The Pokemon Game I Must See


I want to play a Pokemon game where you’ve progressed through the game and have reached the third gym. You’re feeling pretty good now, you have a strong team and you know you can beat almost anyone who crosses your path without too much effort. You’re cocky, but you’re good and you deserve to be.

Then you find out about a Team Rocket scheme (or insert Evil Team This Time Around’s Name here) and start busting them up as you move through their base of operations. You cross paths with a quiet man who’s sitting at a table, watching as you make short work of the thugs. You walk up to him as he’s sitting down and challenge him to a battle.

He wipes the floor with you. In minutes.

But you don’t black out. Not this time. The screen blinks black for a second but quickly opens up and you’re not in the Pokemon Center, you’re in the same place you were. He’s in the corner with your pokeballs. He revived all your Pokemon. Then he tosses them back to you.

He says, “…Again.

Round two. He destroys your team again. You don’t black out this time either. He revives your team.

AGAIN!” he screams. “GET UP. NOW!

You rise with shaky feet. There’s no escape. You prepare to fight again, thinking of some way to beat this monster.

Suddenly, a man smashes through a wall with a Rock Pokemon and interrupts the scene. A Pokemon uses Flash and blinding light fills the room. There are sounds of battle, and you pass out.

You wake up in the Pokemon Center, in a bed. Your pokeballs are on a counter. A quiet man in your room looks out your window. He doesn’t turn around as you wake up, but he speaks.

Son… promise me that you won’t challenge that man again. I know who he is. And he will rip you apart if he has the chance.”

It’s your father.

He tells you to go, and train, and become stronger. When the time is right, several gyms later, you’ll meet again on a nearby island, and there you’ll both challenge the Monster in a 2 on 1 battle.

Together… maybe. Maybe we’ll live through it. Maybe we can finally stop his madness.

He leaves, with no explanation of where’s been, or where he’s going. You get out of bed and continue the game.  :cool:

Where was the porn at the end of this fanfic?
That doesn't happen until the end, when you face the Elite Four Champion and it's none other than Scarlett Johanssen, impressively rendered in high definition 3D despite standing on a 2.5D plane surrounded by simple 2D sprites.

After that, FLASHMOB.

I enjoy that already. Good post TC.

What pokemon truly needs though is a co-op option. Through the whole story. Dragon Quest IX style. Make all battles 2 on 2.

There's your twist.
I enjoy that already. Good post TC.

What pokemon truly needs though is a co-op option. Through the whole story. Dragon Quest IX style. Make all battles 2 on 2.

There's your twist.
Yo... I would play the Muk out of that game. That would be amaze-tastic! You could be the world's first Pokemon Championship Duo. And imagine how many copies they would sell of that!

Yea...because X and Y sell so horribly....
Yeah, those little known indie games. Probably only a couple thousand sold total. Hard for those underdog little guys, you know? lol

Seriously though... if there was anyone who was just playing their older brother's copy of Pokemon when they were done with it or something, rather than buying it, that would not be the case at all if there was two player coop throughout the whole game. Everyone would have their own, ASAP.

The SECOND I get out of this cell Nintendo threw me in for endorsing/secretly creating this game, I will send you the link! It could use beta testing anyway.

This jail cell is surprisingly well-designed, I must say... it's just like a dungeon from Super Mario World! There's even a hopping fireball thing in that pit of actual lava over there... seriously, what is that thing, why is it smiling at me...?

bread's done