Total NewB Question


1 (100%)
Hey all,

I was out and about last night, saw the lonely 360 Premium sitting behind the locked glass at Target, and decided to free that sucker and give it a new home. I also picked up Quake 4, which was my first and undoubtedly not my last mistake. I love ID, but didn't really love DOOM 3 and Quake 4 is pretty much DOOM 3, Part Tres.

Anyway, I decided to try out Halo 2 online... so I popped in my disc, and realized I didn't have the map packs with the latest maps, so I couldn't play Team Slayer. I set out to download the map packs. However, about 10 or so minutes in, I keep getting disconnected. It looks like the wireless controller "turns off" to save energy, and the map download thinks something bad has happened because there is no longer a controller connected? Maybe?

Anyway, is there an answer to this conondrum? Other than just sitting and babysitting the download and moving the controller every so often? My DSL is somewhat on the pokey side so downloading all the maps could be a slow process... Wonder if anyone else has this problem..
It took me awhile to download them, but what you should do is get geom wars or some other arcade game you like and play that while you wait. So you can have the downloads going while you play. THen when they are you can play halo2...The downloads will go into your active downloads manager thing and download on there own. It came with the last auto update
[quote name='slickkill77']It took me awhile to download them, but what you should do is get geom wars or some other arcade game you like and play that while you wait. So you can have the downloads going while you play. THen when they are you can play halo2...The downloads will go into your active downloads manager thing and download on there own. It came with the last auto update[/quote]

Are you sure that would work? The maps download from inside the game, not the marketplace. I downloaded the maps before the update, so if this somehow works please correct me.
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']Are you sure that would work? The maps download from inside the game, not the marketplace. I downloaded the maps before the update, so if this somehow works please correct me.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure it is still like if you were playing Halo 2, since it probably emulates the old Xbox Live to dl them.

Your best bet is to just keep moving the controller every 5 minutes. Just take it into the other room, or wherever you go :).
that is weird my controller diconnects all the time and nothing changes although i dont remeber when i downloaded the maps... i dont think it took that long
Is there enough juice in the batteries?

IDK the exact problem (my controller shuts off like every 10 minutes (estimate)) Sometimes when you start a dl it will say connect controller and press A(cant turn it off for xbox games). Maybe push a pillow or something down on the joystick?
[quote name='DeathDealer']I wish I had a 360.[/quote]

Thanks. We all care. Really.

OP, afaik there is no way to stop the 360 controller from disconnecting after a period of inactivity. It does this even when you have the battery packs for the controllers and don't run off of AA's. I would either do like everyone else has said and just sit there for a few minutes and press the stick, OR if it really bothers you that much, grab a wired 360 controller (possibly from a friend?) and download them that way.

That being said, enjoy your new 360.
bread's done