TRU - Buy 2 get third FREE (all platforms) 10/27

also the deal should only be a week, if something is comming out afterwards that you want just buy a $50 game and return it within 45 days and you can exchange it for the one comming out.
My guess with this sales is that it won't start on 10/27 (but I could be wrong) but it will start on 10/24 or 10/31. However I have no connections or anything, so I could be wwwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy off here, but thats just my 2 cents.
i dont think it will start on the 27th either, TRU sales are always on a Sunday and end on a Saturday, my girlfriend still works at TRU so i'll have her find out for me.
why do people think buying one game from one store and taking it to another is WRONG. But buying a game today and returning it in 45 days to get a game that wasnt Part of the Deal OKAY to do

both ways your ripping off the stores
One question abotu this, say I buy three games all for 50, them come november 9th, swap for halo 2 and return the other two games, what would happen? would I get halo 2 for free?
[quote name='slidecage']why do people think buying one game from one store and taking it to another is WRONG. But buying a game today and returning it in 45 days to get a game that wasnt Part of the Deal OKAY to do

both ways your ripping off the stores[/quote]

Because, in general, people are assholes and don't care for anything beyond thier own selfish desires.
So does anyone know of an official date on when this will start (is it still Oct 27?) and if it will include games from every system such as GBA, GC, PS2, and Xbox? Thanks.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='slidecage']why do people think buying one game from one store and taking it to another is WRONG. But buying a game today and returning it in 45 days to get a game that wasnt Part of the Deal OKAY to do

both ways your ripping off the stores[/quote]

Because, in general, people are assholes and don't care for anything beyond thier own selfish desires.[/quote]


I hope they have all of these, but I would love to get

Time Crisis (any version)
DDR Extreme

If It lasts through Nov. 4th I would also pick up

Onimusha 3
Neo Contra (pending reviews)
Ratchet and Clank UYA
Hopefully this sale will go down, I just redeemed some more credit card reward points for another 25$ toys r us giftcard.
Ok, I just got off the phone with my local TRU (Spokane,Washington) and the manager said that his store was going to start Oct. 27. However, he also commented that games bought during this time could not be returned unless something was physically wrong with the disc (I don't know if this was B.S. or not, but it does make sense) Also, he said that only games that had been released prior to the sale could be purchased. (Once again probably B.S. and I can't imagine the employees knowing the release dates of games other than the major ones ie. Halo2. :)
The TRU ads for 10/10 and 10/17 are up. Both ads do not have the Buy 2 get 1 free(I'll post some of the deals from them in another post). There is no promotion according to the TRU calendar starting October 27th, but there is an ad the 24th, so that could be the date the sale starts. The ad should be available next week for the 24th. Other than that, hopefully we'll get a confirmation soon on the real start date and if it is really happening.
Well for me, there is good and bad news.

Good news. I get paid that week.

Bad news, I get paid two days AFTER the sale. GRRRRR
[quote name='crystalklear64']Ok, I just got off the phone with my local TRU (Spokane,Washington) and the manager said that his store was going to start Oct. 27. However, he also commented that games bought during this time could not be returned unless something was physically wrong with the disc (I don't know if this was B.S. or not, but it does make sense) Also, he said that only games that had been released prior to the sale could be purchased. (Once again probably B.S. and I can't imagine the employees knowing the release dates of games other than the major ones ie. Halo2. :)[/quote]

I would imagine the latter to be true as well.
[quote name='slidecage']why do people think buying one game from one store and taking it to another is WRONG. But buying a game today and returning it in 45 days to get a game that wasnt Part of the Deal OKAY to do

both ways your ripping off the stores[/quote]That's a very bad thing to do. IMO, it's just wrong to buy multiple copies then take them back at other stores to gain more money to get what you want most, because that's just being selfish and proving you don't have much respect for others. I still find ways of getting every game I want without ripping stores off.

As for the sale, yes I agree about it starting on a weird day, because it should be Sunday.

The way it looks now, I'm gonna keep my eye on:
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne (If TRU gets it in)
Taiko Drum Master
Ace Combat 5 (if it's out in time)
Ape Escape Pumped & Primed
King of Fighters Maximum Impact

I'll decide which three I'd get once they're out.
The 27th is a good day for me, because it's the only day of the week I don't have school or work. I'm really hoping they have Taiko Drum Master and Crisis Zone. I'm still having some trouble figuring out the third title.
There's plenty of games out right now, so having Halo 2 not a part of the deal is alright with me. Games I'm hoping to get through the deal:
GTA: San Andreas
Burnout 3
X-Men Legends
SvC: Chaos
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Ace Combat 5 (if the get it in time)
Guilty Gear Isuka (if the get it in time)
Midway Arcade Treasures 2
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Fire Emblem
Mario and Luigi

So there's plenty of stuff available now. I can wait until Christmas for Halo 2 and Grand Turismo 4. Damn, that's a lot of money to spend this year.
[quote name='Parathod']The 27th is a good day for me, because it's the only day of the week I don't have school or work. I'm really hoping they have Taiko Drum Master and Crisis Zone. I'm still having some trouble figuring out the third title.[/quote]

their website is carrying it, so there is hope that the B&M stores will carry it.
Spin just get 3 games, and exchange the third one foe the difference of the headset. That headset is alot isn't it, like $60. What's so special about it? It wireless right?
[quote name='help1']One question abotu this, say I buy three games all for 50, them come november 9th, swap for halo 2 and return the other two games, what would happen? would I get halo 2 for free?[/quote]

I meant 150
[quote name='help1'][quote name='help1']One question abotu this, say I buy three games all for 50, them come november 9th, swap for halo 2 and return the other two games, what would happen? would I get halo 2 for free?[/quote]

I meant 150[/quote]

Well, for one other CAGs might call you out on this. Second, I believe TRU has wisened up on this and won't let you return two games you paid for and keep the third for free. Third, I also believe TRU will not let you trade in games purchased during these deals for games that come out after the time period of the sale.

I certainly hope no one abuses these deals. I'm getting rather annoyed with all the posters trying to find a way to sweeten the deal more. Don't get greedy. That is all.
I wonder, will this sale work in conjunction with the green tag sale?

If I get three green tag games, will the third be free?
i dont see anything wrong with getting gift receipts for a game you dont want in the buy 2 get 1 deal. for one, i think its quite fine because alot of us work hard to earn the money to do this. If toys r us is gonna offer the deal, and im gonna work my butt off to earn 100 bucks, then i should walk away happy, thats how i see it.
[quote name='road3283']I wonder, will this sale work in conjunction with the green tag sale?

If I get three green tag games, will the third be free?[/quote]

Yes it will be free.
Okay i dont know if its happening now or in a few weeks but if it happens the games im gonna get are Burnout 3, X-men Legends, and either Mortal Kombat Deception or THUG 2.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']i dont see anything wrong with getting gift receipts for a game you dont want in the buy 2 get 1 deal. for one, i think its quite fine because alot of us work hard to earn the money to do this. If toys r us is gonna offer the deal, and im gonna work my butt off to earn 100 bucks, then i should walk away happy, thats how i see it.[/quote]

We'll since you put it that way, since you have worked hard for your money, I guess its fine to blatantly abuse, and defraud a company. This sale is done for two reasons from a buisness perspective. One to move existing stock QUICKLY and to gain goodwill and market presence in anticipation for the Holiday season (Nov and Dec). You are abusing both goals. First you are returning a older game for a newer game. Albiet that they are the same value, but how would you like it if you had to sell a returned Van Helsing or a Catwoman and lose a stock item of GTA:SA or a Time Crisis. A double whammy, you have to resell a crappy game and you lose a good selling title. Not to mention you (2nd point) will be risking stockout for San Andreas for little Tommy boy who wants this game for Christmas. I will not be supprised if people like you ruin this promotionfor us next year. There is a special place in hell for you people.
[quote name='sying'][quote name='thingsfallnapart']i dont see anything wrong with getting gift receipts for a game you dont want in the buy 2 get 1 deal. for one, i think its quite fine because alot of us work hard to earn the money to do this. If toys r us is gonna offer the deal, and im gonna work my butt off to earn 100 bucks, then i should walk away happy, thats how i see it.[/quote]

We'll since you put it that way, since you have worked hard for your money, I guess its fine to blatantly abuse, and defraud a company. This sale is done for two reasons from a buisness perspective. One to move existing stock QUICKLY and to gain goodwill and market presence in anticipation for the Holiday season (Nov and Dec). You are abusing both goals. First you are returning a older game for a newer game. Albiet that they are the same value, but how would you like it if you had to sell a returned Van Helsing or a Catwoman and lose a stock item of GTA:SA or a Time Crisis. A double whammy, you have to resell a crappy game and you lose a good selling title. Not to mention you (2nd point) will be risking stockout for San Andreas for little Tommy boy who wants this game for Christmas. I will not be supprised if people like you ruin this promotionfor us next year. There is a special place in hell for you people.[/quote]


Only in America would a person use the fact that he or she is employed to justify fraud.
If you find a LEGAL loop hole to save money why wouldn't use it?! (And puh-lease spare me the lecture on fraud). Isn't it a crime to use a coupon more than once? What about sharing someone's food at a restaurant without paying for the sharing charge? Have you ever videotaped something without expressed written permission? Ripped off the tag of a mattress? You self rightious nit wits are so full of the brown stff. It's real simple - if you don't want to take advantage of a good deal, THEN DON'T. But don't act so high and mighty and insult those individuals who at the very least are being honest with themselves. Furthermore, it makes me laugh to read about how some of us are "taking advantage" of MILLION DOLLAR corporations. I encourage these dolts to read up on CAPTALISM. This is not Sheeeeeeeesh!
It may be legal but its unethical. Toyrus is a struggling corporation thats propbably wont last long and to take advantage of it right now i think is rather mean. Corporations are made up of many stakeholders from employees to shareholders, ripping off the MILLION DOLLAR corporation is really ripping of men and women like oursleves. As for your comment on READ up on Capitalism, Modern Capitalism is not everything goes laissez faire but rather Companies and inviduals now have many responsiblitles other than profit such as Stakeholder responsibility, Einviromental Responsiblilty, Ethical Responsibility, and Social Responsibility. The Capitalsim that you believe in is dead and gone and rightly so.
Dude, are you serious? It is "rather mean." "RATHER MEAN?! " If your conscious is bothering you soooooo much, maybe you should start paying full price for all your games. Why even bother using this site at all? Afterall, we wouldn't rip off the precious shareholders and stakeholders. That would be AWFUL! Sob. Sob. :roll:
[quote name='Isles Guru']Dude, are you serious? It is "rather mean." "RATHER MEAN?! " If your conscious is bothering you soooooo much, maybe you should start paying full price for all your games. Why even bother using this site at all? Afterall, we wouldn't rip off the precious shareholders and stakeholders. That would be AWFUL! Sob. Sob. :roll:[/quote]

I come here for the legal deals and to flame newbies like you, isn't that why everyone is here to do? I don't think Cheapy condones fraudassgaming
Newbie? I joined in June 2003. How about you? And uh, when did I encourage illegal activity? Never. Self rightous hypocrites make me gag. Ick.
This is for all games on every system? Right when San Andreas comes out? Hmmm... thats a tough one, I really can't think of anything I'd want other than SA, and I'm not totally sure I can't wait for that either.

BTW, is this for all systems? I heard mention of GC being seperate dates, which sucks considering MK: DD would pretty much be the only other choice to consider.... I still can't think of a third game.....
[quote name='Isles Guru']Newbie? I joined in June 2003. How about you? And uh, when did I encourage illegal activity? Never. Self rightous hypocrites make me gag. Ick.[/quote]

Good, gag and die
[quote name='sying'][quote name='Isles Guru']Newbie? I joined in June 2003. How about you? And uh, when did I encourage illegal activity? Never. Self rightous hypocrites make me gag. Ick.[/quote]

Good, gag and die[/quote]

perhaps you should watch what you say, your being incredibly rude
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777'][quote name='sying'][quote name='Isles Guru']Newbie? I joined in June 2003. How about you? And uh, when did I encourage illegal activity? Never. Self rightous hypocrites make me gag. Ick.[/quote]

Good, gag and die[/quote]

perhaps you should watch what you say, your being incredibly rude[/quote]

Wow you have more posts than him, wow I have more posts than you, wow a lot of CAGs have more posts than me...
Wow, lovely what this thread has turned into.

Back to subject. Thank you TRU.

Looking forward to getting whatever games are in stock during the sale week that catch my attention.
bread's done