Thinning out video game collection


I've recently been thinking about selling a lot of my backlog. For modern generation systems I'm at 74 in my backlog. Either things I haven't played or barely played.

I'm wondering if anyone could share their experience with this. If its worth it. The thought of only getting games when I need them sounds freeing to me. I get overwhelmed when picking a new game to play. I love collecting games, but it seems like a waste to buy something, then let it sit on the shelf for years. I could sell what I'm not attached to then use the money or credit to buy games when i need something to play right away, instead of buying stuff just because its a good deal.

What are your thoughts on this?
Not sure how to respond because I think one needs to get to the root of why we do what we do.  In the near future I will be downsizing my collection and it is massive.    For me it is overwhelming because it is probably a few thousand.   I would be happy if it went to a certifiable gamer  that enjoyed it.   I have heard stories of people selling only to regret it and start collecting them again.  Good luck in your decision.

I recently in the last 6 months or so sold my Gamecube, Dreamcast and the games I had for them and recently been thinning my PS2 and X-Box 360 games...My PS2 just sits and I rarely play it but it's nice to have but I didn't need 50 games for it. I'm down to about 10 X-Box 360 games just because there isn't enough time to play everything I own. I'm not a collector, just a CAG so if it's taking up space and you aren't going to use it and it's not an investment go ahead and let someone else enjoy it...That's just my 2 cents...

I do consider myself a collector but not in the sense of I need everything. I only care about games I've really enjoyed. I just have a lot of games I've picked up because I was semi interested in them. Yet I know I won't get to them anytime soon. Plus it makes me pick things based on me feeling like I should play it because its been sitting on my shelf for so long. I should be playing things I'm really excited to play and not because I feel guilty. I'm not going to sell games that I feel like will just go up in price later on. Most of this stuff I can probably pick up dirt cheap later.
I have tons of games unplayed or unfinished. Many of these are older games and I have sold many in the past year because of I'm too busy with school. Some are even pretty rare. I will pick up some again once I get a really good job in a few years and the games should be cheaper.

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It definitely sounds like you'd benefit from selling games. Like you've said, gaming should be a fun hobby and not involve guilt. 

For me, it's a constant battle not to buy games simply because they're cheap. I have a small fraction of the free time I used to, and I don't get to play many games these days. I'm thinking of cutting much of the fat in my collection. I'm a collector, too, but I want to focus on keeping games I'd play and not just having a huge number of games.

If you think it's as good of a deal as you can get in the future when you want to pick it up again, then just keep it.  If you think the going is good to flip for a profit, you should flip those.  If you just need the money, then sell them.  If you're running out of space, buy a new shelf.  If you hate backlogs, then stop buying now and play everything you have until they're all played.  Pancakes and waffles are delicious.  If you want to collect, then keep doing it.  If you enjoy replaying games all the time, then just keep them since you'll probably play them again, or at least the ones that have replay value, or lots of achievements and what not for you to want to replay, or if they're just pretty damn fun.  If you love collecting games, but you have to question it you probably don't love collecting them as much as you thought.

And in summation, moo.

It's mostly about the fact that I feel overwhelmed by my backlog. But for now I think I'll chip away at it. Lay off purchasing games for a while. And at least put a couple hours into each game to make sure i know if i enjoy the game or not.
I'm in the same boat, and anytime I sell off a portion of it, it grows even more. I've just settled on the fact that I have a problem and I will continue to ignore it as long as possible.  :bouncy:

I have the same problem but I did sell a lot of my collection. mostly my doubles and triplicates and so far I have made almost 4,000 bucks from doing so. but I still buy when I get the chance just to build it back up and do it all over again lol.

If you're buying games just because there is a good deal and keep telling yourself you'll eventually get to the backlog then you'll probably end up with a lot of games that you'll never have the time to play.  They will sit and remain idle as part of a collection or you're going to sell them at a loss. The few games that inflate in price aren't worth factoring in because that's like 1 % of games. 99% of games depreciate from the original MSRP. Some collectors don't mind this as they are collectors and are financially stable enough to not worry about the monetary aspects.

Next option after that is you'll be bumping your trading thread on here for almost two years as you get no bites on your games.  I see it with some members on here. They try to ask a price just below retail ebay/amazon but it's not enough to entice buyers therefore they bump their same stuff for months on end and no one makes any offers.

I seen plenty of collectors out pace themselves trying to build a collection too fast and spending too much and all that happens is they end up in a position needing to sell. That is what tends to happen with people who buy something every time they think its a good deal.

If your intuition is telling you a problem has started then you're probably right and should thin your collection. Just do it with caution so that you're happy with your decision and not kicking yourself down the road for selling something.

I kept coming back to me needing to get rid of some games. I decided to get rid of about 30 games. I'm keeping the games I still have a strong interest in playing. All the games I'm getting rid of will hopefully lift some of the backlog weight off my shoulders. Thanks for the input guys. I know everyone has the shame of the backlog. Mines just been shaming me a little more lately.
The greatest thing I ever did was accept that I will never play all of these games. If you look at it as a library of options to play instead of a backlog of things you have to play it is a lot more fun.
I'm in the same boat. I hardly have time to play game because of work and family.  One thing I like to do is go into my gameroom and admire my collection and think about how awesome it will be to beat some of these games:) lol I don't know why I keep buying RPG types games seeing that I will never play them all.

The greatest thing I ever did was accept that I will never play all of these games. If you look at it as a library of options to play instead of a backlog of things you have to play it is a lot more fun.

I gave up pretending I will ever get to my backlog years ago and just enjoy the fact that I can stand in front of my games and have pretty much every option for my mood at my disposal.

Having too much option doesn't exactly help me finish games tho, but I also don't pretend that I will finish most games that I started...

I enjoy not feeling limited by consoles/games and can play what I want, when I want (in the rare occasions that I actually have more than 2 hours to game.)

About the only time I keep games anymore is if the value is no longer there anywhere to trade them in. Otherwise if I see a chance to recoup some or all of what I paid for my games by trading them in they're gone in a heartbeat.

I've probably traded in 50-100 PS3 games alone this gen. Id amass a collection of 25-40 games telling myself I would get to them eventually, then realize I was lying to myself and start looking up trade values.

But if anything, I'd honestly rather trade/sell to an individual buyer than a store so at least they'll get some enjoyment out of it.

It definitely sounds like you'd benefit from selling games. Like you've said, gaming should be a fun hobby and not involve guilt.

For me, it's a constant battle not to buy games simply because they're cheap. I have a small fraction of the free time I used to, and I don't get to play many games these days. I'm thinking of cutting much of the fat in my collection. I'm a collector, too, but I want to focus on keeping games I'd play and not just having a huge number of games.
Good discussion. I am also in the same boat as the post I quoted above. My free time is so limited now that I don't have much time to play anymore. I do periodically sell off some games but usually fill the shelf space up with more games.

I would recommend to keep a list or spreadsheet of games you want to play and then stick to the list. Sell off the games you don't want and just play what you have and want to play.

My two cents is to just get rid of the series that you don't like and maybe the stuff that is in bad condition. I see so many 'collectors' that will buy just about anything because it's cheap. They also buy all sorts of items that have minor to major cosmetic damage, aren't complete, are Greatest Hits, etc. When I started getting serious about collecting, I thought about why I want to do it and what I would enjoy from it. I only buy series and games that I want on my shelf and would legitimately like to play. I only buy things that are like new / mint. I only buy things that aren't greatest hits. Sticking to these strategies has allowed me to amass a collection that is tailored to what I consider good and respectable in gaming. And due to my OCD with condition, it's all super high quality, not just old junk.

I would 110% recommend this attitude to any collector out there. Therefore, I go back to my original recommendation: get rid of the stuff you don't like or have a true interest in, ditch the greatest hits, and ditch the stuff with any degree of cosmetic damage. If you haven't been in this kind of mindset (and it seems that most collectors--even some very well established youtube collectors--really aren't) then this may well cut out a nice bit of your collection, and give you the downsizing you are considering.

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I have done this time and time again.  I find it best to choose one system (for me its the SNES), and stick to collecting that.  Stocking my shelves with modern games was cool for a moment but I really don't have the time to sit and play through 2,934 cut scenes.  Also, all it really gets you is some kudos from fellow collectors here on CAG and some strange looks from anyone else who walks in on your room.  I like having a nice streamlined collection, with a few games for the PS3 I play frequently and that's it. 

Your not going to get rich off of a sealed copy of Modern Warfare so no need to stockpile like Gamestop unless you are filling a void or compulsion like the rest of us here.  You would be amazed at what you can live without, because at one time you didn't have any of those games.  Ask yourself, was my life better or worse back then?    In the end, its up to you.  Its just a hobby, and no one gets a trophy for having the most shelves full of weird anime or games depicting children as hot witches.  In fact, they may take any trophies you own away for having these things. 

Edit: I write these words as a game hoarder myself, not in judgement of others.

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I'm also in this boat as well. I've finally decided to let go and am getting rid of my Atari 2600, 5400, 7800, coleco, oddessy, and intellivision collection. I've had fun collecting then but I haven't turned on any of these systems in a few years. I've decided to stick mostly with my Nintendo, Sony, & Sega roots with a sprinkling of Turbo Graphx, CDi, and Atari Jaguar.
I'm also in this boat as well. I've finally decided to let go and am getting rid of my Atari 2600, 5400, 7800, coleco, oddessy, and intellivision collection. I've had fun collecting then but I haven't turned on any of these systems in a few years. I've decided to stick mostly with my Nintendo, Sony, & Sega roots with a sprinkling of Turbo Graphx, CDi, and Atari Jaguar.
You already get rid of them? I may be interested in 2600 stuff, haha.

You already get rid of them? I may be interested in 2600 stuff, haha.
My best friend and I started a game store but I ended up having to get out of it due to time and family commitments. However, we're still best friends. I think he may be buying it all from me. But if he doesn't I will hit you up.

I'm a hoarder in more areas of my life than I would like to admit....I think it can be attributed to just enjoying spending money.  That "high" or "rush" you get especially on getting a good deal.

I buy games thinking "oh I will play that eventually.....maybe......but it's only $10 so no big deal"

Because of that I have quite a massive backlog.  I just acquire games.  I don't ever really regret the behavior but I know it's stupid and wasteful spending.

If I played games as much as I want to (or even like to think of my self as doing) it would be completely justified.  But truth is when I come home from work I don't feel like gaming.  I've been at my current place about 7 weeks now.  In that timespan I've played one game for maybe 2 hrs.  The other times the xbox got used were for watching dvds which happens every other day or so.  See the disconnect?

I think only buying games when you need something to play right then would be a good policy to take on or if it's truly a game you know you're gonna want in the near future and it's a great price right now then buy it.  But no sense to have the massive backlogs many of us on here have.  I don't think we realize how much money we really spend on games.  I know I've spent more since I got this job than I have in likely the year or so before it.  Granted I've spent under $100 so not bad but still I know I'm acquiring more than I had been. 

The thing with video games is some point down the will find whatever the game is for a lower price than it is right now.  Now that's certainly not true for every game by any means.  Especially collector's editions and short print games.  But these mass produced will come along again just depends on how long you're willing to wait for your "buy it" price to come along.

Patience is key with buying video games.  I've learned that through observation.

My two cents is to just get rid of the series that you don't like and maybe the stuff that is in bad condition. I see so many 'collectors' that will buy just about anything because it's cheap. They also buy all sorts of items that have minor to major cosmetic damage, aren't complete, are Greatest Hits, etc. When I started getting serious about collecting, I thought about why I want to do it and what I would enjoy from it. I only buy series and games that I want on my shelf and would legitimately like to play. I only buy things that are like new / mint. I only buy things that aren't greatest hits. Sticking to these strategies has allowed me to amass a collection that is tailored to what I consider good and respectable in gaming. And due to my OCD with condition, it's all super high quality, not just old junk.

I would 110% recommend this attitude to any collector out there. Therefore, I go back to my original recommendation: get rid of the stuff you don't like or have a true interest in, ditch the greatest hits, and ditch the stuff with any degree of cosmetic damage. If you haven't been in this kind of mindset (and it seems that most collectors--even some very well established youtube collectors--really aren't) then this may well cut out a nice bit of your collection, and give you the downsizing you are considering.

This is everything opposite of what TC is going for. You are a hardcore collector. And an OCD one on top of that in a literal sense. Either you just care about monetary value of black labels to greatest hits or you really are a form of OCD because of the way they look or display on shelf or whatever.

That is probably worse then the TC. Means you are going to spend a lot on worthless crap. You are the type who will pay a premium just to have a black label over a greatest hits. On top of that you probably don't get to the games right away either. I'm sure you still have a massive backlog. Not someone I would be listening to in TC's position.

I have done this time and time again. I find it best to choose one system (for me its the SNES), and stick to collecting that. Stocking my shelves with modern games was cool for a moment but I really don't have the time to sit and play through 2,934 cut scenes. Also, all it really gets you is some kudos from fellow collectors here on CAG and some strange looks from anyone else who walks in on your room. I like having a nice streamlined collection, with a few games for the PS3 I play frequently and that's it.

Your not going to get rich off of a sealed copy of Modern Warfare so no need to stockpile like Gamestop unless you are filling a void or compulsion like the rest of us here. You would be amazed at what you can live without, because at one time you didn't have any of those games. Ask yourself, was my life better or worse back then? In the end, its up to you. Its just a hobby, and no one gets a trophy for having the most shelves full of weird anime or games depicting children as hot witches. In fact, they may take any trophies you own away for having these things.

Edit: I write these words as a game hoarder myself, not in judgement of others.
This is good advice.

This is how I build my collection. I'm like a vulture and very predatory. I wait for people to over accumulate their collection and catch them in the liquidation phase and get many good deals.

You'd be surprised how bad I will lowball someone when they are already in a down position. It's like a kick in the nuts for them. Often they still take the lowball because they are desperate for money.

It happens with a lot of people too. A lot of people keep on buying games thinking they will get to them and some with horrible priorities. Then they get a unexpected bill and selling part of the collection. It happens here on CAG all the time.

That's why I slowed my self down. Once friends and family started giving me that weird look as I get too many games I knew it was time to slow down. Either that or forcibly end up having to sell because I accumulated too fast.

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After re-reading his post, I don't actually think that my advice is very pertinent to his position. I do thank you for all the sly slams, though, Needler. ;)

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After re-reading his post, I don't actually think that my advice is very pertinent to his position. I do thank you for all the sly slams, though, Needler. ;)
Actually I think it was good advice. You figured out what your goals and standards are and you follow that. I think it's a great idea to take a step back and evaluate what you want out of the hobby (collecting vs. gaming etc.) And the most important thing is to do what makes you happy. My standards are nowhere as high as Zaku's but who cares as long as we both enjoy our hobby? The minute you start doing things to impress or please anonymous strangers such as stripes and bars or needler, then you'll never have satisfaction.
Actually I think it was good advice. You figured out what your goals and standards are and you follow that. I think it's a great idea to take a step back and evaluate what you want out of the hobby (collecting vs. gaming etc.) And the most important thing is to do what makes you happy. My standards are nowhere as high as Zaku's but who cares as long as we both enjoy our hobby? The minute you start doing things to impress or please anonymous strangers such as stripes and bars or needler, then you'll never have satisfaction.
I think it depends how far you take it. Like if stuff becomes less minty over years, due to normal wear and tear, and time... Well, he may want to replace all that stuff so his collection is mint. That's taking it to the extreme, I don't know if he does that or not. All that really matters is if you enjoy your collection or not, so if you don't need everything in it or don't want it, then sell it. I know as soon as I sell something, it will be the game I want to play o_O

Certainly there's unhealthy levels of any behavior, including collecting. I know someone who ruined his marriage partly because he spent so much time/money on diecast car collecting. I feel that as long as you are not hurting anyone or causing financial problems, do what you enjoy.
Certainly there's unhealthy levels of any behavior, including collecting. I know someone who ruined his marriage partly because he spent so much time/money on diecast car collecting. I feel that as long as you are not hurting anyone or causing financial problems, do what you enjoy.
Yeah, it depends on the person. I was just saying that was the only way I could see how Zaku's advice may be bad. Not trying to offend him or anyone else on here. So I hope no one takes it that way. But if you're very busy looking for the best of a game in any condition, it could be good advice for someone because they will spend more time looking for 5 mint games than 50 beat up games, so I could see how that would make your collection smaller.

I'm doing the same thing. I've got too many consoles and I don't use half of 'em. I traded in my entire Wii game collection (including my prized Metroid trilogy :cry: ) to Gamestop. I got $124 for all four of them and Gears: Judgment. I know that I could've gotten more for them, but I really wanted a 4th gen iPod touch. Gamestop had one. The decision was made. I think I was into all of them (including Judgment) for $160 or $170. One thing you have to keep in mind is something I forgot over time. Money is lost in this hobby 90% of the time, especially with the newer disc-based systems.

The only ones I plan to keep are my PS2, PS3, and 360. My OG Xbox and Gamecube will both find new homes. It's undecided whether I'll sell/trade the Wii, let alone re-buy all of the games I had on Wii again, minus Metroid. I never played Metroid, but bought it for collection purposes. I plan to re-buy Judgment if I can get it for around $15. As of now, that's where I stand.

For what it's worth, I love my iPod. Don't regret trading 'em in at all. I'll probably kick myself in the ass for awhile over Metroid, but the others were common games.

bread's done