Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V4! You can find the V1 thread (Nov 2010-July 2011) here, V2 thread (July 2011 - Feb 2012) here, and V3 thread (Feb-July 2012) here. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.
This is a Wiki post. Please read this
for instructions on updating the thread.
Steam Games and DLC on Sale - Updated 8/9
Daily Deal(s)
Other Deals
Preorder Deals - Updated 8/9
Several multiplayer Steam games are available in 2-packs or 4-packs. These packs offer a discount over buying multiple copies of a game separately. We also maintain group buy trade threads for several games, so please use those threads if you're interested in setting up a group buy.
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.
If you are interested in joining the Steam CAG Community or participating in a trade or group buy with fellow Cheap Ass Gamers, please do so in the dedicated threads and not in the deal discussion thread. In the dedicated threads you will find CAGers with the same specialized interest who will be much quicker (and happier) to respond than in the Deals thread.
Past Special Sales
Visit www.steamgamesales.com to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:
Summer Sale 2012
Indie Bundles thread on Steam forums (link)
This is a Wiki post. Please read this
We appreciate you helping keep this thread up to date. The sales change virtually every day so no one person has the time to update them all. If you notice a game is no longer on sale, feel free to delete its line from the sale list. Of course, if you see a game is on sale, add it to the list. Make sure your changes match the thread's format! For example, every game that's on sale is part of an unordered list. When adding a game to the list, copy an existing line and update the link, title, and prices. That way, the format stays correct. Do not list percentages off! We list the original price and the sale price here. If you have any suggestions for major changes to the post/thread, PM me (EastX) about them.
Steam Games and DLC on Sale - Updated 8/9
Daily Deal(s)
- Binary Domain
- ---
- Nexuiz
$9.99$2.50 - Tropic 4 Special Steam Edition
$29.99$7.49 - Jagged Alliance-Back in Action
$39.99$13.59 - Dungeons Gold Pack
$29.99$5.99 - Airline Tycoon 2
$19.99$4.99 - Kalypso Collection
Other Deals
- Deponia
$19.99$15.99 - Unmechanical
$9.99$8.99 - Death Rally
$9.99$8.49 - Cannon Fodder 3
$19.99$16.99 - AirMech Beta Bundle
$29.99$19.99 - Grand Ages:Rome Gold Edition
- Amazon - Preorders
- Sleeping Dogs (August 14) -
$49.99$44.99 - Hitman: Absolution (December 31) -
$49.99$44.99 - Tomb Raider (March 5, 2013) -
- Sleeping Dogs (August 14) -
- Amazon - Current Deals
- ---
- Darksiders
$19.99$6.80 - The Haunted: Hells Reach
$19.95$4.99 - Alan Wake
$29.95$10.18 - Sniper Elite V2
$49.99$25.00 - Renegade Ops
- ---
Preorder Deals - Updated 8/9
- Darksiders II (August 14) - $49.99 - Free “Arguls Tomb” DLC when released (Amazon has a better deal. See above.)
- Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD (August 21) -
$19.99$15.99 - Torchlight II (Summer) - $19.99 - Preorder and get a free copy of Torchlight right away. 4-packs available.
- Legends of Pegasus (August 10) -
$39.99$33.99 - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (August 21) -
$14.99$13.49 - Guns of Icarus Online (September 30) -
$19.99$14.99 - Guns of Icarus Online Collectors Edition (September 30) -
$32.99$24.99 - Jagged Alliance: Crossfire (August 24) -
$29.99$25.49 - Sleeping Dogs (August 14) -
Several multiplayer Steam games are available in 2-packs or 4-packs. These packs offer a discount over buying multiple copies of a game separately. We also maintain group buy trade threads for several games, so please use those threads if you're interested in setting up a group buy.
- General Steam group buy & gift request thread
- A Valley Without Wind
- BioShock 2 - Group buy thread
- Booster Trooper - Group buy thread
- Borderlands - Group buy thread
- The Darkness II
- Dead Horde
- Dead Island
- DogFighter
- Dungeon Defenders
- Iron Brigade
- Iron Grip: Warlord
- Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West - Group buy thread
- Left 4 Dead - Group buy thread
- Left 4 Dead 2 - Group buy thread
- Madballs in Babo Invasion - Group buy thread
- Monday Night Combat
- Nation Red - Group buy thread
- PAYDAY The Heist
- Plain Sight
- Portal 2
- Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
- ProtoGalaxy
- Renegade Ops
- Revelations 2012
- Sanctum
- Scourge Project: Episodes 1 & 2
- Section 8: Prejudice
- Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - Group buy thread
- Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter - Group buy thread
- Serious Sam 3: BFE
- Sol Survivor - Group buy thread
- Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
- Terraria
- Torchlight 2
- Trapped Dead
- Worms Reloaded
- Worms Ultimate Mayhem
- Zero Gear
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.
- Age of Empires Online
- Alien Swarm - Steam Group
- APB Reloaded
- Left 4 Dead: I Hate Mountains Campaign (New campaign that requires Left 4 Dead 1 or 2)
- Microsoft Flight
- Mightier
- Moonbase Alpha
- Peggle Extreme
- Portal: The Flash Version (Add-on that requires the original Portal; these levels are also found in the XBLA version.)
- Portal Prelude (Another add-on that requires the original Portal)
- Realm of the Mad God
- Sam & Max: Episode 4
- Stronghold Kingdoms
- Team Fortress 2
- Trackmania Nations Forever
If you are interested in joining the Steam CAG Community or participating in a trade or group buy with fellow Cheap Ass Gamers, please do so in the dedicated threads and not in the deal discussion thread. In the dedicated threads you will find CAGers with the same specialized interest who will be much quicker (and happier) to respond than in the Deals thread.
Past Special Sales
Visit www.steamgamesales.com to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:
- Steam Give & Get Sale: 11/24-11/29/2010
- Steam Treasure Hunt Sale: 12/06-12/19/2010
- Steam Holiday Sale 2010: 12/20/2010-1/02/2011
What is a CD key and where can I find it?
The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card.
The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.
Which retail CD Keys are accepted on Steam?
All retail Valve games and a number of third-party games can be registered to your Steam account. All of the following games can be registered through Steam:
Note: Only the retail games listed above can be registered through Steam. No other retail games can be registered and downloaded using Steam.
Other Keys that can be redeemed on Steam (CAG tested & verified)
The Ball (bought @D2D and tested by voken)
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (gives both FA and original, bought @amazon and tested by vism)
The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card.
The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.
Which retail CD Keys are accepted on Steam?
All retail Valve games and a number of third-party games can be registered to your Steam account. All of the following games can be registered through Steam:
- Valve CD Keys in this format: ####-#####-####
- Valve CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Valve CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- AI War CD Keys in various formats
- Aliens vs. Predator (2010 Release) CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Alpha Prime CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Audiosurf CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- BRINK CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Call of Duty: Black Ops CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is not accepted on Steam
- Cities in Motion CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Civilization V CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Commander: Conquest of the Americas CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Cricket Revolution CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Dark Messiah CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Dark Messiah CD Keys may also have been printed incorrectly, please see the Dark Messiah article
- Darksiders CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Note: The number 2 and letter Z may look very similar.
- Dawn of War II CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Dawn of War II - Retribution CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- Defense Grid CD Keys in this format (Direct2Drive only): 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Duke Nukem Forever CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- Empire: Total War CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-DDEFGH3-IJK4L-MNOPQ-RST56
- F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- F.E.A.R. 3 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- Fallout: New Vegas CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Football Manager 2009 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2CD3FGH456I7JK8LMNOP9Q
- Football Manager 2010 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2CD3FGH456I7JK8LMNOP9Q
- Football Manager 2011 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Front Mission Evolved CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Global Agenda CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Note: Keys purchased directly from the Global Agenda website cannot be registered on Steam.
- GTI Racing CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- GTR Evolution CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Homefront CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- Humble Indie Bundle in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Humble Indie Bundle 2 in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Humble Indie Bundle 3 in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Just Cause 2 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Note: Please input all O's and 0's as Q's for Just Cause 2
- Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Killing Floor CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Lara Croft Guardian of Light CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- The Last Remnant CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Lionheart: Kings' Crusade CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Lost Planet: Extreme Condition CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Lost Planet: Colonies Edition CD Keys are not accepted on Steam
- Mafia 2 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Magicka CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Metro 2033 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- MLB Front Office Manager CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Mount & Blade CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Mount & Blade: Warband CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7
- NBA 2K9 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Napoleon: Total War CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Order of War CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Prey CD Keys in this format: AAB1BB2C345CDD6E E7
- R.U.S.E. CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Note: R.U.S.E. keys from Ubisoft's Digital River service are not accepted on Steam
- RACE - the WTCC Game CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- RACE 07 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Ragdoll Kung Fu CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Railworks CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Red Orchestra CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Rogue Warrior CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- SiN Episodes: Emergence CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Saint's Row 2 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Serious Sam HD CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Shattered Horizon CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- The Ship CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Ship Simulator Extremes CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Silent Hill Homecoming CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Space Trader CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Speedball 2 - Tournament in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Star Trek: D-A-C CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- STCC - The Game CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Super Meat Boy CD keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Supreme Commander 2 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Torchlight CD Keys in this format: 1ABC-D3FG-4567-JK8L
- Note: Only keys purchased directly from Runic Games or Perfect World prior to May 19th, 2010 can be registered on Steam.
- Total War: SHOGUN 2 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- Unreal Tournament 3 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2-3FGH-456I-K8LM
- Velvet Assassin CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings in this format: AB-1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM- Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
- X3: Terran Conflict CD Keys in this format: 1ABC-D3FG-4567-JK8L
- Zeno Clash CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
Note: Only the retail games listed above can be registered through Steam. No other retail games can be registered and downloaded using Steam.
Other Keys that can be redeemed on Steam (CAG tested & verified)

The Ball (bought @D2D and tested by voken)
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (gives both FA and original, bought @amazon and tested by vism)
Summer Sale 2012
Daily Deals
Daily Deals 7/12
Daily Deals 7/13
Daily Deals 7/14
Daily Deals 7/15
Daily Deals 7/16
Daily Deals 7/17
Daily Deals 7/18
Daily Deals 7/19
Daily Deals 7/20
Daily Deals 7/21
Daily Deals 7/22
- Legend of Grimrock -
$14.99$5.99 - Crusader Kings II -
$39.99$9.99 - Terraria -
$9.99$2.49 - Indie Bundle I -
Contains:- Anomaly: Warzone Earth
- Cave Story+
- Edge
- Lone Survivor
- The Baconing
- Might and Magic Pack -
Contains:- Dark Messiah Might and Magic
- Heroes of Might and Magic V
- Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate
- Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East
- Might & Magic Clash of Heroes
- Might & Magic Heroes VI
- Heroes of Might & Magic VI -
$49.99$24.99 - Portal 2 -
$9.99$4.99 - Total War: Shogun 2 -
$29.99$7.49 - Ridge Racer: Unbounded -
$49.99$24.99 - Call of Duty: MW 3 -
Daily Deals 7/13
- The Binding of Isaac -
$4.99$1.24 - Sonic Generations -
$29.99$10.19 - Tribes Ascend: Starter Pack -
$19.99$4.99 - PayDay: The Heist -
$19.99$4.99 - Max Payne 3 -
$59.99$29.99 - Anno 2070 -
$49.99$24.99 - Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine -
$29.99$7.49 - From Dust -
$14.99$3.74 - Indie Bundle II -
Contains:- Botanicula
- E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
- Oil Rush
- Splice
- Universe Sandbox
Daily Deals 7/14
- Dead Island -
$29.99$10.19 - Orcs Must Die -
$14.99$3.74 - Dirt Showdown -
$49.99$24.99 - Two Worlds II -
$29.99$7.49 (3rd Party DRM, 3 activation limit) - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -
$59.99$29.79 - Borderlands -
$19.99$4.99 - Frozen Synapse -
$24.99$4.99 - Includes a second giftable copy - Tropico 4 -
$29.99$7.49 - Indie Bundle III -
Contains:- BIT.TRIP BEAT
- Braid
- Bunch of Heroes
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
- Runespell: Overture
Daily Deals 7/15
- Saints Row: The Third -
$49.99$12.49 - Serious Same 3: BFE -
$39.99$9.99 - Trine 2 -
$14.99$3.74 - The Walking Dead -
$24.99$14.99 - Cities XL 2012 -
$39.99$9.99 - The Hitman Collection -
$24.99$6.24 - The Darkness II -
$49.99$12.49 - Mount & Blade Collection -
$34.99$8.74 - Indie Bundle IV -
Contains:- A Valley Without Wind
- Atom Zombie Smasher
- Blocks That Matter
- Sanctum
- Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Daily Deals 7/16
- Metro 2033 -
$19.99$4.99 - Assassin's Creed Pack -
$129.96$34.99 - Dear Esther -
$9.99$2.49 - Men of War Complete Pack -
$49.99$12.49 - Star War: Knights of the Old Republic -
$9.99$2.49 - Age of Empires III: Complete Collection -
$39.99$9.99 - Iron Front: Liberation 1944 -
$29.99$19.99 - Rage -
$29.99$9.99 - Indie Bundle V -
Contains:- AudioSurf
- Gemini Rue
- Greed Corp
- The Tiny Bang Story
- Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Daily Deals 7/17
- Grand Theft Auto Complete Pack -
$49.99$12.49 - Wargame: European Escalation -
$39.99$19.99 - Spec Ops: The Line -
$49.99$33.49 - Limbo -
$9.99$2.49 - Stronghold 3 Gold -
$39.99$13.59 - Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012 Deluxe -
[*]Call of Duty: Black Ops -$39.99$19.99
[*]Company of Heroes Complete Pack -$49.97$12.48
[*]Indie Bundle VI -$39.99$9.99
- AaaaaAAaaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!! for the Awesome
- SpaceChem
- Ticket to Ride
- Trauma
Daily Deals 7/18
- L.A. Noire -
$19.99$4.99 - Total War Mega Pack -
$49.99$12.49 - Age of Empires Online: Summer Sale Bundle -
$9.99$2.49 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bundle -
$44.99$11.19 - Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion -
$39.99$29.99 - Super Meat Boy -
$14.99$3.74 - Carpe Fulgur Collection -
$49.97$12.43 - Thief Collection -
$26.99$6.74 - Indie Bundle VII -
Contains:- Avadon: The Black Fortress
- Dungeons of Dredmor
- Q.U.B.E.
- Vessel
- Zombie Driver
Daily Deals 7/19
- Sniper Elite V2 -
$49.99$24.99 - Gratuitous Battle Pack -
$29.99$10.19 - The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition -
$39.99$15.99 - Alan Wake Franchise -
$39.99$9.99 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent -
$19.99$4.99 - Krater -
$14.99$7.49 - Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition -
$9.99$2.49 - Fallout: New Vegas -
$19.99$4.99 - Indie Bundle VIII -
Contains:- Demolition Inc.
- Hoard
- SOL: Exodus
- Swords and Soldiers HD
- Wings of Prey
Daily Deals 7/20
- Crysis Collection -
$69.98$17.49 - FEAR 3 -
$19.99$4.99 - Magicka -
$9.99$2.49 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution -
$29.99$7.49 - Driver San Francisco -
$29.99$7.49 - Civilization Collection -
$139.38$24.99 - Red Orchestra 2 -
$19.99$4.99 - Dungeon Defenders -
$14.99$3.74 - Indie Bundle IX -
Contains:- Capsized
- Jamestown
- Revenge of the Titans
- Zeno Clash
Daily Deals 7/21
- Fable III Collection -
$49.99$12.49 - Prince of Persia Complete Pack -
$48.99$12.24 - Evochron Mercenary -
$24.99$6.49 - Torchlight -
$14.99$3.74 - Quantum Conundrum -
$14.99$8.99 - Dawn of War Franchise Pack -
$374.23$29.99 - Batman Franchise -
$138.76$24.99 - ARMA II: Combined Operations -
$29.99$17.99 - Indie Bundle X -
Contains:- All Zombies Must Die!
- Beat Hazard
- Eufloria
- Machinarium
Daily Deals 7/22
- Double Fine Bundle -
$29.99$7.49 - Jagged Alliance Back in Action -
$39.99$9.99 - Bastion -
$14.99$3.74 - Bioshock Franchise Pack -
$39.98$9.98 - Operation Flashpoint Complete -
$54.99$13.74 - Space Pirates and Zombies (SPAZ) -
$9.99$2.49 - Football Manager 2012 -
$29.99$7.49 - Splinter Cell Conviction -
$19.99$4.99 - Indie Bundle XI -
Contains:- Hydrophobia: Prophecy
- ORION: Dino Beatdown
- Star Ruler
- Waveform
- World of Goo
Community Choice Winners
- Saint's Row 3 -
$49.99$12.49 - Trine 2 -
$14.99$3.74 - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 -
$9.99$2.49 - Assassin's Creed: Revelations -
$39.99$13.59 - Bioshock 2 -
$19.99$4.99 - Plants vs. Zombies Game of the Year Edition -
$9.99$2.49 - Left 4 Dead Bundle -
$29.99$7.49 - L.A. Noire -
$19.99$4.99 - Legend of Grimrock -
$14.99$5.99 - Bastion -
$14.99$3.74 - Dead Space 2 -
$19.99$4.99 - Red Faction Guerrilla -
$19.99$4.99 - Mirror's Edge -
$19.99$4.99 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -
$59.99$29.79 - Batman Franchise -
$138.76$24.99 - Sanctum -
$9.99$2.49 - Torchlight -
$14.99$3.74 - Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit -
$19.99$4.99 - SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition -
$19.99$4.99 - Fable III Collection -
$49.99$12.49 - The Longest Journey -
$9.99$2.49 - Dead Island -
$29.99$10.19 - The Walking Dead -
$24.99$14.99 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction -
$19.99$4.99 - Risen -
$19.99$4.99 - Borderlands -
$19.99$4.99 - Rayman Origins -
$29.99$14.99 - Age of Empires III: Complete Collection -
$39.99$9.99 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic -
$9.99$2.49 - Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition -
$19.99$4.99 - Just Cause 2 -
$14.99$4.74 - Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition -
Flash Sales
- Deus EX: HR -
$29.99$7.49 - Mafia II -
$29.99$7.49 - Space Chem -
$9.99$2.49 - Warlock: Master of the Arcane -
$19.99$6.79 - Rayman Origins -
$29.99$14.99 - Back to the Future: The Game -
$24.99$6.24 - Spellforce Complete -
$39.99$13.60 - Star Wars: Force Unleashed II -
$19.99$4.99 - Darksiders -
$19.99$4.99 - Sanctum Collection -
$19.99$4.99 - Hoard -
$9.99$2.49 - Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition -
$39.99$9.99 - Worms Reloaded -
$19.99$4.99 - CAG level-sharing thread - Half-Life Complete -
$39.99$9.99 - Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light -
$14.99$3.74 - Toy Soliders -
$9.99$2.49 - Bejeweled 3 -
$19.99$4.99 - Alan Wake Franchise -
$39.99$9.99 - Football Manager 2012 -
$29.99$7.49 - Alice: Madness Returns -
$19.99$4.99 - Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition -
$39.99$9.99 - Ys Origin -
$19.99$7.99 - Brink -
$19.99$4.99 - Sam & Max Complete Pack -
$49.99$12.49 - Renegade Ops -
$14.99$3.74 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic -
$9.99$2.49 - The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition -
$39.99$15.99 - Fray -
$19.99$9.99 - Civilization Collection -
$139.33$24.99 - Theatre of War Collection -
$49.99$12.49 - Batman Franchise -
$138.76$24.99 - Painkiller Complete Pack -
$29.99$7.49 - Q.U.B.E. -
$14.99$3.74 - Magicka -
$9.99$2.49 - Microsoft Flight Collection -
$49.99$16.99 - Killing Floor -
$19.99$4.99 - Vessel -
$14.99$3.74 - Monkey Island: Special Edition Bundle -
$14.99$3.74 - Arcania & Gothic Bundle -
$49.99$12.49 - Prince of Persia Complete Pack -
$48.99$12.24 - Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter -
$29.99$7.49 - X SuperBox -
$39.99$9.99 - Fallout: New Vegas -
$19.99$12.99 - Total War: Shogun 2 -
$29.99$7.49 - Cave Story+ -
$9.99$2.49 - Fable III Collection -
$49.99$12.49 - F.E.A.R. Collection -
$54.96$9.99 - Dead Rising 2: Off the Record -
$29.99$9.99 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent -
$19.99$4.99 - Civilization Collection -
$139.33$24.99 - Europa Universalis III Complete -
$14.99$3.74 - Pendulo Adventure Pack -
$59.99$14.99 - Dungeon Siege III -
$19.99$4.99 - Crysis Collection -
$69.98$17.49 - Sniper Elite V2 -
$49.99$24.99 - Double Fine Bundle -
$29.99$7.49 - Binary Domain -
$39.99$13.59 - Shoot Many Robots -
$9.99$2.49 - Duke Nukem Forever -
$19.99$4.99 - Dungeon Defenders -
$14.99$3.74 - Take On Helicopters -
$49.99$16.99 - Unreal Deal Pack -
$39.99$9.99 - Anomaly: Wazone Earth -
$9.99$2.49 - Just Cause 2 -
$14.99$3.74 - Bioshock Franchise -
$39.98$9.98 - The Binding of Isaac -
$4.99$1.24 - Saints Row: The Third -
$49.99$12.49 - Bastion -
$14.99$3.74 - Terraria -
$9.99$2.49 - Dead Space 2 -
$19.99$4.99 - Risen 2: Dark Waters -
$49.99$33.49 - Game of Thrones RPG -
$49.99$24.99 - Dragon Age: Origins -
$19.99$4.99 - DC Universe Online Power Bundle -
$29.99$7.49 - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers -
$9.99$5.99 - BIT.TRIP Collection -
$31.96$5.49 - Jurassic Park: The Game -
$29.99$7.49 - E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy -
$9.99$2.49 - Left 4 Dead 2 -
$19.99$4.99 - Tribes Ascend: Starter Pack -
$19.99$4.99 - Nexuiz -
$9.99$2.49 - Beyond Good & Evil -
$9.99$2.49 - Galactic Civilizations II -
$19.99$4.99 - Red Faction Collection -
$59.99$14.99 - Portal 2 -
$19.99$4.99 - Max Payne 3 -
$59.99$29.99 - Amanita Collection -
$24.99$6.24 - Limbo -
$9.99$2.49 - Crusader Kings II -
$39.99$9.99 - Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet -
$14.99$3.74 - Tales of Monkey Island Complete pack -
$34.99$8.74 - Far Cry Complete -
$19.98$4.98 - Racing Games
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box -
$19.99$3.99 - Need for Speed: Undercover -
$9.99$2.49 - Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit -
$19.99$4.99 - Need for Speed: Shift -
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box -
- Braid -
$9.99$2.49 - Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines -
$19.99$4.99 - Bulletstorm -
$19.99$4.99 - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition -
$19.99$4.99 - Pro Cycling Manager 2012 -
$39.9919.99 - Tropico 4 -
$29.99$7.49 - Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga -
$39.99$9.99 - Super Meat Boy -
$14.99$3.74 - Command and Conquer Franchise -
$109.95$27.48 - Serious Sam 3: BFE -
$39.99$9.99 - Dear Esther -
$9.99$2.49 - PAYDAY The Heist -
$19.99$4.99 - Universe Sandbox -
$9.99$2.49 - Anno 2070 -
$49.99$24.99 - Garry's Mod -
$9.99$2.49 - Rage -
$29.99$10.19 - Trine 2 -
$14.99$3.74 - Dead Island -
$29.99$10.19 - Portal 2 -
$19.99$4.99 - The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition -
$39.99$15.99 - Legend of Grimrock -
$14.99$5.99 - Assassin's Creed Revelations -
$39.99$13.59 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 -
$59.99$29.99 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -
$59.99$29.79 - The Walking Dead -
$24.99$14.99 - Saints Row: The Third -
$49.99$12.49 - Max Payne 3 -
Publisher Packs
- MumboJumbo Collection -
- 7 Wonders II
- 7 Wonders: Treasure of Seven
- Chainz 2: Relinked
- Discovery! A Seek and Find Adventure
- Glowfish
- Little Farm
- Luxor
- Luxor 2
- Luxor 3
- Luxor Amun Rising
- Luxor Evolved
- Luxor: 5th Passage
- Luxor: Mah Jong
- Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife
- Midnight Mysteries
- Midnight Mysteries 2: Salem Witch Trials
- Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
- Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini
- Pickers
- Reaxxion
- Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch
- Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena
- Zombie Bowl-o-Rama
- 2K Collection -
- BioShock 2
- Borderlands
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Mafia II
- Sid Meier's Civilization V
- Spec Ops: The Line
- The Darkness II
- PopCap Complete Pack -
- Amazing Adventures Around the World
- Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb
- AstroPop Deluxe
- Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
- Bejeweled Deluxe
- Bejeweled Twist
- Bejeweled 3
- Big Money! Deluxe
- Bookworm Adventures Deluxe
- Bookworm Deluxe
- Bookworm Adventures Volume 2
- Chuzzle Deluxe
- Dynomite Deluxe
- Escape Rosecliff Island
- Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe
- Hammer Heads Deluxe
- Heavy Weapon Deluxe
- Iggle Pop Deluxe
- Insaniquarium Deluxe
- Mystery P.I. - Lost in Los Angeles
- Mystery P.I. - The Lottery Ticket
- Mystery P.I. - The New York Fortune
- Mystery P.I. - The Vegas Heist
- Peggle Deluxe
- Peggle Nights
- Pizza Frenzy Deluxe
- Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition
- Rocket Mania Deluxe
- Talismania Deluxe
- The Wizard's Pen
- Typer Shark! Deluxe
- Venice Deluxe
- Zuma Deluxe
- Zuma's Revenge!
- 1C Collection -
- Cryostasis
- King's Bounty: Armored Princess
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds
- King's Bounty: The Legend
- Men of War
- Men of War: Assault Squad
- MP Supply Pack Alpha
- MP Supply Pack Bravo
- MP Supply Pack Charlie
- Skirmish Pack
- Men of War: Condemned Heroes
- Men of War: Red Tide
- Men of War: Vietnam
- Special Edition Upgrade Pack
- NecroVision
- NecroVision: Lost Company
- Rig n Roll
- Space Rangers 2: Reboot
- Theatre of War 3: Korea
- Strategy First Collection -
- 688 (I) Hunter/Killer
- 9th Company: Roots of Terror
- Ankh 2: Heart of Osiris
- Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods
- Armada 2526
- Bad Rats: The Rat's Revenge
- BC Kings
- Birth of America
- Chocolatier: Decadence by Design
- Cooking Dash
- Culpa Innata
- Dangerous Waters
- Dark Fall: Lost Souls
- Darkstar One
- Deep Black: Reloaded
- Diaper Dash
- Dimensity
- Diner Dash: Hometown Hero
- DinerTown Detective Agency
- DinerTown Tycoon
- Disciples II: Gallean's Return
- Disciples II: Rise of the Elves
- Dream Chronicles: The Chosen Child
- Ducati World Championship
- Emerald City Confidential
- Exodus from the Earth
- Fireburst
- Fitness Dash
- FlatOut
- FlatOut 2
- FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction
- FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage
- Fleet Command
- Gemini Lost
- Ghost Master
- Hazen: The Dark Whispers
- Hotel Dash Suite Success
- Iron Warriors: T-72 Tank Command
- Ironclads: American Civil War
- Ironclads: Anglo Russian War 1866
- Ironclads: Chincha Islands War 1866
- Ironclads: High Seas
- Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864
- Jack Keane
- Jagged Alliance 2 Gold: Unfinished Business
- Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack
- Mahjong Roadshow
- Making History: The Calm & the Storm
- Nightshift Legacy: The Jaguar's Eye
- Parking Dash
- Patrician III
- Perimeter 2: New Earth
- Port Royale 2
- Puzzle Kingdoms
- Razor2: Hidden Skies
- Sacred Gold
- Space Empires IV Deluxe
- Space Empires V
- Sub Command
- The Great Art Race
- The Nightshift Code
- TriJinx: A Kristine Kross Mystery
- Valerie Porter and the Scarlet Scandal
- Vegas: Make It Big
- Wandering Willows
- Wedding Dash 2: Rise Around the World
- World Basketball Manager 2010
- Zenerchi
- Zombie Pirates
- Paradox Collection -
- Crusader Kings II
- Defenders of Ardania
- Europa Universalis III Complete
- Europa Universalis III: Divine Wind
- Europa Universalis III: Heir to the Throne
- Gettysburg: Armored Warfare
- Magicka
- Final Frontier
- Frozen Lake
- Gamer Bundle
- Holiday Spirit Item Pack
- Horror Props Item Pack
- Lonely Island Cruise
- Marshlands
- Nippon
- Party Robes
- The Other Side of the Coin
- The Stars are Left
- The Watchtower
- Vietnam
- Wizard's Survival Kit
- Mount & Blade
- Mount & Blade: Warband
- Napoleonic Wars
- Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
- Naval War: Arctic Circle
- Swords of the Stars II: Lords of Winter
- Warlock - Master of the Arcane
- Activision Hits Collection -
- Blur
- Call of Duty
- Call of Duty 2
- Call of Duty: United Offensive
- Gun
- Prototype
- Singularity
- TimeShift
- Transformers: War for Cybertron
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
- Super id Software Pack -
- Commander Keen
- Doom 3
- Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil
- Doom II
- Masters Levels for Doom II
- Final Doom
- The Ultimate Doom
- Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
- HeXen II
- HeXen: Beyond Heretic
- HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
- Quake
- Quake II
- Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero
- Quake II MIssion Pack: The Reckoning
- Quake III
- Quake III: Team Arena
- Quake IV
- Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon
- Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity
- Rage
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Spear of Destiny
- Wolfenstein 3D
- Bethesda Collection -
- Brink
- Agents of Change
- Doom/Psycho Combo Pack
- Fallout/SpecOps Combo Pack
- Fallout: New Vegas
- Dead Money
- Honest Hearts
- Old World Blues
- Courier's Stash
- Gun Runner's Arsenal
- Lonesome Road
- Hunted: The Demon's Forge
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Brink
- Star Wars Collection -
- Star Wars Battlefront II
- Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
- Star Wars Republic Commando
- Star Wars Starfighter
- Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition
- Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
- Star Wars: Dark Forces
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Star Wars Empire at War: Gold Pack
- Rockstar Hit Collection -
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
- L.A. Noire
- Max Payne 3
- Focus Hit Collection -
- A Game of Thrones - Genesis
- Blood Bowl Legendary Edition
- Cities XL 2012
- Runaway: A Road Adventure
- Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle
- Runaway: A Twist of Fate
- Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper
- The Next BIG Thing
- Wargame: European Escalation
- Conquest (Free DLC)
- Yesterday
- Kalypso Collection -
- Airline Tycoon 2
- Bang Bang Racing
- Disciples III - Renaissance Steam Special Edition
- Disciples III - Resurrection
- Dungeons - Steam Special Edition
- Dungeons - The Dark Lord
- Jagged Alliance - Back in Action
- Port Royale 3
- SkyDrift
- Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition
- Tropico 4 - Steam Special Edition
- Ubisoft Collection -
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Drive San Francisco
- From Dust
- Might & Magic Heroes VI
- R.U.S.E.
- Rayman Origins
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction
- Nordic Hit Collection -
- AquaNox
- AquaNox 2: Revelation
- Arcania
- Arcania: Fall of Setarrif
- Aura: Fate of the Ages
- Chaser
- Genesis Rising
- Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods - Enhanced Edition
- Gothic II: Gold Edition
- Gothic 3
- Painkiller: Overdose
- Painkiller: Redemption
- Painkiller: Black Edition
- Painkiller: Recurring Evil
- Painkiller: Resurrection
- Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure
- SpaceForce Rogue Universe
- SpellForce - Platinum Edition
- SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny
- SpellForce 2: Gold Edition
- The Guild II
- The Guild II - Pirates of the European Seas
- The Guild II Renaissance
- Railworks 3 Collection -
- Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012
- 4CIG Southern Add-On
- Class 325 Add-On
- Cologne - Dusseldorf Add-On
- Horseshow Curve Expansion Pack
- London to Brighton Add-On
- PRR K4 Steam Locomotive Add-On
- Settle to Carlisle Add-On
- UK Buildings Model Pack (Free DLC)
- Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012
- Cyan Complete Pack -
- Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel
- Myst V
- Myst: Masterpiece Edition
- realMYST
- Riven: The Sequel to MYST
- Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo
- The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition
- URU: Complete Chronicles
- Square Enix Hit Collection -
- Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Explosive Mission Pack
- Tactical Enhancement Pack
- The Missing Link
- Deus Ex: Invisible War
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
- Hitman: Blood Money
- Hitman: Codename 47
- Just Cause 2 + All DLC
- Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
- All the Trappings - Challenge Pack 1
- Things That Go Boom - Challenge Pack 2
- Hazardous Reunion - Challenge Pack 3
- Raziel and Kain Character Pack
- Quantum Conundrum
- Thief Gold
- Thied II: The Metal Age
- Thief: Deadly Shadows
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary
- Tomb Raider: Legend
- Tomb Raider: Underworld
- Valve Complete Pack -
- Counter-Strike
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Day of Defeat
- Day of Defeat: Source
- Deathmatch Classic
- Half-Life
- Half-Life 2
- Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
- Half-Life 2: Episode One
- Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Half-Life 2: Lose Coast
- Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
- Half-Life: Blue Shift
- Half-Life: Opposing Force
- Half-Life: Source
- Left 4 Dead
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Ricochet
- Team Fortress 2
- Team Fortress Classic
- THQ Collection -
- Company of Heroes
- Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
- Darksiders
- Dawn of War II: Retribution - The Last Standalone
- Homefront
- Metro 2033
- Nexuiz
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
- Saints Row: The Third
- Titan Quest
- Titan Quest - Immortal Throne
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising
- TellTale Collection -
- Back to the Future: The Game
- Jurassic Park: The Game
- Puzzle Agent
- Puzzle Agent 2
- Tales of Monkey Island - Complete Pack
- The Walking Dead
- SEGA Hit Collection -
- Aliens vs. Predator
- Binary Domain
- Empire: Total War
- Elite Unites of America
- Elite Unites of the East
- Elite Unites of the West
- Special Forces Units & Bonus Content
- The Warpath Campaign
- Medieval II: Total War
- Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms
- Napoleon: Total War
- Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars
- Coalition Battle Pack
- Peninsular Campaign
- Renegade Ops
- Rome: Total War - Alexander
- Rome: Total War - Gold
- Sonic Generations
- Total War: Shogun 2
- Rise of the Samurai
- Fall of the Samurai
- All 51 Sega Classic Titles
- Syberia Bundle -
$14.99$3.74 (Syberia 2 will be in the Groupees Build a Bundle 2) - Ys: The Oath in Felghana -
$14.99$5.09 (Also included in Indie Bundle 5 on 7/16) - Blades of Time -
$39.99$9.99 ($11.24 with DLC) - Legend of Fae -
$9.99$2.49 - Arx Fatalis -
Indie Bundles thread on Steam forums (link)
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