Transformers and G.I. Joe Complete Series to be released this summer- $140/145 MSRP


13 (100%)
As most of us probably already know, Transformers and G.I. Joe Season 1 are both being released in June. However, here is an interesting piece of information...

In a story posted today by trade journal Home Media Magazine, Asst. Managing Editor John Latchem talks with Shout! President Garson Foos, who publicly acknowledges their deal with Hasbro for the first time. The story concentrates on the first DVD release: June 16th's The Transformers - The Complete 1st Season: 25th Anniversary Edition. But near the end of the story, Latchem lets the cat out of the bag about something more substantial:

"Foos said Shout! Factory would follow the release with special complete-series sets of "The Transformers" and "G.I. Joe" later this summer. In the case of "G.I. Joe," Rhino lost the rights before completing its release slate, which means many of the episodes will finally be released for the first time.

So those thinking about buying Seasons 1 might hold off until we get a positive confirmation of this.
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This is why I refuse to buy any show on DVD until the entire show is done.. I was gonna buy season 1 of GI JOE but guess ILl just wait til it comes out completely.

Thanks op :)
I am tempted to rebuy this IF the new company does a better job than Rhino did for the first release..but hell no I am not paying 40 bucks a volume.

The original release will probably go to my nephews so they can enjoy what I use to enjoy at their age.
Can't wait to pick up a complete Joes set. I'll wait it out for the complete series because if they're releasing season 1, then announce a complete series... they may not individually release the rest of the seasons.
Finally a complete transformers box set I can sink my teeth into...been waiting for an american re-release don't really want to buy one of those off ebay from china.
serious, a legit transformers set? awesome! i was watching an episode and the autobots were cornered by a buttload of decepticons, and optimus prime came in and destroyed everyone, but then megatron showed up and a heroic battle took place. man i wish i was a robot
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Okay, so since Garson has officially launched information about the recent Hasbro deal, I have been authorized to come in and discuss all things Transformers and G.I. Joe (another thread) with only a couple of exceptions. Until the official press release about the complete series sets come out, I cannot go into detail about the dates or what will be different from the season sets. All I can say about that is that they will be out this year and there WILL be bonus material on the complete series sets that will NOT be included in the individual sets. And if you know me, you know I've tried to make it worth it.


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]There is something you should know, regarding this thread. It is the ONLY thread I'll read on the topic of Transformers and, most certainly, the only thread to which I'll respond. You guys really like to create new threads for every single question and, frankly, I don't have the time within my REALLY BUSY schedule to go through and answer multiple threads. So read this one. Post any questions you have into this one. And you should get my responses within a reasonably timely fashion.

Here goes...

I am currently working on 40-ish DVDs worth of material for Shout! Factory. Sixteen of those discs are Transformers, the original animated series from Sunbow. This is an absolute dream come true for me. I'm 31 years old and grew up watching the series, as well as collecting the toys and comics. So I know my stuff. Long before I was producing DVDs, I was buying them. And, yes, I bought the original releases from Rhino. I know what was good about them and I know what was bad about them, not because I did extensive research (which I still did), but because I was also a fan praising what deserved praise and criticizing what deserved criticism. That being said...

The S1 Packaging
I've seen some divided opinions regarding the cover art for Season One online. A lot of people really seem to like it. Some don't. But in many cases of the more dissenting opinions, people complain that it doesn't look "special" enough. I agree that what you see online doesn't adequately reflect the special treatment Shout! Factory is giving the series. However, I will argue that you haven't seen the art in person. What can't be displayed in a .JPG online is the type of treatment the slipcase is getting. The title treatment and characters will be fully embossed and the background will be BEAUTIFULLY printed on a shiny foil board that really makes those background colors POP. Unfortunately, you can't see the effect in a photo, but I will say that there will be no doubt (or, at least, there shouldn't be) that the set is "special" when it hits store shelves.

The Masters
Hasbro provided us with the same masters Rhino used for their releases. HOWEVER... There have been changes made. I, personally, went to New York, where the original broadcast one-inch masters are housed, and found each of the problem areas, in regards to animation. Before the question is asked, I'll answer it now. The one-inch masters have not physically held up well over the years. In some cases, they're nearly unwatchable. Therefore, instead of simply transferring and using masters of the one-inches, we found every instance of faulty animation demonstrated on a YouTube video or mentioned in a rundown we could find online (and even found some of our own) and corrected them, replacing the faulty digibeta master material with the best-quality one-inch source material. Finally, we color corrected everything to match--as best we could--the shots before and after. Surprisingly, unless you know specifically what you're looking for, you won't even notice many of the instances of slightly softer picture. It looks REALLY good.

The Audio
We chucked the Rhino audio. You will no longer hear additional sound effects or music, not previously heard in the broadcasts. We went back to the original source mono and created a nice stereo track to even out the audio. It sounds really nice.

The Bonus Features
There are very few bonus materials from the original releases that are specifically related to G1 and what interviews are there tend to be long, relatively drawn out and have no cutaways. In short, they're kinda boring. I've spent the last month or so traveling to Rhode Island, New York and back interviewing as many people as possible that had something to do with this incarnation of the series. In some cases, I talk to original Hasbro toy designers. In others, I'm talking to original comic writers and editors. And in even others, I'm talking to the gang behind the series, itself. And, yes, that includes the voice talent.

I will also have commercials from the appropriate seasons. In other words, you won't see a commercial for the Sharkticons on the season one release. Something you should know about the commercials is this: the quality of what you're accustomed to seeing on YouTube and other DVDs is pretty much what you're going to get here. And it's for one simple reason. No one ever anticipated the future lives of commercials, when they were first being broadcast. So Hasbro never kept high-quality masters. They kept VHS screeners of their commercials, strictly for reference later. So when you say, "why couldn't they get the original copies from Hasbro?", we actually did. Still, there are some pretty cool commercials here and I'm looking forward to having them included.

There's a bunch of other stuff that will be included. I don't really want to get too detailed and bogged down here and now. But I do want you to know that this property is being handled with care by folks that loved the franchise far prior to its acquisition at Shout! Factory. Now, with all of that said, let the comments, concerns and questions begin.

Mildly interested (in the Transformers stuff), but I don't know if I want to buy all of these again. I have the Rhino ones and I'm satisfied with them, I don't go over this shit with a magnifying glass. The commercials are kind of a neat bonus but I can watch those for free online if for some reason I want to.
Freaking excited as hell about the GI Joe compilation! I can ditch the old GI Joe S1.V1 (never did collect the other two). I hope they can eventually get the rights to the latter, 90s GI Joe series.

Primary concern is size.

The Real Ghostbusters set was AWESOME as far as space-density goes. I hope they follow such an elegant model rather than the "include random real-life swag in the box so it can occupy 1 ft^3 for the rest of your life" model.

As for Transformers, never was a big fan. To each his own.
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I honestly like being able to buy indivdual seasons. I bought the Buffy and Angel sets cause I am a big fanatic of Whedon, but other than that I will keep hoping for seasons.
I'll probably pick up the complete sets for both, as long as they don't have horrible gimmicky packaging, like The Flintstones or I Dream of Jeannie. If it's something that saves lots of space, a la The Real Ghostbusters, then that's fine with me.

The official website for the Transformers G1 Complete Series

The G.I. Joe site is still under construction.

You can preorder them for $140 for the Transformers and $145 for G.I. Joe, each with free standard shipping. Although I'm sure Amazon will have them for slightly less.

They WILL have both series available for purchase at the San Diego Comic Con in July. No official date for release has been announced yet, but will make announcement in the next couple of weeks.
Damn, that's steep... was going to get this but not sure if I can justify that much on a show I don't absolutely love. Might just get the Joe individual season releases now...
[quote name='dg7md']Damn, that's steep... was going to get this but not sure if I can justify that much on a show I don't absolutely love. Might just get the Joe individual season releases now...[/QUOTE]

If you were to purchase the individual sets you would spend more money than the $140.

The DVD price is $8.75 per disc which I don't think is a bad price. People have been asking for this set to be released as a package like this for years.

I preordered the GI Joe and Transformers sets.

I am 35 years old and having these two sets is like holding my childhood in my hands. I cannot wait to have these sets and relive the magic of these shows.

[quote name='KingofOldSchool']I'm sure Amazon will have them for slightly less.[/QUOTE]

I was under the impression that these are going to be limited and only available through Shout! Factory's store.

Anyone know a definitive answer?
I think they will come out eventually in retail stores. Though I think it will be a couple of months after they get released on shout's site. All I know is I have been waiting for these kind of boxsets. So I"m not going to take the chance and will pay the extra bit, to be sure I get these sets. I"m going to have me a 80's cartoon marraton in july. :D
[quote name='kevgret']If you were to purchase the individual sets you would spend more money than the $140. [/QUOTE]
Isn't it just the 4 sets for Transformers at $20 each? Price seems a bit out of whack for the full set, even with the extras.

I have little doubt these will make it out to retail, there hasn't been any real mention of a limited nature.
[quote name='botticus']Isn't it just the 4 sets for Transformers at $20 each? Price seems a bit out of whack for the full set, even with the extras.

I have little doubt these will make it out to retail, there hasn't been any real mention of a limited nature.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that and I can't imagine them not charging a premium for all the extra bonuses you get in the full series sets. Plus it's always easier to swallow at 25 per season every few months if you aren't sure about dropping cash for the whole set -- despite how sweet they look.
Damnit! I really wanted to get the complete Transformers set but I'm not paying $140 for it. I have the Rhino releases and would have gotten these if not for the price. I'll get the single releases instead. Same thing for the G.I. Joe seasons.
[quote name='Bervda']I was under the impression that these are going to be limited and only available through Shout! Factory's store.

Anyone know a definitive answer?[/QUOTE]

That was announced on Shout! Factory's website in the forums. Shout! has been doing such a great job as of late that I'm going to support them by ordering direct. I hope they can get more licenses!
If we can CONFIRM these are LE and not being released elsewhere, I may have to buy both. :whistle2:/

I definitely need the GI Joe one since I don't have the complete series of THAT yet.'s glorious! I will have to definately see about this one. 145 for my childhood isn't that bad ;)

can anyone provide a link or something where i can pre-order? I looked at amazon, but can't locate it :(
Hopefully not a triple post, but apologies:

From their board:
RE: The Definitive Transformers Thread
There are actually significant differences in the packaging materials and quality of the second release of the Yearbook than the first incarnation.
This is a different case, however, as we've not announced the two sets as limited editions. Like all DVDs, special or not, there is an initial order that gets renewed as sales go up.


So, unlike the Freaks & Geeks set, this is not a LIMITED EDITION and will make it to retail eventually. $300ish now for both is insane. I may just wait unless they have a sale. I did already buy a 3-disc volume 1 and own the previous Rhino release. Decisions.
I'm sold on the transformers set. I guess I will have to work some OT in order to pay for it. Would be nice if they some how were able to fit it into a smaller case.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Hopefully not a triple post, but apologies:

From their board:

So, unlike the Freaks & Geeks set, this is not a LIMITED EDITION and will make it to retail eventually. $300ish now for both is insane. I may just wait unless they have a sale. I did already buy a 3-disc volume 1 and own the previous Rhino release. Decisions.[/QUOTE]

Over at Shout's message board, someone asked about the complete box set going on sale at retail and what does "Why supplies last" mean on the order page.

Here is Brian's response from Shout:

"...As for the "While Supplies Last" question... As of right now, there is a finite number of sets in the production run. The complete series set is expected to hit retail at an undetermined time down the road, but if we sell out online first, we will need to evaluate the need and costs associated with a second run and its release at retail.


Take this for what its worth, but it could be some time before the complete box set shows up at retail if this first printing sells out.

do want but not for 150 a set.. i would rather them just release each season (which i think they are.. didn't read anything)

the only cartoon complete set i would buy is ninja turtles
[quote name='kevgret']Good News Kids...

The Transformers matrix edition is coming to retail!

bad news is that all of you thought it would be cheaper than what Shout! is selling it for.. and you were wrong.

Story here:

Amazon Preorder here:


Oh good, now I don't have to feel bad about buying the individual sets for far, far cheaper.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Oh good, now I don't have to feel bad about buying the individual sets for far, far cheaper.[/QUOTE]

True... but you are losing some extras and who knows how long it will take Shout! to release all of the sets.. a year?

I might have spent some extra money but I have all of the extras and I don't have to wait to get all of the sets.

Matter of preference and how much money you have I guess.

I was thinking of waiting to see if deepdiscount gets it and if they do then wait for their next 25% off sale and get it there. They usually have another sale around November I believe.
bread's done