Top 15 Gaming Animals You'd Want as Pets


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Ever since the joystick was invented, there have been cute critters to accompany us along our long journeys.

From the Blob in "A Boy and His Blob" to modern-day creatures like Toad (wait, what?), the genius minds of game developers across the globe have come up with a million furry, fuzzy, playful, and not-so-playful critters to keep us addicted--but probably more for the purpose of keeping our girlfriends from complaining while we spend all of our time in our virtual worlds of glee.

We've narrowed down the list to a sheer few that have topped the charts and stolen our hearts (either by their cuteness or otherwise) over the last few decades. Some of them you may have never heard of before, but you'll be glad you did after reading this article.
But know this, organizing them was really, really hard. In fact, all of these contenders have the potential to be #1.

15) Gobbos

These furry, cousin-it-inspired creatures from the Croc series have it going on. Their big bug eyes and brown-furry-awesomeness is cram-packed in to a spherical body, which we can only assume would be best cleaned by a dust bath; which would be completely adorable. (Similar to a pet chinchilla...but with a tendency to get in to danger a lot)
Regardless of how it bathes, this would be an awesome pet to own.

"Roll it down a hill, play sports with it, use it as a duster, rescue it from villains, or use it as a bouncy-ball; the possibilities are endless with Gobbos!"
(The GamerFill Gobbo Pet Pitch)

14) Miles "Tails" Prower

This furry, two-tailed, orange fox has been flying by Sonic's side since the very beginning. While he can sometimes prove to be an annoying companion, Tails is a great supporting character; and let's face it, having a flying two-failed fox as a pet would be nothing short of pure greatness.
Fact: Tails' full name is a pun on the phrase "miles per hour".

Sonic: "We all know that 99 out of 100 times Dr. Robotnik is lying!"
Tails: "But Sonic... what if this is that one other time?"

13) Ecco the Dolphin

Ecco's debut was in 1992 on the Sega Mega Drive. This title was an instant classic, and actually sold more copies than Sonic the Hedgehog. While nothing special aesthetically, Ecco is easily the smartest bottle-nosed dolphin you'll ever see swimming on your TV screen; or in the ocean for that matter.
This game is renowned for its high level of difficulty and has attained a massive fanbase over the years.

It's no stretch of the imagination that a dolphin like Ecco could exist in the real world, (...okay, maybe there's a tiny stretch there) which is exactly the reason we love him so much.

While owning Ecco would be rather difficult, at least you can take solace in the fact that your newfound pet has the ability to restore order to the universe when need-be.

For fans looking to re-live the nostalgia, Xbox Live currently has the game available for purchase on the Marketplace.

12) Nightsabers

These trademark mounts in the renowned MMO, World of Warcraft, are definitely on the level of awesome. Whether you're a Horde or Alliance fan shouldn't matter, because these creatures are things of beauty and raw power, rolled in to a furry feral beast.
Nightsabers are among one of the best-looking types of creatures out there ever developed; despite the fact that their concept is completely drawn from real-life cat species.

But the low level of originality aside, these mounts really are something any pet aficionado would want to own if given the chance.
Don't lie to yourself, you know you would want a giant beautiful cat with fangs and claws that you could ride around the forest at night.

Who knows, you might even score with Neytiri if you sport one of these fellas.

11) Ape Escape Monkeys

Why would you want to own an intelligent monkey that makes you solve puzzles to get to it and then have to use a long net to catch it? -- Let me rephrase that in order to provide an answer: Imagine if you could own a monkey that made you chase it with a long net!

These siren-hat-wearing monkeys from the Ape Escape series are every guy's dream, hands-down. These crafty little buggers always offer a frustrating, but fun, game of cat and mouse, sometimes even putting up a fight.

Some of them will run in fear while others will pull out their piece and start cappin' off rounds at you, and that's exactly why these crazy primates have made our list.

If you haven't played Ape Escape, then you've missed out on one of the best games that existed for the original Playstation.

These monkeys have been so popular, that they have even been featured or referenced in Monster Rancher 4, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, and Little Big Planet.

10) Nanaki (Red XIII)

While I feel a little bit like Dr.Hojo for conjuring up the idea that you could own Nanaki as a pet, it still needs to be said: Red XIII is one of the coolest creatures ever developed in the history of video games.

This wolf-meets-feral cat character from the revered game Final Fantasy VII comes with one of the neatest and most intriguing storylines that has yet to be met by a solid contender.

Honestly, who wouldn't want to own, or to be more appropriate: be "friends with" this talking, vicious, yet somehow still cuddly-looking, creature? If Red chose to hang with me, I'd totally give him the best doghouse (or scratching post?) that mankind has ever known.

"I don't like two-legged things..."
"Would you kindly hurry? The heat is drying my nose."

9) Porings

These cute little roly-polies have their own cult fan-following across the globe. Hailing from the game Ragnarok Online, these little guys have stolen the hearts of many girls young and old, causing them to squee with glee, leading to a glomp-ridden death. (No, really, if you squeeze these little guys too hard, they'll pop!)

Coming in multiple different color variations, some of them even sporting a halo (or horns) and wings, these squishy bags of wannabe JELL-O are easily one of the coolest pets you could own. Why? Because they would spend all of their time rolling and hopping around, following you loyally wherever you go; even if it happens to be into a valley of thorns or flames. Just remember to feed them apples or orange juice every 30 minutes, or they'll run away.

Pick your girlfriend up a plushie of a poring, and she'll love it.
(Even if she doesn't like video games at all.)

8) Moogles

One of the very few cases where obesity actually makes you look cuter, Moogles definitely make our list for their stereotype-squinty-eyes and red bon-bons, covered in fur.

Moogles are very an interesting type of creature that has been developed for the Final Fantasy series, but unfortunately they were not included in the newest installment. (Final Fantasy XIII) How they forgot about Moogles in this game is a mystery.

As long as you carry around a pretty large kupo nut (what? It's a real thing, I swear! You have a sick mind), these usually-independent creatures will follow you around aimlessly.

But these guys aren't all sunshine and rainbows, because Moogles can really get down to business when they need to. In fact, if it hadn't been for the help of a certain Moogle named Mog, the world would have been doomed back in 1990. And then again a decade later in 2000, had it not been for the honest efforts of the post-office Moogles, nobody would have ever had any mail! (Final Fantasy III and IX, respectively)

Buy one of THESE plushies for your girlfriend in addition to the poring plushie, and she'll love you forever. If she doesn't, then it probably wasn't meant to be. (You can thank us later)

Moguta: "Give me Kupo Nuts again, okay, kupo? I'm kupo for Kupo Nuts!"

7) Mudkips

Oh Mudkip. How we love you so. With your cute blue face and your spiky cheeks and endearing eyes.
The reason Mudkip is on our list really requires no explanation, so I won't write one.

I do, however, have one question for you: Do you like Mudkipz? Because we herd u liek mudkipz.

While your girlfriend may or may not love a Mudkip plushie, I'm sure there's somebody in your school who would...

I think he likes Mudkipz.

6) Rush

Mega Man's robotic companion, Rush, made his first debut in Mega Man 3. This cyborg puppy has many different functions, including: Hoverboard, Submarine, Coil, and Motorcycle. Rush can even heal you...that is, if you happen to be a robot too.

Rush has trotted in and saved Mega Man more times than I can remember, and that is why this can-do-anything dog not only made our list, but is higher than the rest before it.

While technically speaking, Rush isn't a creature or a critter, I think you'll let us get away with this one, as Rush really is one of the coolest pets you could possibly ever hope to own.

5) Star Ocean Bunnies

Ever since Star Ocean: The Second Story, these little bunnies have become the center of attention and affection in the SO community. Coming in multiple colors, these kangaroo-sized bunnies are used for entertainment and easy transportation throughout the series.

While they aren't particularly famous, they are definitely one of the best creatures every created in the history of the gaming industry. And they're tough cookies, too; being able to take on monsters on their own and staying true to their owners until the very end.

4) Yoshi

Did you really think we weren't going to include Yoshi in this? Yoshi is easily one of the most recognizable characters of any video game, aside from Mario himself.

No matter what Mario game it is, if Yoshi is an option as a playable character, I always pick him. Even if it was a one-eyed, one-legged, disease-ridden Yoshi on crutches during a Mario Olympics game, he would still be my go-to-choice.

This loveable, long-tongued, green dinosaur-inspired character would be one of the best pets anybody could ask for. He's loyal to the very end and will always has your back. Somebody stole your girl? Let Yoshi handle it. Just hop up on his back and ride off into the sunset and battle the Goombas together; no exchange of words is even needed.

3) Chocobos

No doubt, these overgrown birds are one of the best creations known to man. Chocobos are a huge hit, with fans of all ages.

Square-Enix hit a goldmine when they came up with the concept of Chocobos, putting them in every single major Final Fantasy title to date. They even went as far as making their own series specifically for the little guys, called "Chocobo Dungeon".

They come in different colors, sport different abilities like trekking mountains and walking across oceans, and they can even sniff out rare treasure buried deep in the ground for you to plunder.

Just be prepared for a heavy responsibility, as Chocobos grow very rapidly and require a lot of care, similar to that of a horse. But that aside, having one of these to call your very own is a dream that has been dreampt many-a-times by millions of people across the globe.

Maybe one day our scientists will combine the genes of a horse and a cockatiel, and we'll get lucky. Until then, these birds will be held dear to our hearts in the form of plushies and virtual imaging.

With all the 3D hype going on lately, maybe Square-Enix will come out with a 3D Final Fantasy, and we'll all finally get a little closer to living the dream.

2) Flammie

Sorry, but I have to say that dragon trumps chocobo, regardless of how they are.

This flying dragon was your main man back in the days of Secret of Mana for the SNES. Flammie is easily one of the most memorable, most awesome creatures ever to rear it's head in the world of gaming. Especially considering the fact that Nintendo only had 8-bits to work with.

He'll fly you around the world at the rattle of a drum and land you wherever you wish to go. When you're in a jam, he'll swoop in at the exact moment you need him, flying you off to safety. And all you have to do to gain his loyalty is save this young dragon from being eaten by a giant serpent.

Just be careful that you don't live in a world where an evil magician is manipulating mana, or your beautiful dragon could end up turning on you at the very last minute.

Regardless of what happens in the future, Flammie would be one of the coolest pets to own, hands-down. Because, honestly, who needs an airship, or anything else for that matter, when you could have a pet dragon?

1) Zerglings

You're probably kicking yourself for not thinking of this one on your own. But it's obvious, Zerglings are hands-down the #1 type of pet to own in the whole world of gaming.
Why? Becuase they breed fast, and can accomplish anything in numbers. (Unless it happens to be in the air...)

Sure, they aren't exactly the most adorable unless you look really, really, really deep inside them on a meta-physical level, but they are ruthless and mindlessly loyal to their leaders.

They have been the center of heartless zerg rush jokes over the years since the original Starcraft, and it's more than likely to return in the highly-anticipated sequel.

But because of their undying loyalty and hardcore capabilities to ruin any novice gamer's motive to play a video game ever again, Zerglings are our #1 pet to own in real life.
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[quote name='SuperPhillip']haha Fun list. Awesome job![/QUOTE]

Thanks! =]

See, now I totally was thinking about him and the dog from Fable II, but they're too normal. I might make a separate list sometime about the best supporting roles or something.
bread's done