The one "it" feature for the next generation of consoles


262 (100%)

The PS Vita does this beautifully and all the consoles need to have it. Pausing mid cut-scene and entering a low power mode is the feature I need from the next generation. May seem trivial to some but you have to admit having to do something else during a Kojima cut-scene is not a welcome thing.
A global "save anywhere" would accomplish the same thing without wasting power.

I'll say I want a functional cloud backup. Save locally, but when the power button is hit, the system backs up that save into the cloud.
I want more efficient consoles, not just more power. I know this isn't a popular idea but all of these ultra power consoles are noisy, run hot, and are unreliable. Power is nice, but not at the cost of efficiency.

[quote name='Corvin']A global "save anywhere" would accomplish the same thing without wasting power.

I'll say I want a functional cloud backup. Save locally, but when the power button is hit, the system backs up that save into the cloud.[/QUOTE]

I think what jkam wanted that feature for was so he wouldn't have to sit though all the logo bullshit every time you start a game.
[quote name='Vinny']I want more efficient consoles, not just more power. I know this isn't a popular idea but all of these ultra power consoles are noisy, run hot, and are unreliable. Power is nice, but not at the cost of efficiency.

I think what jkam wanted that feature for was so he wouldn't have to sit though all the logo bullshit every time you start a game.[/QUOTE]

ding ding ding ding ding! Tell him what's he's won!'s nice on the VITA that I can start exactly where I left off with no down time.
[quote name='shrike4242']Less fanboy bitching.[/QUOTE]

that's not a console feature, that's a humanity feature. And you're never gonna get it.


The guy who said good games hit the nail on the head. Because we're never gonna get zero load times either and that's the only real problem wrong with consoles right now.
itd be nice to be able to do full backups of whats on the console to an external hd in case of console issues. saves, purchased games, dlc ect. if youve ever had a ps3 die on you its an annoying chore to have to re download everything all over again.
[quote name='Vinny']I want more efficient consoles, not just more power. I know this isn't a popular idea but all of these ultra power consoles are noisy, run hot, and are unreliable. Power is nice, but not at the cost of efficiency.[/QUOTE]
:applause:Absolutely. I agree 100%. When you can actually turn the heat down in your room and just turn on your PS3 or 360 and within 20 minutes the temperature has risen by 2-5 degrees because of all of the warm/hot air being thrown out the back of your gaming console, then there's something wrong with that picture.

Another thing I'd like to see less of next gen, having to patch the crap out of games that're released essentially broken.
I would like to see a feature where the console gets connected to a TV and once the connection is made you cannot ever use that console with another TV. This will stop all those evil people who sell their used systems.
[quote name='musha666']I would like to see a feature where the console gets connected to a TV and once the connection is made you cannot ever use that console with another TV. This will stop all those evil people who sell their used systems.[/QUOTE]
:rofl: That'll go over as well as the rumor about the PS4/Xbox 720 not being able to play used games at all. People don't wanna have to keep their shit forever. Only collectors keep systems eternally. The rest of us wanna be able to sell our old shit at the end of a gen to get money towards that next gen of consoles.
[quote name='musha666']I would like to see a feature where the console gets connected to a TV and once the connection is made you cannot ever use that console with another TV. This will stop all those evil people who sell their used systems.[/QUOTE]

lmao dont give them ideas.
Right now I don't plan on buying any next gen console as I'm burnt out on gaming.

But I can't think of any big wants I have hardware wise. I'm pretty happy with the PS3 and 360. I hope Sony does a better job on the dashboard, online interface etc. as it's never been as slick as the 360s.

I guess a global save anywhere type system would be great. I wouldn't really want a sleep mode though as I don't like wasting power.

Cloud saves are great, but that's already there on 360 and PS3 and if you have Gold/PS+--but would be nice to be free I guess.
[quote name='musha666']I would like to see a feature where the console gets connected to a TV and once the connection is made you cannot ever use that console with another TV. This will stop all those evil people who sell their used systems.[/QUOTE]

LAN Party's are fun though. And I don't want to lug around my 37" TV for them.

Per the old Dennis Miller line, if some schlub working at Wal-mart can pay $10 for an hour of simulated sex with a supermodel, it will make crack cocaine look like decaf.
I still don't see any of the features in this thread as large selling points. For the N64/PS1 it was 3D graphics. For the PS3/360 it was High Definition. For the Wii, it was motion control.

All of those are relatively important features. I mean, "Cloud Saving" and "Sleep mode" are good ideas... but they won't sell systems, nor offer people a reason to upgrade. And just having a more powerful system still won't be enough. So what will it be?

At least the 360 can still upgrade to bluray :p
I agree with the OP. You can do this on PSP too and it is a godsend. I would love for my consoles to have the same instant-sleep, instant-on capability.
Consoles don't need sleep mode, because they're plugged into a wall, so it won't ever happen.

There is no such thing as making PC's more efficient to save power, the greater efficiency allows for high clock speeds which gives the pretty HD pictures everyone loves. Can't have it both ways.

Consoles could move to SSDs, that would decrease load times.
A clear winner.

We need another PSX - another console that just knocks it outta the motherfuckin park.

If a true winner emerges then all this hardware gimmick shit will take a backseat to the new explosion of great games in every genre.
free 3g or 4g or whatever the fuck phones and kindles and other things use.
i hate playing console games online because even though i use the same fucking connection as my pc, its always laggy and i have 0 issue on my pc. if its going to be shitty and laggy, at least let it be free.
bread's done