The week from hell and it just keeps coming...


22 (100%)
Well, so far I've had one hell of a bad week, as can be gleened from the title of this topic.

The timeline:

Monday, my fiancee gets rear-ended in our CRV by some jack going 40mph who didn't realize it was a red light. Not too much of a problem, given that the guy has insurance, but a worry and frustration nevertheless. We were already down to just that vehicle, since our Civic is in the shop for major repairs and perhaps its funeral. So now on top of the scheduling conflicts of two different schedules, I'm driving a car with muffler held up by a coathanger until the battlerammer's insurance coughs up.

But wait, it continues..

Tuesday, wasn't all that bad a day. One doctor visit, with him trying to convince me that I need to consider finally getting the work done to my knee that I've been putting off for awhile now. Expected, and not too much of a stressor. And I was able to save a stray cat, which always helps my mood, since I feel like I've helped make a difference. Also finally opened up Metal Slug Advance and hose many many things.

Wednesday: The Whammy...
I get an estimate on the car repairs, running to the tune of 1200 simolies. I've had worse car bills, so I'm not really worried. But when I get home, the s hits the fan.
I get a call from my aunt asking if I had heard the news. I hadn't heard anything, but assume it's about my grandmother, who was diagnosed with cancer three weeks ago. Nope, it's not about my grandmother.

My little sister (she's 24 and was a mom in October, but they always stay little) has been committed to the psych ward of the hospital in my hometown. She'd had a complete break with reality, thinking everyone's out to get her, seeing ghosts everywhere, and discussing how she was going to kill herself.

Now my sister has been diagnosed with a chemical inbalance for sometime now, but with medication she's been able to keep it under control. And recently, she's had a bad case of post-partem (sp?) disorder, which happens with new mothers since their bodies are hormonely trying to adjust. But her husband had worried her about her medication (he thinks that depression is a fad and something that you can just will away), and so she'd stoped taking it consistently. She'd just spent a week with my mom visiting my gran in Omaha, and apparently the stress of the visit was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Now my sis is in a padded cell being given a super drug cocktail in an effort to restore brain chem. balance, and her husband is blaming my family and trying to limit their access both to my sis and my nephew, who at 5 months old is scared and confused as to why is mom and gramma (my mom) aren't around.

With all of this is the bad blood between my dad and my brother-in-law. The bro-in-law has lied to my dad in the past , and wasn't even going to call my father to tell him that all of this had happened. Well, I was able to get bro-in-law to call my dad, but he lied again to him and told the old man that no one was allowed to visit on top of some other untruths. My dad follows this up with a call to the psych ward only to be told that the husband was just there visiting. So basically the bro-in-law is in the hotseat for being a jackass, and I feel like taking out his legs for some of the hurtful things he's been saying to my mother about all of this (like calling her family of bunch of hillbillies since they live in the Midwest, when the average family IQ is 140).

And to top all of this off, the prognosis on my grandmother is a 1% chance of survival in the next three months since cancer has spread throughout her entire spine and she never went to the doctor when her back hurt. Looks like I'm Nebraska-bound at some point soon to sit with her.

Now normally I've the calm of the Buddha. Nothing really ever gets me upset. I'm the guy that can have an entire stack of dishes fall to the floor and say with a smile "Eh, shit happens." (true example, my fiancee dropped them last week)

But trying to negotiate between someone who is being a manipulating jackhole (bro-in-law) and a man whose rage would make his Viking ancestors proud (my dad), worrying that my sister is going to be allright, trying to keep my mom propped up with the stress of my sister and with her mom dying, and my own feelings about my gran and doing it all from 2500 miles away has just got me shaking.

So, any CAGs just have one of those weeks?

PS — those CAGS I'm working on trades with, I'm getting back to people as soon as I can. Hopefully I'll be able to respond to some pms tonight after I've had a nice hot cocoa and Oban.
Im sorry about your grandmother and your sister. I too have been rear ended, My 1 week old Mits Lancer got hit last summer and boy did I want to kill the guy. I got my car fixed a week later on his dime but it was a hassle to work with his insurance company. Seems like big companys are quick to threaten when they want their money but when it's time for them to pay they take for e v e r....
I'll pray for you and your family.
You are one very strong CAG.... sorry about the misfortunes.... BTW? are you at middle age? because bad stuff always happens at middleage.
RICK: I can't believe it. My parents are dead!

NEIL: You think that's bad?

RICK: Yes I do, actually, what's it to you, pissface?!

MIKE: Shut up, you're ruining my holiday!

RICK: Ruining your holiday? What about my holiday?! Both my parents are dead! The selfish bastards!! I was going to spend the whole summer with them!

NEIL: Shut up, right. Shut up and listen, right, for once. All the bad things that have happened to you, right. All those things have happened to me before, twice as bad and for twice as long, OK? So shut up!

I've had a pretty shitty week myself... eh, fuck it, we'll call it a pretty shitty month, no wait... let's make it a shitty year, or perhaps a shitty seven years sounds better. Maybe I broke a mirror sometime in the Summer of 1997, so things should be getting better soon...
Thanks for the supports bros. Ya know, even just writing all that out helped to clear my head a bit.

Just got an update: Sis is having some lucid moments now. Looks like the drug cocktail is starting to take some effect. But she's still slipping into mania where now she's hearing bad voices. One of them is apparently Bush telling her how he's going to destroy the world. I guess if you're a liberal, that's one of the first demons you would hear coming out of the shadows.

But in her lucidity she asked to talk to me, so that gives me some hope that I'll be able make some contact with her. Maybe there's a chance I'll get back the sister I grew up with.

The gramma thing is surprisingly easier to deal with. I've seen death before (all my great-grandparents, both grandfathers, two uncles, and three good friends, plus pets), and for the most part have its measure. And she's already told me that she's not afraid of it. She said she's lived a good full life already at 62, lived in several countries, and had amazing experiences. Right now I think she just wants the pain to go away.
Don't kick the Bro-In-Law's ass, sounds like a vindictive prick that would love to get over on you. Don't give him the satisfaction, instead go the Cape Fear route hire some toughs to do the job. I'm sure you could find a few CAG's to do the deed I know I'd be in for say Valkryie Profile.

Take A Nice Carribean Vacation To Take Your Mind Off Of How Life Is and Try Livin On Island Time For A Week, Come Back Feeling Refreshed and Start Your New Week.
Well, since we're sharin' shitty stories...

My mom's gettin' a divorce to my cheating father (the only reason he's not dead yet is cuz my mom told me not to hurt him). This is of course after I have a fight w/ him (I found out about him cheating on my mom as well as touching my lil sis 'inappropriately') and beat him within an inch of his life (yes I spent a few weeks in jail; that's justice for ya - I beat the crap out of a guy who cheated on my mom and molested my sister but I'm the one doing community service). While this is going on, the county I live in experienced one of the worst floods in recent history (last big one was about 50 yrs ago. It also happened dab smack in the middle of winter and there's only 3 roads out of town and 2 of those roads were blocked off by ice created from water which reached as high as the floor of a big rig truck trailer (about 3 feet high). The blockage took 3 days to remove but living in a small town that hardly has city type traffic jams is frustrating when ppl who've never driven in the city (unlike me) piss and moan about how they're going to be late for their jobs. The worst is that the flood not only blocked off roads but ruined my basement - taking my PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, and my gaming computer along w/ accesories (Wacom tablet, logitech wireless mouse/keyboard MX, USB Playstation converter. Fortunately I have flood coverage but, of course, it'll take 2-3 months before my claim is fully processed. And the kicker? While the guys who were removing the water and refurnishing the carpets, they stole the Xbox (and left my PS2 and Gamecube - go figure) which had Halo 2 in it while I was staying at my sisters'. The Xbox didn't work but at the very least I could've saved the game. I'll admit I should've been there to supervise but of course my mom convinces me to let my dad do it (he's in construction) which then of course leads into the events I spoke of in the beginning.
Wow I thought my week of pink eye and someone robbing me was bad. Good luck OP, just try to take things one day at a time. Make sure you have time to vent even if its with a punching bag. You are no use to anyone if u fall apart
A couple of hugs for OP and jaykrue and anyone else with a bad week. The manly man kind, more like pats on the back with chest bumps.
Man, your post made me feel this sad feeling. I hope that your relatives will be fine. I'm sure there will be good things coming.
bread's done