The "OMG why didn't I password lock my 360" thread.


18 (100%)
tl;dr : password lock your box, if you have children

So I will keep this brief... 3 Times now, YES, 3 times one of my children has erased my profile and ALL items from my harddrive.

Is it the hour it is taking me to recover m profile that irritates me? No. It is the hours of play I just lost forever. Halfway through Alan Wake on Nightmare? gone. 300 cards in Culdcept? gone. Bayonetta played through on normal? (yea yea.. it was a big deal to me) gone. I can't bear to mention all of the saves that are now only a memory, and all of the games THIS time, in particular, is going to ruin for me indefinitely.

PLEASE, for your own good, if you have kids (even ones that know better) password lock your xbox. PLEASE. :bomb:
What does the password lock do though? My kids like to play the Xbox but they don't know how to turn it on - once they are playing though I might leave them alone for a bit but I have a feeling a password won't help me there...
That's just it, I WASN'T done heh. I had walked away for oh, I don't know, 4 minutes, to brew a pot of coffee, and the controller was on the counter out of my field of vision. That is to say, the xbox was on, and at the dashboard.

My wife was RIGHT THERE too. She watched the whole thing, and was like "Ummm should he be doing that?" after the fact.

My face then:
[quote name='nnthomas']Reasons to ever have children -1[/QUOTE]

Bringing the count down to eleventy billion - 1.
Ouch. My kids have never done that. However, I think I might have trashed some of their current saves when I foolisly chose "replace all", or whatever the option was, when moving all the data from a flash drive I've been using back to the hard drive. Fortunately they've been forgiving. :) Also, it didn't totally trash their efforts, only a setback, since the data on the flash drive was just older. Still. I learned my lesson. :)
They are just lucky I love them, more than (or at LEAST as much... I keed) as I love gaming.

On a side note, Javery did you make those cabinets? Amazing work! What are the odds you are for hire lol? I am a total carpentry noob.
How old are your kids? Of all the stuff available on the dashboard I find it odd that they would be drawn to digging that deep to erase everything. I obviously don't doubt it but I'm curious at what age I need to start locking my son in his room.
[quote name='Guilty']On a side note, Javery did you make those cabinets? Amazing work! What are the odds you are for hire lol? I am a total carpentry noob.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Yes, I did make them myself and no, I'm not for hire. :D I'm lucky to finish one cab a year at the pace I work and some of them have been in limbo for a while... I've thought about trying to sell one or two here and there but the last thing I want to do is turn a hobby that I really love into work.
How old are your kids? Of all the stuff available on the dashboard I find it odd that they would be drawn to digging that deep to erase everything. I obviously don't doubt it but I'm curious at what age I need to start locking my son in his room.
My son is 2 1/2. No I am not kidding. I am pretty sure he was just randomly mashing buttons, but I could be very wrong. My daughter, did the same thing when she was 3... I called it a fluke. Again at 4, which I figured was intentionally, because she was mad at Daddy, and had recently watched me clear my cache. She had been given the "this is off limits speech, etc" She is a gamer though, and is comfortable with a controller.

My son, CAN turn on NBC on command, which my wife is to blame for, so he may have just seen me in the memory menu at some point deleting installs, and retained a little bit of it... I don't know. Sucks just the same though. I feel a little better how however, Deathsmiles just came in the mail, so I have something to numb the pain.

Thanks. Yes, I did make them myself and no, I'm not for hire. :D I'm lucky to finish one cab a year at the pace I work and some of them have been in limbo for a while... I've thought about trying to sell one or two here and there but the last thing I want to do is turn a hobby that I really love into work.
BELIEVE me I understand completely.

Deathsmiles is reallly good.
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My son has deleted some of my saves before. The first time, he was about 4 or 5 and he was messing aroung with Zelda Twilight Princess. I had a seperate save for him that he would use to just ride around on the horse. He was messing around in the menu and copied his save file over mine. I was like 1 or 2 dungeons from the end. To this day, I haven't picked the game back up because I don't want to redo everything.

Another time, he deleted my NSMB Wii save file. I had borrowed the game from a co-worker and had played up to world 6 or so. I then returned it to the co-worker and picked it up at Gamestop during a B2G1 sale. My son (now 8 years old) wanted to play it, so he pops in the disc and sees the save games and deletes them. I realized what he did right away and asked him why he did that. In his defense, it was an honest mistake though. He's used to getting used DS games from Gamestop and he deletes the save games so that he can start fresh. I wasn't as upset over this as I was for the Zelda one.

Deathsmiles is reallly good. :)
Kids are somehow drawn to deleting stuff. My dumbass sister erased so many Super Nintendo and Game Boy save files back in the day. She was 9 or 10. The excuse, "I was just trying to play the game" doesn't hold water when it clearly says, "erase" or "delete".
Damn those childrens who are they to think you should pay attention to them. And I agree no kids for. No thanksI enjoy freedom.
My son deleted all of the Banjo-Kazooie N&B data I had. I think all he did was try and start a new game and it automatically erased the old one. He can't read yet so I can't get too mad - I'm just happy he likes video games!
[quote name='Lokki']My son has deleted some of my saves before. The first time, he was about 4 or 5 and he was messing aroung with Zelda Twilight Princess. I had a seperate save for him that he would use to just ride around on the horse. He was messing around in the menu and copied his save file over mine. I was like 1 or 2 dungeons from the end. To this day, I haven't picked the game back up because I don't want to redo everything.

Another time, he deleted my NSMB Wii save file. I had borrowed the game from a co-worker and had played up to world 6 or so. I then returned it to the co-worker and picked it up at Gamestop during a B2G1 sale. My son (now 8 years old) wanted to play it, so he pops in the disc and sees the save games and deletes them. I realized what he did right away and asked him why he did that. In his defense, it was an honest mistake though. He's used to getting used DS games from Gamestop and he deletes the save games so that he can start fresh. I wasn't as upset over this as I was for the Zelda one.

Deathsmiles is reallly good. :)[/QUOTE]

Reaallly reeeaaaally good. And strangely the save that hurt my feelings the most was Alan Wake. I love that game. Really I do. Better than halfway done with Nightmare mode and now it's like "Oh no no no haha you have to get in line WAYYYYY over there to ride this ride again." Still salty about it his many hours later tbh.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Why did you use a TL DR tag for less than a paragraph of type?[/QUOTE]

In my experience, most people on the internet at larg are too lazy to read even a paragraph, and many others just don't give a fuck about the pissing and moaning of others'. I was sparing those individuals the trouble. Not to say that there are any of them on CAG. :roll:

[quote name='silentevil']Damn those childrens who are they to think you should pay attention to them. And I agree no kids for. No thanksI enjoy freedom.[/QUOTE]

I know right? Like I should spend my time wiping runny noses and reading Dr. Seuss! The audacity!

[quote name='Javery']My son deleted all of the Banjo-Kazooie N&B data I had. I think all he did was try and start a new game and it automatically erased the old one. He can't read yet so I can't get too mad - I'm just happy he likes video games![/QUOTE]

+1 I would rather my kids deleted my saves out of curiosity for the pastime than have no interest in it at all.

[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']Just put the controllers where they can't reach them... kids that age and controllers... yeah, you don't want to know where they will stick them. :joystick:[/QUOTE]

Oh I DO know where they stick them. Not even going there, but I can say that it is damn near impossible to keep anything of value away from this kid. He literally drags a kitchen chair around with him everywhere now, and I don't have the heart t take it from him. I mean he isn't juggling knives, but there are hardly any limits to what he gets his hands on. :twoguns:
You could also periodically back up your savegame(s) onto a USB thumbdrive. That's what I do, so in case something bad happens to my xbox or HDD at least I have the saves (with the exception of my Forza 3 save, which stupidly can't be copied- if I lost that I'd be super pissed but at least I have already 1000/1000 it)

[quote name='Ruahrc']You could also periodically back up your savegame(s) onto a USB thumbdrive. That's what I do, so in case something bad happens to my xbox or HDD at least I have the saves (with the exception of my Forza 3 save, which stupidly can't be copied- if I lost that I'd be super pissed but at least I have already 1000/1000 it)


You know, I have know idea why I DON'T, considering this is not my first experience with such tragedy.

[quote name='whiptcracker']300 cards in Culdcept erased? So long junior, enjoy your new family.[/QUOTE]

Between this incident and one before with my daughter a couple of years back, the total is about 700 Culdcept cards lost.

I have NEVER made it too the 500, and the first time I was REALLY close. I tried the grinding method, (dummy profile, custom rules, high capture duping) as outlined on and simply lost interest after awhile. That said, it doesn't even make me that sad this time.

The first time i lost a Culdcept save though.. welll.... :bomb:

I have really moved over to Culdcept DS now. Playing with the Eng. fan patch. It is really well done, and the online is just as good as Saga's. Frankly, I think DS (a straight port of the PS1 version) is better than Saga. But that's me.
[quote name='Javery']Bringing the count down to eleventy billion - 1.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what's worse. Really prefer to avoid both children AND the 360 for best results.
[quote name='GamesIsRLife']I don't know what's worse. Really prefer to avoid both children AND the 360 for best results.[/QUOTE]

Ooooooooh wicked burn! You came up with that one all by yourself? :applause:
I've never had this issue on the 360, though, I'm sure the kids erased some of my GameCube saves. I have, however, had my boy buy a couple games from XBLA. I let him play demos and he's accidentally bought them, but the worst part is that he's not interested in playing them and getting me the achievements.
[quote name='Ruahrc']You could also periodically back up your savegame(s) onto a USB thumbdrive. That's what I do, so in case something bad happens to my xbox or HDD at least I have the saves (with the exception of my Forza 3 save, which stupidly can't be copied- if I lost that I'd be super pissed but at least I have already 1000/1000 it)

Have you tried going into Forza 3, loading your career, and then changing your storage device to your USB thumbdrive? Might be a workaround (although there was another game, I forget the name, where the save wouldn't copy and the storage device could not be changed, either).
I've only had two child-related gaming mishaps. The first was when my oldest, probably four or five at the time, spent 800 of my msp on Puzzle Arcade. Ugh. Then, several months ago, my youngest decided to open the drawer of my xbox and pull out my Borderlands disk. She rubbed it on just about anything she could find and my disk was scratched beyond repair.

No save deletions though, thank goodness. My kids usually either play disk games with me (i.e. Lego series, Rock Band, etc.) or they play arcade games with each other. MvC2 and SSF2THD were their favorites till Doritos Crash Course came along.
[quote name='PenguinJim']Have you tried going into Forza 3, loading your career, and then changing your storage device to your USB thumbdrive? Might be a workaround (although there was another game, I forget the name, where the save wouldn't copy and the storage device could not be changed, either).[/QUOTE]

Yea Forza 3 saves are encrypted beyond recognition, just for the purpose of averting gamesave backups. They SAY it's to keep the economy (in the auction house) fair, over at T10.

I think it's bullshit. I had a 360 die on me not 4 months after F3 came out, and while I kept that one (and repaired it for later sale...was the disc drive.... not covered) I just went ahead and got a MW2 250gb. So I transfer all of my licenses and saves, thinking "sweet" and load up Forza only to find that my 100+ hours of modding and racing were corrupted and could not be used.

Bear in mind this is the official transfer cable I used at the time. So I get a hold of a mod at T10 forums whose response is like "yea you're shit outta luck". 2 hours later I go to try and workaround the problem, and load my save again.... And I get a 24 hour ban from the auction house. WTF? It was MY save I was trying to load, but on a 360 with a different device ID than the one that the save was created on, and evidently that info is stored on the save, thereby creating the dilemma.

That said all further attempts to get back into F3 have been futile.

[quote name='m3talst0rm']I've only had two child-related gaming mishaps. The first was when my oldest, probably four or five at the time, spent 800 of my msp on Puzzle Arcade. Ugh. Then, several months ago, my youngest decided to open the drawer of my xbox and pull out my Borderlands disk. She rubbed it on just about anything she could find and my disk was scratched beyond repair.

No save deletions though, thank goodness. My kids usually either play disk games with me (i.e. Lego series, Rock Band, etc.) or they play arcade games with each other. MvC2 and SSF2THD were their favorites till Doritos Crash Course came along.[/QUOTE]

Oh dude... I have disc-victimized SOOOO many times by my kids. My Bad Company 2 disc is completely fucked. If I ever had to re-install the game, I would literally have to buy it again.
I like this thread, but I'm not certain about the solution:

Can you password lock the 360 from deleting saves/installs while signed in? The only password screen I'm aware of is to initially sign in to Live. I thought that if junior is holding a controller and turns on the 360 then gets to the local hard drive info, he has free reign without any option of protection.
[quote name='Kerig']I like this thread, but I'm not certain about the solution:

Can you password lock the 360 from deleting saves/installs while signed in? The only password screen I'm aware of is to initially sign in to Live. I thought that if junior is holding a controller and turns on the 360 then gets to the local hard drive info, he has free reign without any option of protection.[/QUOTE]

Oh? I am actually not too sure about that myself. I hope it's the former tbh, but leave it to Microsoft do do something fucking stupid if it doesn't... You see, even after this time, I wasn't smart enough to at least try it out. :dunce:

Bout to go give it a shot right now. Guess if you cant lock them out somehow, I will just have to be REALLY militant about backing up what saves I can, and try not to purchase games that can't.
Sent a tweet the other day to @majornelson about whether there were plans to add an option to password protect purchases on XBL. MY 4YO spammed the A while on my profile and ended up buying 400msp. I don't think it needs to be a universal, required process, but have it be an option if you want it.

As for @majornelson . . . crickets. That may answer my question.
My father-in-law can't speak or read english and he was staying with us. He liked to watch netflix, though, so he needed access to my gold account. One day, while at work, he managed to buy an xbox live game while trying to navigate the dashboard. Luckily it was Limbo, and I was planning to buy it anyway.

I really wish it asked for a password when making a purchase.
That's horrible to have saves erased like that. I have been contemplating backing up my save files either through memory units or usb drives. I don't think I have any game save files larger than 512 mb, but I'm sure they exist.
[quote name='Guilty']tl;dr : password lock your box, if you have children

So I will keep this brief... 3 Times now, YES, 3 times one of my children has erased my profile and ALL items from my harddrive.

Is it the hour it is taking me to recover m profile that irritates me? No. It is the hours of play I just lost forever. Halfway through Alan Wake on Nightmare? gone. 300 cards in Culdcept? gone. Bayonetta played through on normal? (yea yea.. it was a big deal to me) gone. I can't bear to mention all of the saves that are now only a memory, and all of the games THIS time, in particular, is going to ruin for me indefinitely.

PLEASE, for your own good, if you have kids (even ones that know better) password lock your xbox. PLEASE. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Full me once - Shame on me
Full me 3 times - I probably should not breed (oh, too late there as well huh)
[quote name='Matt Young']Kids are somehow drawn to deleting stuff. My dumbass sister erased so many Super Nintendo and Game Boy save files back in the day. She was 9 or 10. The excuse, "I was just trying to play the game" doesn't hold water when it clearly says, "erase" or "delete".[/QUOTE]

Sounds like my sister who saved over my Final Fantasy VIII save, I was almost done with the game too... :cry: Except, she was 16 :bomb:

That is partially why I keep more than one save now days.
My 2 year old daughter did happen to purchase some useless Left 4 Dead DLC about 6 months ago. She loves the glowing xbox button on the controller and when I get home from work, I'll often find the xbox turned on, all the while my wife will have no idea. Those dang DLC's are too easy to purchase these days especially when it's one of those weekly/features.
i remember back in the day sharing a ps one with 2 brothers and losing FFT data a couple times... that started a few wars...
[quote name='willc23']Sent a tweet the other day to @majornelson about whether there were plans to add an option to password protect purchases on XBL. MY 4YO spammed the A while on my profile and ended up buying 400msp. I don't think it needs to be a universal, required process, but have it be an option if you want it.

As for @majornelson . . . crickets. That may answer my question.[/QUOTE]

As if there has ever been anything BUT crickets over there. What a fungus that dude is. :roll:

[quote name='thrustbucket']My father-in-law can't speak or read english and he was staying with us. He liked to watch netflix, though, so he needed access to my gold account. One day, while at work, he managed to buy an xbox live game while trying to navigate the dashboard. Luckily it was Limbo, and I was planning to buy it anyway.

I really wish it asked for a password when making a purchase.[/QUOTE]

Happy accident!

[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']That's horrible to have saves erased like that. I have been contemplating backing up my save files either through memory units or usb drives. I don't think I have any game save files larger than 512 mb, but I'm sure they exist.[/QUOTE]

I have, since the other day, been religiously backing up what saves I can. Should never be a problem again.

[quote name='grrouchie']Full me once - Shame on me
Full me 3 times - I probably should not breed (oh, too late there as well huh)[/QUOTE]
Wow your parents surely missed THAT memo. Get back in the basement, before Ma asks you why the dishes aren't done.

[quote name='willc23']A couple contrarians adding their .02 worth.[/QUOTE]

I love that CSR mentality. Read from script, wait for response, repeat from script, wait for response, etc.

I realize that OP is kinda being unreasonable about it but, what happened to the compassion in customer service? Microsoft should really reevaluate their install base. I know about 45 gamers irl, and they are ALL married with kids. This sort of service could prove invaluable to ALL of them .

Will it make the forums blast off with whining from kids across the country if not world, sure. O wait, NOW I see what they did there. Pleasing the lowest common denominator. Fuuuuuuuuu.

[quote name='shigster']Sounds like my sister who saved over my Final Fantasy VIII save, I was almost done with the game too... :cry: Except, she was 16 :bomb:

That is partially why I keep more than one save now days.[/QUOTE]

Been there, done that.

[quote name='azngtlman']My 2 year old daughter did happen to purchase some useless Left 4 Dead DLC about 6 months ago. She loves the glowing xbox button on the controller and when I get home from work, I'll often find the xbox turned on, all the while my wife will have no idea. Those dang DLC's are too easy to purchase these days especially when it's one of those weekly/features.[/QUOTE]

This is all too true. My daughter purchased Ilo Milo this way, back when it was being advertised front page. I was not a bit to angry about that, but I consider myself lucky.

[quote name='dkreegz515']i remember back in the day sharing a ps one with 2 brothers and losing FFT data a couple times... that started a few wars...[/QUOTE]

I had this prob with brothers from another mother. I remember sharing Snes games with my best friends, and getting them back only to find saves missing. (You know who you are)

The worst was 50+ hours of FF3 (US) erased, saved right before the battle with Kefka, and no, at that point I had not beaten it.

Luckily for me, it was a copy with faulty flash memory, so I could still do the Realm glitch to get good gear 2nd playthrough (I actually found that glitch before there was any documented proof it existed, no lies... fuck the zone eater)
bread's done