This could be the new ramen...

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The Omniscient Lemon

Today I went to pick up a basket of food to feed my sorry ass at the senior center. They gave me a bunch of food, canned goods, even junk food. I also recieved food that I thought I had no use for because it required preparation, and I haven't got pots or pans. One of these was two bags of potatoes.

Out of curiosity I decided to try cooking one in the microwave. 5 mins, turning over half way through. It came out perfect, just like a baked potato. So try it out sometime. In college? On a budget? Lazy and don't feel like cooking anything from scratch? Buy a bag of potatoes! Works like a charm.
OMG!!! Seriously, you're a f*cking genius man!!! That is the best news I've heard ever. I only wish I had found out about this sooner, then maybe I wouldn't have literally starved to death in college!!!

Seriously man, this is right up there with RegalSin! :bouncy:
[quote name='The Omniscient Lemon']I can see not all will appreciate the ease of microwaving a potato for a quick and inexpensive snack.[/QUOTE]

Ehh. I'd probably rather just take the 40 dollars you're paying for internet a month and spend it on food.

Gotta prioritize, my friend.
[quote name='The Omniscient Lemon']Today I went to pick up a basket of food to feed my sorry ass at the senior center. They gave me a bunch of food, canned goods, even junk food. I also recieved food that I thought I had no use for because it required preparation, and I haven't got pots or pans. One of these was two bags of potatoes.

Out of curiosity I decided to try cooking one in the microwave. 5 mins, turning over half way through. It came out perfect, just like a baked potato. So try it out sometime. In college? On a budget? Lazy and don't feel like cooking anything from scratch? Buy a bag of potatoes! Works like a charm.[/QUOTE]


Please keep stuff like this in the OTT where it belongs!
[quote name='Kayden']Did you just steal food from helpless old people?[/quote]No, I asked for it and they gave it to me. Lost my job recently and I'm flat broke with no food in the house. The senior center is the base of operations for all human services in this area. I really didn't want to but I was starving. This would be my first time asking for help from any charitable organization. Hopefully I'll never have to do it again.
I think someone told me about this a while ago, they wrap it in a wet paper towel and poke a hole it in so it stays moist and doesnt explode... or something.
[quote name='xdl']I think someone told me about this a while ago, they wrap it in a wet paper towel and poke a hole it in so it stays moist and doesnt explode... or something.[/quote]I just put it on a paper plate. Made a bit of noise but it didn;t explode.
[quote name='The Omniscient Lemon']No, I asked for it and they gave it to me. Lost my job recently and I'm flat broke with no food in the house. The senior center is the base of operations for all human services in this area. I really didn't want to but I was starving. This would be my first time asking for help from any charitable organization. Hopefully I'll never have to do it again.[/QUOTE]

I wanna know the name of the charity that's providing you with internet access.
geee would you believe that there are microwaves that has a sensor that knows when the potato is done "baking". Seriously, this is a useless thread
[quote name='jimfoley16']Ehh. I'd probably rather just take the 40 dollars you're paying for internet a month and spend it on food.

Gotta prioritize, my friend.[/quote]Haha. You're right. Of course it is only recently that I got put in a tight spot. And I actually cancelled my internet even though apparently it hasn't been turned off yet. But still, generally speaking I have a tendancy to prioritize things badly. Especially when it comes to the internet.
[quote name='mykevermin']I wanna know the name of the charity that's providing you with internet access.[/quote]

Dial up can be free. ... ... ... .......right...
[quote name='NoRain']I always wondered what that potatoe button on my microwave did.[/quote]Mine doesn't have one. Meh. Alright, shut up, I get the point. I just thought it was pretty cool, because I'd have done this before if it had occured to me that it was possible.
[quote name='Kayden']Dial up can be free. ... ... ... .......right...[/quote]I was getting by ok until I lost my job. I could afford food, and internet. Obviously I wan't doing too well if I had nothing to back me up if I lost my job, but I take responsibility for that. You live an learn. And I learned that it's not easy to start your life independently in the suburbs with no car and very little opportunity within walking distance. I'm moving to the city. And when I do I wont have internet for awhile (unless of course I catch a signal on my laptop).

But anyway why am I defending myself? I should have expected nothing but flaming in response, being as the online community is so damn negative about everything all the time. I was hoping an "oh, that's cool. maybe I'll try that some time, " after all, I haven't tried it myself up to now, but no. Whatever.
so you have a laptop and no food?!?!

also who pays your rent or do you live with your parents?

sicne you are on CAG i assume you are into video games and own some. sell them rather than take freebies and be a free loader off a senior center lol
The other day I discovered you can put bread in the toaster and in like 30 seconds you have hot browned bread. It's kind of toasted like. Really good with some butter.
[quote name='The Omniscient Lemon']Today I went to pick up a basket of food to feed my sorry ass at the senior center. They gave me a bunch of food, canned goods, even junk food. I also recieved food that I thought I had no use for because it required preparation, and I haven't got pots or pans. One of these was two bags of potatoes.

Out of curiosity I decided to try cooking one in the microwave. 5 mins, turning over half way through. It came out perfect, just like a baked potato. So try it out sometime. In college? On a budget? Lazy and don't feel like cooking anything from scratch? Buy a bag of potatoes! Works like a charm.[/quote]

So many questions but I'll just go with this one for now ...

"Today I went to pick up a basket of food to feed my sorry ass at the senior center"

You get your food from a senior center?!
[quote name='Quackzilla']wow, give this guy a break!

You don't know what he is going through yet you are tearing into him like he just strangled a puppy![/quote]
You're not interested to know why he goes to a senior center to get food? And better yet, why the senior center obliges by giving him junk food and bags of potatoes.
[quote name='rly723']so you have a laptop and no food?!?!

also who pays your rent or do you live with your parents?

sicne you are on CAG i assume you are into video games and own some. sell them rather than take freebies and be a free loader off a senior center lol[/quote]*sigh* Yes, I have a laptop and no food. I pay my own rent, I do not live with my parents or anyone else for that matter, and I have no intention on selling off all my belongings for a bit of transitional assistance. I am not a freeloader, if I were I'd still be back with my parents or on welfare or some shit. Don't fucking patronize me because you have no idea what my situation is or what I'm going through. I have donated to food drives and such before. I pay my taxes. I do what I can to help others, I was just in a position where I needed some help myself. A basket of food is not hurting anything. Besides, I am eating it, ALL of it. I am not a wasteful person. Do you ever throw away food? In my mind that's more of a crime than accepting from charity for something other than a last resort. Seriously, look at yourself in the mirror before you decide to pass judgement on someone else.
[quote name='Maklershed']You're not interested to know why he goes to a senior center to get food? And better yet, why the senior center obliges by giving him junk food and bags of potatoes.[/quote]If you read my responses to some others' posts, you would have read that the senior center is the base of operations for all human services in the area.
Unless it's not clear I'm talking about the 'putting potatoe in the microwave = revolution' statement being rag-worthy and not the accepting charity. Going to a food bank if you are in need is nothing to be ashamed of.
The program is made to help families in financial difficulty have a good thanksgiving. I took the opportunity to ask for food because I am in financial need, thanksgiving or no thanksgiving. If it weren't for this basket of food, I prbably would be living off nothing but ramen for the next few weeks. I see nothing wrong with asking for a basket of food. This is a suburban community with a low amount of poverty. It's not as if I was stealing food off a starving baby's high chair. It was a holiday food drive. Anyway, whatever, I'm tired of defending myself.
why dont you take a look in the mirror again. that food is intended for senior cititzens. and probably for people that have less than you. that dont have a laptop, internet access , or might not have any place to live. regardless of your situation, most people have emergency finds or even access to their credit card or bank account if they are caught in situations like yourself. so you dont even have a $1 to even get food at wendy's or burger king?
[quote name='wubb']Unless it's not clear I'm talking about the 'putting potatoe in the microwave = revolution' statement being rag-worthy and not the accepting charity. Going to a food bank if you are in need is nothing to be ashamed of.[/quote]Point taken. I realize after the fact why it could be amusing. I tend to overdo it whenever I start my own thread. In IRC I'd prolly be like "Did you know a microwaved potato is just as good as a baked potato? You should try it sometime, I'm having one now." But When I start a thread, I tend to try to make it an article.
[quote name='rly723']why dont you take a look in the mirror again. that food is intended for senior cititzens. and probably for people that have less than you. that dont have a laptop, internet access , or might not have any place to live. regardless of your situation, most people have emergency finds or even access to their credit card or bank account if they are caught in situations like yourself. so you dont even have a $1 to even get food at wendy's or burger king?[/quote]No, it is not intended for that. My family has been offered it before just because we were eligible for free lunch in school. We weren;t poor. This is just to help families have a nice holiday.

Would it be more enlightening to tell you they also gave me a gift certificate to the local grocery store to buy a turkey and any other thanksgiving needs? This isn't a food drive to be shipped off to ethiopia. Perhaps the non-perishables would be if there were a surplus at the end, I dunno. Still, I'm not robbing from the poor. And dude, it's just food. what am I gonna do? try to sell it on the black market for drugs? seriously. stfu.
Additionally, with even the income I had, I could have probably been approved food stamps by the state. But I didn;t apply. Why? Well, partly laziness, and partly pride. I am not a freeloader. It's as if you think the only people in need are on the street begging for cash.
[quote name='The Omniscient Lemon']No, I asked for it and they gave it to me. Lost my job recently and I'm flat broke with no food in the house. The senior center is the base of operations for all human services in this area. I really didn't want to but I was starving. This would be my first time asking for help from any charitable organization. Hopefully I'll never have to do it again.[/QUOTE]

Good deal man, that's what its there for. Gotta have food and energy to find another job to feed your ass. No damn reason to feel bad. Just donate to that place when you're back in the green again if you feel bad at all.
[quote name='CitizenB']So wait microwaving a potato is interesting to you?

Thats as simple as you get folks.[/quote]rofl, ok, shut up now. I'm gonna stop bumping this thread. lol.
[quote name='Aleryn']Good deal man, that's what its there for. Gotta have food and energy to find another job to feed your ass. No damn reason to feel bad. Just donate to that place when you're back in the green again if you feel bad at all.[/quote]I definitely will
[quote name='rly723']so i assume you wont be taking advantage of any Black Friday deals??[/quote]Can;t really afford it. Like Jim said, I have to prioritize, and right now I need to focus on a cheaper apartment in the city and a new job.
well what I want to do to prevent myself from staving is buy three chikens and a rooster. The Rooster will arouse the Chikens and they wil make eggs like crazy. Then to feed them I wil just Toast breed as somebody ehre suggested and presto instant Protien for a month based on only buying breed to feed chikens which I Could also feed myself.

Then I could mate the Rooster with the Hens and presto Veal ala Chick.
Nuked potatoes are pretty cool, still have nothing on wrapping in tin faoil and shoving into hot coals, but still pretty tasty. I stab holes in the potatoe with a fork after washing it so that it doesnt get dry in the microwave.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']well what I want to do to prevent myself from staving is buy three chikens and a rooster. The Rooster will arouse the Chikens and they wil make eggs like crazy. Then to feed them I wil just Toast breed as somebody ehre suggested and presto instant Protien for a month based on only buying breed to feed chikens which I Could also feed myself.

Then I could mate the Rooster with the Hens and presto Veal ala Chick.[/quote]Thank you. it all seems so clear to me now.
[quote name='The Omniscient Lemon']Today I went to pick up a basket of food to feed my sorry ass at the senior center. They gave me a bunch of food, canned goods, even junk food. I also recieved food that I thought I had no use for because it required preparation, and I haven't got pots or pans. One of these was two bags of potatoes.

Out of curiosity I decided to try cooking one in the microwave. 5 mins, turning over half way through. It came out perfect, just like a baked potato. So try it out sometime. In college? On a budget? Lazy and don't feel like cooking anything from scratch? Buy a bag of potatoes! Works like a charm.[/QUOTE]Thus begins the legacy of DLF2...
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Thus begins the legacy of DLF2...[/QUOTE]
Figures that would happen as soon as I put my pics up :whistle2:(
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