The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

[quote name='lordwow']My stores are absolutely awful for launch games. My local BB just got Wii accessories back in stock (the entire rack was empty) after being wiped since Launch.[/quote]

Nintendo hasn't shipped out accessories in a while to some places. I know a few EB's and a few GC's haven't had anything shipped since mid-Feb.
[quote name='Strell']You can hump the front desk at Gamestop.

I got to preorder it AND go to jail! And I learned all sorts of fun things there.[/quote]I warned you. Will you never learn?
[quote name='daroga'][quote name='Strell']You can hump the front desk at Gamestop.

I got to preorder it AND go to jail! And I learned all sorts of fun things there.[/QUOTE]
I warned you. Will you never learn?[/QUOTE]

It would appear that he did indeed learn at least something. Might involve the benefits of water based lubricants, or the ability to create a shiv from a straw, but he did learn something...
[quote name='foltzie']It would appear that he did indeed learn at least something. Might involve the benefits of water based lubricants, or the ability to create a shiv from a straw, but he did learn something...[/QUOTE]

I cut you so bad, you gonna wish I no cut you so bad.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Can't wait.

Will be my first Wii game purchase since Zelda, and probably my last until the fall.[/quote]
QFT, the only other game I'm looking forward to is Metroid Prime.
[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']Is it just me, or do the new videos take forever to load and are only like 10 seconds long. Man am I impatient for this game.

Someone distract me.[/quote]

See you on the 9th.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I can't wait to get this since it mysteriously appeared at E3 then promptly disappeared. 2D Marios are definitely welcome on consoles.[/quote]I agree. While I'm hugely excited for this game, I really, really would just like to see another "New Super Mario Bros" grace the Wii instead of the DS. NSMB was beautiful on that little handheld; I can't imagine how much they could pack into the console.

Actually, a new Mario platformer would be something fun for Wii/DS connectivity. Certain bonus levels and such use the touch screen or dual screen of the DS, while you play the majority of the game on the TV.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I can't wait to get this since it mysteriously appeared at E3 then promptly disappeared. 2D Marios are definitely welcome on consoles.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of 2D I am glad that Nintendo has embraced it instead of treating it like some sort of cancer.

It's too bad that many in the industry are too shallow and graphic whorish to realize that 3D doesn't work for every game.
Nice article at IGN. If it really is half through at 10 hours, that's a nice length for a Mario platformer IMO.

Looking forward to this, but with so many secrets and things to collect, I'll definitely be buying a guide. :lol:
[quote name='Scrubking']Speaking of 2D I am glad that Nintendo has embraced it instead of treating it like some sort of cancer.

It's too bad that many in the industry are too shallow and graphic whorish to realize that 3D doesn't work for every game.[/quote]
SPM is also in 3D, too. ;)
[quote name='IGN']
As far as we're concerned, the end result is the perfect marriage of platformer, action and RPG genres complemented by a handful of cleverly executed Wii-specific controls. And did we mention the game looks great, too?

It's rare that we can so strongly endorse a title. Maybe we've become too judgmental over the years or maybe we just expect too much, but we oftentimes find that our praises of videogames are usually countered by criticisms. However, in Super Paper Mario's case, we don't have many complaints. In our experience, the title tends to look better in 2D than it does in 3D and we've managed to (presumably) whip through what could be half of the title in about 10 hours, which suggests it might be too easy. The verdict on the latter notable is still out. But honestly, we've had fun progressing regardless and that's what counts.

Well, that settles it, I'm preordering it. Oh wait, I already have ;).
[quote name='soonersfan60']Where is my best shot at getting this early? I would love to get it a few days early on Saturday the 7th (or Sun. 8th).[/QUOTE]

I think the biggest culprits I have seen around here are:
A) Toys R Us (I bought Mario Party 5, 5 days early there)
B) Meijer (if your in the area as I didnt check before posting this)
I have to say, I'm honestly pretty excited about this game. I know I'll enjoy it (having played through TTYD a couple times), and I think it'll be a game that my wife'll get into as well. She's always had a thing for Mario games. Hell, she even beat NSMB before I did. :p
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Wish I had the cash to preorder it.

Best I can do is Rent it that friday :cry:[/QUOTE]

This makes Strell sad.
This game looks really cool.

I passed it up once I heard the name, I HATED THE TURNED based Mario. Ugh, so boring.

I love how its all action now, damn cool.
[quote name='Strell']This makes Strell sad.[/QUOTE]

If it makes you feel any better I already have $30 paid off on my preorder and another $30 sitting in a Spectrobes preorder I never picked up to cover the rest (and then some) ;). (Damn Aeris never called me and by the time I thought about it I decided I didn't really want it any more anyway - Spectobes that is).
[quote name='DarkNessBear']This game looks really cool.

I passed it up once I heard the name, I HATED THE TURNED based Mario. Ugh, so boring.

I love how its all action now, damn cool.[/QUOTE]

I loved the Paper Mario, and loved the traditional Mario type games, it doesnt matter to me, Im going to love it either way... defiantly on the top of my wants list at the moment
I really wish there was a trade in deal with this game, kind of like, trade in 3 GCN games get an extra $10. That would rule to no end.
*grabs flame shield*

I've NEVER played any Paper Mario game, and I was very close to purchasing 1000 year door for the Gamecube but held off (for now). Anyways with this game being released 11 days, I doubt I'll be going to purchase 1000 year door before buying this.

Anyways, my question, is will I have to play any of the games before this to understand this game? You think it would be worth buying even though I never played the others. I know this game isn't out yet, but from the other games maybe someone could be a good judge of this.

Edit: Godfather, Cooking Mama and even Farcry are all on my "possibly to get" list, because my Wii has been off for almost three weeks now and I'm looking for something to get to keep my interest in the Wii, and Super Paper Mario looked like a good choice.
From what we've seen so far, there is no carry-over from the RPG games in terms of story, etc. Just the same visual style, humor, and the like.
[quote name='botticus']From what we've seen so far, there is no carry-over from the RPG games in terms of story, etc. Just the same visual style, humor, and the like.[/QUOTE]

Thank you Gumshoe, that was informative enough. Now It's just a matter of getting it in April or May, and of course see how the reviews pan out (I'm sure they will be high).
There's a lot of videos floating around on this, but I'm trying to stay away from anything else till I have it in-hand.

Anyone ever preorder from Amazon? Do they usually ship on Monday, or maybe the Friday before? :)
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Edit: Godfather, Cooking Mama and even Farcry are all on my "possibly to get" list, because my Wii has been off for almost three weeks now and I'm looking for something to get to keep my interest in the Wii, and Super Paper Mario looked like a good choice.[/QUOTE]

I dont want to disuade you from a 3rd party game, but SPM wont go down in price anytime soon. The other games might see a pricecut after the initial sales clear out.
[quote name='foltzie']I dont want to disuade you from a 3rd party game, but SPM wont go down in price anytime soon. The other games might see a pricecut after the initial sales clear out.[/quote]Please do at least disuade him from Farcry.
Spoiler is from the article daroga posted. Stay away if you want 0 exposure until release.

"and controlled... well, a certain Mario universe character we have to keep quiet about."

Any ideas? Luigi?
Goddamn you bunch of bastards ...

Here I was, trying to not get excited about the game until it was out, and now you've gone and messed it all up for me, with your enthusiasm and postings of early glowing previews.

I hate you all.
EGM gave it 8, 9, 9, Game of the Month.

Good and Bad:

Super Paper Mario
Good - Wildly creative and funny.
Bad - Inconsistent level design, last-gen visuals.
Comedic Highlight - Peach's dating-sim boss encounter.

8.0 = Shane
9.0 = Andrew P.
9.0 = Bryan
[quote name='"EGM"']Super Paper Mario
Good - Wildly creative and funny.
Bad - Inconsistent level design, last-gen visuals.
Comedic Highlight - Peach's dating-sim boss encounter.[/quote] The sprites didnt have enough bump mapping and light bloom
bread's done