THUG players give a bad vibe


I love to play games online and I do it all the time. Now I have played the thps games like crazy since the first one. Now I decided to give THUG a try online. I got on and got into a room. All the people just stood there next to each other and talked shit about me. Then every time I would just go skate they would always hit me during a combo and stuff. Now I know people give you the n00b treatment but Im not a n00b. I am a vet in thps games. I was better than half the people when they challenged me. I dont think I ever want to play it online again.

Is this normal on thug?
ya, thats pretty normal, but you can find a decent room or two to go into. you may want to try thps3 or 4 online, there arent as many people online, but they dont act like dicks either. besides i found thug wasnt quite as good as thps4

anyway, good luck
[quote name='bruce_pwns_j00']I love to play games online and I do it all the time. Now I have played the thps games like crazy since the first one. Now I decided to give THUG a try online. I got on and got into a room. All the people just stood there next to each other and talked shit about me. Then every time I would just go skate they would always hit me during a combo and stuff. Now I know people give you the n00b treatment but Im not a n00b. I am a vet in thps games. I was better than half the people when they challenged me. I dont think I ever want to play it online again.

Is this normal on thug?[/quote]

Don't let it ruin your experience. If you get in a good room, it's a load of fun. Also you can create your own, that way you can control who can and can't be in there.

The worst is when people stand next to each other and talk like they're having a real convo. Or when a girl comes into the room and all the guys are trying to hit on her, get a life.

But there's a lot of fun to be had online though, just bounce around.
This is why I think it's funny that people think online gaming is such a big deal. Every experience i've ever had pretty much goes down like this. I wouldn't want to do that for free, let alone PAY for it. Maybe it's better if you know other people IRL that do it...
It's been my experience that *every* online game turns into this (or the equivalent). Short answer-- only play online with friends.

Then again, I have a friend (who is pretty cool most of the time) that turns into an asshole as soon as he starts playing online.

Maybe the "anonymous online gamer" type is just an asshole waiting to happen?

The best multiplayer experience is still you and 3 pals sitting in front of the TV. Been that way since I played my Atari 400 over 20 years ago.

After that, single player all the way. Can't wait for Thief 3.

Seacrest Out.
[quote name='evilmax17']This is why I think it's funny that people think online gaming is such a big deal. Every experience i've ever had pretty much goes down like this. I wouldn't want to do that for free, let alone PAY for it. Maybe it's better if you know other people IRL that do it...[/quote]

I couldn't agree more!!

Everytime I am tempted to pay the exorbitant prices for broadband a story like this pops up and reminds me that it isn't worth it.

Online gaming IS OVERRATED, and this is just an example of how. Honestly I am sick of hearing people bash games simply because they don't have online play.
Online play takes a little more investment of time. I've played plenty of online games. I've had bad experiences, I've had good experiences. If you run into assholes, then you leave and find another game.

The trick is to find people you can tolerate, then only try to play with them. If the game requires a server, find a server that has agreeable rules and stick to it.

Can't speak for THUG specifically though, as I don't have it. But the above has been the norm for me for as long as I've been playing online.
I played Diablo online. It took me weeks to find a game with a set of guys that would go into the dungeon w/o trying to kill me. More than once I went down after they uttered the line "Want to go do a few levels?", they'd shoot me in the back, I'd go back up and ask them what the hell, to which they would reply "I was dueling".

Item hacks and level hacks and things of that nature I could accept because it was a co-op deal and not vs. ,provided you didn't attempt to call them legit or go PK..err, I mean dueling. But the amount of assholes in the game made me not want to play.

I only have a dialup connection, as broadband for less than $100/mo doesn't exist. And that's either high lag satallite or low throughput IDSL which both come with some sizable setup costs. So to me online gaming just is something I don't care about.
I hate to sound elitist, but I think this is a result of the mainstreaming of online games via consoles.

Not to say that there were not a fair amount of cheaters and dicks back in the day, but back when Bungie put out "Myth: The Fallen Lords," and online games were played mostly by the hardcore, people were much more civil.
I rarely have problems with stuff like this. I really hate teh pre puberty croud that has to shout all the time. The longer you plya, the more people you meet and add to your friends list. Then when you get a new game, you already have frieds to play with.
I generally only play FPS online now because of this kind of thing. I don't talk to anyone, I just play the game. I refuse to join a clan since they are the worst. I usually sit in the top three on those type of games and it drives clan people crazy. It feels great to crush their ego. If you get lucky and find good people to play with it is great. I usually meet up with some good people in games that are there to play and have fun. I keep a list of names but we don't take it seriously. Even when I played DAOC, I only played with certain people but it took months to really find anyone. That's ok, I used to be that person that made maps, logged quests and explored the world and sent it to websites. I stopped that since I did the work and payed for it and someone else just read my log. It's still fun to go into games and talk trash on the regulars when you beat them, they get so angry it's just funny.
Yeah alot of people on THUG are dicks, but every online game has its fair share of dicks, you have to learn to deal with them.

I started a topic a while ago asking about screenames, but that dies after a week. The whole point was to find decent people to play against.
Spottednigel - XboxLive Beta Tester (gotta throw that in)

Ive had a few problems, but i dont let them get to me. Ive been playing consoles online since PSO on DC (technically x-band first...but that doesnt count) and have had the luck to barely notice the few bad times. Please note the fact that i dont normally play an sort of sports game, so the apparent rampant cheating in those wouldnt bother me.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Yeah alot of people on THUG are dicks, but every online game has its fair share of dicks, you have to learn to deal with them.

I started a topic a while ago asking about screenames, but that dies after a week. The whole point was to find decent people to play against.[/quote]

You're on my list but you don't have any games that I do.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']id play online games if it wasn't for me being heterosexual[/quote]

OMG! You mean THAT'S the reason why I got those FAB-U-LUSS new curtains in my media room?

Hey! and who's that guy in my shower?

NNNOooooooooooooooooooo! Damn you XBox Live!
Well, I just got online recently and haven't had any real problems. I popped in THPS 3 and there were 2 other people online and they were pretty cool, so you might want to try that. I've been playing the hell out of FFXI and almost everybody on there is cool and nice. When you first start out, you are pretty much ignored, but after a day or two, people start helping you out and the mood on there is pretty much relaxed. This probably has to do with the type and age of the people playing it as compared to say THUG. Not bad mouthing THUG or anything, but I suspect it attracts a much more immature and pre pubescient audience than a FFXI does. I've had good experiences with Xbox Live as well, everyone I've played against has been cool and generally nice and fun to play against. Don't give up, if people are being jerkoffs online, just leave the room and go to another one or host your own game.
I play online most of the time when im playing videogames...I was lucky in finding really cool people when I first started playing RS3...Now those are the only people I play with...Most of the time when I jump into a random room, its a bunch of little brats yelling and screaming or a bunch of racists fighting with black people...This really gets on my nerves and thats why whenever I play online I play with people on my friends list or no one at all
WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH you guys are taking this out of proportion. This is the only game I have ever had a bad aexperience on. On the socoms I rarely if ever find an asshole.
[quote name='fuji']It's been my experience......

Seacrest Out.[/quote]

off-topic for a sec...

that seacrest out thing is really bugging me.. i've known seacrest for quite some time, not personally but met him in public before american idol couple of time when he was jus djing.. althou hes pretty cool, but he jus really trys too hard.. i cant belive his lame seacrest out is catching on. i mean common now.. hes no william hung. :)
[quote name='CaseyRyback']talking during online games = annoying[/quote]

Depends on the game. In some games, it can give you an edge, mainly games that require teamwork.

I remember one online clan started using Battlefield Commander or Roger Wilco, one of those voice chat programs for PC games, and they started destroying their opponents. I'm sure that sort of things happens a lot now.

But just random chatter during play (team or otherwise) definitely blows.
i find chatting fun...if your with the right people. Unreal/XIII/Moto GP are great at giving you the freedom of smack talk, or in some cases knowledge. i like learning different ways of going around a corner or how to make my character dance in XIII (so stupidly fun) and have it NOT be on a static mesage board.
You almost have to be picky to have any fun. The anonymity of anything online tends to bring out the worst in people.

Don't even get me started on MMORPGs. That's a JSweeney-sized rant by itself...
I'm another person that falls into the category of "this is why I have no interest in online gaming". Like Scrubking before me, I too could not agree more with Evilmax17. The idea of paying online fees for the privilege of being harassed by a bunch of punks who wouldn't have the sack to say boo to me in the real world is just ridiculous to me. I don't have the patience to wade through a sea of jerks looking for the cool people.
bread's done