"Thriller" music video FREE on XBLM

Nice im watching it now i was looking at them yesterday (previews) and it was 160 but free is always nice.
I don't know what to say. Is Microsoft using the death of Michael Jackson to discount the music videos to increase sales? It is like people selling Michael Jackson T-Shirts outside a memorial. Either way, I put Thriller on my queue.
[quote name='polishpride212']I don't know what to say. Is Microsoft using the death of Michael Jackson to discount the music videos to increase sales? It is like people selling Michael Jackson T-Shirts outside a memorial. Either way, I put Thriller on my queue.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking there are tons of people downloading his music videos right now (At the normal price), so it's nice that they are giving us a discount. They probably aren't getting that many more sales, tbh.
[quote name='polishpride212']I don't know what to say. Is Microsoft using the death of Michael Jackson to discount the music videos to increase sales? It is like people selling Michael Jackson T-Shirts outside a memorial. Either way, I put Thriller on my queue.[/QUOTE]
Call it a tribute?
what a load of crock shit...i wouldnt watch that video if someone paid me.

the guy was genuine first class fuck up who got his jollys off by "playing" with kiddies
[quote name='jcp42877']what a load of crock shit...i wouldnt watch that video if someone paid me.

the guy was genuine first class fuck up who got his jollys off by "playing" with kiddies[/QUOTE]

I guess you get your jollies from being a jackass.
[quote name='jcp42877']what a load of crock shit...i wouldnt watch that video if someone paid me.

the guy was genuine first class fuck up who got his jollys off by "playing" with kiddies[/QUOTE]

You represent the south pretty well. Bye now
If you go to Amazon's Music Best-Sellers page, 19 of the top 25 albums are Michael Jackson-related. You have to scroll down to spots #14-15 to see Regina Spektor and Wilco breaking up the non-stop Jackothon. Interesting to note that none of them were in the top 100 four days ago. They say that death is the ultimate career move. Here ya go.
[quote name='jcp42877']what a load of crock shit...i wouldnt watch that video if someone paid me.

the guy was genuine first class fuck up who got his jollys off by "playing" with kiddies[/QUOTE]
try to separate the man from the artist. nevertheless He was a great man outside of music as well. He was kind and gentle every time I saw him on TV
[quote name='JrHu92']try to separate the man from the artist. nevertheless He was a great man outside of music as well. He was kind and gentle every time I saw him on TV[/QUOTE]

you sir, made a statement i can actually respect. everyone else failed miserably with their replies
[quote name='jcp42877']what a load of crock shit...i wouldnt watch that video if someone paid me.

the guy was genuine first class fuck up who got his jollys off by "playing" with kiddies[/QUOTE]

Proof or GTFO.

And there is no proof.

So just GTFO.
[quote name='jcp42877']you sir, made a statement i can actually respect. everyone else failed miserably with their replies[/QUOTE]

You seem to imply that others took your post seriously. When you post flame bait like yours in a thread, you really should see those kind of responses from a mile away. Also, you seem to undermine your own position by respecting his point.
I agree with JrHu92. Regardless of how you see him as a person, which I can agree he wasn't a stand up citizen in my book. You can NOT deny that he was an AMAZING performer/musician/dancer/singer.
[quote name='Saix_XIII']I agree with JrHu92. Regardless of how you see him as a person, which I can agree he wasn't a stand up citizen in my book.[/QUOTE]

Educate yourself, your book is outdated
[quote name='JrHu92']try to separate the man from the artist. nevertheless He was a great man outside of music as well. He was kind and gentle every time I saw him on TV[/QUOTE]Do realize that when it comes to any celebrity what we see on TV is typically crafted image management.

I may give this a download as I don't think I've ever seen the whole video all the way through.

Edit: Wait is this the whole thing? the store says 10 minutes but I wiki'ed the runtime to be over 13.
Good of Microsoft to offer the video for free. I won't say my thoughts regarding MJ as a person (I didn't know the dude personally, so how could I?) but he definitely made an indelible mark in the world.
[quote name='jcp42877']what a load of crock shit...i wouldnt watch that video if someone paid me.

the guy was genuine first class fuck up who got his jollys off by "playing" with kiddies[/QUOTE]
Cool story, bro.
Great artist but definitely a molester. There are many reports and proof from quite a few different kids. Even members from the jury says it was the wrong decision.

Still hate to see him die but he had many issues...
[quote name='Ecto311']That kind of shit needs to get banned. There was no proof and if I recall there was a statement put out today from one of the kids saying his dad made him say it all and nothing actually happened.


True or not, there has been no proof of anything happening. So I'll second the GTFO jagoff.[/QUOTE]

Of course he lied. He wouldn't testify. Look at what happened:

Jason Francia - Settled out of court for $2M
Jordan Chandler - Refused to testify, settled out of court
Macaulay Culkin - Denied allegations
Wade Robson - Both he and his mother denied allegations
Brett Barnes - Both he and his mother denied allegations
Gavin Arviso - Never actually stayed with Jackson. His father pleaded no contest to spousal abuse and child cruelty. His mother, hilariously named Janet Jackson, was uncooperative during her testimony and never gave any real answers.

[quote name='eebuckeye']Great artist but definitely a molester. There are many reports and proof from quite a few different kids. Even members from the jury says it was the wrong decision.[/QUOTE]

Where? Where is this proof? Lots of people say it exists. So why hasn't anyone seen it?

Protip: Parents of abused children don't settle for money. And just who were the people who accused him of child molestation?

1) A gold-digging whore
2) A disgruntled ex-employee
3) A convicted thief
4) The owner of a hardcore porn site

Yet, for some reason, people just LOVE to cry "pedophile," when, in reality, the only crime being committed here is these people using their children to extort money, with 99% of them having failed.
Downloaded, Love me some Thriller

Also I never realized how many music videos are on xbox live...does anyone actually buy them???
[quote name='Ecto311']That kind of shit needs to get banned. There was no proof and if I recall there was a statement put out today from one of the kids saying his dad made him say it all and nothing actually happened.


True or not, there has been no proof of anything happening. So I'll second the GTFO jagoff.[/QUOTE]

There's plenty of "proof" (or at least circumstantial evidence) if you just look into it.

Off the top of my head, I remember two particularly damning pieces of evidence: piles of magazines depicting naked children (which isn't considered child pornography, as the law clearly states you need to depict children in sexual acts for it to be considered child porn - simply photographing naked children and calling it "art" is legal). As such, magazines like that exist (probably printed mostly outside the USA, though), and Jackson owned a ton.

Another piece of evidence? He had an alarm system rigged to warn him when someone was coming down the hallway toward his bedroom. Why the heck would you set up an alarm system JUST for your bedroom? Afraid of burglars AFTER they already broke into your house? More likely, he was nervous of someone popping into his bedroom during the numerous "sleepovers" he had with young children, who did stay in his bed.

Source? I saw a report on Jackson back when they were investigating him for child molestation. Investigators went into his home, and those two things above are some of the stuff they found.

Here we go: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/michaeljackson/010605jacksonsplotch.html
The 1993 molestation case against Jackson featured a young boy accurately describing his private parts.

This blog has more info: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/6/27/747554/-Good-riddance,-Michael-Jackson.

But all of that aside, I think Jackson's music is brilliant. It's incredibly unfortunate to see all the psychology trauma he went through growing up in the Jackson 5, both from his abusive father and the thoughtless words of the public. He was indeed messed up. But that should serve as further proof of his genius.

Genius and crazy go together like peanut butter and jelly.
[quote name='DirkBelig']Awesome! Now no one has an excuse not to have the choreography down![/QUOTE]

An older Shirt.woot shirt has it in all of its pixelated glory:

Deleted, honestly?

Does a MOD think it inappropriate to discuss a man's suspected criminal activity, just because he recently died? I don't think CAG needs to delete commentary on Michael Jackson (good or bad) simply because this is a thread about his free music video.

Wow, CAG. I'm amazed. I even went through the trouble of sourcing my argument. That's just not cool, CAG! :whistle2:(
Didn't Sony grab controlling share of BMG which produces all the Jackson stuff and yet you'll probably never see it on the PS3?
[quote name='Ragnorok64']Wow looks like some hardcore house cleaning just took place in this thread.[/QUOTE]
lol yeah, I saw so many new posts and I was wondering why there were only 2 pages
bread's done