Top Gear junkies...anyone else think the show has run its course?


There are three great joys in my life......well, there used to be.

One was watching new episodes of THE VENTURE BROTHERS....which of course, its the greatest show to hit TV since..well.....perhaps since AIRWOLF.

The other was downloading and watching both Fifth Gear and Top Gear. But with the start of the newest season of Top Gear....I can't help but think.....I'm basically seeing the same shows now for the past 3 seasons...over and over again. In fact, they seem to have completely forgotton what made the show so much fun in the first place......thrashing and evaluating expensive cars. Sure they do a car each episode, but honestly......those challenges and stuff are now so hopelessly scripted....its just not fun anymore :(

In fact, it seems that Fifth Gear now holds more true to that mantra than Top Gear does, with TG being obsessed with ever more silly ways to pass the time. Back 4 or 5 seasons ago I used to think the belly laughs and silly quips were largely off-the-cuff and improptu. But today the show has that stink of "It took us 14 takes just to get Jeremy's laugh JUST RIGHT"....I dunno, I guess I'm bored now. Every time they do a challenge with the cars hopelessly falling apart, i can't help but wonder if nothing at all went wrong so now they are breaking the cars, in funny ways, to make "good TV".

To quote my friends across the pond "Its just three lads 'avin a laugh and all.."...and I agree..but there's something about the show that kinda makes it alot less fun than it used to be. Maybe...its just gotten too big and now they have to try hard to "keep the momentum".....and the "Trying hard" is the part thats screwing it all up.

I'm finding myself more looking forward to the next season of Fifth Gear....which is like heresy..and true, it has taken them like 8 seasons just to find a format for the show that doesn't suck.....(in other words, by ever so slightly ripping off top gear).

But at least I still have Venture Brothers.

Dunno..anyone else feel this way, or am I just a bitter old SOB who should learn to be MORE APPRECIATIVE!?
Well, I agree with you in that it's basically the same old same old, but it really is just a show to watch to get a good laugh and have some fun hearing about cars.
bread's done