The Quadruple Accusations today on da Big Cheese


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What a day D:!

updated, not a very good day for the White House
Bush is asking for $10.6 million in 2007 for the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace in Yorba Linda, Calif., 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles. The money will help the National Archives and Records Administration build an addition to house Nixon's records - including, eventually, the Watergate tapes - and pay for staff and operations......

President Nixon has been the only modern president without a federal library in the National Archives presidential library system. It began with President Hoover's library in Iowa.

Ya, it's not related to the above allegations. But it sure is symbolic that bush, with all these allegations surfacing, would be the president to finally build the nixon library.
[quote name='mykevermin']Man, the media has a huge hardon for that pic of Abramoff, don't they?[/QUOTE]

You mean you don't?
Not a good day for Reid either. But, of course, it's only a republican scandal and no democrat, I repeat, no democrat has ever, I repeat, ever taken one cent, I repeat, one cent from jack abramoff.

Also Friday, an Associated Press report showed that the Democrat who's been leading the attacks portraying Abramoff's activities as a Republican scandal had extensive contacts of his own with the lobbyist.

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid wrote at least four letters helpful to Indian tribes represented by Abramoff. The Nevada senator's staff also regularly had contact with the lobbyist's team about legislation affecting other clients.

The activities are detailed in billing records and correspondence obtained by The Associated Press. They occurred over three years as Reid collected nearly $68,000 in donations from Abramoff's firm, partners and clients.

Reid's office acknowledged having "routine contacts" with Abramoff's lobbying partners and intervening on some matters, but said none of his actions were affected by donations.
Abramoff - Got caught and will give up his own mother to be spared jail time

Brown - Got caught with his pants down and will do anything to avoid another congressional neutering

Libby - Got caught lying to a grand jury and will do anything to avoid jail time

Pillar - was a 30 year institutionalized part of the organization responsible for reprehensible lapses in intelligence gathering during his tenure and wants to blame others for his own mistakes and shortcomings.

At least the shysters associated with the Clinton regime has the good sense to either kill themselves, or took their jail time like a man (or woman) instead of crying like freaking babies.
[quote name='bmulligan']Not a good day for Reid either. But, of course, it's only a republican scandal and no democrat, I repeat, no democrat has ever, I repeat, ever taken one cent, I repeat, one cent from jack abramoff.[/QUOTE]

Read the story before you buy the spin, bmulligan. Reid opposed Abramoff's positions. He received no money from the lobbyist. The services he performed for the tribes are those you would expect from the representative of Las Vegas, gambling mecca of the universe.

So your point is.....?
[quote name='dennis_t']Read the story before you buy the spin, bmulligan. Reid opposed Abramoff's positions. He received no money from the lobbyist. The services he performed for the tribes are those you would expect from the representative of Las Vegas, gambling mecca of the universe.

So your point is.....?[/QUOTE]

I did read the story. Please tell me if there are too many big words in it that you don't understand and I'll try to interpret them for you into dumbglish. You might also want to explain why Reid isn't under scrutiny for doing favors for the indian tribes when he's supposed to be representing the people. We're supposed to take his word that tribe donations had no effect on his positions? Do you have a genetic predisposition for naivete ?

here is the text from the quoted article:

Hey mullet, no charges or hell even accusations have been leveled at the Tribes.

You are trying to pull a "look over there!" and it doesnt make you look very good.
bmug... Please don't act smug if the article you posted proves you to be a dumbass. It's embarassing. Obviously lobbyist and congress people exist in DC. That is nothing new. (see PAD story about the House majority leader). Any idiot can find a "connection" between the two. But you actually have to do some research before you claim Reid guilty.

Most were to discuss Democratic legislation that would have applied the U.S. minimum wage to the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory and Abramoff client, but would have given the islands a temporary break on the wage rate, the billing records show.

What the article curiously doesn't mention is that from start to finish Reid was the co-sponsor of the bill Abramoff's clients wanted to defeat. In fact, Abramoff deputy Ronald Platt mention in the piece (but not interviewed) confirmed Saturday that Reid remained opposed to what Abramoff and his clients wanted.

as for the rest of the piece which suggest Reid helped his donors. Is this your first day on earth?
[quote name='Msut77']Hey mullet, no charges or hell even accusations have been leveled at the Tribes.

You are trying to pull a "look over there!" and it doesnt make you look very good.[/QUOTE]

No, I'm quoting the article you claimed I didn't read. As it turns out, you must not be able to read. Dumbglish must still be too difficult a dialect for your virgin ears. I'm not pointing for the sake of misdirection, but then again your crosseyed glance can't see the forest for the trees.

[quote name='usickenme']as for the rest of the piece which suggest Reid helped his donors. Is this your first day on earth?[/QUOTE]
Reid helped his donors, great. When republicans do this it's criminal, but when democrats do this it's what they're supposed to do. Yes, I must be an alien from another planet who can't seem to deal with this illogical world you've created for yourselves down here. I'll beam back to my ship while you people destroy yourselves by continuously voting for these people and clinging to the belief that they want to help you and are looking out for your best interests.
I claimed no such thing Mullet.

Either way you managed to make another post without answering or making a point of any kind.
im tired of the press. the only thing worth watching anymore is CNN, and thats only to make sure that someone hasnt blow up the world yet considering i live in the middle of no where
[quote name='Msut77']
Either way you managed to make another post without answering or making a point of any kind.[/QUOTE]

Considering it's in response to one of your mindless, pointless, and unsolicited jabs, it's not suprising you wouldn't get anything out of it.
[quote name='ScottieBiscottie']im tired of the press. the only thing worth watching anymore is CNN, and thats only to make sure that someone hasnt blow up the world yet considering i live in the middle of no where[/QUOTE]

Why watch a channel that willingly went into business with Saddam Hussein, trading access for more favorable reporting?
[quote name='elprincipe']Why watch a channel that willingly went into business with Saddam Hussein, trading access for more favorable reporting?[/QUOTE]

Well, to be fair, the alternative is Fox News.
[quote name='evanft']Well, to be fair, the alternative is Fox News.[/QUOTE]

I guess I don't have the "liberal allergic reaction" to Fox News, although there are plenty of other sources, especially when considering the Internet (just make sure you use reputable sites).
[quote name='elprincipe']I guess I don't have the "liberal allergic reaction" to Fox News, although there are plenty of other sources, especially when considering the Internet (just make sure you use reputable sites).[/QUOTE]

Imbedded reporting had the same goal essentially, trading access for more favorable reporting.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Imbedded reporting had the same goal essentially, trading access for more favorable reporting.[/QUOTE]

Did the embedded reporters make deals to report favorably in exchange for that access? I haven't seen any evidence this is the case, although I'd be interested to read anything indicating that. Given the coverage of the war in the media, I don't think the military's been very effective with the plan you say they had.
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