The Truth about Halo 2


1 (100%)
There is no excuse for some of the problems in Halo 2. With three years to work on it, there just isn't any way they can explain all the little things that don't involve opinion on what's good or not. The Warthog, for example. My opinion, it handles like shit now. Most people who are used to the immaculate physics of the Halo 1 Warthog will agree. The AI is pathetic. The new melee animations look just sick. The bad kind of sick. The Warthog has an ugly sounding horn that doesn't fit the vehicle (R button). The storyline is inconsistant, boring, and lame and the end could not be more anti-climactic.

Those are a few of the opinion topics--then there are the facts. There is no health meter, there is no night vision in the sniper rifle, there is no option to turn off destructable vehicles in multiplayer, the awesome scene from E3 2003 doesn't exist, none of it, the pistol is hard to find and extremely weak now, "Halo Humping" is no longer possible, all vehicles' speeds are reduced by 30-50%, repeating environments are not rare, level borders are very confined (i.e. no going miles out to sea like in Cartogropher), the Shade turret was removed, you don't get hurt from falling great heights for some reason, SMGs have a ton of recoil while every other gun has zero recoil for some reason, the Banshee's Fuel Rod Gun has been renamed to Banshee Bomb and can only be used in Campaign, there is no LIVE or system-link co-op, there is no 3/4 player co-op, the Melee Combos were cut from the final game, the Energy Sword in multiplayer is always easy to get and even at medium range can kill someone in one hit (the lunges speed you up to get close to them... unbalanced?), the Wraith tank can shoot those hugeass explosives FAST (unbalanced?), you see the Wraith-driving Covenant using small laser type things similar to the L button on the Scorpion Tank--you can't use that same secondary firing though. Man, I could go on forever. And these are the facts, there's no arguing on these things except your interpretation on whether these are good or bad.

Oh, something nobody has mentioned yet: When you beat a level on, say, Legendary, you don't get an icon or anything in the level select screen saying you've beaten it on Legendary (like in Halo 1), or any other difficulty for that matter. So it makes you feel like you're wasting time when you can just do it on easy since the game won't remember or care which difficulty you were on when the level's over. The only exception is in one menu it tells you what difficulty you beat the last level on. So beat the whole game on easy but the last level on Legendary and to the game it's exactly the same as going through the whole thing on Legendary.

The music is good though. Buy the soundtrack.

The original post can be seen above. I've remade this as a bigger, more organized post. This is for informational purposes only, not to bash nor compliment the game. If the colors bother you, there is a color-free version of this post on page 4. Read at your own risk, there may be possible minor spoilers.


• There are no bots in multiplayer

• You can enter multiplayer levels alone, without needing to insert a 2nd dummy controller into a slot

• The Flamethrower does not exist in Halo 2

• There are eight color choices for team games: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Orange, Brown, and Pink

• Up to 16 players on up to 16 Xboxes

• You now have the option of turning on/off Active Camouflauge and Overshield (which is now bright yellow) in multiplayer

• You can unlock things by playing Campaign

• Grenades aren't as "rare" and "hard to find" as popular rumor says they are

• Blood Gultch (Coagulation) and Battle Creek (Beaver Creek) were redone and included in multiplayer

• There are 12 known multiplayer levels so far: Lockout, Ascension, Midship, Ivory Tower, Beaver Creek, Burial Mounds, Colossus, Zanzibar, Coagulation, Headlong, Waterworks, and Foundation

• The gametype “Race” was removed

• There are seven multiplayer gametypes: Slayer, King of the Hill, Oddball, Juggernaut, Capture the Flag, Assault, and Territories

• Weapon lineup:

Battle Rifle
Rocket Launcher
Sniper Rifle
Frag Grenade

Plasma Pistol
Plasma Rifle
Brute Plasma Rifle
Brute Shot
Energy Sword
Beam Rifle
Fuel Rod Gun
Plasma Grenade

• *POSSIBLE SPOILER* There are 15 Campaign levels: The Heretic, Armory, Cairo Station, Outskirts, Metropolis, The Arbiter, Oracle, Delta Halo, Regret, Sacred Icon, Quarantine Zone, Gravemind, Uprising, High Charity, and The Great Journey

• The Fuel Rod Gun is in Halo 2, but only in Campaign

• Character appearance in multiplayer is customizable. You can choose between Spartan and Elite and choose a primary and secondary color. Black is not an option anymore (everyone always chose black anyway, since it was... "stealthy" and/or "cool"), the closest to black is “Steel” which is just gray. You can also choose from an assortment of logos, which go on your arms and back. You can choose a primary and secondary color for your logo, as well as a background pattern for it.

• You lose your secondary weapon during dual-wielding if you attempt to enter a vehicle, do a melee attack, switch weapons, or man a stationary turret.

• The Banshee can now to StarFoxesque maneuvers. Hold left or right (left control stick) and push A to roll left or right, hold down and push A to do a backwards loop. It can also just plain strafe left or right (left control stick).

• The Rocket Launcher fires homing rockets, but only on vehicles, not individual players.

• The Covenant Dropship from Halo 1 was replaced, and is not in Halo 2.

• Subtitles are available as “Automatic,” On, or Off

• In foreign versions, like the French for example, have all text is in English (everywhere). The only part where the language is changed is in Campaign, and it's only the dialogue. Subs will cover everything except dialogue happening while you're playing, such as when Cortana is talking to you.

• LIVE voice masking is possible, but in only one type of voice masking

• Voice output on multiplayer games (like for team chat) can be “Mixed,” TV Speakers only, Xbox Communicator only, or Disabled

• You can choose to appear Online or Offline on LIVE

• Control options are unchanged from Halo 1

• There is no health meter

• There is no damage meter on vehicles

• The Sniper Rifle’s night vision feature has been removed

• There is no option to turn off destructable vehicles in multiplayer

• The entire scene from E3 2003 doesn't exist, except for the first cutscene where MC doesn’t even play yet

• The watered-down pistol ("Magnum") is hard to find (and extremely weak), runs out of ammo very fast, and takes much longer to reload. The fact that it fires much faster does not make up for the many other downgrades to it.

• *SPOILER WARNING* The Flood return, and just show up out of nowhere, and seemingly for no reason.

• "Halo Humping" is no longer possible. Yeah, you can crouch on dead bodies but the animation for crouching is too long to be funny or offensive to your victim, so it’s just lame now. It just makes you kneel on one knee and looks awkward. It’s just not comical, or even worth doing.

• All vehicles' speeds are reduced by 25-40% (yes, you can use the boosts to go faster though, but that also means restricted maneuverability and no shooting)

• Vehicles get destroyed fairly easy. One rocket or two grenades will take out any non-tank vehicle, except the Ghost which gets destroyed in one grenade

• The Shade turret was removed (and replaced with a different one which you rarely see)

• You don’t get hurt even a tiny bit from falling great distances, even if you jump out of a Banshee (obvious exception: instant death falls, like off a cliff). This makes you wonder why they were talking about how crouching while falling is still going to be a useful tactic for reducing damage taken.

• Models may literally just dissapear in the game when they are killed or destroyed. Enemies, vehicles, it does not matter.

• SMGs have a ton of recoil while every other gun has zero recoil for some reason

• The Warthog has a horn now, accessed by the R button. (It sounds lame and doesn't fit the vehicle.)

• You can no longer use the flashlight in multiplayer. (Idiots would always put it on in dark areas like Rat Race and you could easily see them and kill them. It was fun.)

• You cannot hover with the Banshee. Holding back on the control stick just cuts off your engines and makes you fall straight down. If you’re used to the old Banshee, this will be annoying and hard to get used to.

• The Banshee's Fuel Rod Gun has been renamed to “Banshee Bomb”

• The Banshee Bomb can only be used in Campaign (B button)

• The Banshee will fly exactly the same when it's new as when both of the wings are broken off. This applies to basically all vehicles. They run the same regardless of damage.

• There is no LIVE or system-link co-op

• There is no 3/4 player co-op

• Melee combos were cut from the final game

• Sprinting was cut from the final game

• Peeking was cut from the final game

• Grenades explode much faster. The Frag Grenades explode after the first bounce (which I think is bad), instead of exploding after they stop moving like in Halo 1. The Plasma Grenades are unchanged, except the fuse is a bit shorter (which is good).

• The Energy Sword can kill people in one hit and is extremely (too) effective, even at medium range, since repeated lunges will get you close to your target quite quickly.

• The Wraith tank can shoot those hugeass explosives FAST--like one per second, and can do boosts (unbalanced?)

• In Campaign, when the Covenant drive the Wraith, they have a secondary firing mode which quickly shoots small lasers. You cannot of use this secondary firing when you are driving it however.

• The Battle Rifle only fires in bursts of three bullets, regardless of whether you’re zoomed or not.

• Heavy Vehicle Weapons (Tank Round, Banshee Bomb) do not have round charge indicators. In the original, after firing a blast, a series of dots would tell you exactly when the next round was ready to fire.

• There is no blood when you melee attack the corpses of your enemies.

• You can see your legs when you look down. (They look girly and ugly and can get in the way, especially the Elites'. Plus, they tend to not be consistant with the actual movement of your character. Try looking down and rotating some time.)

• The flashlight turns itself off automatically except for designated areas.

• When you beat a level on, say, Legendary, you don't get an icon or anything in the level select screen saying you've beaten it on Legendary (like in Halo 1), or any other difficulty for that matter. So it makes you feel like you're wasting time when you can just do it on easy since the game won't remember or care which difficulty you were on when the level's over. The only exception is in one menu it tells you what difficulty you beat the last level on. So beat the whole game on easy but the last level on Legendary and to the game it's exactly the same as going through the whole thing on Legendary.

Opinions (Good):

• Multiplayer is still worth playing, and potentially fun, despite the many let-downs and cut features. Given the choice I'd still prefer a Halo 1 LAN however.

• The music is extremely well done. Props to Marty O'Donnel. Buy the soundtrack.

• The menus and loading screens all run very smoothly, and look good visually.

• The graphics, overall, are improved, but not quite to the caliber shown in the 2003 trailers.

Opinions (Bad):

• The storyline was ok at first, but gets progressively more terrible as you go along, and is inconsistent with the books. The ending was just lame.

• The new "Ragdoll" effect on dead corpses looks very unnatural and is a big downgrade from Halo 1's normal corpse motions.

• Physics on all vehicles are changed. In my opinion, they were changed for the worse—especially the Warthog (no more drifting/fishtailing around corners or that fun stuff).

• Repeating environments are not rare, although they try to hide them behind better visuals

• Level borders are very confined (i.e. no going miles out to sea like in Silent

• The Energy Sword in multiplayer is always easy to get (except maybe the first time you get it in Zanzibar)

• The difficulty levels weren’t well made. Between Easy, Normal, and Heroic, there is only slight changes in difficulty. None provide too much of a challenge. However, Legendary is ten times harder than anything else and I believe maybe Bungie overcompensated for the easiness of Halo 1.

• The reason people say the AI is really good on Legendary is because 2-3 hits of almost anything will kill you. So it seems like the enemies are using good strategy when really all that's happening is they're shooting you really fast with incredibly accurate death plasma. People get "Good AI" confused with "Their guns are 30x more powerful."

• Destructable environments are very selective and inconsistent. Glass looks the same in most places. Some breaks, some doesn't. Random bits of concrete are destructable. Some barrels explode when you shoot, others only respond to running into them, which just makes them roll around. In Zanzibar, you can walk through these glass walls and they'll shatter, but if you throw grenades at it, they just bounce off. Waterworks has one cool thing where you can shoot at the stalagtites in your Banshee (it's a cave type level) and they'll break off and fall to the ground. Pretty cool. But everything you break in a level is permanent, and there's never really that much to break, so it seems kind of pointless overall. Even in GoldenEye 007, you could shoot lights and they'd go out. Not here.

• As far as balance goes, the Rocket Launcher, unfortunately, will still be the top choice for free, easy kills. The Battle Rifle will become the successor of the M6D Pistol, and will be the top choice for most skilled players. The shotgun, able to kill people in one blast, will be the top choice for close-ranged combat (excluding the Noob Stick Enery Sword). Dual SMGs will be prime choice for people who just like to hold their finger on R, shoot messily and hope to get kills. I predict the term "BR Sniping" will replace the term "Pistol Sniping."

• Some background images prove to be of low quality. For instance, look at the Covenant Ship painted on in the background in Mombasa. Even the E3 2003 demo had a model for that.

• Decal effects, such as plasma scarring on walls, are less impressive.

• The Plasma Sword looks as if it is made out of plastic, and lacks the radiating glow that could be seen in the original and the versions from E3 2003.

• Zanzibar is probably the best multiplayer level, it's no wonder that was basically the only one Bungie ever showed at Halo 2 exhibitions. Still, none of the multiplayer levels quite meet the good design of Halo 1's levels, since Halo 2 made most of them too complex and spent more time on looking visually good than making it play good. Hang 'em High beats any Halo 2 level.

• The audio for multiplayer things like "Double Kill," "Game Over," etc. have been redone. Most don't sound half as cool as the originals. Listen to him say "Killing spree" and you'll know what I'm talking about.

• There are new animations for all melee attacks. All of them are downgraded from Halo 1. To put it simply, they look retarded. Some melee attacks have 2 different possible animations, which just occur randomly. This is what people are referring to when they falsely claim there are melee combos in Halo 2.

• I felt the game was too short. Going through on normal took me 3-5 hours. Most people will probably take longer since I just ran through. Many of the battles are ones where you can never kill ALL of the enemies, since more always keep coming. This made me feel like I was wasting my time to stop and fight. Since it was possible to just skip most fighting and run straight to the objectives, I did.

• To me, there is far less replay value in Campaign as compared to Halo 1. Specifically, there is none. I was glad to be done so I’d never have to do it again. To this day though, I like to start up repeat games of (Halo 1) Attack on the Control room, and The Silent Cartogropher.

• Halo 2 is better than Fable. I can give it that much credit but none more.
So.. thanks for your IP address and this post, we'll be sure to tell Microsoft about you :)

Note: I did not read this post.
It's a good thing giving an honest game review is grounds for punishment from Microsoft or something, heh.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't think any of that could be taken as a spoiler. Tell me where and I'll glady take it out.
[quote name='TubeRacer']It's a good thing giving an honest game review is grounds for punishment from Microsoft or something, heh.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't think any of that could be taken as a spoiler. Tell me where and I'll glady take it out.[/quote]
The stuff about the campaign mode and story.
[quote name='TubeRacer']It's a good thing giving an honest game review is grounds for punishment from Microsoft or something, heh.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't think any of that could be taken as a spoiler. Tell me where and I'll glady take it out.[/quote]

That isn't grounds for punishment, but downloading the game illegally is. Game Length, Abrupt, unexpected ending could be considered spoilers.
I apologize for that. I've edited the first post to remove those things.

Also, I never once said I have downloaded the game, nor did I say I condone it. It could be taken that I implied that I downloaded it or something, but it's not really important, is it? I've got two copies pre-ordered anyway, so perhaps the real pirates are the ones who should be reported to Microsoft.
well if your telling the truth, then microsoft is done for. all of its other first party games these past few monthes have been supreme garbage (see sudeki, fable)

the only game microsoft put out that was any good was Kingdom under fire, and most people very likely won't even give it a try.
[quote name='TubeRacer']I apologize for that. I've edited the first post to remove those things.

Also, I never once said I have downloaded the game, nor did I say I condone it. It could be taken that I implied that I downloaded it or something, but it's not really important, is it? I've got two copies pre-ordered anyway, so perhaps the real pirates are the ones who should be reported to Microsoft.[/quote]

How about editing the part about playing as the covenant.

Even if you are going to buy the game, it still doesn't make it any less illegal when you download it.
I'm glad someone at least gives me some credibility. I'd have no reason to lie about random stuff like this. I can't imagine Bungie getting away with lots of this stuff without irate fans bothering them. Lots of the stuff promised was not delivered. But to be fair, the game has good points too. Multiplayer is at least decent. If you buy the game, get it for multiplayer. Marty of course was amazing with the music too. Buy the soundtrack.

EDIT: Sorry, I'm pretty sure there's nothing at all now that could be considered anything close to a spoiler.

EDIT2: For the record, I oppose downloading illegal/copyrighted material from the internet.
if you oppose it then why did you do it? the game is less than a month away and yet you couldn't just wait for the 2 pre-orders you have? you chose the wrong place to tell that you downloaded the game.
Oh shut up, you don't oppose jack shit, quit trying to save your ass, you either downloaded a copy or played it at a friend's house, either way quit being an analretentive gamer and stop posting about Halo 2 and let us wait for it, got it? Good.
I'm just glad nobody spilled the beans about the "Master Chief is gay" storyline. You have one drunken night in college, and you can never live it down. Even if you do save the universe.

We'll just have to wait for the game to come out to hear the rest.

By the way ... I would NEVER download anything illegally ... where'd you get it again? :p
also, everything is a spoiler to someone who hasn't played the game, unless it was in something that Bungie said was in the game.
Wow you all need to grow up. Coming into a topic called "The Truth about Halo 2" after hearing about the Halo leak, you KNOW what you're getting yourself into. TubeRacer I actually appreciate that you eased away some of the Hype for me. I no longer expect a perfect God game because of what all of media is saying and now just expect a damn good game. I therefore won't be bitching and whining on these message boards later on about how dissappointed I am. If only I could have been so lucky with Sudeki, which was promptly returned for The Frozen Throne (God Bless Blizzard).

Back on topic, any of you who came into this post and are whining about spoilers or being bitches and crying that someone else is playing a game have pretty much proved yoruselves to be nothing but hypocritical. You come into a post to read about a game that's not out yet and verbotten to possess then complain that the person giving the information is doing something illegal. It's nonsensical. You bitching about what the person has already done will do NOTHING as it's already been done so you might as just leave well enough alone. Don't want to hear about the game? Don't read. But don't whine either.And if you REALLY want to help Microsoft, you'd report all the warez sites you may or may not go to, not one of Microsoft's consumers.
Another thing: like the person said before, seeing as the game isn't released, ANYTHING not released by Bungie or Microsoft about the game can be considered a spoiler. You could say "in the first minute you see Master Chief." Yeah, that's a spoiler as we're not supposed to know that just yet. If you were all so put off by spoilers in the first place, you therefore would not have come in here to begin with.

Side note: I felt really bad reading the post on about the game being leaked. Reading their message board posts and their dev diary, and all the stuff on the various gaming sites and publications, these guys put in a lot of their hearts and souls into this game. I applaud and respect that, and honestly felt very angry at teh person who 'stole' the game and made it available to others free of charge. It's not right and it's not fair.
One thing to consider though is that honestly, the people who aren't going to buy the game because of its release on the internet are the same people who wouldn't be buying it in the first place. This isn't the Dreamcast we're talking about where you can self-boot copied games without a mod chip. We're talking about voided warranties, wires everywhere, potentially ruined motherboards and stready-hand soldering Mod Chips here. No one's going to go through the $100+ dollar hassle to play one $50 dollar game. There's a more pressing cause for concern where leakge of story details is concerned, but again, most of you out there can avoid having things ruined for you by using COMMON SENSE and staying away from message board topics that talk about Halo 2.
But yeah... my collector's edition is already paid for... I still cannot wait for November 9th.

Edit: "You all" in the beginning was an exaggeration, obviously.
I thought this topic was a *joke* for a second there.... Seriously though.... I do believe a few things he said.... but I'm still greatly anticipating Halo 2 to be THE best console FPS this year.... if not.... I love you Killzone.
Wow..this post is really gonna kick down the 2-3 million reservations huh?

I didn't kno that it was leak...that is F***ed up. But it is sad to know they took out all these things.
[quote name='ratedpeej']Side note: I felt really bad reading the post on about the game being leaked. Reading their message board posts and their dev diary, and all the stuff on the various gaming sites and publications, these guys put in a lot of their hearts and souls into this game. I applaud and respect that, and honestly felt very angry at teh person who 'stole' the game and made it available to others free of charge. It's not right and it's not fair.
One thing to consider though is that honestly, the people who aren't going to buy the game because of its release on the internet are the same people who wouldn't be buying it in the first place. This isn't the Dreamcast we're talking about where you can self-boot copied games without a mod chip. We're talking about voided warranties, wires everywhere, potentially ruined motherboards and stready-hand soldering Mod Chips here. No one's going to go through the $100+ dollar hassle to play one $50 dollar game. There's a more pressing cause for concern where leakge of story details is concerned, but again, most of you out there can avoid having things ruined for you by using COMMON SENSE and staying away from message board topics that talk about Halo 2.
But yeah... my collector's edition is already paid for... I still cannot wait for November 9th.[/quote]

The point you make is excellent; with technology in console gaming these days, it is difficult/impossible to hack/pirate consoles without additional hardware (I think the PS2 fliptop mod is the only non-hardware solution, but it manages to void the console's warranty, and the PS2 slide card is for idiots). The question I have, then, is this; how much piracy could be solved, then, by implementing legislation to ban modchips? Could the United States even feasibly pull this off?

A further quandry: I have a modded Xbox (feel free to hurl stones if you must; I'm sure it will make you all feel better). I also have a Japanese PS2 (because I failed to mod my first US PS2). I'm an import gaming nut (in particular, RPGs and Wrestling games); I have approximately 25-30 import titles (mostly PS & PS2). I consider my PS2 similar because, had I been able to, I would have likely modded my US console (which would have been a moot point, since I would have inevitably bought a Japanese PS2 for FFXI - I assure you, given the price I paid for my HDD, it was not a sound financial investment).

Long story short (too late), I consider myself for having legitimate grounds for having a modded console (well, somewhat legitimate; if you've ever played The Wild Rings, you would want to smack me for going to so much effort to play such a miserable game - such is the fate of wrestling game fans). However, I don't consider it a necessity. I don't think I will attempt to mod consoles anymore if the next great import title is released on it; given my experiences with my Japanese PS2, I will prefer to, in the future, spend the money on an import console (though I loathe to hear another few years of "dude, what's with two playstation twos?"). The difficulty in getting my Xbox to run makes me realize that I should have spent the extra money for the comfort of something that works well.

The short form (since I failed at the short story): pirating games is a problem. Modding consoles is a problem. It is likely far easier to regulate the latter rather than the former. Which would you go after, and how? Would you go after the people that dumped Halo 2, knowing that they failed to learn from the people who were arrested for leaking HL2? Or would you go after the modchip distros, with their smarmy "this is simply for playing backups of titles you own" bullshit (like the filthy hippie who sells glass bowls "for tobacco" at the flea market?

With the release of Katamari Damacy in the states, perhaps it is a sign that soon, this may all be a moot point (or at least reduced significantly).

Thank the maker for no region lockout in my GBA: I so totally want Mawaru: Made in Wario!

[quote name='TubeRacer']The Warthog, for example. My opinion, it handles like shit now. Most people who are used to the immaculate physics of the Halo 1 Warthog will agree.[/quote]

After that inane comment I stopped reading the post, the immaculate physics of the Warthog in Halo 1? It was the worst piece of the game. The Warthog was absolutely horrendous. Either the OP is making random shit up, or is just trying to troll.
Can we ban this fuck? Not because he's bashing on Halo 2, but he's pretty much said he's downloaded it and pretty much said some spoilers.
[quote name='TubeRacer']The Warthog has an ugly sounding horn that doesn't fit the vehicle (R button).[/quote]

That does it. Cancel my pre-order pronto!
[quote name='kaw'][quote name='TubeRacer']The Warthog has an ugly sounding horn that doesn't fit the vehicle (R button).[/quote]

That does it. Cancel my pre-order pronto![/quote]

Yes, I was a little peeved to hear this as well. The horn does sound ridiculous, and has no real practical application to the game. What's worse is that everytime someone wants me to get in a hog with them, they are gonna pull up next to me and blare that damn horn. Take your death machine elsewhere, I choose life.
To be honest, nothing really sounds like that much of a bash in my book. The only thing that may bother me is the lack of online co-op. Otherwise, I could care less about his complaints.
He never said he downloaded it. He could've played it anywhere. Banning him would be the lamest idea this side of lamecity, and if this was any game other than Halo 2, you people wouldn't have minded so much. "Crash Twinsanity leaked!" If someone said they downloaded it a month early, people wouldn't care. So stop trying to pretend that you're all high and mighty. And no, I don't condone people downloading it, but you guys are giving off such a "better than you" vibe that it's disgusting.

The warthog sucked in Halo 1.

Personally, I welcome any reviews on any game that I would have interest in buying (whether they be early or not). Everybody has already deemed Halo 2 as "THE BEST GAME EVER IN EXISTANCE IN THE UNIVERSE WHOOOOOOOO", and nobody has played it. How about for a second, you put the bias aside, and listen to somebody who has played the game. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy the game based on what some kid has to say on a forum, but I would start considering that "hey, maybe Halo 2 isn't the new messiah after all". Take his review with a grain of salt, but here is a kid who seems to have really liked Halo 1 and doesn't like Halo 2. Take that for what it's worth.
[quote name='Scorch']Oh shut up, you don't oppose jack shit, quit trying to save your ass, you either downloaded a copy or played it at a friend's house, either way quit being an analretentive gamer and stop posting about Halo 2 and let us wait for it, got it? Good.[/quote]

lol , you must be the bitchiest little 13 year old girl on this site.
you need to stfu and stop trying to be a halo hero.
He never said he downloaded it. He could've played it anywhere. Banning him would be the lamest idea this side of lamecity, and if this was any game other than Halo 2, you people wouldn't have minded so much. "Crash Twinsanity leaked!" If someone said they downloaded it a month early, people wouldn't care. So stop trying to pretend that you're all high and mighty. And no, I don't condone people downloading it, but you guys are giving off such a "better than you" vibe that it's disgusting.

The warthog sucked in Halo 1.

Personally, I welcome any reviews on any game that I would have interest in buying (whether they be early or not). Everybody has already deemed Halo 2 as "THE BEST GAME EVER IN EXISTANCE IN THE UNIVERSE WHOOOOOOOO", and nobody has played it. How about for a second, you put the bias aside, and listen to somebody who has played the game. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy the game based on what some kid has to say on a forum, but I would start considering that "hey, maybe Halo 2 isn't the new messiah after all". Take his review with a grain of salt, but here is a kid who seems to have really liked Halo 1 and doesn't like Halo 2. Take that for what it's worth.

[quote name='Cornfedwb'][quote name='TubeRacer']The Warthog, for example. My opinion, it handles like shit now. Most people who are used to the immaculate physics of the Halo 1 Warthog will agree.[/quote]

After that inane comment I stopped reading the post, the immaculate physics of the Warthog in Halo 1? It was the worst piece of the game. The Warthog was absolutely horrendous. Either the OP is making random shit up, or is just trying to troll.[/quote]

That is exactly what I was thinking Cornfedwb.
TubeRacer, I've already made an inferrence to how you obtained the game, but would you just clear it up for us how you this game came into your hands?
I dunno bout all of you guys, but I believe "The Leak" may not be a leak. Think about it, all this time spent on the game, there had to be people fired from bungie during this time frame, that could possibly have a beginning copy of this game, and being disgruntled could have leaked it just in time to persuade thousands of people to not buy the game, and cancel their preorders. Besides isnt their like a false-advertisement law that would come into affect if the game did not have all the features promised for the past year, since they had plenty of time to correct anything promised in there ads, I think honestly Bungie and Microsoft are not that stupid to have a million dissatisfied customers, thats millions and millions of dollars, and at least a million customers. But if this is all true and this is really a final copy and not a copy of the game in the beginning stages of the making of it, then on Nov. 9th it will be a sad sad day in gamers world.
[quote name='yeahokthenfu']I dunno bout all of you guys, but I believe "The Leak" may not be a leak. Think about it, all this time spent on the game, there had to be people fired from bungie during this time frame, that could possibly have a beginning copy of this game, and being disgruntled could have leaked it just in time to persuade thousands of people to not buy the game, and cancel their preorders. Besides isnt their like a false-advertisement law that would come into affect if the game did not have all the features promised for the past year, since they had plenty of time to correct anything promised in there ads, I think honestly Bungie and Microsoft are not that stupid to have a million dissatisfied customers, thats millions and millions of dollars, and at least a million customers. But if this is all true and this is really a final copy and not a copy of the game in the beginning stages of the making of it, then on Nov. 9th it will be a sad sad day in gamers world.[/quote]

Bungie has gone on record saying it was the final French PAL version that leaked, and it is believed to have been someone inside Bungie or Microsoft who leaked it.

As for the false advertisement thing, no Halo 2 advertisements have ever included details on the features in the game. Every feature we've heard up to this point has either been hopeful speculation in the press or something that has been removed from earlier builds. The best place to g to see what is in the game and what isn't is Every question that they feel they can answer, they already have.
[quote name='Scorch']Oh shut up, you don't oppose jack shit, quit trying to save your ass, you either downloaded a copy or played it at a friend's house, either way quit being an analretentive gamer and stop posting about Halo 2 and let us wait for it, got it? Good.[/quote]

After seeing Scorch's "Music Pirate" icon, I was reminded of this scene from "Pirates of the Carribean":

Will Turner : You cheated!
Jack Sparrow : [shrugs] Pirate.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='yeahokthenfu']I dunno bout all of you guys, but I believe "The Leak" may not be a leak. Think about it, all this time spent on the game, there had to be people fired from bungie during this time frame, that could possibly have a beginning copy of this game, and being disgruntled could have leaked it just in time to persuade thousands of people to not buy the game, and cancel their preorders. Besides isnt their like a false-advertisement law that would come into affect if the game did not have all the features promised for the past year, since they had plenty of time to correct anything promised in there ads, I think honestly Bungie and Microsoft are not that stupid to have a million dissatisfied customers, thats millions and millions of dollars, and at least a million customers. But if this is all true and this is really a final copy and not a copy of the game in the beginning stages of the making of it, then on Nov. 9th it will be a sad sad day in gamers world.[/quote]
Well now that I feel like a dumbass for not searching for the info before posting, I guess it is going to be a very sad sad day on Nov. 9th for the gaming industry, that is if the OP is telling the truth about the leak. Damn it shit fuck, this is going to suck, o well there has to be some good things in the game, if not it will just collect dust with many other games.

Bungie has gone on record saying it was the final French PAL version that leaked, and it is believed to have been someone inside Bungie or Microsoft who leaked it.

As for the false advertisement thing, no Halo 2 advertisements have ever included details on the features in the game. Every feature we've heard up to this point has either been hopeful speculation in the press or something that has been removed from earlier builds. The best place to g to see what is in the game and what isn't is Every question that they feel they can answer, they already have.[/quote]
[quote name='"Ledhed"']Bungie has gone on record saying it was the final French PAL version that leaked, and it is believed to have been someone inside Bungie or Microsoft who leaked it.[\quote]

Source? I was under the impression that they were pointing the finger at someone in the plant where the game was being processed.

I don't get the logic of someone subverting their own job like that. Well, perhaps not subverting their job, but making certain their company made less money (there must be around 7-8 Xbox owners who did not preorder). Someone at a plant seems to be more likely, but now I'm not so certain that I read the initial press release correctly.

People around here need to chill. At least some people can identify this is a harmless thread. I may or may not have downloaded the game, but that is not the topic here.

People thinking Halo 1's Warthog had bad physics is completely fine. They'll probably like the new Warthog. You can disagree with my personal preferences, but the whole second paragraph of my original post is stuff in the game that you can't deny or debate. You may like or dislike them, but I'm just listing them to tell you how it is.

Why do people keep wasting their time talking about piracy when this is just a discussion thread for those that are curious on some of Halo 2's new features.

The only way these things could be false is if somehow, even though it seems very unlikely given the information, the leaked Halo 2 is not the final version, or if the French version is somehow different from the US release (unlikely). Besides that, only LIVE downloadable updates can ensure a brighter future for Halo 2. I'm almost certain it's the final version, but I can't say I'm 100% positive.

To clarify, the game is still decent, and worth a buy, but considering it was worked on for three years and was supposed to be the best game ever, you can't blame Halo fans for getting irate over them cutting _simple_ features they used to love.

There are a few new features that are pretty good. For example, you can enter multiplayer levels alone if you're just bored and want to screw around. You don't need to hook up a 2nd dummy controller to get in. Also, your appearance in multiplayer is more customizable. You can choose from an assortment of logos to put on your suit. Both your suit, and your chosen logo, each have primary and secondary colors for further customization. There are 11 multiplayer levels including remakes of Blood Gultch and Battle Creek. There are a few cool new game types too. The gametype 'Race' was removed (Anyone care?).

Any more questions of the game's features are welcome.
[quote name='"mykevermin"'][quote name='Ledhed']Bungie has gone on record saying it was the final French PAL version that leaked, and it is believed to have been someone inside Bungie or Microsoft who leaked it.[\quote]

Source? I was under the impression that they were pointing the finger at someone in the plant where the game was being processed.

I don't get the logic of someone subverting their own job like that. Well, perhaps not subverting their job, but making certain their company made less money (there must be around 7-8 Xbox owners who did not preorder). Someone at a plant seems to be more likely, but now I'm not so certain that I read the initial press release correctly.


Maybe someone is enforcing their own version of economic vigilate justice.

Corporations are shooting themselves in the foot by implementing copy protection technology that is cumbersome and restrictive, and then using paid-for lawmakers to implement strangleholds on intellectual property (copyrights now last for well over 100 years, thanks Disney)

The "Robin Hood" type behavior exibited here is just one symptom of the broken intellectual property system. Give fair rights to consumers and you won't be making folk heroes out of pirates.
The more Ive been reading about Halo 2, the less enthusiastic I am about it.
It all started when Bungie said "No bots". Then came the info on the leaked version.
No! NO! I refuse to believe it! It's a lie! It MUST be a lie! It can't be true...


*Breaks down in tears*
yeah, i wish i hadn't of read any of the OP's first post. regardless, anyone who has played Marathon will tell you that when Bungie gets all the time they need to make a game, they don't screw it up.
[quote name='Pylis']No! NO! I refuse to believe it! It's a lie! It MUST be a lie! It can't be true...


*Breaks down in tears*[/quote]

It's true...some dickhead posted his opinion on the internets. Get over it.
Interesting indeed. MAkes me wish I could play it. I was never in love with the warthog's driving but I didn't dislike it either. Opinions, people. Read other people's, combine with information, form your own...that's how it works. Unless you're just an idiot, if so, resume flailing about.
Lol. Well, to clarify (just in case), I was being sarcastic. I can't really make a judgment on the game until I play it, so I'll just have to wait and see for myself.
hey just to wake you up mr. op who likes downloading stuff off the internet, you downloaded a BETA, a beta that has already been previously reported on by bungie and gamespot saying things such as features missing, tweaks not done, holes and gaps, no final polishing. this game may not live up to the insane amount of hype it recived, but it for sure will be a great game.

EDIT: some people belive that it was a final copy but by the way many people are describing it, it sounds like the beta
[quote name='fireball343']EDIT: some people belive that it was a final copy but by the way many people are describing it, it sounds like the beta[/quote]

Exactly. It DOES sound like the beta, but you need to wake up. That's why this is so discouraging. What SHOULD be the beta is actually the final version. If you actually have ANY valid sources for your claims besides "it sounds like a beta" then maybe I'd listen. Even Bungie knows the leak is a final.
[quote name='Cornfedwb'][quote name='TubeRacer']The Warthog, for example. My opinion, it handles like shit now. Most people who are used to the immaculate physics of the Halo 1 Warthog will agree.[/quote]

After that inane comment I stopped reading the post, the immaculate physics of the Warthog in Halo 1? It was the worst piece of the game. The Warthog was absolutely horrendous. Either the OP is making random shit up, or is just trying to troll.[/quote]

i agree i hated controlling that thing it made the last level frustrating for me
wow there are so many people in denile here. I knew this was gonna happen. You wait sooo long for a game to come out and you find out it is gonna be crap. I found the original halo a good game but a little over rated. I was telling some of my friends before "halo 2 is such a anticipated game, sure there are always gonna be disapontments, but halo2 is gonna get like a B- on reveiws and people are gonna comit suicide over it".
bread's done