Thinking about selling my Xbox, but still not sure


CAG Veteran
Give me some reasons to keep my Xbox, cause the only reasons I have right now are ODST, Crackdown 2, and Shadow Complex
Well I can buy all the multi's on my PS3 (Which I would rather prefer) so these are the only exclusive reasons I can think of
If you can honestly consider selling it, I would say you should. The thought has never come to me to sell any game system I own unless it was to upgrade.
im somewhat in same position, dont want to play much anymore and mainly just play the cod4 on the 360. Have only 3 games with the ps3, and about 25 blu rays, dont really watch movies or anything and the ps3 is just sitting there, its the 60gb model and was going to sell one of the sytems....just not sure which to get rid of..
I have all three systems and the only one I even really play is the 360. Mainly because everybody I know has a 360 and Live.
Unless your going to use the money for something and not just piss it away I would keep it. I sold my elite last month because of the lack of decent exclusive games coming out within the next year and used the money to downgrade to an arcade incase something actually comes out and pre-ordered a bunch of PS3 games. I was actually going to use the cash for a PS3 slim but I traded for one instead
You probably won't get the kind of money you want for it. If you're hurting for the money then I understand that, but if you're looking for us to tell you want games are worth playing for it then I wonder if you've been paying attention for the last 2 years.
I have three toilets in my house. I will not sell one just because it only is used for limited purposes such as guests. Those rare times when it is of use it is worth whatever money i'd have gotten for it if I was to sell it.

Also; the arcade compilation discs and those few other arcade gems are another reason to hang onto it.
Dude, you nuts?

I feel that the 360 is the best system out there. I haven't enjoyed a system this much in I don't know how long. I love everything about it....the games, the dashboard, the connectivity w/ friends, XBLA, the games.....on AND THE FRIGGIN GAMES! Mass Effect, Halo, Fable, XBLA exclusives. Seriously, I wouldn't sell my system for anything!
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Dude, you nuts?

I feel that the 360 is the best system out there. I haven't enjoyed a system this much in I don't know how long. I love everything about it....the games, the dashboard, the connectivity w/ friends, XBLA, the games.....on AND THE FRIGGIN GAMES! Mass Effect, Halo, Fable, XBLA exclusives. Seriously, I wouldn't sell my system for anything![/QUOTE]
Right on!
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Dude, you nuts?

I feel that the 360 is the best system out there. I haven't enjoyed a system this much in I don't know how long. I love everything about it....the games, the dashboard, the connectivity w/ friends, XBLA, the games.....on AND THE FRIGGIN GAMES! Mass Effect, Halo, Fable, XBLA exclusives. Seriously, I wouldn't sell my system for anything![/QUOTE]

I like your post mate. You didn't criticize another consoles, you just mentioned what you love about the Xbox and what it gives you and yes, I as well have never had a system I enjoy more. I own a PS3 and it is good, but I use it 95% of the time for movies, I just love to build my achievements and love the 360 controller more for my type of games (FPSs). You might as well keep the 360 and use it as your secondary or third gaming system (I have all 5 main ones, 3 consoles, 2 portables). Thats what I do with my PS3 and Wii, and even though I haven't turned on the Wii in 8 months (true story), I would never sell it in case that one game comes along that I really want. Unless you can get near equal value for the Xbox, keep it.
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