TI 89 Graphing Calculator


31 (100%)
I'm getting ready to start school again in a week and am taking BC calculus. I heard that the 89 was much better than the 83+ that I have, and was wondering if anybody had any deals. Thanks
Well, I'm considering selling mine to get a new one with USB ports and crap, how much are you thinking of spending?
OP, you do know the 83+ runs you around 80 on sale/clearance. reg 100 bucks

the 89's are where alot of the better features start but prices are high.
ebay... 89's are still farily new so I highly doubt you'll find them for $60 new or used anywhere unless your totally lucky... if you find it for $100 new I say take it, I think they run about 130-150 normally.
Buy the TI-89. It is so much better than the 83+ and worth spending the extra money for. It is so good TI hasn't come out with a calculator to replace it (and it has been around for over 5 years now, and TI used to put out a new calculator about every year)
I managed to get the TI-89 Titanium for $110 at Target because it was mismarked as if it were a TI-83. Good luck finding one for any less than $100.
Just wanted to tell those interested,
if you plan only on using the graphing calcuators for homework, there are emulators for graphing calculators. I have pretty much everything from Texas Instruments and used the TI-83 to pass my college courses. of course, u can't take them into the classroom.


Also, the emulator is running at its own designated clock speed. Just hit the options and look for an option to free it up. that way you dont have to wait the normal speed for it to do some complicated equations.
Download link on that site doesn't work. Could have used that, too, as my brother needs a home-only calculator this year.
what is the 83 silver edition with the usb cable about. could you download answers and text into the calc that would be so cool if I was in school I would have a calc in every class on top of my desk.
[quote name='Graystone']what is the 83 silver edition with the usb cable about. could you download answers and text into the calc that would be so cool if I was in school I would have a calc in every class on top of my desk.[/quote]

The TI-83 silver edition just has more memory and a few extra features than a regular TI-83 calculator. With pretty much any TI graphing calculator, you can download text and answers, but teachers know that as well, and they'll likely know if you're trying to cheat.
You can use the regular ti 83 to enter text too, not necessarialy to cheat. I wrote programs that were just text with formulas to use on my hw. It was faster than flipping through the book. All the teachers at my school know about the programs and erase your memory before a major test anyways.
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