Three enter, only two shall leave. Help decide which I shall own.


3 (100%)
I can't quite decide what I want to get. I have enough money to buy two new games, but there are three I want to get.

1). Phantom Brave- I am a huge SRPG fan, I played Disgaea, but it just seemed to deep. I heard this one is along the same kinda lines.

2) Star Ocean: Till the End of Time- Owned the second one and loved it. Don't know if this is along the same vein, or completely different.

3) Tales of Symphonia- Rented this one. Enjoyed the story, but the combat was a little confusing to me, very fast paced with all the other characters moving independant. I didn't have the instructions, so those may help.

Any suggestions from ya all that have tried these would be greatly appreciated. I've read a few reviews, but they all score about the same.
#2 and #3. For me, Nippon Ichi's titles are a bit overboard. FFT is more my preferred level of that type of SRPG. If you found Disgaea too deep, I don't know why you'd consider Phantom Brave, since that one is even MORE deep than its predecessors.

I've heard nothing but good things about Tales. Definitely get that one. I've not heard anything about S.O., but it's selling well if that helps.
I heard (from the EGM review), that Phantom Brave is the deepest game out there. You can interact with anything, imbue rocks with powers, then fuse those rock to your enemies, then imbue a tree with a counter power, then use the tree against the infused enemy to do more damage, or something along the lines. If Disgaea is too deep, I would stay away from PB.
Actually, none of those are on the top of my list.
Phantom Brave: Liked La Pucelle, disliked Disgaea. I'll wait and see on this one.
Star Ocean: Heard some negative commentary on the battle mechanics of this one.
Tales of Symphonia: Know absolutely nothing about it.

My decision list is as follows:
* Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
* Growlanser Generations
* Digital Devil Saga
* Suikoden 4

I'm hoping to be able to get GG and Nocturne, since they both have Limited Editions and are due out end of Sept; then I can save up for DDS in November, and S4 in January.
It's a great time to be a PS2 RPG fan, that's for sure.

edit: I agree, to me, FFT is the pinnacle console strategy games. I disliked the overwhelming depth of Disgaea, so y'all's posts have cemented my opinion to avoid PB.
Definitely get Phantom Brave. The others are a close call. SO3 is definitely a LOT more frantic than TOS because the battlefield features fully 3D movement.
tales, i got disgaea and thought the same thing as you did, I also got star ocean and its a great game but not as fun as tales of symphonia which I just beat, get tales of symphonia, with only some of the extras it took me 50 hours too beat this game and I missed on an extra boss and 15 floor dungeon because I didnt have the patience, BUY TALES OF SYMPHONIA.
as for the battle system of tales, its really simple after you play for like 5 hours, if you need help PM me when/if you get the game
Get Tales of Symphonia.. it's the most easily recommendable of the 3... I loved Disgaea so I would recommend PB, but if that isn't your thing get Star Ocean instead.
I need more information -- how much money is "enough money to buy 2 new games"? Are you talking about $100+tax, or are you already taking sales into consideration (if you have nearby BestBuy and Circuit City, you can get Star Ocean for $35 this week, for example)?
Well I picked up Tales yesterday. Going to be traveling to a neighboring town today to get the other one since my Wal-Mart, surprisngly, didn't have SO or PB. The closest BB and CC around me is over an hour away, so I will be paying full price wherever I go once gas is figured into the equation. Right now I am leaning more towards Star Ocean simply because I loved Second Story so much. How much different is Till the End of Time from Second Story?
I guess I'd go with TOS?

Phanton Brave is supposed to deeper then Disgaea, so I don't know if you'd like it.

I've read lackluster reviews so far about Star Ocean, it looks decent, but not great.

Everything I've read and heard about Tales has been very positive, so that's what I'd go with.
I thought Star Ocean was an average RPG that contained a very nice battle system (it takes a little getting used to, but has a nice mix of strategy and action). I really need to go out and buy it after spending a 5 day rental with it. Also, I dunno if someone already mentioned it but I think both Tales and Star Ocean are not really turn-based combat systems. You said you liked SRPG, so I didn't know if that matters to you or not
Get phantom brave, it like disgaea will definatley hold its value, maybe get tales and definatley don't get star ocean. Star Ocean is probably going to drop in price in a few months.
bread's done