Toys R Us and their "fake" clearance sales


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I was at Toys R Us today looking for any cheap games on clearance (found nothing) when I saw on an endcap they had an area of clearance games.

Some games I saw were Blowout, E-Jay Club World and Mojo all for PS2.

All those games had clearance signs saying Original Price: $49.99, new price: $9.99.

I am almost 100% certain the MSRP on all 3 of those games were $9.99 to begin with since all stores were selling them for $9.99 as soon as they came out.

I doubt Toys R Us was ever selling them for $49.99 to begin with and if they were, than that's bad in itself.

I just thought it was kind of shady to make it look like someone is saving $40 when they really aren't saving anything.

Of course, anyone who knows game prices will know the games have always been $9.99, but the casual game buyer or parent looking for a gift for their kids probably wouldn't and it seems like Toys R Us is taking advantage of them making the customer seem like they are getting a huge bargain by buying a game for 80% off when they could walk into any store and buy those games for $9.99.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I was at Toys R Us today looking for any cheap games on clearance (found nothing) when I saw on an endcap they had an area of clearance games.

Some games I saw were Blowout, E-Jay Club World and Mojo all for PS2.

All those games had clearance signs saying Original Price: $49.99, new price: $9.99.

I am almost 100% certain the MSRP on all 3 of those games were $9.99 to begin with since all stores were selling them for $9.99 as soon as they came out.

I doubt Toys R Us was ever selling them for $49.99 to begin with and if they were, than that's bad in itself.

I just thought it was kind of shady to make it look like someone is saving $40 when they really aren't saving anything.

Of course, anyone who knows game prices will know the games have always been $9.99, but the casual game buyer or parent looking for a gift for their kids probably wouldn't and it seems like Toys R Us is taking advantage of them making the customer seem like they are getting a huge bargain by buying a game for 80% off when they could walk into any store and buy those games for $9.99.[/quote]

This isn't just shady--it's illegal, unless TRU actually sold the games for $49.99 at some point. This same practice earned KBToys a lawsuit a few months ago.
I was in TRU Friday night and saw a bunch of games marked down to $10. I'm sure E-Jay Club was one of them. They didn't have anything that said it was formerly $50 though.

I DID see where they were selling promo items that are not normally for sale though. They had the Zelda collector's disc (with the four games) for $10, a couple of promo t-shirts (one was TMNT, the other was Sphinx), and they had some GBA carry case with Tak(?) or something like that. A few minutes later saw that Tak or whatever was in an actual GBA game. I would have questioned their right to sell promo items that say "NOT FOR RESALE" but just took Zelda and ran.
Well.. the guy that sued us over our pricing practices made an easy 40,000 on top of getting his lawyers paid off. So, my advice to you is look into class action lawsuits :p
[quote name='jt2k3']Well.. the guy that sued us over our pricing practices made an easy 40,000 on top of getting his lawyers paid off. So, my advice to you is look into class action lawsuits :p[/quote]

lol...And knowing is half the battle.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']I see that at my TRU too. Fantavison is on Clearance there for 12.98.
Plus:My TRU has the Zelda Disc for 69.99, that's bullsh!t!![/quote]

Fantavision retailed for $49.99 when it was released. $12.98, while not the cheapest I have seen it, is a clearance price.
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='WeaponX2099']I see that at my TRU too. Fantavison is on Clearance there for 12.98.
Plus:My TRU has the Zelda Disc for 69.99, that's bullsh!t!![/quote]

Fantavision retailed for $49.99 when it was released. $12.98, while not the cheapest I have seen it, is a clearance price.[/quote]

I understand your point, but TRU are idiots, if you really want get rid of crappy games you gotta drop the prices lower, like Target. Or it will sit on the shelf for 2 years at that price.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']I understand your point, but TRU are idiots, if you really want get rid of crappy games you gotta drop the prices lower, like Target. Or it will sit on the shelf for 2 years at that price.[/quote]

You mean like how my local TRU still has N64 games selling for $40. I got Conker for $5 but yet they still want $39.99 for it. They have a bunch of games that have sat there 5 years easily.
yeah, last week they had some of the most ridiculous prices for old DC and N64 games. They weren't even good games, just the crappy leftovers for like $20-$40 ea! That shit is goona rot in the store if they never drop the price.

Honestly, i really never go to TRU anymore; there's hardly ever any deals. I went there last week because a friend told me they had a clearance table out with some decent stuff, but apparently he didn't know what the hell he was talking about cuz they didn't have diddly.

TRU -> FU!!!
bread's done