The "Stay Classy, Obama" Thread

[quote name='mykevermin']Oh, lordy. Another one who things that the cross must be on fire in order for it to be called racism.

Far too many false negatives - a system of false negatives! - would emerge from your vantage point.

I bet you think the ideal society is a "colorblind" one, don't you? yes?[/QUOTE]

Nice assumption, you've made that same point twice and it was stupid the first time. Evidently you lack an understanding of racism, and spend too much time with your head inside of a book instead of the real world. As for the rest of your post, i am quite lost with what you're babbling about, but pretty sure your wild pre conceived ideas are a bit amiss to say the least.

Do we really need this liberal nazi mindset? Where racism is a weapon a tool and one often resorted to because it's an easy get out clause? Because that's the main use of racism i see in the western world these days.

And instead of saying false negatives or making up things, actually point out anything i said that's incorrect or not applicable to society we live in?

There's simply too many ignorant people who will happily label people racist based on minor nothings in a senseless parade of somehow acting like they've achieved something.

There are many people who associate anti immigration views with racism, there are people who do not associate certain colors, ethnic groups with racism. It's one big ignorant cycle thanks to this mindset.
[quote name='granturismo']Judging by what exactly in the post? Describe to me how the current mindset is benefiting society. It's not it's creating zombies who shout RACIST when somebody says white or black. I am not interested in discussing anything with close minded people to be honest with you.[/QUOTE]
If a white person uses racist language and/or historically racist imagery against someone who's black, what would you call it?

You still haven't answered why you think you're so qualified or answered if you think there's a war on Christmas. Yes, they're related. I also have another question for you: Why do you think there's a Black History Month?
If this conversation was going the other way and someone else was throwing out the "War on Christmas" question, I *swear* we'd be seeing cute little animated .gifs of strawmen being posted.
[quote name='dohdough']If a white person uses racist language and/or historically racist imagery against someone who's black, what would you call it?

You still haven't answered why you think you're so qualified or answered if you think there's a war on Christmas. Yes, they're related. I also have another question for you: Why do you think there's a Black History Month?[/QUOTE]

You said almost nothing in my post means i could possibly define what's racist. Which i find strange as my post really gives a balance fair outlook on racism, it's gotta be looked at one or another. Right now it's all over the place. So again i don't see what in my post indicates this at all.

Why do i think im so qualified. Well i am not here to tell you i am qualified to be in goverment. I am qualified enough to understand in depth what i see.
I have experiences, i see what's happening, i view mindsets and actions from every angle. I then use common sense and logic and try to form opinions from all these things. I don't have a particular agenda, or hole or flaw in my thinking. Racism is being redefined all the time and the direction now is a misrepresentation in itself.

I don't really get your christmas question, but i assume you're mixing religion and race which again is a mistake i see a lot. But often the same liberal nazi type mindset for racism is sometimes brought upon with religion, where anti muslim, anti arab sentiment is described as racist bigotry, where as anti canadian or anti christian views are thought of very differently. And this gets stuck into children, kids from an early age. And im seeing the dangerous result of that.

I said before my personal opinion on black history month. I don't care about it anyway it's 2013. The whole dynamics are completely different to when these things originated. White apologists are out of date.

Let me ask you.

Is it racist to state facts based on race? If you heard a black guy say those white people are so rude. Is he racist or is that racist?
If a white person says i wouldn't want to live in a black area, there's more crime there. Is he racist is the comment racist?

I am sure many people would label the person as racist and the comment racist, regardless of any factual merit.

Me i see nothing wrong with either comment. Both things could be what's the big deal. But there you go.
[quote name='granturismo']actually point out anything i said that's incorrect or not applicable to society we live in?[/QUOTE]

Everything that comes out of your mouth in this thread is so demonstrably off the mark that it's near impossible to pick any one thing to critique. The whole of your mindset is so preposterously fucking insipid that I don't even *know* where to start.

It's not that you're just wrong, it's that my jaw is on the floor from how dumb you are.
[quote name='granturismo']Why do i think im so qualified. Well i am not here to tell you i am qualified to be in goverment. I am qualified enough to understand in depth what i see.
I have experiences, i see what's happening, i view mindsets and actions from every angle. I then use common sense and logic and try to form opinions from all these things. I don't have a particular agenda, or hole or flaw in my thinking. Racism is being redefined all the time and the direction now is a misrepresentation in itself. [/QUOTE]

You ain't familiar with the concept of availability heuristic, are you, son?
[quote name='mykevermin']Everything that comes out of your mouth in this thread is so demonstrably off the mark that it's near impossible to pick any one thing to critique. The whole of your mindset is so preposterously fucking insipid that I don't even *know* where to start.

It's not that you're just wrong, it's that my jaw is on the floor from how dumb you are.[/QUOTE]

Yet you cannot specify one thing? Dumb because? Some people get stuck in routines, and some mindsets. If you are unable to break out of either, that is your deal. I am not dumb for basing an opinion that doesn't suit your inflexible view of things. You cannot run a marathon inside your bedroom.
[quote name='mykevermin']You ain't familiar with the concept of availability heuristic, are you, son?[/QUOTE]

Pipe down from your self made pedestal. There's a world out there, racism is not tied to down to textbooks. So either address points or actually contribute anything worthwhile. Or keep your pretentious empty nothings to yourself.
Pick one point you made and I'll work with that. You can choose your favorite, your most bulletproof, your most whatever. Go for it, tiger.
[quote name='mykevermin']Pick one point you made and I'll work with that. You can choose your favorite, your most bulletproof, your most whatever. Go for it, tiger.[/QUOTE]

You are quite strange, no? I'll pick a new point for you.

You called me dumb, probably annoyed i touched a nerve about having your head stuck in books rather than the real world. But you say i am dumb ok.

Now the topic is racism. History is history, demographic, times and numerous other things change.

Now i assume you've been to Ghetto's in the US? You've been among hispanic populations, you experience day to say issues in the US? You see how rich white old farmers talk? You have kids who go to school and mix with different community's, you've gradually see racism and racist issues change year upon year?

Right. You've lived among many different people from all types of ethnic backgrounds and worked among them also?

Or are you some aged person from the UK, who has a set out pile of beliefs and looks to 'educate' some Americans, based on 30 years of reading books? Tell me how you...can call me dumb for an opinion on racism based purely on what i experience and see day to day? Should we alter reality for the sake of it. Didn't somebody in the UK get 3 months in prison for writing the N word while drunk on twitter?( Which is my point. He got 3 months for a nothing comment. He isn't racist, it turns out he had numerous friends of all colors. People reported him the police and made a big deal of it...why? he had to suffer 3 months for a nothing comment, possibly ruining his studies, his future prospects, national humiliation, all for the crime of a minor racist word when drunk it's so stupid. Here racism wasn't an issue but it was MADE into a big issue...because?) You already straight out showed me your ignorant with your assumption from the outset. colorblind society, my views on MLK, despite me never mentioning him at all? What kind of person does that?

Maybe show some respect to why people have opinions they do, than deciding they don't fit your ideology of what should be. I experience everything i talk about up close and personal, call me crazy but im pretty sure you do not.
What in the fucking christmas crunch are you talking about? Is there even a point in there? I certainly don't see anything but three "paragraphs" of straight-up derp.

So, here's a newpaper. Someone may have told you about them, once upon a time.

If there's little to no racism:
1) how is there an employment gap at all?
2) how can the recession actually increase the gap?

I look forward to your blathering post-hoc justifications. Oh, that's a big phrase, sorry for reading books, dude.
[quote name='granturismo']You said almost nothing in my post means i could possibly define what's racist. Which i find strange as my post really gives a balance fair outlook on racism, it's gotta be looked at one or another. Right now it's all over the place. So again i don't see what in my post indicates this at all.[/quote]
If you can't define it, how can you understand it? You were accusing "liberal nazi's" of equating racial epithets to crime, so I'd say that in itself is a pretty good indicator of your lack of understanding.

Why do i think im so qualified. Well i am not here to tell you i am qualified to be in goverment. I am qualified enough to understand in depth what i see.
I have experiences, i see what's happening, i view mindsets and actions from every angle. I then use common sense and logic and try to form opinions from all these things. I don't have a particular agenda, or hole or flaw in my thinking. Racism is being redefined all the time and the direction now is a misrepresentation in itself.
Is this before or after you started throwing around terms like "violent liberal" and "liberal nazi's?"

The hole and flaw in your "thinking" is that you don't do much of it and you don't care to do research into your own opinions. Brief looks into history would tell you that your experiences are more than a little thin.

I don't really get your christmas question, but i assume you're mixing religion and race which again is a mistake i see a lot. But often the same liberal nazi type mindset for racism is sometimes brought upon with religion, where anti muslim, anti arab sentiment is described as racist bigotry, where as anti canadian or anti christian views are thought of very differently. And this gets stuck into children, kids from an early age. And im seeing the dangerous result of that.
Wow...not even close. It has more to do with people feeling persecuted because being more inclusive somehow means that they're being discriminated against in the same way they were discriminating against those that are now being included.

I said before my personal opinion on black history month. I don't care about it anyway it's 2013. The whole dynamics are completely different to when these things originated. White apologists are out of date.
Seems to me that you don't seem to know that much about the history of black people in the country either. I wonder why that is?

Let me ask you.

Is it racist to state facts based on race? If you heard a black guy say those white people are so rude. Is he racist or is that racist?
If a white person says i wouldn't want to live in a black area, there's more crime there. Is he racist is the comment racist?

I am sure many people would label the person as racist and the comment racist, regardless of any factual merit.

Me i see nothing wrong with either comment. Both things could be what's the big deal. But there you go.
Facts, by themselves, aren't necessarily racist, but context and interpretation of facts are very important to determine whether it is. Being rude is one thing, implying criminality is another.

*Go do a quick chore and come back to read some pure craziness.

edit: I don't feel like dog-piling, so I'm going to give it a rest. I was considering going with the disparity route too, but I need to control the level of crazy I read right now.
[quote name='dohdough']If you can't define it, how can you understand it? You were accusing "liberal nazi's" of equating racial epithets to crime, so I'd say that in itself is a pretty good indicator of your lack of understanding.

Is this before or after you started throwing around terms like "violent liberal" and "liberal nazi's?"

The hole and flaw in your "thinking" is that you don't do much of it and you don't care to do research into your own opinions. Brief looks into history would tell you that your experiences are more than a little thin.

Wow...not even close. It has more to do with people feeling persecuted because being more inclusive somehow means that they're being discriminated against in the same way they were discriminating against those that are now being included.

Seems to me that you don't seem to know that much about the history of black people in the country either. I wonder why that is?

Facts, by themselves, aren't necessarily racist, but context and interpretation of facts are very important to determine whether it is. Being rude is one thing, implying criminality is another.

*Go do a quick chore and come back to read some pure craziness.

edit: I don't feel like dog-piling, so I'm going to give it a rest. I was considering going with the disparity route too, but I need to control the level of crazy I read right now.[/QUOTE]

This is a mess of a post to be honest but i'll try to reply to all just for the hell of it.

You get too hooked up on the word liberal. Violent liberalism, and liberal nazi's is simply a reflection of many liberals adopting a close minded view of racism in their new redefined version to fit agendas. I understand it perfectly, and i use fair reasonable to logic to attempt to restore balance to the racism interpretation. It's simple. No need for long winded he said she said, point scoring, side picking crap. Just keep it simple.

The rest of what you said there is untrue. You've got lost and confused to what i said, fair enough sometimes i am not clear.

My understanding is fine, i cannot define racism nobody can as it can be numerous things, but you can define what is not really racism, you can define people stuck up on the whole issue when usually they are backward and misinformed themselves. Which is mainly what i have done.

''The hole and flaw in your "thinking" is that you don't do much of it and you don't care to do research into your own opinions. Brief looks into history would tell you that your experiences are more than a little thin.''

This is untrue, my opinions are based on research so how can i research my opinions what the heck. Brief look at history? It's 2013 Get with it. Racism here and now is what we talking about. It's not what it was in 1950. My experiences are very prevalent and accurate and i suggest yours are outdated. If you happen to think otherwise i wonder why? How can what i have witnessed gradually happening in a variety of places and times be thin and false? Where do you base any of this on. I mean seriously? It's just bizarre to tell someone their experiences are thin?

Where and what is thin? What history tells you that what you see everyday is incorrect. Any example i gave is one i have seen a million times. I think you must accept that you are wrong here. Do you not think violent liberalism is dangerous? Do you think labelling people racist for frivolous reasons is ok? Do you think educating the youth in a brainwashed version that selective racism is how society should be, is not going to turn out ugly? I am very concerned that somebody with your intelligence would not question himself here.

Wow...not even close. It has more to do with people feeling persecuted because being more inclusive somehow means that they're being discriminated against in the same way they were discriminating against those that are now being included. ''

Again that was your question that really was not too relevant or necessary. You created this argument for your self profiling needs im not sure why. But it really was pointless sorry to say.

''Seems to me that you don't seem to know that much about the history of black people in the country either. I wonder why that is?''

Seems to me you don't quite get that's not relevant? We are talking about you understand. Black history month is divisive. You don't think so? That's up to you. But ive been among many black people during this month and it can be divisive and bring out some very ugly comments. History is history. To me it's simple black history, white history should just fall into history. If you want to study each seperatly on your own, fair enough. To be forced to label one and teach it like that i disagree with, but it's not that big a issue. But it's important not to ingrain a mindset among kids that hey, white people owe black people. Because that does happen, on both sides. Equality means exactly that.
And even passively introducing that mindset by proxy is potentially dangerous, hence why i personally don't like the idea of black history month.

''Facts, by themselves, aren't necessarily racist, but context and interpretation of facts are very important to determine whether it is. Being rude is one thing, implying criminality is another.''

necessarily? Weird choice of word. Context used yes sure, who decides what's the context? You leave a lot of open doors. I gave you clear examples, were they racist or not in your view, i gave you mine, Simply no.

It gets old it gets boring. People need to grow up. Liberals in particular can be very condescending and contradictory, as well as having selective racism viewpoints, not all but quite a large number. I don't really consider myself liberal or anti liberal but on this particular subject i do find liberals insufferable and very ignorant. I also believe among black people racism is usually dealt with better, in that it's more open. Often i am called white A B C any insulting word and what not, But it is all harmless. And nobody in the community takes a bit of notice. I am sure in a liberal white area i would get many dirty looks for saying the same the other way around.
To me that's not right. I think we have a whole generation and upcoming generation who are going to have twisted racial views due to the overusing and overhyping of what is, a generally irrelevant issue.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -George Santayana

Something to think about, holmes. Considering your strange aversion to history and books, I guess you won't?:rofl:
[quote name='Msut77']Did anyone reply to what I posted?[/QUOTE]

No, because that belongs in the 'Stay Classy Republicans' thread.

This is the 'Stay Classy Obama' thread where we post legitimate criticisms of Obama.

The producers of the hit mini-series “The Bible” on the History Channel scoffed Monday at online suggestions that an actor who plays Satan on the series was intentionally made up to resemble President Obama.

“It is absolute utter nonsense,” said Roma Downey, the actress who created the series with her husband, the prolific producer Mark Burnett. “This has been a phenomenal show and a phenomenal hit, and we’ve just been waiting to see what would be thrown at us in terms of trying to discredit the show. I didn’t see this coming.”

The question isn't why Satan looks like's why Obama looks like Satan:


Of course that is pure coincidence by religious righties who flocks to these shows like it was some sort of historical truth, and what better way to promote subliminal indoctrination then this... We all know how much love evangelicals have for Obama

Yet when a couple film makers try to save money ( LIKE A REAL BUSINESS and ECONOMICS " stuff that righties champion ) by reusing a Bush prop head for a less then 1 second shot in Games of Thrones, they are forced to scrap all their dvds and reedit all their footage...

Yup... stay classy republicans
[quote name='UncleBob']Or blind.[/QUOTE]

I can only assume you're being ironic.

As for the stupid part, you resorted to an accusation of racism because somebody black was involved. Obviously not quite getting you associate a black person with the racism topic instantly, where as many who see an Obamalike face do not.

But nevermind.
I'm saying the two look nothing alike.
I seriously just double checked the article linked in the article linked in IRHari's post because I thought maybe there was a different photo or something.

Obama and "Satan" have completely different facial structures.

But hey, y'all got Glenn Beck on your side.

Right-wing radio host and commentator Glenn Beck was one of the first to point out the uncanny likeness of Mehdi Ouazzani to the 44th President of the United States

Congrats. You agree with Glenn Beck.
History channel is such shit now. You've got them showing stuff like that and acting as if it's verifiable historical fact.
Eh, a bit of Obama and a bit of Pyatt Pree.

I don't care. "Here's a TV show so you don't have to read a fucking book" is pretty bottom-feeding stuff - a program starring myhtological creatures on the History Channel is just irony on the cake.
[quote name='mykevermin']Eh, a bit of Obama and a bit of Pyatt Pree.

I don't care. "Here's a TV show so you don't have to read a fucking book" is pretty bottom-feeding stuff - a program starring myhtological creatures on the History Channel is just irony on the cake.[/QUOTE]


History Channel went the way of TLC: Bottom feeding junk food science and history freak shows.
There's a poll on the Guardian. 72% say it looks like Obama 28% say not so much.

I guess if they knew thinking it looks like Obama = racist maybe the percentage figures would be different.
Of course, there has to be a reason people think it looks like Obama, other than it looking like Obama. If anything i'd say there's more disputable reasons for people claiming it does not, i mean it's clear as day.

The whole ''all black people look the same'' ''gotta be racist or stupid'' Is the liberal nazi viewpoint i spoke about a few days ago.

Too many ignorant people who's sole use of racism is as a weapon in this form, rather than understanding modern day racism. Many ignorant people who actually accuse non racist people of racist mindsets due to them being totally open and without any racial barriers in their mind. Yet that is too scary for these nazi liberals so they invent things to back up their petty agenda's. Often they have no even minor interest in another race's culture or activities at all, where as people they accuse often do so, which is why that giant ignoramus kevin something displayed his outrageous ignorance by somehow talking about a colorblind society.

What we have is a society educating youngsters in selective racism and misguided liberalism's.

Youngsters are prone to bandwagons, and joining the crowd and wanting to fit in, twitter is a big indicator of this. Knowledge is alright, but intelligence is what counts. Knowing a million things you read and being some sort of encyclopedia robot, isn't really impressive. Being intelligent enough to use your knowledge in sensible ways combined with an open mind is what is necessary.

People are too scared to call a spade a spade. And with the liberal nazi's and bookworm ignorants, it's no wonder.
[quote name='granturismo']Of course, there has to be a reason people think it looks like Obama, other than it looking like Obama. If anything i'd say there's more disputable reasons for people claiming it does not, i mean it's clear as day.

The whole ''all black people look the same'' ''gotta be racist or stupid'' Is the liberal nazi viewpoint i spoke about a few days ago.

Too many ignorant people who's sole use of racism is as a weapon in this form, rather than understanding modern day racism. Many ignorant people who actually accuse non racist people of racist mindsets due to them being totally open and without any racial barriers in their mind. Yet that is too scary for these nazi liberals so they invent things to back up their petty agenda's. Often they have no even minor interest in another race's culture or activities at all, where as people they accuse often do so, which is why that giant ignoramus kevin something displayed his outrageous ignorance by somehow talking about a colorblind society.

What we have is a society educating youngsters in selective racism and misguided liberalism's.

Youngsters are prone to bandwagons, and joining the crowd and wanting to fit in, twitter is a big indicator of this. Knowledge is alright, but intelligence is what counts. Knowing a million things you read and being some sort of encyclopedia robot, isn't really impressive. Being intelligent enough to use your knowledge in sensible ways combined with an open mind is what is necessary.

People are too scared to call a spade a spade. And with the liberal nazi's and bookworm ignorants, it's no wonder.[/QUOTE]
Who is that history channel aliens dude? I've seen a lot of memes with him in them, but never any programs he is on. (It helps that I don't watch the history channel.)
[quote name='perdition(troy']One of the perks of not buying cable is not knowing who that is.[/QUOTE]
I don't buy cable either, but I just like knowing about the macros and memes I use.:lol:
Nah, I just do it for fun. Might be good to know at parties(not really), but mostly useless unless you're looking for more memes to use.
[quote name='mykevermin']Eh, a bit of Obama and a bit of Pyatt Pree.

I don't care. "Here's a TV show so you don't have to read a fucking book" is pretty bottom-feeding stuff - a program starring myhtological creatures on the History Channel is just irony on the cake.[/QUOTE]
It reminds me of that ICP spoof SNL did. I'm surprised 300 wasn't treated as an historical documentary by History. Pretty soon Science will start airing programs about creationism, and I don't mean debunking it.
[quote name='Clak']It reminds me of that ICP spoof SNL did. I'm surprised 300 wasn't treated as an historical documentary by History. Pretty soon Science will start airing programs about creationism, and I don't mean debunking it.[/QUOTE]

HAHA...300 is ALREADY treated like a historical documentary to most people.:rofl:
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Obama more right wing by the day[/QUOTE]
Obama just gave one of the best foreign policy speeches in decades, and he did it in Israel on Israel. People whose livelihood depend on hating Obama are hailing the speech as fantastic. Obama has been thoroughly lambasted as an enemy of Israel or (somehow) even worse, ambiguous.

You should read it. By you I mean everyone.

When David Bernstein from Volokh calls it "fantastic", you know Obama crushed. If Obama said the sky was blue, Bernstein would say it was green.
bread's done