The War on Drugs Is Over


25 (100%) least according to Glenn Greenwald as he reports on his upcoming 50 page Cato Institute paper on April 3d. It's supposed to be televised on C-Span and will have a live Q&A session via online participation. Check the link for details:

Probably the only good work Obama and the Democrat controlled Houses of Doom could do for our ailing economy right now is to ram through Congress an order to cease and desist all Federal marijuana prosecution, investigation, and incarceration and to withhold federal funding that states rely on to persecute freedom loving people.

Every Governor should take note that to save a shit-ton of cash for your billion dollar deficits, letting all the non-violent dope smokers go free would be a good start. They aren't hurting anybody.
I'll see your argument, bmulligan, and churn your stomach by raising you a massive stoner-tax to help offset state and federal deficits.
Cease all marijuana prosecution? That's a step too far. I'd stop arresting people for possession, maybe, but you'd still have the equivalent of high DUI to prosecute - in addition to drug dealers, who likely sell more then just marijuana.

I've read studies in Canada that a legalized marijuana system would bring in enough funding to end deficits and institute a national dental care plan. I think the only way this works is to convince people that they will receive a tangible benefit from this admittedly radical policy shift.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'll see your argument, bmulligan, and churn your stomach by raising you a massive stoner-tax to help offset state and federal deficits.[/quote]

Care to put a number on that?
My problem is that the War on Drugs (ugh) isn't over until the DEA is essentially no more. Any step away from the Draconian bullshit in place now is good, but it's far from what really needs to happen. And as for a tax? Any tax creates a wedge of inefficiency, but if you're wanting to fund public programs I would recommend a straight sales tax. No need to pull a huge, demand reducing excise tax.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'll see your argument, bmulligan, and churn your stomach by raising you a massive stoner-tax to help offset state and federal deficits.[/quote]

Massive taxes just feed the beast... reasonable taxes would be fine...

...we are so far over the edge, that we need the government to go fully bankrupt so that union contracts can be voided and we can reorganize.

For those in California: Vote no on Prop 1A, the tax increase extension disguised as a phony "spending cap" by our evil gov't!

Oh, and pot can be legalized... I'll allow it...
[quote name='CannibalCrowley']Too many government jobs depend on the War on Some Drugs for it to go away or even lessen significantly.[/quote]

It's not the jobs, it's the politics. Advocating the end of the war on drugs
(or even adopting a more moderate postion) is political suicide.
[quote name='camoor']It's not the jobs, it's the politics. Advocating the end of the war on drugs
(or even adopting a more moderate postion) is political suicide.[/QUOTE]

Unless you're Ron Paul.
Then you've committed political suicide so many times, it doesn't matter anymore.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I agree. Why just give Marijuana a pass? If you green light mary jane, you'll just make other drugs take it's place in crime.

Are you saying cops will plant other illegal drugs on potheads?
[quote name='mykevermin']I'll see your argument, bmulligan, and churn your stomach by raising you a massive stoner-tax to help offset state and federal deficits.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your raise. LOTS of illegitimate legislation is passed under the cloak of the interstate commerce clause which grants them the power to regulate( i.e., tax ) but this I would completely agree with. As long as they don't fuck with people who want to supply themselves, I have no problem with it at all.
^ I always thought that was one of the unspoken arguments against legislation: people have, through its controlled status, relied on self-cultivation, or small local networks, that legalization for tax purposes was moot (because "big corporate weed" wouldn't exist opposed to small networks).

But I'm not a smoker, so I could be wrong about that.
It would be great if it was so we can get these nazi narcs off the street. One of my friends was shook down right as he left his house in the middle of the day. Literally right in front of his house. Narcs did a u-turn and ran out towards him, verbally harassing him and almost getting violent with him. He's also been stopped a lot of other times around his block. I've been stopped a couple of times too and they've always been such arrogant dickwads. Narcs are just a bunch of assholes.
[quote name='Blackout']It would be great if it was so we can get these nazi narcs off the street. One of my friends was shook down right as he left his house in the middle of the day. Literally right in front of his house. Narcs did a u-turn and ran out towards him, verbally harassing him and almost getting violent with him. He's also been stopped a lot of other times around his block. I've been stopped a couple of times too and they've always been such arrogant dickwads. Narcs are just a bunch of assholes.[/QUOTE]

They must know you guys by name, eh? ;)
[quote name='Blackout']It would be great if it was so we can get these nazi narcs off the street. One of my friends was shook down right as he left his house in the middle of the day. Literally right in front of his house. Narcs did a u-turn and ran out towards him, verbally harassing him and almost getting violent with him. He's also been stopped a lot of other times around his block. I've been stopped a couple of times too and they've always been such arrogant dickwads. Narcs are just a bunch of assholes.[/QUOTE]

sooo you guys do drugs?
[quote name='thrustbucket']They must know you guys by name, eh? ;)[/quote]

They probably know my buddy's name as well as his favorite cereal growing up. I swear, they must have his face on record so they can pull it up when they're on a power trip or something. Last time he got stopped it was by two white guys and they were being real racist assholes. He's Puerto Rican, but he's not like gangsta gangsta PR or anything like that. The guy's not even dark. But of course they get away with it all the time.

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']sooo you guys do drugs?[/quote]

I don't do drugs but I have no problem if someone likes to smoke pot. Maybe it's just me, but aren't there child rapists and terrorists they could be focusing their attention on?
[quote name='Blackout']I don't do drugs but I have no problem if someone likes to smoke pot. Maybe it's just me, but aren't there child rapists and terrorists they could be focusing their attention on?[/QUOTE]
Pot is the gateway to child rape and terroism. Stop it before it happens.
[quote name='Blackout']Maybe it's just me, but aren't there child rapists and terrorists they could be focusing their attention on?[/quote]

It is approaching summer. So, a child wearing shorts is technically giving consent. The US government has a huge deficit. The US can't borrow any more money from China to finance the boogeymen terrorists.
bread's done