The Official Nintendogs Thread!

[quote name='1modernboy']I've squirreled away enough cash to either buy A) the first house upgrade or B) a new dog. Any suggestions as to which I should purchase first?[/QUOTE]
A new dog. You can make money quicker with a new dog and you get trainer points faster with 2 dogs.
[quote name='moiety']Check the walkthrough at Gamefaqs (there's only one). It has an on-going list of items, plus the items that are version-specific. I'm not sure of it's completeness, but it has quite a number of items identified so far. Hopefully that helps![/QUOTE]

Thanks....can anyone help me out with my other 2 questions?
And I actually have one more question.....sometimes when Miikka and I are on a walk, there will be a present on the sidewalk (not the ones where the "? Blocks" are, just in a random spot not marked on the map).
How do I get him to pick up this present? I tap it, make him look at it, etc. but he never picks it up.
[quote name='TJordan522']And I actually have one more question.....sometimes when Miikka and I are on a walk, there will be a present on the sidewalk (not the ones where the "? Blocks" are, just in a random spot not marked on the map).
How do I get him to pick up this present? I tap it, make him look at it, etc. but he never picks it up.[/QUOTE]
Yank the leash back, it'll stop the dog and they'll pick it up for you.

Contrastingly, if you see trash or anything on the sidewalk, jerk the leash forward so they don't eat it.
My trick when walking my dogs is to pay attetion to the top screen. If your dog stops on the map but is still walking on the bottom screen, get ready to yank the leash cause it's either a present or trash.
Well, I'm thinking of ordering the Tatami Room today. I have 9000 dollarS (And 6 more contests, meanging a possible 6000 more today).

So, I probably will. I'm vowing to wait until at LEAST 8000 Trainer Points toi get dog number 3. I want a Dalmation, and if not that, a German Sheperd.

But I'll settle for a Shiba or Corgi. =P
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Well, I'm thinking of ordering the Tatami Room today. I have 9000 dollarS (And 6 more contests, meanging a possible 6000 more today).

So, I probably will. I'm vowing to wait until at LEAST 8000 Trainer Points toi get dog number 3. I want a Dalmation, and if not that, a German Sheperd.

But I'll settle for a Shiba or Corgi. =P[/QUOTE]
I'm saving up for the Tatami Room. I have 3 dogs now and I want to buy a Corgi too. >
[quote name='AngellicLulu']A new dog. You can make money quicker with a new dog and you get trainer points faster with 2 dogs.[/QUOTE]

Good point. Thanks! :D
I bought the tatami room last night, still waiting for it to be completed.

Nothing much going on. Both Max and Yuki are Agility Champions so they've been defending their title. I've also been training Max with the disc, but it seems like he can only do so well. He placed first in the Master's, but we were slaughtered in the Championships. He either needs a lot more practice or the disc catching is just not his thing.
[quote name='TJordan522']By hotspots, do you mean where the "? Blocks" can appear or where unmarked presents will appear?[/QUOTE]
both. unmarked presents appear in these zones as well as trash and ? marks.
EDIT: tested it out... works nicely. Helps a whole hella lot.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']both. unmarked presents appear in these zones as well as trash and ? marks.
EDIT: tested it out... works nicely. Helps a whole hella lot.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, and thanks!
I'm gonna go try it now.
Wow....that map is amazing!
I got a piggy bank....I went to give it to Miikka and it broke. Please don't tell me it was rare and extremely valuable or something?
I also got a lucky collar. Does this actually bring luck or do they just say that? I could use some luck in the disc competitions :).
[quote name='TJordan522']Wow....that map is amazing!
I got a piggy bank....I went to give it to Miikka and it broke. Please don't tell me it was rare and extremely valuable or something?
I also got a lucky collar. Does this actually bring luck or do they just say that? I could use some luck in the disc competitions :).[/QUOTE]
I know not the purpose of the Lucky Collar. I wear it on occasion.
The piggy bank is not rare (I did the same thing)... it's only worth 2 dollars. I've probably gotten 7 piggy banks.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']I know not the purpose of the Lucky Collar. I wear it on occasion.
The piggy bank is not rare (I did the same thing)... it's only worth 2 dollars. I've probably gotten 7 piggy banks.[/QUOTE]

OK, thanks a lot!
[quote name='Milkyman']i just got my tatami room, is there any actual benefit to changing your room or is it just for appearances?[/QUOTE]
I think it gives you more room... so you can practice frisbee better. That's the only thing I've heard.
Well, I broke a fucking vase, dammit.

I'm keeping 1 of everything for collecting, which is why I didn't sell my teddy bear. =3

I think my dogs might be starved. I'll go feed them now.
I might be wrong,but i think the aerodisc might fly a little better.

I seem to get a higher amount of points in the disc comp. with the white one.
I don't know it might just be in my head, but it just seems "better" in some way.
Just got the game tonight, loving it.. got the dog to learn sit, down, roll over and shake.. is there any way to get them to bark on command besides calling their name out? I'm guessing no because you can only train them to do things they'd normally do.. if you know what I mean. Like you can make them sit, lay down, roll over, etc.. make them sneeze by touching their nose.. I just didn't know if you could make them bark on command. Several hours after playing, it STILL blows my mind at the dog in the game responding to something I say in the real world.. it's crazy
I have the Pink Aerodisc, so I'm gonna test it out today and see how it flys.

Scorch, as far as I know the only noises you can make you dogs perform on command are sneeze, and then a little yely noise, though I don't know how to make them do that one, but I've seent he lightbublb pop up when DJ and Sasha do it.

Buyt barking on command would be neat. I would call it speak. =p
Bark on command is very difficult. The only way to train them is when a siren goes by the house the dogs will all bark and you have to have the camera on one dog to teach him/her speak. It's hard to explain.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Bark on command is very difficult. The only way to train them is when a siren goes by the house the dogs will all bark and you have to have the camera on one dog to teach him/her speak. It's hard to explain.[/QUOTE]

Lame. Oh well.

Ha, I made a replica of my German Shepard.. she was in the house this morning while I was playing and I started doing voice commands.. sit/down/roll over.. out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my real dog doing everything I said.. just one of those funny things. My mom's hooked on this now, I'm waiting until later tonight when I can do more competitions so I can buy her her own dog..
[quote name='Scorch']Lame. Oh well.

Ha, I made a replica of my German Shepard.. she was in the house this morning while I was playing and I started doing voice commands.. sit/down/roll over.. out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my real dog doing everything I said.. just one of those funny things. My mom's hooked on this now, I'm waiting until later tonight when I can do more competitions so I can buy her her own dog..[/QUOTE]

Same thing happens to me with my real life dog....except all he knows is sit haha. My real dog also gets confused when I am whistling to my Nintendog...he comes over and gives me a look like, "What the hell do you want now??"
And he hears the barks in the game and starts growling....he's jealous lol.
[quote name='Scorch']Just got the game tonight, loving it.. got the dog to learn sit, down, roll over and shake.. is there any way to get them to bark on command besides calling their name out? I'm guessing no because you can only train them to do things they'd normally do.. if you know what I mean. Like you can make them sit, lay down, roll over, etc.. make them sneeze by touching their nose.. I just didn't know if you could make them bark on command. Several hours after playing, it STILL blows my mind at the dog in the game responding to something I say in the real world.. it's crazy[/QUOTE]

something tells me you've never played Seaman ;)

I have the fireman's hat already, but I don't really care for the dalmation (they're cute, but not my type). i really want to get the jack russell terrier book, but no luck :(
DJ now goes through the slalom poles in Agility on his own. Yay! I'm about 9 trainer points away from getting 6000, so I'll gafta go on a short walk.

I taught Sasha some more tricks today, since I didn't have time to barely even walk them once this week since school started. Poor things.

I want the Fireman's Hat.
I got a gold bar... worth 2k ><
I want to sell it, but I'm collecting one of each item. le sigh. I finally got the talking bird in the shop.
Also unlocked shelties at 14000 trainer points.
[quote name='pimpinc333']How do you get valuable stuff on walks? I never found anything of any value yet. Its it random luck?[/QUOTE]
well I think you get more valuable stuff on the outer edges of the neighborhood. Also I think it depends on your trainer points and your dogs happiness on whether you recieve good stuff or not.
Is it me or does the microphone on the ds flat out suck, because I can't teach my dog anything because the mic sometimes leaves out the "s" pronounciation when you say sit or spin or w/e and sometimes it doesn't and then my dog gets confused.
[quote name='Slipknot9762']Is it me or does the microphone on the ds flat out suck, because I can't teach my dog anything because the mic sometimes leaves out the "s" pronounciation when you say sit or spin or w/e and sometimes it doesn't and then my dog gets confused.[/QUOTE]

No mine works fine.
I got the Fireman's Hat on my last walk. ^-^ Very happy. I want Jack Russell Book... hopefully I'll get it soon. The Fireman's Hat was found in an unmarked present in the upper-left hand corner, for me.

I think my dogs are starved and very thirsty. I was about to feed them, and then I noticed Zelda: LttP/Four Swords in the GBa slot and started a new file. And I didn't put it down.

I need to feed them.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']I got the Fireman's Hat on my last walk. ^-^ Very happy. I want Jack Russell Book... hopefully I'll get it soon. The Fireman's Hat was found in an unmarked present in the upper-left hand corner, for me.[/QUOTE]

How many Hours do you play a day?
[quote name='pimpinc333']How many Hours do you play a day?[/QUOTE]
hmmm... too many.
Since my classes just started I don't play that much during the week but the weekend I spend at least 4 hours on walks and tournaments.
[quote name='Follandboy']How do you get the dog to beg? I am really struggling with that one.[/QUOTE]
it's a really tough one. I usually take the stylus to the middle of the dogs body then move the stylus diagonallly up and to the left. I continue this motion, trying to avoid the nose (so he doesn't do the sneeze trick)
When standing, preferrably looking straight at you, touch his tummy-ish area, and move upwards toward his head. Usually he almost gets up then his paws touch the ground again, but after 3-4 good tries he'll learn it. far I have most rare items, but am missing a few here there... (gold bar and jack russell book)... so far I am at 18000... want 20000 to unlock the boxer >
[quote name='RelentlessRolento'] far I have most rare items, but am missing a few here there... (gold bar and jack russell book)... so far I am at 18000... want 20000 to unlock the boxer >
[quote name='sixersballernum3']I'm at 6300. ;-;

Do I barely play at all, or are you all rather obsessive?[/QUOTE]
If you do all your contests and at least walk each dog twice a day you should get close to 1000 points each day.
I manage 2000 a day because I don't have much else to do.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']I'm at 6300. ;-;

Do I barely play at all, or are you all rather obsessive?[/QUOTE]
I have about the same number of trainer points as you. I just play it once or twice a day, enouch to feed them, take them on walks, and do some of their competitions. I've been lax about teaching my second dog her tricks. I still love the game, but I have a lot of other stuff going on that it's just become a pick-up-and-play every now and then (but I am always sure to feed them at least once a day! :) )
bread's done