The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Consoles* Amazon did not take preorders, see note.

Best Buy
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Toys R Us
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Wii U Bundle Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken
Wii U Deluxe Sold out online & in store
Wii U Basic Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in-store pre-orders were not taken

Deluxe Bundle Bundled with New Super Mario Bros U, Black Ops 2, and Zombi U-Out of Stock

Consoles/Games Reservation List Only for NTSC Basic & Deluxe models

Fry's Electronics
Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location.

Nebraska Furniture Mart
Consoles Both models sold out online

:hot:Nintendo World Store
Consoles: Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location in NYC.


  • Newegg, as of now (Friday before launch) is selling the deluxe console as a bundle only. It is listed for immediate shipping, not as a pre-order.

  • *Amazon email sent out to those who signed up for Wii U pre-order notification:
Dear Customer,

Thank for you signing up to be notified when the Wii U is available.
Unfortunately the Wii U console is not available at at this time but please check back in the future, as availability may change. We do have the latest Wii U games and accessories available now so check them out. Thank you for shopping with Amazon Video Games.
System Information

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[quote name='henry00x']im assuming those have to be stolen otherwise i dont see the point, even if you purchased them in a tax free state, its approx $38 in fees

idk maybe im missing something[/QUOTE]

Even more odd. Look at his completed. Different location, although might be Plantation FL is basically Ft. Laud just he used most well known city near him.
[quote name='henry00x']im assuming those have to be stolen otherwise i dont see the point, even if you purchased them in a tax free state, its approx $38 in fees

idk maybe im missing something[/QUOTE]

Could be cashing out store credit?

Or they "fell off a truck"...
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Long time CAG and eBayer here. This is suspect as fuck! Dude has no feedback (3 positives). Only an eBay member since August of 2012. And he just happens to pop online in the middle of the night (1:30am Florida time where the item is allegedly shipping from) to list multiple Wii U Deluxe's at what amounts to basically retail price + your various state tax....AND to boot he is offering expedited shipping. This has either "STOLEN" or "SCAM" written all over it. He's practically paying YOU to take them off his hands. Florida sales tax is around 6-7% depending on the county. Expedited shipping is easily another 20-30 dollars. The only way anyone would do this is if they are making pure profit because the merch is HOT! Otherwise there is no profit in this deal for the seller. I haven't even mentioned the eBay listing fee and sell %. Please be careful guys. This is probably some fly by night Nigerian Prince!

I think only USB HDD's work for game installation.

I have an old 320 one that'll match nicely, but I don't plan on going digital for retail games on anything but PC, so I'll probably be fine with the 32GB if I get a Wii U soon, unless there's some sudden deluge of digital only releases of niche titles.
[quote name='vcplant']"I am a licensed seller of Nintendo and I can lose my license for selling over MSRP so here it is."

3 feedback seller from Florida, what could go wrong?[/QUOTE]

"A fool and their money are soon departed" ;-)
Well i got my Wii U at Walmart at the mark of midnight yesterday. I had to wait eight hours in line , but I got my deluxe bundle. They kept telling us all they had was the white one. I had already gone throught my seven stages and had excepted that is what fate had delt me, but long story short they were very wrong and I walked away with a deluxe, which im using right now to type this message. I am hearing that the system is still available in some store here in Florida.
[quote name='MRW2276']"A fool and their money are soon departed" [/QUOTE]

Of course paypal will hold my hand if this guy is fake so why not right ;-)
Also as I recall the Wii back in 06 wasn't completely sold out the first week on release. It took a little longer for it to go awol forever. As I remember 2/3 days later you could walk into Sears and find Wiis.
[quote name='MRW2276']Also as I recall the Wii back in 06 wasn't completely sold out the first week on release. It took a little longer for it to go awol forever. As I remember 2/3 days later you could walk into Sears and find Wiis.[/QUOTE]

Personally I think the hype train is about to start its engine. I dont think we have seen ANYTHING yet. If this is all the demand the console will have then Nintendo should just pack up, go home, and shut down business. I remember for the wii/360 there were partys, launch events everywhere, Facebook was blowing up with posts and the hype was insane. Lines by the 100's sometimes 1000's. Pure chaos!

I live in a large city (Portland OR) and many stores still have the consoles on shelves. I think this will be similar to what you said like the original wii. Because if this console cant sell out at launch, then why would it sell out after fanboys buy their share??? I think the two KEY components that will make this console go astronomically ape**** will be a large increase of advertising, and blackfriday in combo with these new Wii U experience events being set up all around town. Then come December this should be just like the first wii. Hand held consoles never sell like home consoles. So if this launch is anything like 3DS or dosent gain some SERIOUS momentum, I think this could seriously hurt the big N. I also think all these interveiws where Reggie or Moffit were happy about pre orders is somewhat exaggerated optimism. Gamestops all got around 10-15 wii u's on average. Not a huge deal to sell those out. They didnt take bigger retailers into account as much, such as Bestbuy or Walmart. BOTH which still have some in stock as of this morning. Your thoughts?

( To everyone, Dont anyone get all defensive on me. I enjoy my wii u, there are just some of my observations that I find strange, its your right to disagree with me, but please do so in an educated manner)
Someone already managed to grab "Xscapist." :whistle2:(

When setting up the Wii U initially, has anyone had it refuse to display when 1080p is selected as the option, only displaying in 1080i?
I have to say for all the praise Nintendoland has gotten as being "the best launch game" it's easily my least favorite. I really don't like playing the games on the GamePad. I didn't buy a home console and 55" HDTV to play on a 480p poor contrast ratio screen in my controller. It's like why even have the TV on at that point? I much prefer ZombiU and NSMBU. I really hope the trend of games that play mostly on the pad doesn't continue... I have a 3DS & iPad if I want to play a handheld.
[quote name='BigJoe']Personally I think the hype train is about to start its engine. I dont think we have seen ANYTHING yet. If this is all the demand the console will have then Nintendo should just pack up, go home, and shut down business. I remember for the wii/360 there were partys, launch events everywhere, Facebook was blowing up with posts and the hype was insane. Lines by the 100's sometimes 1000's. Pure chaos!

I live in a large city (Portland OR) and many stores still have the consoles on shelves. I think this will be similar to what you said like the original wii. Because if this console cant sell out at launch, then why would it sell out after fanboys buy their share??? I think the two KEY components that will make this console go astronomically ape**** will be a large increase of advertising, and blackfriday in combo with these new Wii U experience events being set up all around town. Then come December this should be just like the first wii. Hand held consoles never sell like home consoles. So if this launch is anything like 3DS or dosent gain some SERIOUS momentum, I think this could seriously hurt the big N. I also think all these interveiws where Reggie or Moffit were happy about pre orders is somewhat exaggerated optimism. Gamestops all got around 10-15 wii u's on average. Not a huge deal to sell those out. They didnt take bigger retailers into account as much, such as Bestbuy or Walmart. BOTH which still have some in stock as of this morning. Your thoughts?

( To everyone, Dont anyone get all defensive on me. I enjoy my wii u, there are just some of my observations that I find strange, its your right to disagree with me, but please do so in an educated manner)[/QUOTE]

I mean it's the net and you get jealous folks who say I saw 30 of these sitting at such and such store when in fact there might be one white one and then you got the other side of sellers who are just saying be calm all is well in order to unload the ones they bought before you do. The truth at this point probably lies somewhere in between (as it did seem calm with no lines at stores, yet if they weren't kind of in short supply ebay wouldn't be in even the mid 400's). Either way unless your some newbie who bought 20 on credit and were planning to make a huge score there isn't much risk waiting (more risk making little profit on ebay on an iffy buyer with buyer's remorse if these become common and charge backs over waiting or returning an extra system you might of bought in case). It does so far seem like a lack luster launch and Nintendo is promising more shipments for Black Friday, but we'll see.
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[quote name='BigJoe']Personally I think the hype train is about to start its engine. I dont think we have seen ANYTHING yet. If this is all the demand the console will have then Nintendo should just pack up, go home, and shut down business. I remember for the wii/360 there were partys, launch events everywhere, Facebook was blowing up with posts and the hype was insane. Lines by the 100's sometimes 1000's. Pure chaos!

The allocation of units at most stores was as low as any other launch comparatively speaking, and yet there are still consoles to be had. There appears to be little initial demand in the population as a whole. Even so, a huge chunk of inventory is in the hands of speculators, which will eventually make its way back into the market. I suspect that this iteration of Nintendo's next-gen console is not going be successful like the Wii was.

For the launch of the 360 in 2005, there was a mob of 100+ people at my Walmart. For the launch of the PS3 in 2006, there was a mob of 100+ people at my Walmart. For the launch of the Wii U, there were only a few other people ahead of me in line. This is anecdotal evidence at best, but the lack of any national press supports it.
[quote name='gordojones88']The allocation of units at most stores was as low as any other launch comparatively speaking, and yet there are still consoles to be had. There appears to be little initial demand in the population as a whole. Even so, a huge chunk of inventory is in the hands of speculators, which will eventually make its way back into the market. I suspect that this iteration of Nintendo's next-gen console is not going be successful like the Wii was.

For the launch of the 360 in 2005, there was a mob of 100+ people at my Walmart. For the launch of the PS3 in 2006, there was a mob of 100+ people at my Walmart. For the launch of the Wii U, there were only a few other people ahead of me in line. This is anecdotal evidence at best, but the lack of any national press supports it.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on the low key launch, but also you have to take into account the more mobile world since 06 (06 laptops were basically stay at home desktop replacements, 2012 every kid has a computer on his phone). Meaning online instore pickup and such wasn't wide spread 6 years ago and camping out made more sense. I can also say many nonhard core gamers don't know what a Wii U was yet. It boils down to what factors will have more pull here. Part of me says your right, but I have also seen stuff turn very fast these days (in this instant world we live in) the other way (this goes for stuff well beyond Wii's).
A lot of people just don't have the extra money to throw down on a brand new console right now either..,,,times are hard for most...and a new console launch is ALWAYS expensive...
[quote name='reservoir']Long time CAG and eBayer here. This is suspect as fuck! Dude has no feedback (3 positives). Only an eBay member since August of 2012. And he just happens to pop online in the middle of the night (1:30am Florida time where the item is allegedly shipping from) to list multiple Wii U Deluxe's at what amounts to basically retail price + your various state tax....AND to boot he is offering expedited shipping. This has either "STOLEN" or "SCAM" written all over it. He's practically paying YOU to take them off his hands. Florida sales tax is around 6-7% depending on the county. Expedited shipping is easily another 20-30 dollars. The only way anyone would do this is if they are making pure profit because the merch is HOT! Otherwise there is no profit in this deal for the seller. I haven't even mentioned the eBay listing fee and sell %. Please be careful guys. This is probably some fly by night Nigerian Prince!

Definitely a scam, which is why the listings have been removed. A friend of mine used to do this sort of thing. She and her boyfriend sold imaginary PS3's on eBay to unsuspecting buyers back when they were still hard to find. They made a ton of money but eventually wound up going to jail. She was only locked up for about 6 months, though. She got longer than that for "terrorist threats" (yelling "I'm going to kill you!" in the middle of an argument).

Interestingly enough, her boyfriend at the time was Nigerian. His whole family was always running some kind of scam and they were always sending counterfeit money orders to him. Crazy son of a bitch was still running scams the whole time he was in jail.
[quote name='gordojones88']This is anecdotal evidence at best, but the lack of any national press supports it.[/QUOTE]

HLN had a Wii U scarcity bit yesterday and I had multiple coworkers tell me that they saw other news stories about it.
[quote name='ZombieToast']Definitely a scam, which is why the listings have been removed. A friend of mine used to do this sort of thing. She and her boyfriend sold imaginary PS3's on eBay to unsuspecting buyers back when they were still hard to find. They made a ton of money but eventually wound up going to jail. She was only locked up for about 6 months, though. She got longer than that for "terrorist threats" (yelling "I'm going to kill you!" in the middle of an argument).

Interestingly enough, her boyfriend at the time was Nigerian. His whole family was always running some kind of scam and they were always sending counterfeit money orders to him. Crazy son of a bitch was still running scams the whole time he was in jail.[/QUOTE]

The good news is that there is little to no worries about getting ripped off on ebay anymore because of their ridiculously over-protective buyer policies. File a complaint with Paypal or ebay and your funds will be put on hold immediately.
[quote name='ShadowAssassin']The good news is that there is little to no worries about getting ripped off on ebay anymore because of their ridiculously over-protective buyer policies. File a complaint with Paypal or ebay and your funds will be put on hold immediately.[/QUOTE]

I dont know about now but back when the Wii launched I got scammed on one and ebay/paypal would not refund all my money. I think they gave me like half or a little over half back. I was screwed out of the rest.
[quote name='ShockandAww']I dont know about now but back when the Wii launched I got scammed on one and ebay/paypal would not refund all my money. I think they gave me like half or a little over half back. I was screwed out of the rest.[/QUOTE]

If you have that paypal charge linked to a credit card, you can dispute the paypal charge with your credit card company. For next time.
I think I will try and find a system today. So far five Wal-Marts, five Gamestops, a Target and a BestBuy... all sold out of all units. Games are plentiful though.
[quote name='hoofrog']I think I will try and find a system today. So far five Wal-Marts, five Gamestops, a Target and a BestBuy... all sold out of all units. Games are plentiful though.[/QUOTE]

I'm assuming you are talking about the deluxe? Nintendo clearly didn't understand demand properly and whoever in sales was responsible for making so many white units will probably lose his job.

When things start to sell out in stores they are sold out online even sooner. It always happens that way, scarce products are sold out online then you need to look in b&m's for it. That's what's happened with the deluxe. The fact that the basic unit can be purchased online shows that there is plenty of them out there.

It's also possible no one wants the basic unit bundles which is what can be purchased online from Walmart but if things were really bad with supply then those bundles would be sold out too.
[quote name='WV Matsui']What is the big knock on the white unit?[/QUOTE]

8gb for storage when half of it is taken by the OS itself is pretty bad. For $50 more the amount of extras you get on top of the larger amount of storage is just a no-brainer. Nintendo Land itself is $59.99 MSRP.
[quote name='metsfan1545d']first freeze up

during halftime of a game in nba 2k13 both screen and gamepad went black and stuck on the music in the game

ejected the disc and music still played so i had to pull the plug from the back

hopefully its just a glitch in the game and not evidence of the system malfunctioning


Shit, is this a thing? I had the same thing happen in Nintendo Land after about an hour of play. I also had another similar freeze during the Wii data transfer where the only remedy was a plug pull. I restarted both times and haven't had any other issues.

Well, one time I got a message that said the GamePad connection was unstable, but I hit OK and never noticed any issues.
[quote name='Blaster man']I'm assuming you are talking about the deluxe? Nintendo clearly didn't understand demand properly and whoever in sales was responsible for making so many white units will probably lose his job.

When things start to sell out in stores they are sold out online even sooner. It always happens that way, scarce products are sold out online then you need to look in b&m's for it. That's what's happened with the deluxe. The fact that the basic unit can be purchased online shows that there is plenty of them out there.

It's also possible no one wants the basic unit bundles which is what can be purchased online from Walmart but if things were really bad with supply then those bundles would be sold out too.[/QUOTE]
I am talking either unit. I have been to 80% of the stores listed, called them all and nothing on shelves at all, regular or deluxe.
Got an email on the 16th that my Target preorder had shipped. Still no tracking update from ups just the "shipping label has been created blah blah.." message. Should I be worried? Had selected the slowest shipping.
[quote name='FatherChesz']Shit, is this a thing? I had the same thing happen in Nintendo Land after about an hour of play. I also had another similar freeze during the Wii data transfer where the only remedy was a plug pull. I restarted both times and haven't had any other issues.[/QUOTE]
I had my system lock up about six times on launch day, each time was when I was starting up a different app. I also had to pull the plug to get things running again. Then yesterday I didn't even have a single crash. Hopefully it's something that'll be addressed in the next system update.
[quote name='hoofrog']I think I will try and find a system today. So far five Wal-Marts, five Gamestops, a Target and a BestBuy... all sold out of all units. Games are plentiful though.[/QUOTE]

My target last night had some Deluxe unit listed as in the stock room, but the electronics guy said they couldn't sell them because they were being held for Black Friday.

They aren't on sale on Black Friday and I would have bought games right then, so I don't understand holding back stock. Don't say in-stock if you're going to refuse to sell it. :censored:
[quote name='WV Matsui']What is the big knock on the white unit?[/QUOTE]

Unlike Sony, Nintendo made the difference between the 2 units HUGE...

  • 8 GB (only 2 - 3 gb of usable space) vs 32
  • Includes the stand / charger bundle, which was listed as $20 dollars at Walmart
  • Nintendo land costs more than the difference alone (could easily sell for 20 - 40 and get back most of the cost)
  • DX program, which gives you 10% back on digital things purchased.
  • More traditional system color.

so you get 4x more storage, $80 dollars in content, "better" system color and the chance to make back a few more bucks digitally for $50 dollars. Seems like a no brainer to me.
[quote name='hoofrog']I am talking either unit. I have been to 80% of the stores listed, called them all and nothing on shelves at all, regular or deluxe.[/QUOTE]

Well then buy one of the online Walmart bundles?
A friend of mine had his system brick during the system update. :( I'm not sure of the details. He was doing the update now so it would be ready at Xmas. I hope he can get a replacement from Nintendo in time. :(
[quote name='Bakes']Got an email on the 16th that my Target preorder had shipped. Still no tracking update from ups just the "shipping label has been created blah blah.." message. Should I be worried? Had selected the slowest shipping.[/QUOTE]

Nah, UPS takes forever sometimes to update their tracking. Give it time.
For everyone who didn't get one, today is the deadline for people to pick up their pre orders at Walmart. I'm at one now and they said at 9am, they are releasing any pre order to whoever is in line. This is the wal mart off 20 and great southwest parkway in Grand Prairie Texas. They have 4 here now so it's worth a shot for anyone else. This is the deluxe unit!' Good luck!
[quote name='crunchewy']A friend of mine had his system brick during the system update. :( I'm not sure of the details. He was doing the update now so it would be ready at Xmas. I hope he can get a replacement from Nintendo in time. :([/QUOTE]

You are still within the return period...just return it to the store.
[quote name='ZombieToast']Definitely a scam, which is why the listings have been removed. A friend of mine used to do this sort of thing. She and her boyfriend sold imaginary PS3's on eBay to unsuspecting buyers back when they were still hard to find. They made a ton of money but eventually wound up going to jail. She was only locked up for about 6 months, though. She got longer than that for "terrorist threats" (yelling "I'm going to kill you!" in the middle of an argument).

Interestingly enough, her boyfriend at the time was Nigerian. His whole family was always running some kind of scam and they were always sending counterfeit money orders to him. Crazy son of a bitch was still running scams the whole time he was in jail.[/QUOTE]

How did the scam work? Cash out before PayPal froze funds?
This system even the deluxe is not that hard to find. If you want one you will find one. The PS3 was much much worse at launch.

I got a Wii U deluxe and 20 games for it. I love when new game consoles come out!! I got it in the mail 11/19 and had a blast for hours after work. The system is fantastic!!! I like Madden 13 better on the Wii U than on my 360. Games I got are:

Madden 13
Assassins creed 3
Ninja Gaiden 3
Mass Effect 3

Funky Barn
Mario U
Nintendo land
Scribblenauts unlimited

Fifa soccer 13
Rabbids land
ESPN sports connection
Tank Tank Tank

Tekken Tag
Sonic Racing
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2
Darksiders 2
Zombi U

I have not gotten to them all yet but so far Call of duty and batman play very well but my favorite is Madden but I am a sports gamer. Mario U is an old school side scroll which is fun. I will be busy Thanksgiving Weekend for sure!!
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