The PSP Hardware Quality or Not?


262 (100%)
Now that everyone has had there PSP for a little while what do you think about the build quality? Do you think it will hold up over time?
Seems sturdy enough, but I'm still terrified of the screen getting scratched. So far so good though, I just make sure I keep it in the black holder thing.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Seems sturdy enough, but I'm still terrified off the screen getting scratched. So far so good though, I just make sure I keep it in the black holder thing.[/QUOTE]

I kept in the the black carrying case that it came with and it still got scratched. The whole thing is high quality but the screen scratches way too easily.
I am not usually shallow enough to just look at the brand name to decide on quality or not, but it's made by Sony which is pretty self-explanatory. Usually known for appealing to the sheep with its looks and features, but has a tendency to lose its luster and functionality from wear and tear sooner than competing products.
A screen cover (I use the pelican one) is a must. It should have had one from the start. The case it came with probably scratched it for the person that used it. No matter how careful you are, the screen will get scratched without a cover, really no way around it. The battery cover and memory stick cover are both way too loose. My wife dropped her SP onto concrete from a height of 3 or 4 feet. All that happened to it was a shoulder button got a little scratched. Drop a PSP onto concrete, and I can almost guarentee not only will it no longer work, but it will probably literally fall apart. A wonderful piece of tech, but in no way remotely durable. I am obcessively careful, and I still will be surprised if mine lasts 5 years. I would say this is probably the least durable portable system ever released and I have owned them all except the Neo Geo pocket, the Sega Nomad and the first Atari Lynx. And no, I'm not counting the N-Gage, it's a friggin' phone, not a gaming device, and should not exist. I'm so tired of people playing Bejeweled and Snake on their phones and considering themselves gamers. Sheesh.
I'd say the PSP is about as durable as the GBA SP.

The system is solid and won't break easily, and the screen, as long as you keep it covered, will not scratch (those mini-scratches are impossible to see with the screen turned on).
[quote name='Quackzilla']I'd say the PSP is about as durable as the GBA SP.[/QUOTE]

Not to be a jerk, but seriously? Try dropping both of them from the same height. I seriously doubt the PSP would take abuse very well.
It's not the fragile snowflake I thought it was when I first got it, but I still think you need to baby it a lot more than the SP.
well, Mine right shoulder button is lop sided, and won't work sometimes & it get stuck... but I gone through 3 psp already and this 1 only has 1 dead pixel.... alot better than when compared to the other 2 which has 12 DP & 8 DP....

I don't expect any sony gaming devices to last me more than 2-3 years...

Since I gone through 3 PS2 & 2 PS1 system...
The more moving parts a device has the easier it is to break, that said it's likely as sturdy as any CD player. If you;re worried about scratches I can not recommend the Hori screen protector enough, you seriously have to maker sure you put in on correctly though but once you do just sit back and relax.

As for the scratch resistant coating I suppose it was still too expensive at the time. New technologies are only as good as they are affordable.
[quote name='Alpha2']The more moving parts a device has the easier it is to break, that said it's likely as sturdy as any CD player. If you;re worried about scratches I can not recommend the Hori screen protector enough, you seriously have to maker sure you put in on correctly though but once you do just sit back and relax.

As for the scratch resistant coating I suppose it was still too expensive at the time. New technologies are only as good as they are affordable.[/QUOTE]

Anytime we make any threads no one should speak until Alpha 2 does.
I keep mine in a soft sunglasses bag like the ones you would put your oaklies in. Seems to keep scratches away pretty well as I have none so far. I don't know how durable it will be yet but feels very heavy for its size and seems to me it would break a lot easier than my gameboy advance sp.
[quote name='spyhunterk19']Anytime we make any threads no one should speak until Alpha 2 does.[/QUOTE]

He's just saying that you're very well spoken, and you usually make a ton of great points when you discuss a subject.

By the way, Nice art in the links in your sig. :applause:
Besides tons of reports of dead pixels?

I luckily had no dead pixels, but instead have little 'dimpels' in the glass screen...Thats Sony Quality for you. I remember flipping my PSX on its bottom, PS2 with DREs, and now, PSPs with dead pixels and impels...yep, Quality Sony. Sigh. But I do love my PSP for emulation...and thats it.
I can't believe you are posting in this topic.

The OP, jkam, is a rabid Nintendo fanboy, slamming Sony products in almost every single post.

And the dead pixel (and dimple problems) are extremely rare, it's just that morons like you come on the internet and whine (or are Nintendo fanboys pretending to have a PSP) instead of exchanging it for a new one.
IMO only Sony's game machines have suspect product quality. My Sony camera, CD player, DVD player, Multiple televisions, and even my old walkman, still function like new without any problems... ever. :whistle2:k
[quote name='Quackzilla']I can't believe you are posting in this topic.

The OP, jkam, is a rabid Nintendo fanboy, slamming Sony products in almost every single post.

And the dead pixel (and dimple problems) are extremely rare, it's just that morons like you come on the internet and whine (or are Nintendo fanboys pretending to have a PSP) instead of exchanging it for a new one.[/QUOTE]

Extremly rare? Do a search on topics from the first week the PSP came out, you'll find tons of threads/posts about people with the same problem.

But yes, claim me to be a Nintendo fanboy when I OWN a PSP with 8 games.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Not to be a jerk, but seriously? Try dropping both of them from the same height. I seriously doubt the PSP would take abuse very well.[/QUOTE]

It's Quackzilla. He's a Sony fanboy. You just have to accept that he will always say things like this.
Okay believe it or not this is a true story. My former employee (got married, was moving) got into a nasty car accident. Flipped over a lot, he was thrown out. Everything was fucked up royally, total loss on the car. He and his wife are okay now though. He always kept his PSP in the sony black case, so I'm going to assume it was in there. They found his system somewhere but the screen was crushed. about the left 1/5th of the screen still worked and the system actually still worked. If it made out that well during that kind of accident, then it can handle a small drop fine. As long as it's in at least a small case of some kind.
I don't have any scratches (just a few dead pixels..) but the build is definatly week. The UMD slot looks like it is going to break off and the side silver part on mine makes noises if I press it. A gameboy SP is definatly more durable.
In the brief few hours I've had with my brand-new PSP, I've been impressed by a number of its features. The one thing I'm not impressed with, however, is the build quality. Some parts seem quite flimsy, and I've got a stuck pixel. It's a very nice machine, but I'm not sure how long it will last.
[quote name='gizmogc']Extremly rare? Do a search on topics from the first week the PSP came out, you'll find tons of threads/posts about people with the same problem.

But yes, claim me to be a Nintendo fanboy when I OWN a PSP with 8 games.[/QUOTE]

Yes, extremely rare. Over a million PSP units were sold, there were about 2,000 message board complaints (that took me a while to find (many google searches), so appreciate it), and about 12,000 topics on the subject (vast majority asking about it, and about if they were common or not).

Less than one in one hundred have a dead pixel, no big deal Sony will replace it.

Why do people keep saying that it is a common problem? It's not!

Why don't YOU make a cheap six sigma (6/1,000,000 error ratio) manufacturing process for small high resolution high dot pitch LCD displays?

I am a fanboy for pointing out the facts? That word is being thrown around a bit too much. (I didn't call you a fanboy by the way).
[quote name='Quackzilla']Yes, extremely rare. Over a million PSP units were sold, there were about 2,000 message board complaints (that took me a while to find (many google searches), so appreciate it), and about 12,000 topics on the subject (vast majority asking about it, and about if they were common or not).

Less than one in one hundred have a dead pixel, no big deal Sony will replace it.

Why do people keep saying that it is a common problem? It's not!

Why don't YOU make a cheap six sigma (6/1,000,000 error ratio) manufacturing process for small high resolution high dot pitch LCD displays?

I am a fanboy for pointing out the facts? That word is being thrown around a bit too much. (I didn't call you a fanboy by the way).[/QUOTE]

That's sort of an interesting post...considering this post (see below) on this very board which shows about 1 out of every 2 PSP's with a dead pixel.

I believe Sony also stated a magic number of dead pixels to be 7 or more they will replace it. That doesn't sound like a quick fix to me. I have a PSP with 2 dead pixels....which isn't a big deal because I bought it to play games and they aren't noticeable during gameplay. The truth is though Sony makes shitty hardware plain and simple. Not only that but they don't really care enough to stand behind their products and fix the issue right off the bat. Who is the rabid fanboy Quackie?
[quote name='jkam']The truth is though Sony makes shitty hardware plain and simple. Not only that but they don't really care enough to stand behind their products and fix the issue right off the bat. Who is the rabid fanboy Quackie?[/QUOTE]
Are we in some sort of parallel dimension where saying a system doesn't suck makes you a fanboy?
[quote name='Quackzilla']Are we in some sort of parallel dimension where saying a system doesn't suck makes you a fanboy?[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind, not everyine that purchases a PSP 1. cares they have a dead pixel 2. goes online to let everyone know. 3. returned to store as soon as they saw it.

The numbers are higher then 1%. Thats 1 out of 100 people that purchased a PSP got a dead pixel. BS.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Are we in some sort of parallel dimension where saying a system doesn't suck makes you a fanboy?[/QUOTE]

No blindly making up facts about the dead pixel issue does :)
[quote name='Quackzilla']You are trolling, I'm not.[/QUOTE]

I think I'm going to change my avatar and post more positive Sony comments so I don't get the wonderful RNF marker. I like Sony its just they don't make quality hardware...that doesn't mean I would skip on their products either. I'll keep coming back for the wide range of games they offer on the system. After having Sony products in general (Playstations, TVs, Stereos) crap out on me after little use I won't praise their hardware where its not warranted. Its pretty obvious when Sony writes in their own PSP hardware manual that dead\stuck pixels are not an issue that they don't give a crap. I'd rather see every single PSP with a dead pixel get returned and fixed but that will never happen.
[quote name='Quackzilla']You are trolling, I'm not.[/QUOTE] is his topic and not yours, if I'm not mistaken.
[quote name='alongx'] is his topic and not yours, if I'm not mistaken.[/QUOTE]
And it's a PSP sucks topic in a PSP forum.

And jkam, no matter how much effort you put into flaming Sony and their products it is not going to fail.

The PS2 is the #1 selling console for a reason, and it's not because people are replacing them like you said in another flame topic.

And how can you say Sony makes crappy TVs? Fanboyism towards a console is one thing, but to say the second best TV company (Toshiba is better) in the world makes crappy TVs is just stupid.

My Sony Trinitron is the best TV I have ever had, and I have had quite a few televisions.
[quote name='Quackzilla']And it's a PSP sucks topic in a PSP forum.

And jkam, no matter how much effort you put into flaming Sony and their products it is not going to fail.

The PS2 is the #1 selling console for a reason, and it's not because people are replacing them like you said in another flame topic.

And how can you say Sony makes crappy TVs? Fanboyism towards a console is one thing, but to say the second best TV company (Toshiba is better) in the world makes crappy TVs is just stupid.

My Sony Trinitron is the best TV I have ever had, and I have had quite a few televisions.[/QUOTE]

I never said the PSP would fail. Why would I want a console I own to fail? I also said time and time again Sony had the #1 console because of the games. I just think the margain it beat everyone else out by was a little bit bigger because of multiple systems. My gripe with Sony is from personal expierence with their products and nothing more. If everything you ever bought from Sony works perfectly that's great.
[quote name='Quackzilla']And it's a PSP sucks topic in a PSP forum.

And jkam, no matter how much effort you put into flaming Sony and their products it is not going to fail.

The PS2 is the #1 selling console for a reason, and it's not because people are replacing them like you said in another flame topic.

And how can you say Sony makes crappy TVs? Fanboyism towards a console is one thing, but to say the second best TV company (Toshiba is better) in the world makes crappy TVs is just stupid.

My Sony Trinitron is the best TV I have ever had, and I have had quite a few televisions.[/QUOTE]

Wow, next time work in a retail enviroment that sells videogame systems before claiming that no one replaces there PS2...because you wouldbe surprised how many PS2 DRE's I use to get in EVERY week.
[quote name='gizmogc']Wow, next time work in a retail enviroment that sells videogame systems before claiming that no one replaces there PS2...because you wouldbe surprised how many PS2 DRE's I use to get in EVERY week.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say NOBODY replaces their PS2, I just said not EVERYONE does like jkam insinuated.

You are splitting hairs, fanboy.
[quote name='Quackzilla']I didn't say NOBODY replaces their PS2, I just said not EVERYONE does like jkam insinuated.

You are splitting hairs, fanboy.[/QUOTE]

I wouldnt be talking, you havent said a negitive thing about Sony yet. You are the Fanboy. Listen to you sticking up for Sony on everything. Did you even read the first post, he asked what other people thought about Sonys product
durability. He didnt write "PSP SUCKS, IT breaks AND Stuff." He asked what other people thought about it. About the quality of Sonys things, i have to go with lots of the other people and say the quailty isnt that good. When the things work, they work really good but they dont last long.

About 6 months ago the tube on my Sony TV went out. Cost me about 200$ to fix, had the TV for about 4 or 5 years. I have a Zenith tv which is about 25 years old and it works like it did the day i bought it.

Im not syaying that every sony makes is going to break though. I have a Sony stereo which has worked great for about 4 years so far and no problems. A sony DVD player which works great.
My Sony VCR which was only about 1.5 to 2 years old at the time, broke about a year ago.
My first PSX i got, about a year after they came out had a problem where the games screen bounced. Had to send it in for a new one, the new one only laster about 3 years. My PS2 is an old one. One of the first. It has had no DRE's for PS2 games, but it doesnt play the ps1 games anymore for some reason.

Overall, i am trying to say that Sony makes ok products but there are some problems with them and the arent the greatest quality.
Before you start calling other people "fanboys" you should look back at all of your posts cause i have and you are the biggest fanboy of them all.

OH and if you think i am some kind of Nintendo fanboy now, i will say that my DS has 2 dead pixles and alot do, but it will still last longer than any PSP i buy. But then again Nintendo will replace them right away(Unlike a certain Sony company).
You paid $200 to fix a 5 year old TV?

And just because I don't bash Sony PSP, PS2, and televisions doesn't make me a fanboy.

I don't bash Nintendo products either.
it was more like 3 to 4 years old actually. It wasnt worth buying a new one because it cost alot to buy in the first place. Big Screen tv. I got it fixed about 6 months ago and it looks as good as new.
bread's done