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[quote name='Brak']Way too legitimately awkward for that to even be a work.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. No wrestling promotion could pull that off with that level of authenticity.

I was reticent to believe y'all about Easy-E's slick ways in the match. But yeah, that was quite savvy of him to cover up
I didn't see Hardy's intro before when it was live, I didn't look up until Hardy was teasing with the shirt. Clearly, the guy was messed up; he nearly fell trying to get up the stiars. Why was this not handled backstage? Even the crowd was chanting "He's f'ed up".
Ditch this guy TNA - he is a cancer.
Thanks to whoever posted the match.

You know, I haven't taken TNA seriously for a very long time and just when I think I can't think any less of them... well, something like this happens. Seriously, if anyone can watch that and still believe that TNA has any kind of realistic shot at taking on WWE, they're insane. This was originally going to be a post about how this is going to be the time where we see what TNA really is by how they deal with this. Then I realized that someone somewhere let Jeff Hardy go out to the ring like that. With how far gone he was, the obvious answer would've been to not have *any* kind of match... but TNA didn't do that. They sent Hardy out there, let him pander to the crowd, and put Sting in a situation where he looked really bad. Here's a question... Hardy obviously tried to kick out of that pin, so what would've happened if Hardy had actually attempted a move on Sting? I assume Sting would've just shut his ass down, but the sheer fact that he was even put in a position where that was a decision he may have to make is just horrendously wrong on a base level.

So... what? What can the explanation be? Did no one speak to Jeff Hardy all day? Did no one attempt to talk to him before the match? Did he suddenly become high *while* walking to the ring? There is no scenario here where TNA doesn't look like the kind of indy promotion that'll trot out someone like Jake Roberts no matter what condition they're in because the 'people paid their money'. Seriously, let's think about this... if TNA knew beforehand, they're an even worse company that I thought. If they did truly only find out less than 5 minutes before that match started, then I question how their (arguably) top star can get that close to a match without someone noticing signs of a problem. It's just baffling.

So, yeah... I'm waiting to see how TNA plays this one. No matter what, that showed that they have miles and miles and miles to go before being any kind of relevant promotion. I just picture everyone in that locker room watching the monitors and simultaneously going 'I've made a huge mistake'. That's my dream, anyway.

On the bright side, way to keep your integrity Sting. It seems to working out very well.
TNA had two chances to save face:
1) put out someone else other than Hardy. Sting had the title, so it's not like the crucial part of the match was missing
2) put out a press release as quickly as possible following the PPV that Hardy was suspended indefinitely or released from the company.

They missed both opportunities. They can still suspend or fire Hardy, but the fact that they have not yet shows that they're weighing their options (and therefore consider his commodity value as a name is greater than his personal well being or the image of the company). This is the epitome of a no-brainer situation, yet TNA is trying to hedge their bets.

Think of it this way: what kind of company would let someone like Jeff Hardy continue to work there, for hundreds of thousands of dollars, given his track record *while under employment* to the company (i.e., independent of his past at all)? I don't mean wrestling company, I mean any. I don't even think the shift manager of an Auntie Anne's would put up with that kind of shit for a quarter of the time TNA has.

"Oh, you're late to work and high, again? And you're facing felony charges for which you're negotiating a guilty plea in order to avoid serving any time behind bars? Turn in your name tag and apron, you're done here."
[quote name='Mr. Beef']
It's funny how Punk was the heel in that feud, in hindsight.[/QUOTE]

In my mind, and my heart of hearts, Punk is NEVER the heel.
Oh, and before I forget. WWE is hyping up Sin Cara exactly the way they did Ultimo Dragon several years ago. This means that Vince McMahon has never seen him wrestle, and is summarily going to take a dump on his style the moment he sees him live. He'll get in the ring with a lumbering Chris Masters kind of knucklehead, blow a few spots because Chris Masters is Rob Terry, get blamed for it, and end up being on Superstars jobbing to Primo Colon by early June.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out if Hardy was that fd up, they could've easily just done a quick beat down segment that put Hardy out of action.

It reminds me of WCW when they used to let Curt Henning and Scott Hall in the ring with the NWO while they were absolutely trashed. The entire faction would try to cover/hold them up, but really, why even put them on TV like that?
Wow... just wow. Meth Hardy needs to be institutionalized. TNA is a disaster right now... and if they don't can Hardy, I can see the ship sinking in the next year. Hardy took the dog that is his career out back and shot it last night. In a match against Sting none the less!

However, perhaps coming out completely loaded was his way of showing disapproval of the company's current business strategies. Poor move regardless.

They should go ahead and get rid of his fat brother as well. These guys should be delivering pizzas... and kept as far away from cameras as possible.

Also... looks like TNA's website is down.
[quote name='007']Thanks to whoever posted the match.

You know, I haven't taken TNA seriously for a very long time and just when I think I can't think any less of them... well, something like this happens. Seriously, if anyone can watch that and still believe that TNA has any kind of realistic shot at taking on WWE, they're insane. This was originally going to be a post about how this is going to be the time where we see what TNA really is by how they deal with this. Then I realized that someone somewhere let Jeff Hardy go out to the ring like that. With how far gone he was, the obvious answer would've been to not have *any* kind of match... but TNA didn't do that. They sent Hardy out there, let him pander to the crowd, and put Sting in a situation where he looked really bad. Here's a question... Hardy obviously tried to kick out of that pin, so what would've happened if Hardy had actually attempted a move on Sting? I assume Sting would've just shut his ass down, but the sheer fact that he was even put in a position where that was a decision he may have to make is just horrendously wrong on a base level.

So... what? What can the explanation be? Did no one speak to Jeff Hardy all day? Did no one attempt to talk to him before the match? Did he suddenly become high *while* walking to the ring? There is no scenario here where TNA doesn't look like the kind of indy promotion that'll trot out someone like Jake Roberts no matter what condition they're in because the 'people paid their money'. Seriously, let's think about this... if TNA knew beforehand, they're an even worse company that I thought. If they did truly only find out less than 5 minutes before that match started, then I question how their (arguably) top star can get that close to a match without someone noticing signs of a problem. It's just baffling.

So, yeah... I'm waiting to see how TNA plays this one. No matter what, that showed that they have miles and miles and miles to go before being any kind of relevant promotion. I just picture everyone in that locker room watching the monitors and simultaneously going 'I've made a huge mistake'. That's my dream, anyway.

On the bright side, way to keep your integrity Sting. It seems to working out very well.[/QUOTE]

You know, that was something I didn't really consider last night in my reaction. Immediately before the match may have been when they realized they were really in trouble (hence Bischoff's last minute interjection) but how did they not see he was completely fucked when he arrived at the arena. Did no one who saw him think to tell management that their main eventer could hardly stand up.

What a total lack of respect for the business on behalf of Hardy though. If they had somehow let that match continue and Sting wasn't one of the guys not willing to put up with this kind of bullshit Hardy very easily could have killed or seriously injured his opponent. He couldn't even lift himself into the ring, how could he have wrestled a match...

I really am going to be fascinated how TNA handles this.
Enjoyed Dreamer-Bully. Loved Devon getting his revenge by 3Ding Bubba, showing that it wasn't he that got weak - it was Bubba, and also Bubba's part could be played by anyone. Women's tag was nothing. Dug Winter's new gear. Finish looked awful. Christy's big hoopla over MATT MORGAN was hilarious, then Morgan called Hernandez SHAWN to let us know that he's shooting. Morgan and Hernandez had zero chemistry as a team eons ago and less as opponents. FOOD COLORING FOR THE WIN. What a...something finish. Terrible, yeah, hilarious, oh hell yes. They went to all this trouble to give Hernandez a win that means nothing, while giving Morgan a loss that means nothing, in a match with nothing on the line, on a show that was built up (barely) on the previous week's TV. Also, apparently, the refs don't watch the matches because ANYONE WHO WAS IN THE BACK AND WAS WATCHING WOULD HAVE SEEN IT WAS BULLSHIT. Ultimate X was seemingly everyone of these matches ever. Dug the cable swing cutter by Kazarian. Robbie going into convulsions on his knees after a springboard dust was hilarious. They violated the no-ladder rule again. Oh well. Real shame they had this match at all with no build - at least no one did anything too stupid.

Jeff Jarrett as the world's greatest dad and clueless husband was AWESOME. It's impossible to not love the guy as basically a comedy act now and it works for him. Ink Inc. vs. Beer Money was really good - hopefully they do a series of matches like the Guns did, as it would give Ink. Inc some cred and Jesse more experience. Matt vs. AJ was perfectly fine as a match, but also way too long. RVD-Anderson was terrible. RVD's been hit-or-miss lately, while Anderson has been completely awful on a regular basis, so I'll blame Anderson for this. LOVED the non-finish for the PPV leading to the inevitable TV match to settle the issue. Sting-Hardy was a disaster. Dug Sting finally getting a red scorpion on his singlet again - makes the new glittery gear look better. Bischoff alternating between using the mic and not was just a bit odd, and the match ending after a lockup, some sort of chop to Hardy's neck, and then finally the scorpion death drop after Hardy couldn't get in position for it the first time was sad. This was a really shitty PPV return for Sting.
I don't really see how Bischoff was being slick as he spent what looked like a good minute talking to Jeff without the mic. If that's slick, I have some HHH/Jericho matches to show you where they audibly yell out spots to each other.

It's also possible that Hardy got messed up before the match. While I doubt that, it's possible. I also wouldn't be surprised if no one bothered to talk to him that whole night.

At the very least, the commentators could have tried to cover it up. Tazz has always been useless in whatever he does but I didn't expect him to put Hardy on blast.
[quote name='davo1224']I don't really see how Bischoff was being slick as he spent what looked like a good minute talking to Jeff without the mic.[/QUOTE]

5:59-6:04 of the "What?" video posted on an earlier page is "a minute." Gotcha.

If Jeff is hopped up on whatever he's probably not going to be too sharp and immediate on his comprehension.

Bischoff did a fine job given the situation. As did Sting, who absolutely made the right decision to just end the fiasco ASAP. If I'm 50+, I'm not going to put up with working with some doped up moron who is already known for being sloppy when he's 100% sober.

It's also possible that Hardy got messed up before the match.
As opposed to what? Getting "messed up" while he's in the ring?

Tazz has always been useless in whatever he does but I didn't expect him to put Hardy on blast.

I'm not a huge fan of his but he was perfect in his role in his ECW heyday. And his announcing with Cole prior to the JBL-to-SD/Tazz-to-ECW announcing switch was solid. Better than solid.

New thread:
As reported earlier, TNA Wrestling officials made the decision to send Jeff Hardy home from this week's iMPACT! television tapings. Reports from last night's show were that Hardy was in no condition to perform and management decided to cut his match with Sting short.

Unlike the last time there was a question about Hardy's condition (prior to the Final Resolution pay-per-view in December, company officials were going to strip Hardy of the World Heavyweight Championship due to his condition backstage at the event, but then changed their minds) no one within the company has attempted to defend him. Many company employees are very upset about the situation, especially with the decision to allow Hardy to go out in front of the audience considering he stumbled on the ramp and nearly tripping over the ring steps. Others were surprised that an audible wasn't called to "make it up" to the audience.

While Hardy has been sent home from this week's iMPACT! tapings, no further decision has been made regarding his future in the organization.

Hardy tweeted last night that "things are op." His next court date in Moore County, North Carolina is scheduled for Wednesday.
So....yeah.. And,

A fan asked Hulk Hogan on Twitter, "Love ya Hulk,but seriously,it's time to get rid of Hardy.Guy's gotta problem that needs to be sorted out.That was a joke"

Hogan responded to the fan: "Brother were trying to get everything straightened out,I feel bad about some of the situations that have to be delta with HH"
I wonder what would have happened if there wasn't a guy like Sting in the ring with Hardy, and instead somebody else on the roster with less experience in these types of situations.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Hardy was absolutely GONE. His intro alone made it easy to see he was completely wasted.[/QUOTE]

Comments like this all over the internet are exaggerated, IMO. Obviously something is not right. He's high on something. Statements like this though would lead me to believe he couldn't even make it to the ring let alone try to kick out of Sting's pin and care enough to get pissed off about it after the match.

[quote name='mykevermin']TNA had two chances to save face:
1) put out someone else other than Hardy. Sting had the title, so it's not like the crucial part of the match was missing
2) put out a press release as quickly as possible following the PPV that Hardy was suspended indefinitely or released from the company.

They missed both opportunities. They can still suspend or fire Hardy, but the fact that they have not yet shows that they're weighing their options (and therefore consider his commodity value as a name is greater than his personal well being or the image of the company). This is the epitome of a no-brainer situation, yet TNA is trying to hedge their bets.

Think of it this way: what kind of company would let someone like Jeff Hardy continue to work there, for hundreds of thousands of dollars, given his track record *while under employment* to the company (i.e., independent of his past at all)? I don't mean wrestling company, I mean any. I don't even think the shift manager of an Auntie Anne's would put up with that kind of shit for a quarter of the time TNA has. [/QUOTE]

I disagree. Hardy is a huge name and sells merchandise. While I think they should have had a different main event, they should send Hardy to rehab and suspend him. If he was released, WWE would snatch him up and do the same.
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