Thoughts on Mirror's Edge?


I've been kicking myself for months for not picking up Mirrors Edge during the last steam sale, it looks like a very interesting take on the FPS formula - having the main goal being to escape the enemy instead of confronting them. I was thinking about picking this up for the full $20, but was hoping to get opinions of people who have actually played the game.

Should I buy now, wait, or pass? Thanks in advance. (poll posted)
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I didn't vote in your poll, because I didn't agree with any of those. The game is wonderful for $20, but does offers very little replay value, especially on PC. After you finish the story, you can play the time trials and speed runs, however, there has been a lot of cheating on the PC version, and the leader boards are all thrown off by times that aren't reachable by playing within the rules.

I played through both the PC version, and the PS3 version, and would recommend a console version, because of the leader board issue i described, and I liked the controls a bit more. However, if all you have available is the PC version, go ahead and grab it.
I think you should wait until it goes to $5 again. I like the game. Its a little frustrating though. Plus, it seems to go for $5 all the the time. If you can't wait, I suggest getting it on Amazon... since it will be cheaper.
I too liked the game... The game haves a very steep learning curve and you will get frustrated from time to time... Also there are kinda set paths that they want you to follow... So it's not as open as you would like to to be... I have it for the PS3 and got if for 20 at the time... I really though I was going to hate it... and well at some points you will, but in the end it is definitely worth it... I liked the music and I liked the character and the story... oh as a side not if you get motion sickness like I do don't play this game for a long time... Or if you do have a bucket close by cause all that turning and running made me a bit sick...
It plays like crap on my machine - a Core i7 920 with Radeon 4890 - so I don't know what to think. I'm pissed because I'd like to play it.
Decent game. Pretty worthless story but the first person platforming/parkour is interesting and the game has some enjoyable oh shit moments. Probably not worth $20 but it depends on how cheap you are. Game's quite short though, I only got 7 hours out of it playing through the campaign, you could get a bit more if you want to dick with the time trial mode.

And as a side note it has some fun PhysX gimmicks if you've got a relatively modern Geforce card. Not really mindblowing but it ups the number of particles considerably and puts some nice cloth and plastic effects in.
I'm pretty sure you can get a hard copy of that game from stores like Staples and Oddjob for $9.99.
The game is very fun, and initially I thought it would be the game of the year. However, it doesn't really build on the excitement of the initial gameplay as much as I would have liked, and it's all kinds of short.
I found the game somewhat boring. I guess it'd be alright for killing an afternoon, but I definitely wouldn't spend $20 on it. $5 is probably the most I'd pay for it.
[quote name='torifile']It plays like crap on my machine - a Core i7 920 with Radeon 4890 - so I don't know what to think. I'm pissed because I'd like to play it.[/QUOTE]

Something is definitely not right there...your computer should run it with no problems. I run it at everything full settings (w/ PhysX off) on my AMD 955 X4 3.2GHZ & 8800GTS 512 at a resolution of 1920x1200. Your computer should be able to handle the game just as well. Heck, even my HTPC with a Radeon 4650 & Athlon X2 3.0GHz processor runs the game decently on high settings at a lower resolution. You should make sure your drivers are working properly/nothing else is slowing you down.

As for what the game is worth, I feel it is easily worth $20..but you should wait to get it for $5-$10. Mostly because the game goes on sale often, and it is guaranteed to go on sale again on steam in the future. If you can wait for Steam's Christmas sale, it should be $5. Also note that I have never experienced motion sickness in any game before...but this one did me in. I don't recommend playing for more than an hour at a time.
i say get it for 20 and under. i got my PC copy (with soundtrack) new a while back for 10 dollars. its a fun game.
Seemed alot more interested when it was just a demo. When I started playing it there's just not much more to the game.

That being said, it was def worth the other cheap game I traded for it.
I originally got the PS 3 version and the controls felt too awkward for me, in addition to the fact that it gave me serious motion sickness (something I haven't had a problem with in FPS games since Half-Life 2). I picked it up when it was $5 on steam during last year's holiday sale, and enjoyed the game from beginning to end. I didn't have any motion sickness problems on the PC, maybe because the monitor wasn't so wide compared to my TV, I don't know. The keyboard and mouse felt a lot more comfortable to me as well. I would say to wait until it hits a nice $5 price point again unless you really want to play it right away.
I got it for $5 on sale, I played it. It was ok. For some reason my machince would chug it like it was a 1995 PC at one part duing a mission and even if I turned all the settings down to nothing it still chugged a bit. Bad programming I guess. I did get passed that part but sometimes it doesn't make it too obvious which way to run espcially inside buildings. That and falling to your death takes a few seconds and redoing a section 5 times because you can't make a jump was too annoying and I stopped playing.

I'll give it another go one day but I do regret it even at $5.
[quote name='GaveUpTomorrow']Something is definitely not right there...your computer should run it with no problems. I run it at everything full settings (w/ PhysX off) on my AMD 955 X4 3.2GHZ & 8800GTS 512 at a resolution of 1920x1200. Your computer should be able to handle the game just as well. Heck, even my HTPC with a Radeon 4650 & Athlon X2 3.0GHz processor runs the game decently on high settings at a lower resolution. You should make sure your drivers are working properly/nothing else is slowing you down.

As for what the game is worth, I feel it is easily worth $20..but you should wait to get it for $5-$10. Mostly because the game goes on sale often, and it is guaranteed to go on sale again on steam in the future. If you can wait for Steam's Christmas sale, it should be $5. Also note that I have never experienced motion sickness in any game before...but this one did me in. I don't recommend playing for more than an hour at a time.[/QUOTE]
I know. My machine handles every game I throw at it at max settings without a problem, but 10 minutes into the game, when you're running through that first office the frame rates drop to 1 every 2 or 3 seconds making it kinda hard to play. I don't understand it.

edit: looks like i had PhysX turned on. They really should have a warning about that if you don't have a NVIDIA card.
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