Top 10 Favorite Old School Game List!!!


Let's see what everyone's old school gaming tastes are here at CAG...and for argument's sake, we will classify anything 16 bit and below as old school gaming. Leave your Top 10 list and I will rank them with everyone elses lists. Every first place vote a game gets will receive 10 pts...2nd place vote gets 9, 3rd place gets 8, etc, etc...Leave some comments about the game if you want to as well, letting us know just something about the game,a mini review, why you like it so much...just anything you want. Here's my list:

10 - Blackthorne ...Prince of Persia with a gun basically. I am sure better games have been made, but not too many that I had more fun with. I always took satisfaction in being my race's only hope for living, and then slaughtering them mercilessly for some reason. The no look shotgun blast to the face was always a good time as well.

9 - Final Fantasy IV ...The first RPG I ever played and it was a great one. To this day, I have never forgiven Kain for his treacherous ways. I had never experienced a story from a game before and I was hooked instantly, despite mocking my friends for anticipating it before its release. The SNES really changed my gaming tastes at the time with its stellar lineup of RPGs...I've gone away from them in this current generation, but for the SNES/PSX days, they owned a lot of my gaming time and this little game is the one that started it all.

8 - Shining Force I don't think I have ever beaten a game more than I have Shining Force. It's charm hooked me instantly, and the nice strategy/rpg elements kept me coming back for more. The sequal is probably considered to be a better game, but this one is still my favorite.

7 - Super Mario World ...The pennicle of 2D Platforming IMO. Took the great things about Super Mario 3 and improved upon them. Tons of secrets that revealed some very challenging levels. The main portion of the game was simple and easy, but finding all the secrets and paths were the meat of the game for me.

6 - Super Metroid ...Like with Mario, Nintendo took the previous installment and improved upon it. The video and audio were top notch for its time and still comes across very well today. The gameplay is tight, new moves and locations to explore. Draws off the original quite heavily, and while that is not a bad thing, would have been nice to see a few more new additions and perhaps more new bosses, but minor quibbles compared to the enjoyment I got from this tiltle. Everything else in it is pure gaming perfection.

5 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past ...A return to its roots was in order for the series and that is what we received...a little bit too similar to the original, but Nintendo tried to be different and received a bit of a backlash, so the tried and true formula is what we got...oh, and it works. A great game from start to finish, with 2 alternate universes to explore.

4 - Final Fantasy VI ...The finest effort to come from Square in terms of overall quality. From start to finish, this game was incredible. Good story, good cast of characters, good fighting, tons of replay, great soundtrack..this one has it all folks.

3 - Earthbound ...I don't know if I can say I enjoyed a game more than I did Earthbound. I like to play this game to remind me when games were meant to be fun, and not always so realistic and serious. Great RPG, surprising difficulty , good sound, hilarious premise and dialogue. I will never forget the wacky adventures of Ness, Jeff, Paula and Poo.

2 - Chrono Trigger ...Tons of replay value in this game. 13 or 14 different endings plus the great innovation of New Game + that allowed you to keep your hard earned levels for the next game if you so desired. The battle system was a nice change of pace over the FF system and the Tech Combos were great to reward certain parties being together for an extended period of time. Good cast of characters, solid story, all the usual Square SNES RPG efforts are here. The Time Traveling was great...first game I had played where things you do in the past effects the future world you return to.

1 - The Legend of Zelda ...The game that got me hooked on gaming in the first place. Mario was fun and all but Zelda was life. Trying to unlock all the secrets, finding the 8 dungeons, defeating the different and unique bosses was a huge task I had never seen in videogames before. Plus, playing through the 2nd time with the world mixed up and everything in different locations was a blast to. I had never imagined replay value like that before, in a game I never thought would have been possible. To say I was amazed would be a vast understatement.

So, I am a bit of a Nintendo fanboy in the early days admittingly...Not that I didnt have Sega's consoles or enjoy them, just never left the impressions that some of Nintendo's games did...I never really got into Atari, they had some fun games, but besides Popeye, none of them ever hooked me. The Colecovision was tight, but my addiction to games all started with the NES. How I long for the days when Nintendo could leave those impressions on me...
#10 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Although Sonic CD is the best Sonic game I've ever played hands down.)
#9 Classic Tetris (It's what got me a gameboy in the first place)
#8 Final Fantasy 1 (It tided me away from Dragon Warrior. Nuff said)
#7 Blaster Master (I just loved this game. Unfortunately the sequels were horrible and this game has been long forgoten.)
#6 Punchout! or Mike Tysons Punchout ;) (God, who didn't like this game?)
#5 Startropics (Me and my yo-yo own j0. I'm suprised Nintendo didn't continue the series. The sequel was released near the death of the NES, another unfortunate accident.)
#4 Final Fantasy 6 (Best. Rpg. Ever.... behind Suikoden 2.)
#3 Legend of Zelda (Nintendo owned)
#2 Super Mario Brothers 3 (Again, Nintendo owned)
Numba one - Megaman 2 (The Megaman series has been rehashed a billion times, but Megaman 2 is by far the best MM game out there, and my favorite old school game of all time.)

Theres alot of NES games that I own and haven't beaten. I actually own CT, the PS1 version atleast, but haven't beaten it.

Other honorable mentions: Castlevania, Duck Tales, Contra, Gunstar Heroes, Megaman 5 (Gameboy), NHL Games for the Genesis, Dragon Warrior IV and Dragon Warrior 3, and of course the original Mario Brothers.
10) Pac-Man (for Atari)
09) Black Widow (Atari)
08) Pong (Atari)
07) Killer Instinct (SNES)
06) Mortal Kombat three (SEGA)
05) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (SEGA)
04) Mortal Kombat (SEGA)
03) Classic Tetris
02) Final Fantasy three
01) Space Invaders
10. rescue: embassy mission (nes)
9. contra (nes)
8. gun nac (nes)
7. john elways quarterback (nes)
6. castlevania 3 (nes)
5. aladdin (gen)
4. final fantasy 3 (snes)
3. super mario world (snes)
2. super mario bros(nes)
1. super mario bros 3 (nes)
10. Super Mario World (SNES)
09. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) - If the category was anticipation for a video game SMB3 would have been #1. I remember seeing the preview on "The Wizard", and was totally blown away. Not to mentio every step through TRU to get that snappy yellow box the day it came out.
08. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) -
07. Super Mario Kart (SNES) - The first and still best Mario Kart.
06. Final Fantasy III (SNES) - No CGs. No Polygons. Just pure 16-bit sprite based role-playing bliss.
05. River City Ransom (NES) "BARF!" I'm eagerly awaiting the sequel on GBA.
04. Metroid (NES)
03. Final Fantasy (NES)
02. The Legend of Zelda (NES)
01. Final Fantasy II (SNES) - Everyone who likes Final Fantasies has their favorite. Chances are Final Fantasy II (IV in Japan) isn't it. But for whatever reason this game just struck a chord with me. The graphics, sound, and gameplay were top-notch for its day, but the major clincher for me was the plot. Rough translations in spots, but the overall message was clear. And in my opinion, it was the most involved and mature storylines of its time.
=owns Chrono Trigger but never played past first hour.

Not that the game is not interesting, but I got it for six bucks and just have not had the desire to play it since I have others I wanna finish first

10. Mega Man 2
9. Ninja Gaiden
8. Zelda :LttP
7. Tetris
6. Mike Tyson's Punch- Out
5. Super Mario World
4. Super MArio bros. 3
3. Mega Man 3
2. Street Fighter II (I like my Street Fighter slow thats why I like the first)
1. Super Metroid (I have beaten this game more than 10 times and it still remains my favorite game, granted I have never been one to collect all the items I still get joy from widdling down my time and finishing off mother brain- and yes I always save the animals)
In no particular order:

10. Classic Tetris
09. Mortal Kombat 2
08. Contra
07. Metal Slug
06. Breath of Fire II
05. Streets of Rage II
04. Suikoden
03. Street Fighter II
02. Final Fantasy I
01. Super Mario RPG
10. Tetris. It's hard to not like's brilliance lies in it's simplicity
9. Adventures of Lolo. It was so different from most of the games at the time... it was a like a puzzle game, but it wasnt.
8. Chrono Trigger: Good, fun solid game with tons of replay value so to get all the different endings
7. Final Fantasy 3 (6). Still my favorite Final Fantasy. Kefka was a great villian, and there were enough characters to have true diversity.
6. Destiny of an Emperor. A solid RPG taking place in the Three Kingdoms era. Thanks to this game, I played a good number of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games, and picked up a good number of the Dynasty Warriors games (even the first one which was a so-so fighting game).
5. Sonic 3 and Knuckles. The pinacle of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Nothing before or after even comes close.
4. River City Ransom: A solid beat-em up with RPG elements... what's not to like.
3. Super Mario All Stars with Super Mario World.
Yeah, it's a cop out, but so what.
2. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past:
Zelda returned to the format I loved after the departure it took in Adventures of Link. It's probably better than the original, but it doesnt quite have the same nostalgia value to me
1. Legend of Zelda. The reason I HAD to get a NES
HaHa ! Don't laugh, but most of my selections are based on how many endless hours I spent playing these games.
10. Tecmo Bowl - NES
9. Double Dragon - NES
8. Ninja Gaiden - NES
7. Mega Man 2 - NES
6. NHL Hockey (94?) - Gen {Good lord, where else could you have 5 minute periods and scores of 15-14 :lol: }
5. Sonic the Hedgehog - Gen
4. Super Mario Bros III
3. The Legend of Zelda - NES
2. Metroid - NES
1. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out - NES {Looking back I have no idea why it took me so long to get past some of the elite fighters}

Honorable Mentions: Castlevania -NES, Wizards & Warriors - NES, Kid Icarus - NES, Contra - NES, Metal Gear - NES
rather than rack my brain trying to pick the top 10 games, I am going to list the one game I played over and over on each of the 16-bit or lower systems I've had. You might question todds adventure and total cornage compared to better games on thier respective systems. They are both two player games that my friend Ken and I used to spend all night playing. bionic commando is actually still my favorite game of all time.

pitfall 2-atari 2600
quest for the rings-odyssey 2
bionic commando-nes
final fantasy adventure-gameboy
todd's adventures in slime world-genesis
total carnage-snes

tunnels of doom-ti99
adventure construction set-c64
shadow of the beast-amiga
I'm not going to get into technical descriptions, I'll just post my favorites:

10) F-Zero (SNES)
9) Tetris (NES)
8) Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (GEN)
7) Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
6) Legend Of Zelda : A Link To The Past (SNES)
5) Chrono Trigger (SNES)
4) Mega Man 1-6 (I felt it was more suitable to include the series) (NES)
3) Super Mario Bros. (NES)
2) Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
1) Super Metroid (SNES)
10.Mega Man X
9.TMNT arcade
8.Tecmo Bowl
7.Mario Kart
6.Castlevania IV
5.Super Metroid
3.Chrono Trigger

i have never owned a sega system except the dreamcast
10)Crystalis (NES)
9)Forgotten Worlds (GEN)
8)Actraiser (SNES)
7)Gunsmoke (NES)
6)Clash at Demonhead (NES)
5)Strider (GEN)
4)Castlevania IV (SNES)
3)Phantasy Star (SMS)
2)Faxanadu (NES)
1)Zelda III (SNES)
10. Bubble Bobble(nes)
9. Baseball Stars(nes)
8. Phantasy Star Series(sega master and gen)
7. Madden 93-95(gen)
6. Blades of Steel(nes)
5. Yars Revenge(atari)
4. Legend of Zelda 1-2(nes)
3. Metriod(nes)
2. Super Mario Bros.(all the nes ones)
1. NHL Hockey93-95(gen)
So hard to rank them! There's so many good old-school games. :)

1. Sim City (SNES)
2. Zelda: Link to the Past (SNES)
3. Megaman II (NES)
4. Mario Kart (SNES)
5. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
6. Legend of Zelda (NES)
7. Mario Paint (SNES)
8. Paperboy (NES)
9. Ducktales (NES)
10. Burgertime! (GB)
10. FF1
9. Duck Hunt
8. Super Mario Bros
7. Paperboy (ownz!)
6. Zelda 1
5. FF 2 (2, not 4)
4. FF 5
3. FF 3 (not 6)
2. Chrono Trigger
1. Mario Bros. 3
ninja gaiden
teenage mutant ninja turtles
marble madness
toe jam and earl 2
zombies ate my neighbors
super mario bros 3
tiny toon adventures
yo noid!
hogans alley
10) Mortal Kombat II (SNES/GEN)
9) Mike Tyson's Punch Out (NES)
8) Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
7) F-Zero (SNES)
6) Sonic the Hedgehog (GEN)
5) Dragon Warrior III (NES)
4) Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)
3) Legend of Zelda (NES)
2) Super Mario 3 (NES)
1) Super Mario World (SNES)
10. Phantom Fighter (NES)
9. Excitebike (NES)
8. F-Zero (SNES)
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)
6. Mike Tyson's Punchout (NES)
5. Sonic the Hedgehog (Genisis)
4. Blades of Steel (NES)
3. Legend Of Zelda (NES)
2. Mario Bros (#'s 1 & 3) (NES)
1. Megaman (ALL OF EM!) (NES)

That was hard man... There's too many great classics, I'm probably forgetting like, 5 more that I like better but, this'll do.
10. Super Mario World (SNES)
9. Bionic Commando (NES)
8. Star Tropics (NES)
7. Toejam & Earl (Gen)
6. Streets of Rage (Gen)
5. Kid Icarus (NES)
4. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (SNES)
3. Shadow Dancer (Gen)
2. Streets of Rage 2 (Gen)
1. Harvest Moon (SNES)
10. Super Mario Kart
9. Mega Man 3
8. Secret of Evermore
7. Gradius 3
6. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Street Fighter 2 Turbo
4. Killer Instinct
3. Zelda: Link to the Past
2. Super Mario RPG
1. Tetris
bread's done