The PS3 has that cancer curing app. Will the 360 get it?


34 (100%)
Was at a friends and saw that ps3 cancer curing app. I think its great. I was just wondering if anything like that is available for the 360 or will be in the future. I guess our only problem would be a possible overheating issue leaving it on for a while and risking the RRoD.

You guys know what I am talking about?
for a second i thought the title said "PS3 cures cancer" and i was like "wow they're gonna move a lot of units with that new feature"
[quote name='chakan']Even if it was available on XBL as a free download, I wouldn't get it because of the heat/RROD issues.

If you'd like to help the cancer research and don't have a PS3, you can use your PC or laptop through this link

Either way, (PS3 or PC)sign up on the CAG folding team[/quote]

Ill look into this this. I just loved the whole look and design on the ps3...seeing everyone doing it across the world was mind blowing.

Edit...Looks like this is the same thing. Sweet.
[quote name='Malik112099']I don't care what it does...unless im using it, it aint gonna be on[/QUOTE]

What he said.
yeah I"m not sure I'd trust leaving the 360 on for long periods of time especially with me not being there. Thing overheats or gets a short and your looking at a major mess. I'd rather sign up my PC or something to help out.
[quote name='porieux']PS3 would NEED a cancer curing app to get me to consider buying one.[/quote]

If such were the case, I and probably every ex-smoker would start lighting up again
[quote name='chakan']Even if it was available on XBL as a free download, I wouldn't get it because of the heat/RROD issues. [/QUOTE]

Agreed. The last thing I want is my 360 going tits up because I chose to help cancer research.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']:roll:[/QUOTE]

This is the Xbox 360 forum, and yeah I think the PS3 sucks. Sorry if you don't like that.
I wouldn't care if there was never a RRoD issue...I just plain wouldn't have some application running constantly on something I payed a few hundred dollars for which would put hours on its life.

If someone gave me a generator that was built into my driveway that my car could idle on and generate electricity for public use or some shit I wouldn't use it simply because I don't want to put unneccessary miles on my car even if it is for a good cause...
It would cost ~$5-$25 a month (depending on where you live and which version you have) in electricity to leave your 360 running. That power is used relatively inefficiently as far as computers are concerned.

Using the charity navigator to find a highly rated charity to donate that money to would be a much more effecient charitable action. I would suggest the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, since it could theoretically earmark funds for folding@home if it deemed it the most effecient use of the NIH's resources.
[quote name='porieux']PS3 would NEED a cancer curing app to get me to consider buying one.[/QUOTE]

your dumb.
[quote name='mer71']Can't be done a 360, not powerful enough. So that's what a article said in EGM about a year ago.[/QUOTE]

It can be done.

Folding can run on just about any computer you throw at it, it would just take much longer for it to do the job compared to a PS3.
[quote name='dios']your dumb.[/QUOTE]

Feel free to IM me so we can meet up and discuss how dumb I am in person.
[quote name='porieux'] useless text [/QUOTE]

Just stop. you entered a thread to bash a console and have given no helpful or significant input on the topic at hand. nothing but fail thus far.
It's neat but I don't know why you would run this on a game console. The whole purpose of these apps is to use un-needed cycles on your pc. My game systems need all of their cycles when I'm playing games and when I'm not playing games I TURN them OFF! Now my PCs are on all the time so I usually run the grid project on them.
[quote name='dios']Just stop. you entered a thread to bash a console and have given no helpful or significant input on the topic at hand. nothing but fail thus far.[/QUOTE]

This is the XBOX 360 forum. GTFO!
bread's done