Topheavy Studios being Sued by a 17 year old girl

If she signed a waiver that said she was 18 and gave rights to show her nude in the game, she should be held partly responsible for lying.

Granted, it is the developer/talent directors of the game that are responsible for not getting a proper ID (maybe she had a fake?).

She should get compensated for pain/suffering and legal fees, the developer should take her out of the game and off the website, then be allowed to redistrubute. If they find it is not cost effective, then they can just stop production and sale of the game. (If it stops being printed and sold like night trap it will be worth money $$$ :D)
[quote name='lordxixor101']Well, I think everyone isn't looking at the whole story here.

As a society, we decided that 18 was an adult for most things, including getting naked for national publications. Society has decided this becuase, they feel that people 17 and under aren't mentally ready to make decisions like this that effect the rest of their lives. So, even though she did stuff willingly (or worse, while drunk), she didn't have the right to do it. So, she has a legal right for these items to have never gotten out (whether she signed a waiver or not).

This is the companies responsibility. Now, obviously, some would be negated if they went to a reputable bar that ID's people. But, they caused her embarrasment for something she had no right to waive. It doesn't matter if she lied or not.

So, I think there are lots of culbable parties, she is only a part and really the smallest part. I don't like her getting money for this, but I think she does deserve something. If she was 18, she got what was coming, but she isn't.

Also, if we say 17 year olds can waive that right, how about 16, what about 15? What is the cut off. Society decided it was 18. 17 is close, but thi isn't horseshoes, it isn't close enough.

I don't like the idea of her getting money, but I can't think of a better way to do it.[/quote]

I dunno if you've read my previous posts on this but my point in the matter is the fact that this girl knowingly went to a Spring Break event where 'things happen'. And yes she knew, since only someone w/ a mental deficiency and/or living under a rock for an eternity would not know that Spring Break in Florida considers of booze, sex, and general debauchery and if in which case, if she was mentally handicapped, where was the person who was handling her? And in the first place, she was drunk. Granted it's still fairly easy for a resourceful minor to acquire illicit booze but then she goes out and blames others for the consequences of her own stupidity caused by an impairment of judgement due to her blitzing out on Absolut? Hardly sounds fair to me so she gets no sympathy from me. She deserves no compensation for her stupidity. But I also think the game developers also should take responsibility and shelve the game. Also why is the fact that no one is calling on the fact that this underaged person, although in a few months can be nude, doesn't have the ability to legally purchase a Cap N Coke for another 4 yrs? Everyone seems to focus on the fact that the underage girl got nude for a video game. Controversial? Hardly when the girl is mere months away from adulthood. It ain't horseshoes, yes, but can you deny the fact that this girl, had she waited a year later could not make the same claim although, mentally speaking, she is probably the same person she was a year ago? How it not matter if she lied??? She's the very reason a lot of people (and companies) are in deep shit because of her immaturity and stupidity. I think all parties should pay some form of penalty, girl included. To let her get away only encourages others to do the same BS as her.
There has been instances of underage nudity in entertainment before. Some more recent examples are American Beauty (Thora Birch appeared topless, yet was underage at the time), and Pretty Baby, a 1978 film directed by French New Wave founder Louis Malle. It was about a child prostitute, and showed 12 year old Brooke Shields naked rear and breasts (or, more accurately, what would soon develop into her breasts).

This person sounds like a money sniffer, and it's possible that she did the thing with every intention of later suing and getting some money.
[quote name='rebenns']There has been instances of underage nudity in entertainment before.[/quote]

And let's not forget the ever infamous Ms. Traci Lords
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