.1, 9.1, 7.8? WTF?
I picked up Lab & Friends at Circuit City on Tuesday. After checking CompUSA, 2 Target stores, EB, and Gamestop, I decided to go to Circuit City as my final stop. At first it seemed like it was sold out there as well, but as I left the video game section and headed out the store, I asked an employee if they had any copies, and surprisingly she was holding a stack of them. I didn't notice that the stack she was holding were copies of Nintendogs until she reached under the stack and handed me a copy. Talk about being at the right place at the right time. Also, I pricematched CompUSA's $25 advertised price, which made it even better.
[quote name='Farny']THe earlier moves, yes. Backflip is a combination of either down and jump or sit and jump. Handstand is a combination of lie down and beg. You have to move your stylus in different directions to get them to learn the earlier tricks. (Beg was really tedious learning) but after you know both moves, you just do them in succession and it'll do the advanced trick.

But, yeah, if I didn't tell you guys this, you would've figured out by the time you got obedience trial expert class. There's also this move where the dog'll jump to his feet from the roll over position, and if you roll over then do the spin move, he'll spin on the floor like a breakdancer or something. THat's so sweet.

And, on a side note, the third judge in the obedience trials must have some sort of judging problem. His score is always at least a full point lower than the other two.

I mean, like, 9.1, 9.1, 7.8? WTF?[/QUOTE]

Sounds like that judge has an axe to grind.

My strangest Nintendogs moment thus far came shortly after my dog, Hershel, found his second (or third) present box on our walk. It was a stick. Why someone gift wrapped a stick is beyond me, but that’s neither here nor there. The clincher is, when I threw the stick, figuring that Hershel would fetch it because he’s friggin' a dog, I found that he was afraid of it. He just sort of cowered and crept up to it. Then he sniffed it and ran away. It was… embarrassing… for both of us.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Is evilmax also named Max? I still have to wait for my copy of Nintendogs, but I wonder if I named my dog after my bf it would drive him nuts...[/QUOTE]

Heh nope! I just always liked the name Max. His username is in reference to Sam and Max (the PC game). Just a coincidence. :)
[quote name='1modernboy']Sounds like that judge has an axe to grind.

My strangest Nintendogs moment thus far came shortly after my dog, Hershel, found his second (or third) present box on our walk. It was a stick. Why someone gift wrapped a stick is beyond me, but that’s neither here nor there. The clincher is, when I threw the stick, figuring that Hershel would fetch it because he’s friggin' a dog, I found that he was afraid of it. He just sort of cowered and crept up to it. Then he sniffed it and ran away. It was… embarrassing… for both of us.[/QUOTE]

My husky, Shadow, is scared of the bubble blower that you get when you start the game. If I start blowing bubbles the stays back about 10 ft, puts his tail between his legs, and starts barking at the bubbles. Now, THAT is a sad moment for a Nintendog.
I just spent an hour trying to teach my Lab, Rolo, to beg. I was getting a lot of blue ?'s (and some red ones), and I tried changing the pitch of the way I said "Beg!" to everything I could think of, but it didn't work with any regularity. I finally figured out a method that worked.

Saying the word "beg" longer than I usually would've (like "beggggggggg") worked everytime, and after four lightbulbs he had learned it.

Just a tip if anybody is having trouble with blue ?'s.
am I the only person who thinks this game gets a little old after awhile? I'm already sick of it although my husky is so cute that whenever I look at him, I don't have the heart to trade this game in.
[quote name='vietgurl']am I the only person who thinks this game gets a little old after awhile? I'm already sick of it although my husky is so cute that whenever I look at him, I don't have the heart to trade this game in.[/QUOTE]

For me its like Yoshi's Touch and go. Something i can pick up be entertained for around 30 seconds, and drop at a moments notice. There does seem to be quite a lot of things to do, so it'll keep me entertained for a while.
[quote name='vietgurl']am I the only person who thinks this game gets a little old after awhile? I'm already sick of it although my husky is so cute that whenever I look at him, I don't have the heart to trade this game in.[/QUOTE]

I know, I was thinking what the hell am I gonna do with this after a month or 2 but I just know a new owner couldn't take care of shadow as well as I do.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']My husky, Shadow, is scared of the bubble blower that you get when you start the game. If I start blowing bubbles the stays back about 10 ft, puts his tail between his legs, and starts barking at the bubbles. Now, THAT is a sad moment for a Nintendog.[/QUOTE]

You win. Your dog is a bigger wuss than man.

Expect your trophy in ten to twelve business days. :D
Yeah, it's a pretty uneventful game, but I'm going to try to unlock all the dogs and everything.

Yeah, well, I figured that the third judge based his score on how clean the dog was. I kind of guessed that, because my dog was at "normal" when I got a 7.8, but I gave him a bath, and when he was "beautiful", the third judge gave a higher score than the other two.
[quote name='1modernboy']You win. Your dog is a bigger wuss than man.

Expect your trophy in ten to twelve business days. :D[/QUOTE]

Not many dogs like the stick, or the buble blower. I have three dogs, and none of them like the stick, and the Yorkie's the only one who likes the bubble blower. Oh, and all the dogs I've seen are scared of the bark ball.

the avatar is cool... When i was younger I took pics of my cocker spaniel with glasses on its ass. The short tail looked like a nose..

Pretty much the above sentence I wrote doesnt belong here but at least its about a dog?!?
[quote name='ElfAngel7']all i got to say, making my Welsh Corgi (named Ein, nod to the bebop) roll over and jump is quite awesome.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that trick is cool, and you can teach it to him so you can just say "uber move" rather than making him roll over and then jump.

Try down and beg, and then try sit and jump.
Just got my Daschund copy @ BB. No GBA games for EB trade in. But the girl at the register let me use a GGC coupon and then she looked at me and asked if I wanted to use the Gift Card towards the purchase of the game! Score!! I was like hell I walked out with it for 19.99 and she also let me choose what kind of gift card I wanted to be the $5 one so of course I chose the GGC! I was so happy.....Now it's time to lose myself to a virtual puppy :)
Taught Rolo how to hand stand, break dance, and backflip.

I also found out that if you have your dog beg, than hold her paw and slowly guide her up, she'll walk. Gonna teach her that one tommorow!
After wanting to get a DS since the system stole the show at E3 (I was there and played the games) I finally purchased one tonight. Unfortunately, the Mario 64 bundle has been discontinued, but I did pick up Nintendogs: Chihuaha and Friends. I figure my fiance has a chihuaha and I have a German shepherd, which is also in that version of the game, so it suits both of us.

I generally love innovative and quirky games, as well as sims. I adored Seaman and Animal Crossing (a DS version comes out later this year!), to give a couple examples. Nintendogs is quickly becoming my new addiction.

I created a facsimile of my real life German shepherd, Thunder, and played for about an hour. I gave him food and water, petted him, taught him to sit (which I had to erase since it sounded too much like "shake"), shake, and lie down, before he grew tired of learning tricks. I also took Thunder for a walk, stopping by the park for a game of catch the frisbee, and there was an encounter with another dog whom he seemed interested in. He also pooped once and pissed twice, lol.

This game is so charming. I love caring for my puppy, and it's something I plan to play every day. Plus I can take it wherever I go.
Beg is crazy as hell to learn. Just, whenever he's standing on four legs, rub his belly and drag upward until he stands. It took me several tries to get it once.
I got my copy last night. Eventually settled with the name Poochie...Now if only Poochie could learn how to take out the trash.
Oh shit! my huskie Roy is probably hungry right now. I'm starting to feel guilty when I return and see that he is "parched" and "famished." He knows a whole bunch of tricks, but I'm getting him completely trained before we go into any competitions.

The weirdest thing happened the other day-- I was petting him on the head and I moved too fast from his head to his neck and his whole head did a complete 360, just like the Exorcist! It was really creepy.
we should start posting instructions on how to teach the dogs more advanced moves... like backflip etc..

I would start but I don't know any hahaha
Backflip is:

Sit + Jump

You have to do it rather quickly, though, of he'll sit, then get up and do a regular jump. It took me a few tries to get him to do it, but once he did it only took me, like, 3 or 4 times for him to register the command, 'waffles'. =P

I want to teach him to beg next, so I'll work on that. Oh, and I got 1st place in Open Disc Comp.!

So, what other 'advanced' trick are there besides backflip? And beg if you count that. I'm workin g on beg now, and will probably erase sneeze and paw (Limp paw). They seem rather useless.
Personall,y I'm not, but I never had a dog of my own.

And I love dogs, so yeah.

This game seems to be based very much on your personality. Personally, I don't see any reason why anyone with a DS shouldn't own this, but others may think everyone with this game should burn for eternity.
im not bored yet, i dont obsessivley play it, but i have played it for 20-40 mins per day, and its alot of fun (having your roomate laugh as you talk to a virtual dog)
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Backflip is:

Sit + Jump

You have to do it rather quickly, though, of he'll sit, then get up and do a regular jump. It took me a few tries to get him to do it, but once he did it only took me, like, 3 or 4 times for him to register the command, 'waffles'. =P

I want to teach him to beg next, so I'll work on that. Oh, and I got 1st place in Open Disc Comp.!

So, what other 'advanced' trick are there besides backflip? And beg if you count that. I'm workin g on beg now, and will probably erase sneeze and paw (Limp paw). They seem rather useless.[/QUOTE]
If the paw trick is the one I'm thinking of, you'll need it for the obedience trials. The game calls it "Shake" (the dog lifts a paw, which then you can grab it and shake with the puppy).
[quote name='Zingela']If the paw trick is the one I'm thinking of, you'll need it for the obedience trials. The game calls it "Shake" (the dog lifts a paw, which then you can grab it and shake with the puppy).[/QUOTE]

I believe it's different. I have two paw-involved commands- Shake, and Paw. Paw consists of DJ limping him paw up, just kind of beding it. Shake consists of DJ actually extending his paw out to me. In the Open Class on Obedience, I tried the paw and got me a Miss, while when I get Shake it got me an excellent. I don't think I need the Paw move, but if I do I'll so keep it.

I just taught him beg, and now I'm waiting to see if anyone finds any more super cool tricks. =P
I preordered the game @ GameRush and let my fiancee have first crack at it. She creates a dog and everything. I go to get my own dog, and find that I don't have enough money to buy one. That's kind of lame -- especially since Nintendo always wants to make games the whole family can play. What's the quickest way for her to earn another $60 or so, so I can buy a puppy of my own in-game and we can do the doggy hotel swap?
[quote name='punqsux']im not bored yet, i dont obsessivley play it, but i have played it for 20-40 mins per day, and its alot of fun (having your roomate laugh as you talk to a virtual dog)[/QUOTE]
exactly how i feel about the game.
[quote name='punqsux']i wouldnt get my $ down to 0 you have to buy food and water and stuff for your dog..[/QUOTE]

So that means it'll be even longer before I can actually get my own puppy? Argh...
Well today, Kira, my Husky, placed first in the Expert Obedience. Now I have plenty of money for my second puppy. I'm at 1150 Trainer points, as well. I also learned that spin sounds like shake so its best to teach spin as circle instead. It works much better ^-^
I also taught Kira to beg and walk on her hind legs. This is really addicting. I'm also super proud that she's now bringing back the frisbee when I throw it, without me having to call her.
I have about 800 bucks, but I don't want a new dog for a while yet. At least until I get 2000 trainer points. I'm almost there, I should have 1500 by tonight. By Sunday I'll have unlocked a new breed, I'm sure.
i was in obediance trials (of all places!!) and when i had fugazi roll, i then said down (which the ds translated as chase?!) and fugazi spun around on his back! i would have been so proud if it wasnt in trials!! gah!
oh, another thing, have you guys been feeding your dogs those yellow icons that appear when they learn a new trick? what does that do?
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Well today, Kira, my Husky, placed first in the Expert Obedience. Now I have plenty of money for my second puppy. I'm at 1150 Trainer points, as well. I also learned that spin sounds like shake so its best to teach spin as circle instead. It works much better ^-^
I also taught Kira to beg and walk on her hind legs. This is really addicting. I'm also super proud that she's now bringing back the frisbee when I throw it, without me having to call her.[/QUOTE]

Kira! That's a great name. I haven't started playing my Nintendogs yet (since I don't have a DS yet......) but I have been trying to think up a great name for my husky when I start it. I didn't care if it was male or female, just good name, likely game related, hehe. I have 90% decided on Saria.

But I really like Kira. :)
Picked up my second copy today, Chihuahua and friends. Went to another EB because the one I bought my first copy from wouldn't take videos w/ the coupon. I took them in at another EB and after about ten minutes the lone salesman made the system accept them. I'm not sure what he did exactly, but I know he didn't have to call anyone and he was using both terminals. Also I received an EBgames t-shirt instead of the lunch bag on my preorder, so I asked if they had any and I scored the last one. As others have stated the lunch bag is high quality. Continued success for all those using the coupon; be persistant and continue until the clock strikes midnight on Sept. 5.......hahahaha.
bread's done