The store with no line, an enigma


15 (100%)
All right folks, here's a very YMMV way on getting a PS3.

But first, a lil backstory: I just ended up calling about a dozen Walmarts, Targets, Circuit Cities, and Best Buys looking to see allocation numbers and line sizes. Figures I was going to camp at Target tonight, but all 10 of their PS3's are accounted for as of 10pm last night. Same thing went for just about every place I called. Lines up the wazoo, even though I don't live in a city or anything like that. It started to look grim, and I started to think that perhaps I should head to class tonight afterall, and try for the Costco bundle tomorrow morning.

But wait! Hope!

Called a Best Buy and was told they were getting 26 PS3's total (20:60G/6:20G). "Yeah yeah yeah" I thought, "How many people are in line?"

The employee chuckled a bit, "ZERO."

I shat my pants. "Why? Zero? Really? Wha? Do you work there or am I talking to someone else?"

"We're in a mall," she explained, "And there is ABSOLUTELY no loitering whatsoever. None. We've been booting campers all day."

"But but," I tried to reply in a mess, "Surely you're allowing campers after midnight?"

"No. None. Absolutely none. We're giving out vouchers at 7 and open at 8. Be here for 7."

I thanked her and hung up.

So, malls may be your best bet. However, the no camping rule baffles me to no end, and I don't really know the procedure to follow in this instance. What time do I get there? How do I avoid being trampled? Is there another line somewhere else, in an alley, filled with gamers waiting to trek to the Best Buy? What to do, what to do...
bread's done