The Voice Acting in the New Prince of Persia is Racist

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Now I'm a completely chill guy when it comes to being politically correct and I'm even currently serving a 6 month ban on Neogaf for supposedly being rascist. But when I watched the guided tour video and discovered that Nathan Drake is our Prince of PERSIA I was a bit outraged. This is hot on the heels of

which frankly makes me even more pissed. I'm Persian myself (parents are afghan) and I've been called various racist things and had to endure horrendously unfunny jokes. But I've never actually been too mad besides getting pulled over at the airport. But to me this is like fucking blackface and I won't tolerate it. If anyone knows of a phone number to Ubisoft I can use I would be grateful. This was one of my most anticipated games of the year but I won't buy it if I have to hear the sound of Ubisofts marketing department being a bunch of racist fucks every five seconds.
Or maybe there's a lack of availability on the (I'm assuming) limited amount of Persian or Middle Eastern voice actors?

I can at least assume they don't intend for any racism, its just a problem with the resources they're provided with or something along those lines.
[quote name='heavyd853']Or maybe there's a lack of availability on the (I'm assuming) limited amount of Persian or Middle Eastern voice actors?

I can at least assume they don't intend for any racism, its just a problem with the resources they're provided with or something along those lines.[/quote]
This is a high budget game and I'm sure there are plenty of VA who can do a accent. And I bet you the current voice actor cost a premium anyway since he did Uncharted.
I wouldn't call it racist because there's really no proof of that, and I think you're reading way too into things right now. A stereotypical voice would be somehow less racist? (not to say it was racist to begin with)

However, I think it's a shame we got a white Prince of Persia. It's as if as soon as there's a chance for hollywood to show a little variety, they completely and shamelessly blow it off.

I have always envisioned the Prince as a tan guy with Persian features, after all it's supposed to be Prince of Persia. The guy in the movie looks has a strong Northern European look, and it's almost laughable to even begin to consider him Persian. I doubt it would be that hard to find someone that can act, while looking the part in such a diverse country.

Hell, I'm not even saying I want a Persian(although it would be nice to finally see a Persian person on the big screen), but rather just someone that at least looks remotely Persian. It kind of seems they chose this guy for his star appeal more than anything else.
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[quote name='mike.m']Ok I'll bite, who's this guy and why does it make this racist?[/quote]
The guys that I assume your talking about are Jake Gyllenhall (sp) and whoever did the voice of Nathan Drake in uncharted. But those two guys are just doing their job. The real problem is at the feet of the higher ups.
[quote name='leveskikesko']I wouldn't call it racist because there's really no proof of that, and I think you're reading way too into things right now.

However I agree to an extent, it's a shame. I have always envisioned the Prince as a tan guy, after all it's supposed to be Prince of Persia. The guy in the movie looks Northern European, it just doesn't look right and I doubt it would be that hard to find someone that can act and also play the part. It kind of seems they chose this guy for his star appeal more than anything else.[/quote]
There's actually nothing wrong with the look of the prince (in this new movie, new game, or even Sands of Time). Persian guys aren't all dark (most people think I'm Mexican or jewish). The voice betrays his look though and it completely takes me out of the setting.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']There's actually nothing wrong with the look of the prince (in this new movie, new game, or even Sands of Time). Persian guys aren't all dark (most people think I'm Mexican or jewish). The voice betrays his look though and it completely takes me out of the setting.[/quote]

Huh? I know they aren't super dark. I've known some Persian people, and trust me I know what they look like. I'm not saying he has to be dark like an Indian, but they could have at least chosen someone that didn't look straight up Northern European. It's just too unrealistic for my taste, even if it is somewhat of a fictional story.
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Wait, you're crying foul because the Prince of Persia isn't voiced/acted by a Persian?

Here's a little tidbit for you: Bart Simpson isn't voiced by a 10-year old boy, but by... a WOMAN!! Sexist and ageist!

I watched only the first minute of the video and I saw nothing racist. Yeah, it's silly that the Prince of Persia has an American accent, but who cares?

Some people just love to be offended.
I don't think this is really racist... or offensive. This is in no way supposed to be a historically accurate portrayal of a Persian prince. If you want a historically accurate portrayal of a Persian prince, go read a book.
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']Wait, you're crying foul because the Prince of Persia isn't voiced/acted by a Persian?

Here's a little tidbit for you: Bart Simpson isn't voiced by a 10-year old boy, but by... a WOMAN!! Sexist and ageist!

I watched only the first minute of the video and I saw nothing racist. Yeah, it's silly that the Prince of Persia has an American accent, but who cares?

Some people just love to be offended.[/quote]
I'm not crying foul because he isn't voiced by a Persian. I'm crying foul because he doesn't SOUND like a persian. Now if Bart Simpson suddenly sounded like a old woman many people would cry foul.
[quote name='Vinny']I don't think this is really racist... or offensive. This is in no way supposed to be a historically accurate portrayal of Persians. If you want a historically accurate portrayal of Persians, go read a book.[/quote]
Dude Persians aren't a extinct species.
Ummm I don't see how this would be considered racist.
It's an American game made for an American audience. Dynasty Warriors was voiced by nothing but Americans and I see nothing wrong with that. Yea, I prefer a more authentic feel too but weren't the previous games the same?
[quote name='bobo2k4']Ummm I don't see how this would be considered racist.
It's an American game made for an American audience. Dynasty Warriors was voiced by nothing but Americans and I see nothing wrong with that. Yea, I prefer a more authentic feel too but weren't the previous games the same?[/quote]
Actually Sands of Time had a accent and the DW games have some (weak) asianish voices. American for American doesn't make sense either. If they used Nathan Drakes voice for say CJ from GTA people would be livid.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']Actually Sands of Time had a accent and the DW games have some (weak) asianish voices.[/quote]

I'm guessing you haven't heard the voices in the DW games. They were definitely not Asian. This would be racist if they were doing a stereotypical racist accent but he's just doing a voice.

They used British voice actors for Siren and no one complained.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']Dude Persians aren't a extinct species.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure why you think I even made the notion of them being extinct...
Even if you were able to prove that you knew what every Persian who ever existed sounded like, all you'd be able to show is that the voice acting is bad.

Stop trying to look for racism here. Maybe you'd find it on some train tracks. Look there.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Even if you were able to prove that you knew what every Persian who ever existed sounded like, all you'd be able to show is that the voice acting is bad.

Stop trying to look for racism here. Maybe you'd find it on some train tracks. Look there.[/QUOTE]

:applause: Good Stuff
The dude who plays Xerxes (a Persian) in 300 was Brazilian. Who gives a fuck? Gerard Butler is Irish but played King Leonidas. I'm Greek and could care less.

Did you care when Nathen Lane and Robbin Williams played a gay couple in Birdcage? No.
Did you care when the Asian "students" in 21 were played by white people? No.
How about when it was revealed that ~90% of the voice actors for Prince of Egypt were white? No.

You're making a whole lotta noise about a whole lotta nothing. And only when it happens to you.
[quote name='Greetard']The dude who plays Xerxes (a Persian) in 300 was Brazilian. Who gives a fuck? Gerard Butler is Irish but played King Leonidas. I'm Greek and could care less.

To be fair, Xerxes had a pretty (hilariously) shitty and inaccurate portrayal there. I could understand being pissed at seeing a Persian thus represented.

Nathan Drake as the Prince of Persia though? Not quite so worthy of such umbrage in my eyes. Foreign characters are dubbed/voiced by Americans all the time.
I don't understand how this is racist. At all. The guy who voices Kratos is black, so does that mean God of War is racist?
The old Dynasty Warriors had tons of problem with voice acting, the biggest being names that were mispronounced.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Even if you were able to prove that you knew what every Persian who ever existed sounded like, all you'd be able to show is that the voice acting is bad.

Stop trying to look for racism here. Maybe you'd find it on some train tracks. Look there.[/quote]
The Nathan Drake voice is distinctively caucasian and is not even attempting any type of accent. As soon as I heard I was weirded out (I'm playing Uncharted on crushing right now). Now I'm not accusing the voice acting of being bad at all (its just Drake) but the direction is very offensive. Even Altair in AC had a accent. And don't bring Kratos into it, he was even imagined as black (I think Jaffe wants the guy from Blood Diamond to play him in the movie). GTA San Andreas was a game distinct for its setting. And if CJ was voiced by the Uncharted guy people would be pissed. And Prince of Persia is about the setting and I think the Prince should be authentic and I can't imagine the developers wanting anything else. That's why I think it's marketing. I'm sure this issue is going to come up when its time for release.
[quote name='looploop']To be fair, Xerxes had a pretty (hilariously) shitty and inaccurate portrayal there. I could understand being pissed at seeing a Persian thus represented.

Nathan Drake as the Prince of Persia though? Not quite so worthy of such umbrage in my eyes. Foreign characters are dubbed/voiced by Americans all the time.[/quote]
Well Frank Miller is a fucking lunatic so thats 300's problem.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Dude you are fucking crazy just admit it.[/quote]
How am I crazy for thinking its racist? Hell, my case is much better than N'Gai Croal on RE5.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']The Nathan Drake voice is distinctively caucasian and is not even attempting any type of accent. As soon as I heard I was weirded out (I'm playing Uncharted on crushing right now). Now I'm not accusing the voice acting of being bad at all (its just Drake) but the direction is very offensive. Even Altair in AC had a accent. And don't bring Kratos into it, he was even imagined as black (I think Jaffe wants the guy from Blood Diamond to play him in the movie). GTA San Andreas was a game distinct for its setting. And if CJ was voiced by the Uncharted guy people would be pissed. And Prince of Persia is about the setting and I think the Prince should be authentic and I can't imagine the developers wanting anything else. That's why I think it's marketing. I'm sure this issue is going to come up when its time for release.[/quote]

If the Prince of Persia was authentic then he would sit in a palace and do prince things, like fuck princesses. Not fight evil people and control time. The game is totally surreal, yet you want his voice to sound as realistic as possible. Plus, I have to imagine that if you weren't persian you wouldn't care about this "story" at all.
[quote name='MRJESUS925']If the Prince of Persia was authentic then he would sit in a palace and do prince things, like fuck princesses. Not fight evil people and control time. The game is totally surreal, yet you want his voice to sound as realistic as possible. Plus, I have to imagine that if you weren't persian you wouldn't care about this "story" at all.[/quote]
I don't give a fuck about authentic (as I've made clear) I just want the fucking Prince of Persia not to sound like fucking Nathan Drake.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']How am I crazy for thinking its racist? Hell, my case is much better than N'Gai Croal on RE5.[/QUOTE]

N'Gai Croal's tirade was stupid, but you've actually surpassed it.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']And Prince of Persia is about the setting and I think the Prince should be authentic...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='miyamotofreak']I don't give a fuck about authentic (as I've made clear)...[/QUOTE]

You be the judge.
[quote name='Chacrana']N'Gai Croal's tirade was stupid, but you've actually surpassed it.[/quote]

Epic reponse. Chacrana FTW.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']The Nathan Drake voice is distinctively caucasian and is not even attempting any type of accent. [/QUOTE]You are right, someone is being racist here.

[quote name='miyamotofreak']Now I'm a completely chill guy when it comes to being politically correct and I'm even currently serving a 6 month ban on Neogaf for supposedly being rascist.[/QUOTE]I believe half of this statement. You figure out which half.
[quote name='miyamotofreak']I'm not crying foul because he isn't voiced by a Persian. I'm crying foul because he doesn't SOUND like a persian. [/QUOTE]

This was as far into the thread as I got before I felt like I needed to chime in. I'm also Persian, my dad is from Iran. If you seriously want the Prince to sound like a Persian, then they will need to change his animations so that he talks with his hands, gets into what hes saying, standing up, moving around, and acting out both sides of a conversation between him and someone else. Also, a legit Persian accent on the Prince in the game could very well take away from the overall game experience. Don't get me wrong, its a cool accent, but like, come on... I can honestly say I wouldn't be able to stand it for an 8 to 12 hour game, let alone a 3 hour family gathering.
I'm wracking my brain here after being away from my history classes for awhile but I'm pretty sure that the people who built the Persian Empire into a massive, continent-spanning organism aren't even really the same people who currently live in Iran.

Look, when Alexander of Macedon conquered most of the known world, he encouraged marriages and relationships between his Greek armies and the various nations they absorbed, it helped everyone to sort of integrate. If you're going to look at it from a date after ~300 BC, it's perfectly reasonable to think that a "Prince of Persia" could look and sound very much like a man from Europe.
It's racist against my taste...the dialogue is so out of place. I feel like I've been bait and switched after that freaking awesome Sigur Ros trailer. That's the true crime here.
Do Persians really sound that different?

My American friends come from a wide range of ethinic backgrounds, but it's pretty hard to tell their race just by listening. I guess there would be an almost noticeable difference between an Asian guy and an African guy, since typically I've found Asians have higher voices and Africans usually have deeper voices. Are you asking for a stereotypical voice?

I'm surprised you're not at all concerned about the Prince looking completely white in the movie, yet the voice is so important to you. To top it off you automatically assume it's racist, but don't really provide evidence.

I really don't get it...
[quote name='Ahadi']This was as far into the thread as I got before I felt like I needed to chime in. I'm also Persian, my dad is from Iran. If you seriously want the Prince to sound like a Persian, then they will need to change his animations so that he talks with his hands, gets into what hes saying, standing up, moving around, and acting out both sides of a conversation between him and someone else. Also, a legit Persian accent on the Prince in the game could very well take away from the overall game experience. Don't get me wrong, its a cool accent, but like, come on... I can honestly say I wouldn't be able to stand it for an 8 to 12 hour game, let alone a 3 hour family gathering.[/quote]
I actually do that too. Ninja Dog pretty much nails how I feel about the whole thing. And to the people saying I'm making something out of nothing, f*** you. I found it offensive and I'm sure I'm not the only looking at feedback from other sites.
Hmm. I hate to contribute, but this has been bugging me for-fucking-ever. Did anyone think that the Vizier in Two Thrones sounded like he was from Africa? And looked like he had gained about 60 pounds?[quote name='mrlokievil']
They used British voice actors for Siren and no one complained.[/quote]That's because British accents are major aphrodisiacs.

Even Cockney?

Especially Cockney.
Im Persian, and your topic is fucking stupid.

And please enlighten me as to how you are Persian if both your parents are Afghan? Were you born in Iran?
[quote name='leveskikesko']You shouldn't throw around the word racist so carelessly. It's not a good habit.

Or do you actually think it's racist?[/quote]
I don't toss the word racist around.This is the first I've ever accused anyone of being racist besides my mother (who knows she is). I do however think that having such a white sounding guy doing the Prince is a bit racist. I really do.
[quote name='bardiya27']Im Persian, and your topic is fucking stupid.

And please enlighten me as to how you are Persian if both your parents are Afghan? Were you born in Iran?[/quote]

Are you fucking stupid? You do know there are Persians outside of Iran right?
[quote name='miyamotofreak']Are you fucking stupid? You do know there are Persians outside of Iran right?[/quote]

I do know there are Persians outside of Iran dumbass. I am one. I am asking you how are you Persian if both of your parents are Afghan and you were not born in Iran.

Sounds to me like you are Afghan.
1. White guy voicing a Persian is not racist at all. Absolutely in no way. People of one race voice characters of another race all the time -- in games, cartoons, anime, etc. Sometimes girls voice guys, also. Or guys voice girls. Absolutely nothing is racist about it (and nothing is sexist about one gender voicing another). You're being ridiculously oversensitive.

2. I'm a Caucasian 22yr old and I've been pulled aside at the airport too. Many, many people have, it's sad that you just assume it's because of your race and get upset and consider them racist.

Maybe you should stop playing the race card in situations where race plays no role...
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