Traded in Halo ODST without Multiplayer Disk


I went to FYE this morning to trade in Halo ODST. When the girl working the counter went to open up the case to check the disk, I realized I forgot to put include the multiplayer disk. Complete accident on my part, but girl did not even say a word and continued to scan the rest of my trade ins. Once she was the done the manager had to come to the counter in order to confirm the trade ins. Let's just say she was a complete bitch towards me for no reason and was treating me like I was a criminal because I wanted cash. I have a conscious and was going to bring back the multiplayer disk, but after being treated like I was scum a I am no longer going to. Manager was just rude and questioned me on why I was trading in the games and snarled when I asked for cash. She then slapped the money in my hand, it was just very un-professional and rude. O well I guess I get to keep a Halo 3 multiplayer disk.
But now some 10 year old kid who saved his allowance money for weeks is gonna buy that and be dissapointed.

Well probably not, but you should really take the disc back.
[quote name='MrFriday18']I went to FYE this morning to trade in Halo ODST. When the girl working the counter went to open up the case to check the disk, I realized I forgot to put include the multiplayer disk. Complete accident on my part, but girl did not even say a word and continued to scan the rest of my trade ins. Once she was the done the manager had to come to the counter in order to confirm the trade ins. Let's just say she was a complete bitch towards me for no reason and was treating me like I was a criminal because I wanted cash. I have a conscious and was going to bring back the multiplayer disk, but after being treated like I was scum a I am no longer going to. Manager was just rude and questioned me on why I was trading in the games and snarled when I asked for cash. She then slapped the money in my hand, it was just very un-professional and rude. O well I guess I get to keep a Halo 3 multiplayer disk.[/QUOTE]

I won't comment on the missing disc, but I do think you should report this manager to corporate. Was she wearing a name tag?
[quote name='MrFriday18']I have a conscious and was going to bring back the multiplayer disk, but after being treated like I was scum a I am no longer going to. [/QUOTE]
Good for you, I would've done the same.
[quote name='Capsuledragon']But now some 10 year old kid who saved his allowance money for weeks is gonna buy that and be dissapointed.

Well probably not, but you should really take the disc back.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, as much as i see your point, in the end the only person that'll be screwed over by this is a customer. GameStop will sell it for the same price cuz they don't give a shit, and if a customer doesn't know about the second disk, they'll be the one that's fucked over.

If they were really a dick, you could report them, but i'll be honest, i don't think GS gives a shit.
[quote name='the_punisher']Yeah, as much as i see your point, in the end the only person that'll be screwed over by this is a customer. GameStop will sell it for the same price cuz they don't give a shit, and if a customer doesn't know about the second disk, they'll be the one that's fucked over.

If they were really a dick, you could report them, but i'll be honest, i don't think GS gives a shit.[/QUOTE]

This is FYE not gamestop :p

That said, you can probably switch Gamespot with FYE and the post would still be correct lol
Why didn't you just explain to her that FYE is horribly overpriced (in general) and taking credit there would be as good as trading your games for monopoly money.
The problem with your little rationalization is that you arent really giving vengeance where it is due. The person that did wrong to you in this case is the manager, not the company as a whole nor the customer that will purchase that disk later on. You keeping the disk will only hurt the next fellow customer and maybe the company, but won't really affect the manager in the least. She is just an employee, and even if the next customer comes back and file a complaint that the disk is missing, it cant be traced back to her. She will simply say it must have been a regular employees' mistake or that the customer is lying. FYE isn't a privately own store, if it were and the manager lady was the sole owner, then you might have more grounds to do this.

That would be like me having a problem with a CAG member here so I decide to hack cheapassgamer and shut down the whole site. Or someone scamming me on a trade so in return I scam a friend of theirs.

Now if you report the manager into corporate and she gets some form of disciplinary action taken against her, then you would have given her what she deserves. But in this case I'm afraid you are just finding an excuse to keep what isn't yours. I put that in the same category as theft, but that's just me.

Enjoy the multiplayer disk that you uprightly kept, but don't try justify it as being right.

I don't really shop at FYE or Gamestop, but the whole "because they suck and their business practice is crap so i can rightfully screw them over" is bullshit. Just don't shop there, but two wrongs don't make a right.
Not if they're a young kid, or an average mom making a purchase for her son/daughter. You're overestimating people's awareness in the gaming community to this sort of thing. Sure, we know about it, but this place is almost like a SABRmetrician convention; outsiders won't understand.
i would say return the disc, because like others said, the only person getting screwed is the person that buys you're used copy. remember, they're probably buying used because money is probably tight, and on top of that you're depriving them of what they're SUPPOSED to be getting. not cool...
If you trade in ODST w/the multiplayer disc to TRU, they give you a GC w/$X.XX.

If you trade in ODST w/out the multiplayer disc to TRU, they give you the same value GC.

If you try to trade in just the multiplayer disc to any gaming store they'll say, we don't except that or it has no TIV.


ODST is the game that has the TIV, the multiplayer disc is a bonus fodder for Halo 3 players to score more frags on brand new players and/or to get your friends hooked on crack.
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