Toronto Gaming event Bestbuy Younge&Dundas.


If you live in Toronto Friday-Sunday(17-19) they are having a gaming event at best buy. It's called 'Gaming Invasion'. They will let people play many new/recent games as well as try out some upcoming ones. There will be free raffles every hour and there will be some prizes.
My university is literally right next to the best buy so I always visit it and an employee was telling me about it. Check it out if you got a chance. Free gaming stuff and a free chance to try out Gears 2, what else can you want.
We went to this last year, mostly for the Guitar Hero competition. Of course, it ended up being people's record scores on Trippin' On A Hole in A Paper Heart
.. on medium... Haha.

Nothing spectacular last year, but the raffles are entertaining. Stop by if you're in the area for at least a few minutes.
I was thinking of going. What kinda stuff can you even win at the raffles? I'd be less interested if it was something like a Halo headband or other "prizes" like that.
I made a mistake it takes place at the corner of dundas and younge in a gigantic tent. I went there today and it was kinda packed. There was a lot of people but you never had to wait more than 2 minutes to play a game. They had 6 tvs set up with gears 2. They actually have 8 but they weren't all setup at the time. They said they would have system link tomorrow and a tournament. I won't be able to make it tomorrow but I suggest you go visit it. Some big name games there include resistance 2, far cry 2, CallofDuty world at war, spiderman, James Bond Quantum of the Solace, Crysis Warhead, Gears of War 2, Midnight Club 4, Saints Row 2, Brawl, Guitar hero World Tour, Rock Band 2, Red Faction, Spore, and LittleBigPlanet. They gave away some free swag like shirts, stickers, balls, and stuff like that. You can enter raffles at the back to win Tvs and consoles. They will have tourneys for other prizes too including a Guitar Hero Tournament. There was also some band there playing against some kids at Guitar Hero. I'll upload some pics and vids for you guys later on.
Anyways here is my mini review of the games I saw IT IS IMPORTANT cause some of the games really suck and are about to be released.

Gears of War 2I played a lot of it so you guys have a good idea about it. Gears of war 2, a little slower paced, but the new guns are awesome. The shield is pretty sweet but you have a lot of area uncovered, the flamethrower gives you the sense of awe that you got when you first used the chainsaw, the mortar is hard to use but brutal and it looks awesome, and finally the machine gun is incredibly powerful and ate threw my friend. Next comes the Waves mode which is surprisingly incredibly fun. Me and my friend were slaughtering the locust and it was a blast. We logged like 15 minutes before they asked us to stop playing. I left impressed with Gears 2.

Call of Duty World at War You start of coming out of a boat onto an island and you can call in an air strike that looks incredible, and you can repeatledly use it later on too :D. The flamethrower isn't as great as I thought was going to be but the campaign is a lot more fun than cod4's. It's satisfying to see 3 guys come out of camoflauge charging at you with knifes and you meet them head on and get the kill. There was no multiplayer but I think it's worthy of downloading just for the campaign when it comes out

Spiderman I was so impressed with the trailers but when I played it today i was dissapointed. It has so much pop-in and the frame rate isn't that great. You will see civilians dissapear as you near a battle with the thugs, and the camera was really erratic. It is sad cause the game comes out in a few days and looked so promising. I'm not totally sure cause the 360 I was playing on is a debug(When I clicked both thumbsticks the debug mini menu showed up).

Midnight Club 4 I loved 3 and I love this one too. There is a cinematic Camera that shifts and gives you awesome angles without harming the gameplay, The game looks incredible and polished without any seams and it has a lot of citizens and cars littering the place without pop-in. When you access the map and go back in the game it has an awesome zoom effect as if its a google 3d map.

Resistance 2: I liked the multiplayer in the first game and the campaign wasn't that great imo but it doesn't seem that bad this time but, at least it looks sweet. There are some dirty textures here and there but the rocket launcher is so satisfying. They had 12 tvs setup for resistance but it was all singleplayer
. I still have high hopes for this one because the campaign still seemed really finely crafted.

Spore I love Spore but playing with 4 players will make the game lag really bad(which reviews forgot to mention), anyways I have my copy preordered and the they had a whole seperate tent for the game that had lots of Littlebigplanet art.

James Bond Quantum of the Solace Graphics are really sharp but texture work is really limited in comparison to Cod4. The game ran smooth and I replayed the demo a couple times cause it was really fun. I'm not sure how multiplayer will be but the game seems like its worth a download when it comes out

Red Faction I had high hopes for Guerrilla but the game is horrible. Walking around planting explosives feels like a chore and because the environment is so sandbox based there are a lot of bugs. You sometimes automatically go into cover in places you don't want to and I got stuck on more than one occasion. The buildings still collapse nice but there's a nice big frame rate drop that accompanies it.
Hi Grumpygrunt. Say, did you happen to see the gameplay of Far Cry 2 while you were in the tent? For what system was Far Cry 2 being displayed? Did you see any choppiness or frame rate slow down? Thx in advance.
I saw 3 360s and a ps3 setup for it. The game looks pretty amazing and the frame rate was fairly consistent from what I saw. There is some slight screen tearing and it's a bit aliased on both of them but with such a big world it seemed like a worthy sacrifice. The gun models look amazing but it seems kinda slow paced though. I didn't see a lot of gunfights or enemies when people were playing it which is odd considering the game is a shooter. I didn't get a chance to play it but I watched a couple people play it.
Here's my impressions of some of the games I played:

1. MC LA: The city is much wider and the hwy driving is pretty fun but after a while, it feels the same as MC3 DUB. I think I'll pass this one, Burnout Paradise and the NFS Undercover should be sufficient to satisfy the racing needs.

2. Motorstorm 2: I tried a monster truck, I didn't find the game very fun, I like on road racing better.

3. LBP: I wasn't very excited with that game after hearing it from the media. After playing for some 15 min with 3 other people, it's really fun and exciting. Probably just as fun as Wii Tennis. I might get this game after all even if it wasn't on my radar.

I wasn't intrested in the other games. The RB2 and GH on Tour were pretty packed, there was always a crowd around those games.
Ugh, so damn busy when I went today. The only game I managed to play was Far Cry 2, and that experience was ruined by being stuck in the middle of the demo and not knowing where to go, as well as a TV that didn't seem to be outputting in anything higher than 480P. The shooting mechanics seemed pretty solid though, and I got a nice open world feel from it. I'll probably pick it up this week. I also ventured into the LittleBigPlanet tent and got a laugh out of hearing one of the reps say "It'll be out this Tuesday" :lol: God I wish it were out Tuesday :(
I just came back from this today. Basically all I played was Gears of War 2, and just watched everyone else since I went with a group of friends, which doesn't work when everyone has a different genre preference.
I did get a decent Playstation hat which made the trip worth wild.
I'm going again tomorrow with just one other friend so we can actually play and compete in the tournaments (and get more swag).
bread's done