TNA code contest


Alright here's the deal.. Since I cant seem to trade it for anything worth a DARN! Ill give it away. I have a TNA psp Code.. to download the full game.
Here goes Ill be cosplaying CABLE from Marvels X men for halloween or I should say Id like to..But I need help.. I wanna hear your Ideas on how to pull of the yellow flashing eye the metal arm.. So the winner will be chosen by random from everyone who posts Ideas.. Please Dont just goolge or yahoo and post someone esle ideas as chances are Ive seen them.. Like for fresh Ideas!

CONGRATS to Ohram who was random chosen thanks to Code was Pmed. Thanks to everyone for the ideas.. ill be sure to post pictures with what I come up with.
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Find a monocle paint it yellow...won't be flashing though....for the arm...umm aluminum foil around some cardboard?
[quote name='advanced']Is it still called cosplay if its for Halloween?[/QUOTE]
Halloween is more of a test.. If i can make a good one itll be done at comic con as well.
I think cardboard would make it too square...try some aluminum around some foam or something you can shape...or cut you arm off and get a real metal arm. Don't cut your arm off. Try something yellow and shiny for the eye...It wont flash but will reflect light.
If you can work with glass, I would suggest cutting a bike's reflector into a type of monocle. It'll shine pretty well, but it won't constantly be blinding you and others.
You should use a metallic body paint for the metal arm, and the eye..tape or glue something with a reflective covering over your eye.. something like gold foil. You could buy a small yellow LED instead and fashion some sort of eye patch out of it, but it might be too heavy to just tape or glue to your eye.
A gold or yellow contact for the eye should do the trick but it wont shine.The arm would have to be made with a rubbery plastic and painted in chrome.How much is your budget?
has to be yellow blinking led's somewhere, as for the metal arm, get some sheet metal, really thin kind, and wrap it around a few times. not perfect sure, but it could work.
I don't want the code, but you can try a few different things:

1) No lighting, but using yellow makeup, you can make your eye lid, and surrounding around yellow to give the impression that it's glowing.

2) Depending on where the party is and whatnot, you can use yellow highlighter or UV sensitive paint and do the same thing. If there are blacklights at the party or place you're going, it will glow on its own.

3) Any other device would cover your eye, so it wouldn't look like a glowing eye so much as a glowing devide over your eye, but should still be sweet. Your best bet is to get a set of yellow driving glasses and modifying the lens. If you are good with electronics and wiring, you can purchase some crazy small white LEDs and resistors and create a small battery pack and you can fit behind your ear and use facepaint and cover the small wire (or run it through your hair or something).

As for the metal arm, it depends if you want to use your natural arm or if you want to build an arm cover. Cable is crazy comic jacked, so if you wanted fake muscles, I would just look at the costume shop for a different costume with fake muscles and wrap it with foil. ORRRR, you can actually use metalic body paint and spray it on. That would be your best bet as it would be the most flexible since you'll be moving your arm a lot. With the paint, you can also have someone draw on joints and depending on which artists rendering of Cable you're using, add other features accordingly.

Good luck with the costume.
I know I've seen some sort of reflective metal spray paint in craft stores before. Use a monacle and paint it yellow. For an added effect, theres also a special type of gloss (also found in craft stores) that you can just spray paint on to give it a more shiny aspect.
bread's done