The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Consoles* Amazon did not take preorders, see note.

Best Buy
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Toys R Us
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Wii U Bundle Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken
Wii U Deluxe Sold out online & in store
Wii U Basic Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in-store pre-orders were not taken

Deluxe Bundle Bundled with New Super Mario Bros U, Black Ops 2, and Zombi U-Out of Stock

Consoles/Games Reservation List Only for NTSC Basic & Deluxe models

Fry's Electronics
Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location.

Nebraska Furniture Mart
Consoles Both models sold out online

:hot:Nintendo World Store
Consoles: Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location in NYC.


  • Newegg, as of now (Friday before launch) is selling the deluxe console as a bundle only. It is listed for immediate shipping, not as a pre-order.

  • *Amazon email sent out to those who signed up for Wii U pre-order notification:
Dear Customer,

Thank for you signing up to be notified when the Wii U is available.
Unfortunately the Wii U console is not available at at this time but please check back in the future, as availability may change. We do have the latest Wii U games and accessories available now so check them out. Thank you for shopping with Amazon Video Games.
System Information

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[quote name='TimboSliceGB']we will not know for sure. early this week nintendo said their will not be a shortage like the wii and they are doing what ever they can to make that happen. So i kind of will take nintendo word before the lame experts that are saying shortage. We shall see in couple weeks[/QUOTE]

you are right dude - no one knows for sure. I did notice the wording from the Nintendo guy was weird. It did not seem like we wont have a shortage versus we will not have the same shortgae - I took it as not as bad but bad, although maybe that is just me. I hope you guys all get one either way. :)

[quote name='Tribrow']Got a question for people who might be more familiar with NewEgg. Thinking about ordering the bundle but not sure when it would arrive if I used the "newegg 3 day" shipping method. I'm a college student and I'll be at my parents house all next week (Thanksgiving week) but I'll be heading back to my apartment the Sunday afterward. Large packages are put in a mail slot that anyone in my apartment community can access so I don't want to have it delivered to there if I'm not going to be there for 4 or 5 days. Also don't want to have it delivered home and head back to school before it arrives. Thoughts on what day I should expect it to be delivered. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.[/QUOTE]

My experience, newegg is all over the place. If they pack it to ship Saturday (best case scenario), then UPS will likely not get it till Monday, then they will maybe start to process it Monday night. If that is the case add three days (I think that is what they do) for transit time which would be Tuesday and Wednesday and Friday (Thursday is a holiday, remember) so maybe you would get it Saturday.....maybe... If newegg draggs its heels by a day you are fucked. ...maybe your parents could ship it to you if you miss it and you would spend an extra 25 or so in shipping for piece of mind?

[quote name='TimboSliceGB']at this point im kicking my self for not getting in on the dell website package yesterday. there is no launch games i really want seeing games like ac3,cod,batman i got on other systems already but it's new tech and i love new tech.[/QUOTE]

...I am telling you, Donkey kong crash is the bomb ha ha
[quote name='GTR R35']What the hell happened here?Was waiting for newegg order verification on U pro cntr. (all other nintendo items shipped)

---Nintendo Wii U Pro Controller - White
Release Date: 12/31/2012---

Is this fo real?[/QUOTE]

This is what New Egg told me:

"We apologize for the inconvenience. We have an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) as 12/31. It is for all the pre-orders. Please keep in mind that this is only an estimated date of arrival given to us by the manufacturer. "

Not sure what to say about that....
[quote name='Jackovasaurus']They don't whore out their games, because they make a lot of their money on hardware, and what's the best way to get people to buy your hardware? Mario.[/QUOTE]

That's the best way to get people to buy their home console hardware. The best way to get people to buy their handhelds?

ah scumbag newegg:
We regret to inform you that we are unable to process your order because the payment authorization from your debit/credit card has been declined. As such, your sales order has been cancelled.



Apparently i had a stolen credit card that i never deleted and it saved it as my primary and never used my discover for the purchase. Scumbag new egg took it all away from me. coupon and all. Well at least i got a chance to update all my other preorders i had 2 pro controllers tekken 2 and monster hunter 3 with newegg all on preorder. Cant belive they dont even give u chance to change options.
[quote name='GTR R35']What the hell happened here?Was waiting for newegg order verification on U pro cntr. (all other nintendo items shipped)

---Nintendo Wii U Pro Controller - White
Release Date: 12/31/2012---

Is this fo real?[/QUOTE]

LOL I called them today and the girl told me that too....I was like, ummm, everywhere else in the US it is coming out the 18th and she was like the computer says motherfucker so fucking shut the fuck up

and I was like calm down please
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I hate Frys's!!! I also preordered at Best Buy in store but no call so far. Is I preordered there in store is BB going to screw over its customers like Frys?
Someone wanna run me through the latest updates?

My order has a date again vs yesterday when all it told me was processing good thing I have a different one preordered too
I went to Walmart to pay off the two systems I had layawayed. I told he I had two layaway orders. They sold me Both systems out right there. Not only that, but they didn't charge me the remaining balance on the second system (I had them on two separate orders under my account.) , which was $180. After I swiped my card, she handed me both systems. I asked if I was good to go, and she said yes. I didn't notice I wasn't charged for the second one until I got home.

Will the second system I have be considered stolen in their computer? Can it be registered for warranty, or anything?
[quote name='pissoffbakaburi']LOL I called them today and the girl told me that too....I was like, ummm, everywhere else in the US it is coming out the 18th and she was like the computer says motherfucker so fucking shut the fuck up

and I was like calm down please[/QUOTE]

There is gonna be a shortage of Wii U Pro controllers. Newegg is not the only one...

Saw this on another forum


Due to a manufacturer delay, the Pro Controller will arrive later than its original estimated delivery date. Our warehouse will process these orders as quickly as possible and we expect to ship the controllers in the next 2-3 weeks in order to arrive before Christmas.

Additionally, we have been notified that we will not be receiving the Pro Controller in white. If you ordered a white controller we will send you a black controller when we receive them in stock. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
[quote name='rckola911']ah scumbag newegg:
We regret to inform you that we are unable to process your order because the payment authorization from your debit/credit card has been declined. As such, your sales order has been cancelled.



Apparently i had a stolen credit card that i never deleted and it saved it as my primary and never used my discover for the purchase. Scumbag new egg took it all away from me. coupon and all. Well at least i got a chance to update all my other preorders i had 2 pro controllers tekken 2 and monster hunter 3 with newegg all on preorder. Cant belive they dont even give u chance to change options.[/QUOTE]

I would call them on that. They should make that right....
[quote name='SuperSonic128']I went to Walmart to pay off the two systems I had layawayed. I told he I had two layaway orders. They sold me Both systems out right there. Not only that, but they didn't charge me the remaining balance on the second system (I had them on two separate orders under my account.) , which was $180. After I swiped my card, she handed me both systems. I asked if I was good to go, and she said yes.

Will the second system I have be considered stolen in their computer? Can it be registered for warranty, or anything?[/QUOTE]

Run forest, run!!
[quote name='SuperSonic128']I went to Walmart to pay off the two systems I had layawayed. I told he I had two layaway orders. They sold me Both systems out right there. Not only that, but they didn't charge me the remaining balance on the second system (I had them on two separate orders under my account.) , which was $180. After I swiped my card, she handed me both systems. I asked if I was good to go, and she said yes. I didn't notice I wasn't charged for the second one until I got home.

Will the second system I have be considered stolen in their computer? Can it be registered for warranty, or anything?[/QUOTE]
I would say something due to the fact someone's job could be at steak, at during the holidays its the worst possible thing that could happen for someone to loose their job. (the other side of me would say yay money and say screw walmart for what they do to their employees however and would spend the money on family or something.. maybe buy canned food for people or something)
I ended up biting on the Newegg bundle, but I had a quick question. I also ordered from Kmart for pick-up on Sunday. Now if the order goes through would it be possible to pick up that order and then return the Wii U I get from Newegg's shipment back to Kmart? Is there any way they would know that the one I was returning wasn't from them?
[quote name='WhatsYoFlava']There is gonna be a shortage of Wii U Pro controllers. Newegg is not the only one...

Saw this on another forum


Due to a manufacturer delay, the Pro Controller will arrive later than its original estimated delivery date. Our warehouse will process these orders as quickly as possible and we expect to ship the controllers in the next 2-3 weeks in order to arrive before Christmas.

Additionally, we have been notified that we will not be receiving the Pro Controller in white. If you ordered a white controller we will send you a black controller when we receive them in stock. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The best buy I preordered my Wii U at had about 9 or so white pro controllers on the shelves. If these delays are truthful I may just pick up one there to hold me until the black ones I ordered from newegg ship out.
[quote name='trashtalkhc']I ended up biting on the Newegg bundle, but I had a quick question. I also ordered from Kmart for pick-up on Sunday. Now if the order goes through would it be possible to pick up that order and then return the Wii U I get from Newegg's shipment back to Kmart? Is there any way they would know that the one I was returning wasn't from them?[/QUOTE

they should all have same upc
[quote name='trashtalkhc']I ended up biting on the Newegg bundle, but I had a quick question. I also ordered from Kmart for pick-up on Sunday. Now if the order goes through would it be possible to pick up that order and then return the Wii U I get from Newegg's shipment back to Kmart? Is there any way they would know that the one I was returning wasn't from them?[/QUOTE]
yes the actualy systems have the bar codes on them so they would know. Plus they will be very suspicious that you just bought it and are so quick to return it. i would just camp on sunday at target and get one early.
i really hope nintendo gets solid third party support this time

id love if i could just have a wii u and be able to ignore microsoft and sony and not feel left out
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']lol tons of stories of wallmart giving out systems early i guess they don't care seeing they are going on strike on black friday lol[/QUOTE]
i went to a walmart in michigan, no go those people know about the wiiU and were like "sir this doesnt come out till sunday" ... man i wish i had it easy plus it seems like they wont do a midnight release on sunday even though they are a 24 hour store.. since layaway is from 9am-9pm ... if you dont follow that memo at least give me the console early :wall:
[quote name='SuperSonic128']I went to Walmart to pay off the two systems I had layawayed. I told he I had two layaway orders. They sold me Both systems out right there. Not only that, but they didn't charge me the remaining balance on the second system (I had them on two separate orders under my account.) , which was $180. After I swiped my card, she handed me both systems. I asked if I was good to go, and she said yes. I didn't notice I wasn't charged for the second one until I got home.

Will the second system I have be considered stolen in their computer? Can it be registered for warranty, or anything?[/QUOTE]

So instead of saying something, you walked out of a store with a stolen system?

[quote name='SuperSonic128']I went to Walmart to pay off the two systems I had layawayed. I told he I had two layaway orders. They sold me Both systems out right there. Not only that, but they didn't charge me the remaining balance on the second system (I had them on two separate orders under my account.) , which was $180. After I swiped my card, she handed me both systems. I asked if I was good to go, and she said yes. I didn't notice I wasn't charged for the second one until I got home.

Will the second system I have be considered stolen in their computer? Can it be registered for warranty, or anything?[/QUOTE]

umm... if they scanned the barcode when sold, then yeah, I would guess it would show as stolen. If they just sold without scanning the system ID then a system would show as stolen, they just might not know it was yours. If you go in to get an extended warranty and show your receipt I think it will show you owe a balance. Although what the fuck do I know. I would consider going back and taking care of that though...
[quote name='trashtalkhc']I ended up biting on the Newegg bundle, but I had a quick question. I also ordered from Kmart for pick-up on Sunday. Now if the order goes through would it be possible to pick up that order and then return the Wii U I get from Newegg's shipment back to Kmart? Is there any way they would know that the one I was returning wasn't from them?[/QUOTE]

not a chance

each console has a item specific serial
[quote name='pissoffbakaburi']I would call them on that. They should make that right....[/QUOTE]
yeah i will call them when they are open and complain a tad. Usually they are pretty cool like that. I couldnt imagine how i would feel if that was the actual console. Whats bs is if your bank stopped the charge they would cancel you? Very poor customer svc in my opinion.
Update on Wii U game pre-orders from Newegg - they finally charged me for NSMBU and Black Ops II. Both are currently being packaged. Hopefully that means they still go out today/this weekend.

They still haven't charged me for Mass Effect 3, however.

Really glad I cancelled my ZombiU and ACIII Newegg pre-orders and decided to pick them up at GameStop. Otherwise I'd have nothing but Nintendo Land to play on day one.
[quote name='confoosious']So instead of saying something, you walked out of a store with a stolen system?


LOL - your Avatar says hates shady people and your write that, wow. Not judging, just laughing.....:grouphug::fridge:
[quote name='sensuitomo']i went to a walmart in michigan, no go those people know about the wiiU and were like "sir this doesnt come out till sunday" ... man i wish i had it easy plus it seems like they wont do a midnight release on sunday even though they are a 24 hour store.. since layaway is from 9am-9pm ... if you dont follow that memo at least give me the console early :wall:[/QUOTE]

Hello fellow michigander! Lol :)

I checked my walmart today too, to see if they were doing a midnight launch (just to make sure, you never know) and the disgruntled lady checked and told me "Duh, yeah". So.. rude service.. but no choice but to go there.
[quote name='metsfan1545d']i really hope nintendo gets solid third party support this time

id love if i could just have a wii u and be able to ignore microsoft and sony and not feel left out[/QUOTE]

a real gamer should have every system seeing each system has decent 1st party games
[quote name='SuperSonic128']I went to Walmart to pay off the two systems I had layawayed. I told he I had two layaway orders. They sold me Both systems out right there. Not only that, but they didn't charge me the remaining balance on the second system (I had them on two separate orders under my account.) , which was $180. After I swiped my card, she handed me both systems. I asked if I was good to go, and she said yes. I didn't notice I wasn't charged for the second one until I got home.

Will the second system I have be considered stolen in their computer? Can it be registered for warranty, or anything?[/QUOTE]

Man i know it sounds sweet to get that 2nd system like that but please consider taking it back. The employee will probably be fired and they will trace it back to your credit card "i work at a bank". THey will charge you for some bullshit misdemeanor taking stolen property or some crap. I wouldnt even risk it.
[quote name='pissoffbakaburi']LOL - your Avatar says hates shady people and your write that, wow. Not judging, just laughing.....:grouphug::fridge:[/QUOTE]

I was being sarcastic.

I know, it doesn't translate well.
[quote name='bigsick']just got this same email and i was one of the first to order when it went up on CAG. fuck frys[/QUOTE]

same I was one of the first to order.. I assumed it was going to be canceled but DEFINITELY staying away from frys from now on
[quote name='Katsumi']Hello fellow michigander! Lol :)

I checked my walmart today too, to see if they were doing a midnight launch (just to make sure, you never know) and the disgruntled lady checked and told me "Duh, yeah". So.. rude service.. but no choice but to go there.[/QUOTE]
see this is the walmart on 14 and van dyke which gets lots of business but no wii u midnight launch, heck i'm not sure how many people preordered them at our super walmart (24hour place) will call tomorrow though to double check if they are or not.. hell i might print that memo out and see if i can get some help without resorting to complain(got work in the morning and dont want to rish loosing this system)
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[quote name='confoosious']I was being sarcastic.

I know, it doesn't translate well.[/QUOTE]

Ha Ha - it's cool - I seriously fell out of my chair laughing when I read that. Thank you!

[quote name='pissoffbakaburi']I am thinking I may buy somewhere and return my newegg copy with the receipt[/QUOTE]

I'm doing the same thing. This works right?
[quote name='vtswordfish']Ehh if he plays dumb with it I doubt they'd charge him for anything, they'd probably make him pay off the other though.[/QUOTE]
yeah your probly right hes gone and outta there. Well i would feel bad for the employee though they might get their butt handed to.
I may also be just jelous because these guys are just walking in and out with their system and i have to wait another day lol.:booty:
[quote name='sensuitomo']see this is the walmart on 14 and van dyke which gets lots of business, nut no my nintendo fan nerd is going to the gamestop next door to pick it up (one of our friends had a preorder but didnt have enough money, so my nintendo nerd is buying his copy there(to hold onto) and the one he layawayed at the walmart heck i'm not sure how many people preordered them at our super walmart (24hour place) will call tomorrow though to double check if they are or not.. hell i might print that memo out and see if i can get some help without resorting to complain(got work in the morning and dont want to rish loosing this system)[/QUOTE]

good luck, most of the people I find here are either uninformed and refuse to help or are informed and won't help.
[quote name='sensuitomo']see this is the walmart on 14 and van dyke which gets lots of business, nut no my nintendo fan nerd is going to the gamestop next door to pick it up (one of our friends had a preorder but didnt have enough money, so my nintendo nerd is buying his copy there(to hold onto) and the one he layawayed at the walmart heck i'm not sure how many people preordered them at our super walmart (24hour place) will call tomorrow though to double check if they are or not.. hell i might print that memo out and see if i can get some help without resorting to complain(got work in the morning and dont want to rish loosing this system)[/QUOTE]

I read that shit five times and I still don't know what the fuck you are trying to say, lol.
has nintendo ever gave a reason why they release their stuff on sunday? i could understand why they would do it in japan seeing sunday is really the only day people their have off of work and it's like a holiday every week, but not sure why it's the same day in u.s.
[quote name='Katsumi']I checked my walmart today too, to see if they were doing a midnight launch (just to make sure, you never know) and the disgruntled lady checked and told me "Duh, yeah". So.. rude service.. but no choice but to go there.[/QUOTE]
i live in california and stopped by my walmart after work, same rude service. :whistle2:(

they must have a training class to show all their employees how to be rude. LOL
[quote name='TheNeck']i live in california and stopped by my walmart after work, so rude service. :whistle2:(

they must have a training class to show all their employees how to be rude. LOL[/QUOTE]

I am wondering if they are just being rude because they will be the ones covering the midnight shift.. lol :)
[quote name='metsfan1545d']u cant return a systen bought some place else to another store[/QUOTE]

to be honest it's possible i have worked in retail for years and have seen it happen by mistake in my store. If store by mistake scans on the upc it will show up in the system the barcode on systems are the only things dif. seeing he would have a legit recipt showing his purchase they might take the one from newegg
[quote name='Katsumi']I am wondering if they are just being rude because they will be the ones covering the midnight shift.. lol :)[/QUOTE]
LOL sucks to be them, im glad i have a M-F job with the weekends off as well as holidays.
Looks like my Newegg games getting ready to ship, got notice of charge ... Damn so now I will have Mario, Zombie, Assassins Creed III but no system until gets off its ass and ships. Lady at CS Said it would Monday I won't hold my breath Walmart is halfassed.
[quote name='metsfan1545d']u cant return a systen bought some place else to another store[/QUOTE]
I understand this wont work with systems but what about games?
Example: Buy from newegg and Walmart, open Walmart copies, return newegg sealed copies to Walmart. Anyone try this?
My order from Target that I placed yesterday (white system w/mario) shipped! When I was checking out I chose the express Sunday delivery however my tracking states Tuesday delivery,will they refund my shipping?
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