This guy needs to get his facts straight

The best is the part where if you throw a psp to the ground, nothing will happen. But his friend dropped it on a trampoline and it doesnt work anymore.
What a freakin moron...the whole time I was waiting for his mom to walk by in the background. I can hear him now, "Mooooom!! I'm doing something! Get out!"
Dood, dis guy is lik soo smart! He maks sum very good points!

You can use PSP as a PS3 cant use a ds as a ps3 controller.

If you and a friend have a psp you can play wirelessly, but if you have a ds, you can't play wirelessly with your friend who has a psp.

I think this was just a joke.
This is a joke. Obviously a Nintendo fan--and a comic genious. I can't stop laughing..."Fact is PSP is faster, AND it can use a memory stick..." classic!
LOL none of his points make any sense.

"The Nintendo DS is just ummmm a gameboy"

"They didnt upgrade technology since the gameboy"

"its the same amount of memory" (of the original gameboy)

CPU: 8-bit Z80 CMOS (4.19MHz)
Colors: 4 (Grayscale)
Sprites: 40
Sprite Size: 8x16 or 8x8 pixels
Resolution: 160x144 pixels
Sound: 4 channel audio

DS has 4 megs of ram.

My fav part, "it has a widescreen" (talks about PSP)

"Two screens take up battery life"

WTF? Um both take up batteries. Shit lets just make a handheld without a SCREEN!


YOU CAN PLAY UMD DVDS, "cant do that on a ds"

That really went far didnt it.

His next argument what the names are:

"The PSP stands for playstation portable, the DS I dont know"

wtf kinda argument was that lol.

"Games arent that good"



PMG i got gameboy camera lol

and guess what "YOu can play PSP while its hooked up the WALL"

OOOOOHHHHHH why doesnt sony tell me these things


Nintendo "basically stold technology from other companies"

lol I love Sony fanboys saying that

"PSP is fun"

lol this guy needs to go back to school and take some freaking speech. He also needs to learn how to use sources better. Name them, dont just say, one time I heard on the radio or i saw one the news the other day. I hope this is some sick joke lol. But in reality there are REAL people like this and I know one. This guy basically LIVES on his PSP. He thinks its the most amazing thing ever. I always make fun of him because the only valid point that he can really come up with (in the PSP vs DS battle) is that the PSP has better Graphics. :)
[quote name='Namelessloser']LOL none of his points make any sense.

"The Nintendo DS is just ummmm a gameboy"

"They didnt upgrade technology since the gameboy"

"its the same amount of memory" (of the original gameboy)

CPU: 8-bit Z80 CMOS (4.19MHz)
Colors: 4 (Grayscale)
Sprites: 40
Sprite Size: 8x16 or 8x8 pixels
Resolution: 160x144 pixels
Sound: 4 channel audio

DS has 4 megs of ram.

My fav part, "it has a widescreen" (talks about PSP)

"Two screens take up battery life"

WTF? Um both take up batteries. Shit lets just make a handheld without a SCREEN!


YOU CAN PLAY UMD DVDS, "cant do that on a ds"

That really went far didnt it.

His next argument what the names are:

"The PSP stands for playstation portable, the DS I dont know"

wtf kinda argument was that lol.

"Games arent that good"



PMG i got gameboy camera lol

and guess what "YOu can play PSP while its hooked up the WALL"

OOOOOHHHHHH why doesnt sony tell me these things


Nintendo "basically stold technology from other companies"

lol I love Sony fanboys saying that

"PSP is fun"

lol this guy needs to go back to school and take some freaking speech. He also needs to learn how to use sources better. Name them, dont just say, one time I heard on the radio or i saw one the news the other day. I hope this is some sick joke lol. But in reality there are REAL people like this and I know one. This guy basically LIVES on his PSP. He thinks its the most amazing thing ever. I always make fun of him because the only valid point that he can really come up with (in the PSP vs DS battle) is that the PSP has better Graphics. :)[/QUOTE]

The best thing is that you're serious.

And this still has nothing to do with the Wii....why is it in the Wii forum?

Great lines:

"HDTV's are at an all-time high, and they have the clearest picture. I heard that on the news."

"Nintendo tries to confuse you with technology talk."

"The PSP plays UMDs, folks. UMDs."

"They say it's portable, but[...] you can't charge it while walking down the street."

"The PSP also has built in speakers[...]They can play music for a whole warehouse."

"You can put Macintosh software on your PSP. Look it up."

Way too long though. If he made it about 4 minutes or so, it would've been more effective. As it stands...12 is like "Why did he waste the time?"
I don't really care if this guy is serious or sarcastic. I want to know why the fuck he bothered. It's not at all funny and is a piece of garbage. It's like, why did his parents bother to give birth to him? These are the questions you need to ask. Google that shit, folks. You know, if your not too busy watching Spiderman 2 on your PSP while it's connected to the wall.
This video is easily one of the greatest video of all time.. I've booked marked this.

Why can't people leave comments on Google video? I wish the guy could see all the times he was wrong. Or, all the times those Nintendo fanboys are wrong.:rofl:
I posted this on another forum but I'm copying and pasting it anyways here for your reading (dis)pleasure. Enjoy. :D

This guy is an idiot who knows nothing. Let me note just SOME of the crap he spews out of his uneducated Sony fanboy mouth.

- Claims the DS is using the same technology as the Gameboy.
- Claims the DS is $300. I guess that DS I bought a few weeks after launch day for $149 was a nice sale then. Either that or I got charged the wrong price by accident.
- Says Nintendo is "confusing" consumers with "technoterms" that even me as a DS fanboy NEVER heard of EVER. Hell Nintendo has actually stayed away from "technoterms" in advertising in general.
- Says the PSP can have an external hard drive. DS has it too idiot.
- Brags about GTA: Liberty City Stores like as if its something special.
- Says you can watch movies on the PSP about 10 trillion times. And music. Big freakin whoopie deal. So can the DS with the hard drive addon. Oh right... the DS "doesn't have that" according to him.
- Says the PSP can have an camera add on. Again big freakin whoopie deal.
- Analog stick on the PSP... again... no biggie.
- "The PSP has built in speakers." Oh wait.... what are those on my DS.. oh right... speakers.
- "Can't buy music for the DS because its not good enough." Has this idiot done his homework at all?
- OMFG!!!! "Nintendo has stolen technology from other companies." And yet he goes on and on and on about how Sony is "innovative." Right....
- Bitches about how the DS screen gets dirty... yet no mention of that on the PSP.
- No mentions of the load times on the PSP. Ever.
- Claims that you can hook your PSP up to the TV. Yeah its called a PS2 dolt. And that is far cheaper than a PSP.
- Says Sony has "full of fun." Yeah I suppose he is right on that one but when it takes 7 minutes to load "WWE RAW vs Smackdown 2006" then that is not a lot of fun there.
- OH MY GOD THE PSP CAN BE USED AS A CONTROLLER ON THE PS3!!!! Looks like I'll be cancelling my Wii preorder now.
- PSP has wireless access... I think someone needs to inform him about the Nintendo Wifi connection.
- "The DS is a childrens device that isn't as well designed." MY GOD WHERE IS THIS IDIOT PULLING THIS S*IT UP FROM? And says that dropping the DS destroys it? His "friend" dropped it from a trampoline... right...... I've dropped mine several times on the floor and guess what... STILL WORKS LIKE NEW.
- OMG LINUX ON THE PSP.... didn't I hear something about a homebrew version of Linux being worked on for the DS?
- Brags about emulation on the PSP but "only heard about it." I think someone needs to inform him that the DS can do emulation too. Oh, and there is that other device called the GP2x too.
- "DS isn't that good PSP is."
- Claims that 2 screens is a waste.
- Did I mention 10 times already how uninformed and dumb this idiot is?

You know I might be a DS fanboy and all but at least I don't make up crap about the PSP and try to pass it off as fact. Oh well hope he enjoys his little PSP while coming across as a fool who must "uuuhhhh" and "mmmmm" at least 20 times a minute. The rest of us will continue to laugh at him.
[quote name='sadunclesnugglez']What a freakin moron...the whole time I was waiting for his mom to walk by in the background. I can hear him now, "Mooooom!! I'm doing something! Get out!"[/QUOTE]
This isn't really even that funny. So many quotables though
I'm not sure which is funnier, the video, which I have yet to see, or the moronic fanboy-ish reaction to the video by people who thought that it was serious.
"If you have a DS and your friend has a PSP, you can't use your DS with a PSP, it doesn't work. Look it up; it's a fact."

O RLY?:cold:

He says "it's a fact" and "look it up" way too much, and who really wants to look at his face for over 12 minutes... The video just makes me wanna shoot him for his idiocy whether it's a joke or not. :twoguns:
You guys are just bitter. You can do anything that you put your mind to with a PSP, just not with the DS. It's a piece of garbage. That's a fact. Look it up.
Would've been funnier if shorter, like others have said. Too damn long. Could've also used a side-by-side comparison of DS and Game Boy acting (convincingly) as if there's no difference. That could've been funny.
[quote name='gizmogc']Its just a joke guys....joke.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but it wasn't funny. The long rebuttals written by fanboys who were too stupid to realize the obvious joke, however, were hilarious.
I don't think it was that obvious it was a joke since there are plenty of people out in the universe who do talk like that (and make the same points) and are totally serious. x_X

The whole "google it" and "I heard it on the radio" were kinda red flags, though.

EDIT: What is funny is that there will be someone who stumbles upon this, not knowing anything about handhelds but is looking to buy one (probably for their kid/sibling/etc), and will be compelled to buy a PSP just because it doesn't use a gigaflop. XD
bread's done