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Mom got to the hospital early, they took her right away. They got her prepped and let us see her before she went in. She told us to GTFO and leave her in peace so we went to the diner across the street from the hospital. After killing like an hour there, we came home. She's still in surgery. We won't be able to see her for 2-3 hours after she's stitched up so we're gonna go play some ice hockey to pass the time. finally, a day >30F so we won't freeze.

related: as of 2/1, today, i officially have health insurance again. thank you Mr. President for the Recession and Recovery Act discounting my COBRA premium by 75% making it affordable and for extending it to 18 months!

also related: my stepdad told me i'm making him a BLT for dinner since my mother won't let him eat half a pound (pre-cooking weight) of bacon at one time when she's home.
[quote name='TheRock88']Finally got around to watching Inglorious Basterds, so disappointed.[/QUOTE]

it was stereotypical tarantino, unless you were thinking it wasn't going to be like his other movies i dunno why you'd be dissapointed
[quote name='Rocko']More importantly, Totoro (or another Ghibli film from a preselected list, though Mononoke is curiously absent) is $10 off if you buy it with Ponyo on Amazon.

Going to get Ponyo and Totoro for $30 from Amazon since I sold my original Totoro for an obscene price on eBay, and probably buy the Kiki's Delivery Service re-release at Best Buy with a RZ cert.[/QUOTE]

Damnit. Why does the plushie only come with the DVD? My GF would
[quote name='TheRock88']Finally got around to watching Inglorious Basterds, so disappointed.[/QUOTE]
I had to double check this to see if it was Linkin.;)
Dont get me wrong, it was a decent movie but how everyone was saying it was Tarantino's best movie to date? I still say that belongs to the Kill Bill series.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I would've assumed that Afganistan's national sport would be soccer, like most of the world. Their national sport is actually Buzkashi.

What is Buzkashi you ask?

It's where two teams on horesback fight over control of a headless goat carcass.

You can't make shit like that up.

(Large Picture)

You never saw Rambo III?


Tarantino's best film will always remain Pulp Fiction.
I liked it more than Kill Bill, it had those dark humor type moments. I remember laughing in the theater at parts that must have horrified the rest of the audience.
Went out to buy new shoes today. I went to the closest mall to me, which was a bad choice. After that I decided to stop at Target to pick up a dvd shelf and decided to look at shoes there, but all they had were shitty cheap shoes (surprise).

I don't think JJ would know dark humor if it stabbed him in the eye.
Mom's surgery was at 3:30. She was supposed to be done by 5. She's not done yet. They won't tell us anything other than "she hasn't reached the recovery room yet". I just took a shower and am gathering up my medication/toiletries so I can stay at the hospital as long as I need to.
[quote name='JolietJake']I had to double check this to see if it was Linkin.;)[/QUOTE]


I enjoyed Inglorious Basterds, and despise wrestling.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Decent? It's one of the best movies of the last ten years.[/QUOTE]

Rock is crazy for gushing over KB while dissing this movie, but don't you think you are stroking that dick a little bit too much?
[quote name='Maklershed']How does Totoro and Ponyo rate against Paprika, Howl's, Mononoke, and Spirited Away?[/QUOTE]
I'd say Spirited Away > Mononoke > Totoro > Howl's > Ponyo. All are great though (Ponyo is the most "childish" of the lot, but it's gorgeous and fun--don't expect anything of the caliber of Spirited Away and Mononoke though.

I wouldn't even compare Kon's Paprika to a Miyazaki film. They're drastically different directors, whose movies target drastically different audiences.
I like Kill Bill more than IB too, but you're still smoking a Trashkan sized joint right now, Rock.

As for Ponyo, it's really cute, but Princess and Howl's are still my favorite.
I really need to buy Mononoke and Kiki's to have all of Miyazaki's notable films.

Oh, and, looking at Wikipedia, Porco Rosso, although in my mind that's never seemed as notable as his other work.
I just beat God of War: CoO. Pretty ballin' ass game, especially for a hand held system. I feel like it was short, but maybe that's just because I played it two hours at a time while at school as opposed to short spurts like I would on a console.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Porco Rosso fuckin' rules.[/QUOTE]
It very well could. I'll probably buy it eventually just so I have all of his main films.
I've only seen Howl's, Spirited Away, Totoro, and Kiki's, despite also owning Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa, and Castle of Cagliostro.

I definitely like Howl's the most.
[quote name='tiredfornow']English dubs are the worst.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but I was outvoted. I still hear Billy Crystal from that first viewing. That voice just fucking sticks in your head.
I've heard that the dub of Ponyo isn't terrible, despite having both Miley Cyrus's younger sister and a Jonas brother who isn't in the band.

I haven't seen the film at all yet, so I dunno. Might as well wait for the DVD at this point.
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