Threads of Fate and B.F. Musashi found at Gamestop


I was looking for Threads of Fate and the Gamestop locator led me to one that not only had Threads of Fate, but also Brave Fencer Musashi. ToF was disc only, but works fine, and BF Musashi came with case, but no manual or Final Fantasy demo disc.

I had been to that GS before, looking for a Dreamcast VMU, but the guy couldn't find it at the time. He remembered me from before and asked if I was still interested in the VMUs, and I said sure, thinking it would be used ones. To my surprise, he brought out 2 brand new ones and sold them to me for $0.99 each. I was just going to buy one, but he convinced me to buy the other one, saying that I probably wouldn't be able to find it later if I wanted it.

So, I got 2 games and 2 VMUs and the total came out to be around $26 with the Gamestop card. I'm not sure if it's a good deal or not, but I'm just glad I found a working Threads of Fate.

I'm keeping one of the VMUs, but if anyone wants the other one (brand new, still in box) PM me with a trade.
Is ToF really so rare? I got it with the strategy guide for Chirstmas some time ago. Every time I've ever felt the need to check the selling price, it's never been so much. (It is a great game tho- you'll enjoy it!)
tales of destiny is very rare.

theres one where i live but i dunno how to get there :D

i told them to hold it for me.
bread's done