The Star Trek III (Back from the Dead) Thread

[quote name='ITDEFX']Now see this is why I prefer the First Contact cube vs the Q who one... now it really looks like a kit bash :( [/QUOTE]

It's a little unfair to compare those shots. The First Contact one is farther away from the camera, so the flaws and model nature are going to be obscured.

The Q-Who one is much closer to the camera. Of the SD/HD difference stills, the one with the explosion is, I think, the most impressive. The before picture is a blurry mess and the HD remaster shows detail and really hints at the scale of the cube.

It's also going to be moving, so that will help.
It's the lighting/color that makes it look horrible, it's a light grey color, whereas later it was either a darker grey or black. Just darkening it some would help, but I guess without the green glow it would be hard to see against a mostly black background.
The first shot of the borg cube in First Contact got pretty close to see a good amount of detail. They could have tweaked the lighting of the cube.
Anyone want a pair of freebies, assuming you'll pick up shipping on them?

I have a Star Fleet Technical Manual ( and Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual ( that I'd like to find a new home.

The Medical Reference Manual is in excellent shape, the Technical Manual is in fair-to-good shape.

It would be free, though if someone would cover shipping charges, that would be great. Maybe $6 or so for shipping.

If interested, shoot me a PM. First come, first serve.
Hmm I wonder what shall I do with the discs that were replaced during the season 1 mastering issue situation? They are just sitting around?
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Review of season 2:

Planets are mostly shit, and some spotty compositing but seems like a good effort otherwise.[/QUOTE]

I know I read that too :|

It's too bad about some of the planets. There is still grain on space scenes!!! God damn it that's gotta stop!

At this point they need to just redo all space scenes in CG. Enterprise had very good space scenes (but BSG did it better).
Alright it's been a couple of months but I never got to have my DS9 discussion.

I really thought it was disingenuous how Kira got with Odo. She one day just started feelin' him and it looked poorly done. I would have rather had an unrequited love or best friends storyline.

The way the Dominion war ended was some BULL. Why is it that Odo and the changeling chick linked multiple times but only the last time did she see Odo's point of view?

They took a long running prophet/wormhole alien storyline and turned it into a good vs. evil storyline with Dukat taking the role of a Bajoran demon.

So many things about the last season just seemed so lazy. Want an objective example? Ezri Dax
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[quote name='davo1224']Alright it's been a couple of months but I never got to have my DS9 discussion.

I really thought it was disingenuous how Kira got with Odo. She one day just started feelin' him and it looked poorly done. I would have rather had an unrequited love or best friends storyline.

The way the Dominion war ended was some BULL. Why is it that Odo and the changeling chick linked multiple times but only the last time did she see Odo's point of view?

They took a long running prophet/wormhole alien storyline and turned it into a good vs. evil storyline with Dukat taking the role of a Bajoran demon.

So many things about the last season just seemed so lazy. Want an objective example? Ezri Dax

oh get over it. It was pretty good.
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My biggest gripe with the series finale was that they killed Sisko. Only time the captain of the show has ever been killed off like that. Hell, kill Janeway if you just gotta kill a captain.
[quote name='Clak']My biggest gripe with the series finale was that they killed Sisko. Only time the captain of the show has ever been killed off like that. Hell, kill Janeway if you just gotta kill a captain.[/QUOTE]

She did die a few times...only to be brought back via Voyager's Reset button.......god damn reset button :(

I don't think Sisko died remember........he's with the Prophets.
Sisko didn't die! He became an energy being and moved into the wormhole.

The re-launch novels are pretty great stuff. Sisko's return is somewhat epic! Unrelated to Sisko, even if you're not a licensed fiction reader, I suggest the Garek book A Stitch in Time.
DS9 was supposed to get a movie which went into all that but of course, never happened.

They did take shortcuts in the last season. Like how they
destroyed the Defiant and said wait a minute, we have all these special effects shots in the can already, we need to bring the ship back with the same name and number.

Watch Babylon 5 if you haven't, they'll show you how long story arcs and plot points set up years in advance are done.
[quote name='dafoomie']DS9 was supposed to get a movie which went into all that but of course, never happened.

They did take shortcuts in the last season. Like how they
destroyed the Defiant and said wait a minute, we have all these special effects shots in the can already, we need to bring the ship back with the same name and number.

Watch Babylon 5 if you haven't, they'll show you how long story arcs and plot points set up years in advance are done.[/QUOTE]

Voyager was to get a movie as well...
Just a reminder folks that the two episode season 2 event is tonight at 7pm in select theaters. My wife and I are going.....lets hope that I can make a trekker out of her with these two episodes...and NO I AM NOT GETTING OUT OF MY SEAT TO GET A REFILL LOL!

Anyways.....looks like BB will have season 2 BR for 65 dollars next week.... A 5 dollar increase from season 1 is not bad at all! I can use my 100 dollar GC to help pay for that, Nemo, Batman and Ted.
I realize it's a fairly old series, but I'm 6 episodes away from finishing DS9 and would have appreciated some spoiler tags regarding Sisko's fate. I know not all plot details can be treated with care given the age of these series, but it's a pretty crucial and central detail regarding a main character. Hadn't been to the thread in awhile and in the past I'd seen a bit more discretion regarding that kinda stuff.

Aside from that, I've been enjoying DS9 and I can see why so many people (including a close friend of mine) regard it as their favorite Trek.
[quote name='Clak']Darth Vader also dies.[/QUOTE]

And Voyager gets back to Earth! Crazy, right?

Anyway, johnnypark, don't worry about it -- most of what has been said is vague enough that nothing much has been spoiled.

Just in case, though, the thing that disappointed me the most was
the final confrontation with Dukat. I've talked about this before, but that just struck me as the biggest anticlimax ever.

All those weeks of Dukat and Winn scheming, all the stuff with the Prophets vs. the Pah Wraiths, all the "He is the Sisko" stuff boiled down to the Prophets needing someone to push Dukat off a cliff. They would have been better off with a bulldozer.

[quote name='ITDEFX']oh get over it. It was pretty good.[/QUOTE]

I think this is the frustrating part. It was pretty good. It should have been amazing. It should have been great. The last season was lazy in a lot of ways. They had all that time to decide what to do with all the players and I honestly think they could have come up with something better.

It is yet another indication that there never was much long-term planning on any Trek show, even though that's the very thing that made DS9 thrive. I'm still kind of astonished that they
kept going right through to the very last episode with the war and the prophets and all that. They left no time for closure or goodbyes or wrapping things up, except for that miserable montage. That's Writing 101 right there, for both things. Always have a denoument. If you have to use a montage, you're doing it wrong and you're basically admitting you have no idea what to do and all your best material came way before.

I do think it was a matter of priorities. It was (incomprehensibly) important to give the Ferengi some kind of resolution, and they budgeted time for such pressing matters as Ezri's family drama and holodeck baseball. I do wish someone had thought to budget some time for less important things like Garak and Kira and the fates of both Cardassia and Bajor.

I do think they should get a pass for Ezri Dax. There really wasn't much they could do. Casting changes like that interrupt the flow and the vibe and can make hash of a series, and there isn't really time to build up the new character and take her somewhere interesting in the final season. This happened to Babylon 5, too. I know I believe that Season 5 would have been a lot better had Claudia Christian not departed.

Ezri wasn't the fault of the actress, who did everything she could. I could blame the writers, but I think they tried. It just wasn't going to be something that was ever going to be great. It's a minor accomplishment that it wasn't awful, and Nicole de Boer deserves a gold star for making the best of a bad situation.
Just came back from the Fanthom Event. The picture quality wasn't that great.... I noticed a LOT of purple fringing throughout both episodes. The perspective of the cube was NOT fixed :( Dialog mix was low, but sound effects and music were high.
The measure of a man extended cut was WELL DONE. Well worth watching. I won't spoil it but there is a scene in Ten Forward of that episode that just really made everyone laugh.

Before the event they had some documentary about the remastering process and so on.

The roundtable preview was pretty good. The outtakes were hilarious.

oh yeah I forgot how hot Ensign Sonya Gomez was in Q Who.

Really too bad her character was never developed :(

They showed a trailer for the Season 3 BR. It looks really good.. No time frame though.

There were no freebees sadly.
[quote name='ITDEFX']They showed a trailer for the Season 3 BR. It looks really good.. No time frame though.[/QUOTE]Since they released two seasons across a few months, I'd guess March or April 2013 for S3, July/August for S4 and December for S5.

Assuming they were working on the seasons in some sense of staggered parallel development.
[quote name='ITDEFX']
Anyways.....looks like BB will have season 2 BR for 65 dollars next week.... A 5 dollar increase from season 1 is not bad at all! I can use my 100 dollar GC to help pay for that, Nemo, Batman and Ted.[/QUOTE]

Awesome news. I've been waiting to see Best Buy's price. Folks, I hope it goes without saying to submit a price alert to Amazon.

I too went to the showing. I echo pretty much everything ITDEFX said. Season 3 looks incredible-glorious thanks to the geniuses at CBS-Digital... I can only hope they don't try to rush the further seasons by continuing to use the other team. At the moment, NOTHING beyond season 3 has been officially scheduled (though as Shrike notes, they did mention their hope to stagger the development between the two teams to get the sets out quicker), so there is still time for CBS to come to their senses, and not rush things.

Love most of the deleted scenes.
Extra scene with Geordi was touching, the scene in Ten-Forward ITDEFX alludes to wonderful and hilarious.

One scene in particular, though...
I think the only scene that doesn't fit in and is a detriment to the episode is Riker coming in during Picard's fencing lesson to boast about how he was going to try his best, and not pull any punches. The original cut of the episode PERFECTLY encapsulates Riker's natural competitive nature, and his complete unwillingless to do something that could hurt his friend and comrade-- the scene where he's viewing Data's schematics, and a gleeful smile erupts on his face when he realizes he has the crucial element needed for his prosecution. Almost immediately, he feels guilty and the shit eating grin evaporates. The boasting scene with Picard that takes place before that is just out of place with what Riker's character is feeling-- any sort of pride about the proceeding to decide his friend's fate could and should only take place pretty much as they depicted. IMHO, of course.

Overall though, make sure you see the extended cut of Measure of a Man. Buy the set, rent the set, borrow the disk from your friend. Something. It's truly a wonderful watch.
[quote name='shrike4242']Since they released two seasons across a few months, I'd guess March or April 2013 for S3, July/August for S4 and December for S5.

Assuming they were working on the seasons in some sense of staggered parallel development.[/QUOTE]

Oh are March/April. I really hope Enterprise does not come out that same day or else my wallet is gonna be hurting :(

[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Awesome news. I've been waiting to see Best Buy's price. Folks, I hope it goes without saying to submit a price alert to Amazon.

I too went to the showing. I echo pretty much everything ITDEFX said. Season 3 looks incredible-glorious thanks to the geniuses at CBS-Digital... I can only hope they don't try to rush the further seasons by continuing to use the other team. At the moment, NOTHING beyond season 3 has been officially scheduled (though as Shrike notes, they did mention their hope to stagger the development between the two teams to get the sets out quicker), so there is still time for CBS to come to their senses, and not rush things.

Love most of the deleted scenes.
Extra scene with Geordi was touching, the scene in Ten-Forward ITDEFX alludes to wonderful and hilarious.

One scene in particular, though...
I think the only scene that doesn't fit in and is a detriment to the episode is Riker coming in during Picard's fencing lesson to boast about how he was going to try his best, and not pull any punches. The original cut of the episode PERFECTLY encapsulates Riker's natural competitive nature, and his complete unwillingless to do something that could hurt his friend and comrade-- the scene where he's viewing Data's schematics, and a gleeful smile erupts on his face when he realizes he has the crucial element needed for his prosecution. Almost immediately, he feels guilty and the shit eating grin evaporates. The boasting scene with Picard that takes place before that is just out of place with what Riker's character is feeling-- any sort of pride about the proceeding to decide his friend's fate could and should only take place pretty much as they depicted. IMHO, of course.

Overall though, make sure you see the extended cut of Measure of a Man. Buy the set, rent the set, borrow the disk from your friend. Something. It's truly a wonderful watch.[/QUOTE]

I really think the Q Who episode needed more effects touch up. They got a bit lazy and reused that weird computer animation of the borg ship rebuilding itself. They could have done something in that scene where Data was looking at a wall with a tricorder and then telling everyone else that the ship is being repaired. Even some minor CG would have helped that scene.
I really enjoyed the event last night and am hoping they'll do one for season 3 (I think they will...two episodes were previewed at end). There weren't any glaring issues that made the showing unbearable but it did take what seemed like forever to go through all of Fathom event commercials and it cut off one of the interviews.

The Measure of a Man was like you guys mentioned: amazing. I love pretty much anything showcasing Data because I'm a big fan of the character. It was pretty cool to see the Borg ship on the big screen again but I do agree with ITDEFX that they should have touched it up a bit more.
I am guessing "Sins of the Father"....well because you know they keep on praising the shit out of it for one the episodes and of course Yesterday's enterprise. If they don't have YE on the list...I'm gonna be pissed..but then again I most likely am going to be teaching that night ...sigh...can't take a day off lol.

I wonder though... Are they going to do BOBW part 1 and 2 back to back as a movie per say? Then again would you rather have just part 1 or YE?
Something that randomly bothered me recently...

In the Star Trek Voyager Episode Learning Curve (the one where the 4 Maqius crew members had to test with Tuxok)...

...Tuxok requires them to get in 100% correct dress code, removing Bajorin ear piece, a necklace, etc.

How was Worf allowed to be out of dress code for 7 seasons?
Picard was far less strict on things like dress code.

Deanna is a great example. She was out of uniform for something like five seasons until Jellico came aboard and yelled at her.
[quote name='UncleBob']Picard was far less strict on things like dress code.

Deanna is a great example. She was out of uniform for something like five seasons until Jellico came aboard and yelled at her.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Tony Stark']Something that randomly bothered me recently...

In the Star Trek Voyager Episode Learning Curve (the one where the 4 Maqius crew members had to test with Tuxok)...

...Tuxok requires them to get in 100% correct dress code, removing Bajorin ear piece, a necklace, etc.

How was Worf allowed to be out of dress code for 7 seasons?[/QUOTE] sells............. Plus do you really want to tell Worf he can't wear his family sash ? He would kill you in a second.
That documentary was interesting, I had seen it linked from one of the Trek sites. The process is intensely intricate, and time consuming. All the more reason to be appreciative that CBS is fronting the dough for something so unprecedentedly cool. And I hope it pays off big time for them so they DS9.

In other cool news, Amazon matched Best Buy. 64.99, smooth as butter.
I am really wondering if the crew who worked on DS9 did just a good of a job as the crew that did TNG? From all the documentaries , it sounded like everything was well organized for TNG. I really wouldn't mind some more CG for DS9. I know that they started using it for season 2 and up.
I would hope so so. The two seconds of upconverted footage of Riker in season 1 is hilarious, but also a true testament to the preservation of the show. We're lucky it was only two seconds!
Opinion about the 9 minutes/Hobbit thing...

...when they did it for the Dark Knight Rises, it was the beginning scene which barely told any info about the movie... moral of the story is take it as going to see a 9 minute Star Trek movie on its own, do not expect a massive storm of info about the full film
[quote name='Tony Stark']Opinion about the 9 minutes/Hobbit thing...

...when they did it for the Dark Knight Rises, it was the beginning scene which barely told any info about the movie... moral of the story is take it as going to see a 9 minute Star Trek movie on its own, do not expect a massive storm of info about the full film[/QUOTE]

That's not the point dude. It's all part of a marketing ploy. It's to do two things, force people to go see it (the hobbit)in IMAX 3d (to make more sales) and to get people hyped up about the new movie. It's funny though, it was said that there was suppose to be a preview for Spiderman infront of MIB3 in the IMAX 3d theaters only, yet it showed infront of the normal 2d version...hmm..

I don't care for LOTR or the Hobbit.. The trailer will show up online (both the short and full) in some capacity in the future. Just wait it out.

In other news, just started watching TNG season 2. The opening shot of the enterprise with the repulse (Excellsior class) from the Child episode was jaw dropping wow! :bouncy:
However holy grain hell batman.........almost ALL bridge scenes are grainy as hell. Anything outside of the bridge looks great.

About to watch the hybrid cut of Measure of a man next.

Explosions look great! When the enterprise destroys the Lantri (sp?), it has a nice boom to it.

There are some shots that look like they just CG'ed the ship though :|

HOLY SHIT :hot::hot::hot::hot:

Either the blond chick is Janice Rand or Carol Marcus.

Based on the few shots, I am thinking the enterprise does get damaged to the point of either destroyed or requiring a major refit.

I think they are trying to tease Spock's death but unlikely.

EDIT: Ok, Trek core posted some shots

Looks like the Nacelle gets damaged.

So this is more of a domestic terrorist type movie....hmm...
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The thing that gets me is seeing Cumberbatch jump around like that ,
Hes gotta be Khan right? I was hoping he was Gary Mitchel but it doesnt seem like he has godlike powers just super powers
Just finished DS9 last night. Overall I really enjoyed it. Some thoughts:

As someone else previously commented, stringing Dukat out on the Pah Wraith storyline took too long. They could have killed him at the end of season 6 after he killed Jadzia or shortly thereafter. Even the episode with him leading the Pah Wraith cult was interesting, but keeping him around until the last episode just for a quick, dumb death seemed too last-minute. Killing him earlier would have allowed for a better focus on the Dominion War.

Speaking of that... the first half of the last season is spent dicking around in the holodeck. Vic Fontaine added a cool element to the show but I think the senior staff all have better things to do during wartime than to spend so much time with a hologram.

I liked Ezri well enough, but she felt tacked on. The show was ending, so they could have just left Dax off and it would have been fine. Although I did enjoy the dynamics with her and Worf trying to resolve the awkwardness of their new friendship.

I also think Kira should have been involved in confronting Kai Winn since they always had such a confrontational relationship. If Kira and Sisko could have gone to stop them together I think I would have felt better about the ending.

These aren't major gripes, though. It's hard to end a series like this and overall I thought the series as a whole as great.
^ I've never had an issue with the Dukat/Winn final arc line
You've got two great actors, Louise Fletcher and Marc Alaimo chewing up the scenery. (Cant forget Solbor , he was great too!)I do agree they should have left Dax dead.All that worf/ezri/bashir stuff was contrived. (I did love the transporter bullet sniper rifle episode tho. (If the bullet is transported , why does it also have to be a sniper rifle? :p Like, why not just a transporter for a weapon? And then you can beam peoples hearts into their butts?)

No discussion of S7 can be had without talking about Take Me Out to the Holosuite. Its the pimple on the ass of all star trek. Insult to injury this episode was written by the same dude that re-imagined Galactica. (Which I love) Whats up with that?
It seems to be a rule that any Trek show (which has a holodeck) must have at least one cheesy holodeck episode. It's practically tradition I think.
bread's done