Trade in Blops 2 to BBuy question


So I have had my Black Ops 2 (360) sitting around for a while and dont really plan on getting back into it. I checked a few weeks ago on BBuy to see what the TIV was at the time. With the bonus it was $28. I didnt have a chance to trade it in that week and since then the value has declined quickly (last week it was $22, this week it's $16.50 with bonuses included). I have been waiting for it to climb back up a bit but that hasn't happened.  

My question is, should I just cut my loses and get rid of it now, or should I wait and see if the value climbs back up in the next few weeks. Thoughts? I was hoping to get around $25 or so. 

Thanks for any comments, much appreciated. 

honestly, I would not think it would go back up. So I suppose I would trade it now.

New COD coming out, so trade value will be going down.

Sell it on craigslist for 25. sure someone would buy it.

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You can get around $30 at GameStop if you trade it in towards one of the 30% eligible products, then cancel the preorder later.

Yea I was looking at Gamestop, might just trade it in for a gas card or something. Theyre sales have been lacking lately so I have been trying to avoid building any credit with them. I might hold off for a week and see what happens with BBuy, if it doesn't look any better than ill probably just go the Gamestop route. 

bread's done