The "what I played today" Thread


I did not see one of these already made, so I decided to start one.

The rules are simple, Just post what you play each day.

5/14/07 - Today I played Motorstorm(PS3) and Lumines Plus(PS2)

Have Fun! :D
I've only played "Hide from the boss" so far today. Now tho, I'm gonna go play some City of Heroes before heading off to bed.

GTA3 - Xbox
WWE SvR 07 - PSP (how the hell do you make a black t-shirt in CAW? I spent half an hour screwing around with the perfect (barring color) white t-shirt.
World of Warcraft - Mac
5/14/07 - 5/15/07: Splinter Cell Double Agent (X Box)

this game reeeeally picked up some steam after the first jba headquarters mission.
Making the final push on Call of Duty 2 veteran. I'm on the final mission, which isn't nearly as bad as that absurd Hill 400 battle, between clearing the top bunker, then sniping the mortar teams. That caused a fair amount of swearing.

Also finished fear last night on 360. Decent game, story was poorly told, game was okay. Keep playing Pokemon Diamond on and off.
played some tag team matches in DoA4.

tonight after my final: gonna start a 10-day WoW trial :) I have to give it another chance, now that I have new found respect for western rpgs.
[quote name='martin8me']Your mom.;)[/quote]


We were all playing that game in January. We're all playing Your Mom 64 these days. ;)

So I've been played Black of PS2 and screaming at Sonic Rush for DS. Seriously. I've got to a place where it is impossible to move forward. GameFaqs here I come.

Black is pretty fun but I wish they worked on shooting enemies as much as they worked on shooting barrels, amirite?
I played Kim Possible 2 for the gba for about 5 minutes, just to make sure the used cart I picked up today works alright.

Hopefully tonight I will try out Red Star, which is leaning against my ps2, and then fall asleep farming berries in Pokemon.
Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman for 12 hours so far. I can't get enough of those "super sexy combos."

But no, seriously I played some Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting earlier.
5/15/07 Korinpa Marble Mania (GREAT game)
Meet The Robinsons Wii (From LOW on my qeue at gameznflix :) )

Far Cry Vengeance WII (NEVER AGAIN! I got insanely nauseous)

Gears of War (will be playing MUCH more of this one in the coming days)
SuperMan Returns
Just put me down for 30 minutes of Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee every day since I play it without fail on the crapper at work.

Tonight I'll be enjoying Crackdown for the first time and maybe some Guitar Hero II because I am addicted to it.
Guitar Hero II - Cleared The Trooper and Laid to Rest on expert, barely..., then failed Psychobilly Freakout within 5 seconds.
(later that night) - cleared Psychobilly Freakout, after much practicing the opening, and got through YYZ on first try. Failed Beast and the Harlot at 25%.

Castlevania DOS - Continued working through Julius mode.
bread's done