Trading in a PS2


50 (100%)
I have a PS2 that I bought at the launch. It has served me perfectly well (except for some very strange graphical glitches playing FFVII a few weeks ago...), and I haven't had any problems unlike all my other friends. I am afraid it will decide to quit someday, though, seeing as everyone else I know has had problems.
At EB there is a trade in deal where a PS2 and 3 games nets $100. I could use that to buy a slim PS2 for $50. Normally I'd do it, but money is rather tight and the promotion is set to end soon. (the 30th, acording to
Do you guys think this is worth it? Is there a large probablitiy my PS2 will fail? Heck, should I just hold out for a PS3?
I'd say hold out for PS3. It's right around the corner really. Most PS2's i've seen fail, fail within the first year or so. If you've had yours since the start i believe that makes it 5-6 years old now and if it hasn't failed you yet, that's proof enough to me that it will last at least 7-8 months more and then you can get your ps3 =). If you notice more and more graphical glitches over this time, get to your favorite used game retailer and trade that puppy in and get yourself a reservation on the PS3. Just my 2 cents ^^.
Well, that dependson how much you want to use your old save files... I just read the other day that the PS3 is not slated to be compatible with PS1/PS2 accesories, including memory cards (the games will work though.) If you think you're gonna be working on your old files, you might wanna get that slim...
i heard that the latest version of slim ps2 (v13 scph-70001) no longer has laser and overheating has fix,if you really want to trade for the slim, just make sure you get the v13 one
It'll be backwards compatible with games, but not with the original memory cards or controllers? Where exactly did you read that? It sounds like a bad idea.
I picked up a slimline after Christmas and I have to say, it's a sweet piece of machinery. It hasn't let me down yet. And it's everything the launch PS2 wasn't. Integrated modem, surprising quiet, absurdly light, still compatible with the controllers and memory card, it keeps going, sony perfected the second version of each generation so far, it makes me wonder if we're all crazy to jump in for PS3 right now. If we're all truly cheap ass gamers, why jump in to a new generation, when I know at least half of us have a 10-20 game backlog. I plan on playing all my unopened current generation games while people are playing through the launch games that will inevitably suck the fatty. i'm holding out for the PSthree, and hopefully a more powerful xbox360 or 720 or googleplex or whatever the hell they wanna call it. sorry i had to ramble for so long but i needed to get that off my chest

peace y'all
[quote name='SDC']It'll be backwards compatible with games, but not with the original memory cards or controllers? Where exactly did you read that? It sounds like a bad idea.[/QUOTE]

It was in the newest issue of PSM. I know, plenty of people here hate PSM and will write it off just for that, but I really doubt they'd say 'We can confirm that..." in a big 2-page spread, without being pretty damn sure that was the announcement.

I'm not sure how smart it is either... at least the memory card part...
bread's done