TRU Display Copy Sale (YMMV)


188 (99%)
Hey all, I just visited a TRU tonight, and I noticed a shelf with old display copies of various games marked as much as 60% off. I saw Unlimited Saga for $10, Rogue Ops (PS2) for $10, and Freedom Fighters (GC) for $20. Plus, there was a sign saying that all those display copy games were an additional 10% off. Supposedly, the games have never been played, and from what I saw, the only difference between the display copies and new games is that the display copies did not have their original wrapping/shrinkwrap and there was a black X (made with Sharpie) over the UPC. YMMV, but if you're interested in display copies, you might want to check out your local Toys R Us.
That could be intresting... and I have no school on Monday... I guess I'll have to see what my funds are like t'morrow...
What they are are games that were returned but we are not supposed to take them back. Most likely a manager told them to take it back. So the games are then rewrapped and marked down.
[quote name='bingbangboom']What they are are games that were returned but we are not supposed to take them back. Most likely a manager told them to take it back. So the games are then rewrapped and marked down.[/quote]

But the games I saw were NOT rewrapped. The black X over the UPC was on the clear plastic part of the actual DVD case. Plus, they were labeled as display copies, and there was no more than one of each title.
I am telling you. I work at TRU in the R-Zone section. They do it because of inventory reasons to get rid of them. Trust me, I am smarter than you.
Lol, you are smarter than him because you know about working at a toy store? please
[quote name='bingbangboom']I am telling you. I work at TRU in the R-Zone section. They do it because of inventory reasons to get rid of them. Trust me, I am smarter than you.[/quote]

Did you not read that the copies he saw were marked as "display?" Has it ever occured to you that not every Toys R Us operates in the same fashion? I won't even comment on "I am smarter than you" remark.

Anyway, time to get back on topic. I stopped by my TRU yesterday, and no display/return games were there. I did pick up Tennis 2K2 for the Dreamcast for $8 though. Great game.
Anyway, time to get back on topic. I stopped by my TRU yesterday, and no display/return games were there. I did pick up Tennis 2K2 for the Dreamcast for $8 though. Great game.

I completely agree. Great game. Still the best tennis game on the market IMO.
[quote name='bingbangboom']I am telling you. I work at TRU in the R-Zone section. They do it because of inventory reasons to get rid of them. Trust me, I am smarter than you.[/quote]

And on what basis can you say you are smarter than him, other than your ironclad argument that you work in the RZone at TRU?
[quote name='video_game_addict']By display do you mean the game boxes that have not for resale on the actual front insert or something else?[/quote]

I guess TRU stores all of their games behind the counter, so these must be the ones they showcase in their aisles behind glass. They are just like what's behind the counter, except without plastic wrap and a black X over the UPC.
I have 2 TRUs near me, one is an R-Zone recently converted. They have just begun to put games behind the counter, I'd say at least 75% is still on the sales floor, but I have noticed on the newer releases they have actual display boxes, sort of like promo boxes, that they put out on the runs. They all look like they have custom inserts maybe they are just stickers, but I thought they were actually part of the inserts. :?

But basically you're just saying that the games they are marking down were cases that were opened and emptied so they could be put out on the shelves without some little rugrat stealing them? They are now marking out the barcodes and reducing the prices.
[quote name='video_game_addict']But basically you're just saying that the games they are marking down were cases that were opened and emptied so they could be put out on the shelves without some little rugrat stealing them? They are now marking out the barcodes and reducing the prices.[/quote]

Actually, the cases are not opened (i.e. top seals not broken) and the discs are not removed from the cases. It's as if TRU unwraps a game, scribbles over the barcode, lets it sit in the aisles for a while (behind glass), then marks it down later. I couldn't for the life of me tell you why they do this (oh wait, maybe bingbangboom can - after all, he's so much "smarter" than me :roll: ).
[quote name='bingbangboom']I am telling you. I work at TRU in the R-Zone section. They do it because of inventory reasons to get rid of them. Trust me, I am smarter than you.[/quote]

Since you're so smart, can you tell me how to get a minimum wage job? I wouldn't mind scoring some of the fine ass hoes like all the R-zone pimps have either.
Holy crap that's funny. The last time there was a TRU frenzy I bought into it and my TRU didn't have anything. I'm not saying others don't, I'm just pretty sure mine won't, and I can't have my heart broken again.
I bought one of these games at the "yard sale" our Toys R Us is having (posted about it in another TRU post) and when I saw the prices (Kirby's Air Ride $24.90, Soul Caliber II $19.90), I asked what was wrong with them that they were so cheap. The guy behind the counter said that they were the ones displayed in the kiosks as demos and there is nothing wrong with them at all. They took really good care of them, but can't sell them as new and they needed to clear out space. That was a good enough reason for me. He did try to sell me other stuff, but I got what I wanted at a really good deal. He said they're just clearing out the old stuff. They even had a 13"-inch TV they were using in a display (I suppose) for $20. That's here in MO so it's probably the same in most of the places I assume. And you can still get a one year buyers protection on these games for $2.99 so it can be replaced if it doesn't work. Great deal!
hey screw you guys, i work in the r-zone too. and what he's saying is probably correct. i've never heard of something like a "display copy" of a game.

my question is, did the games have a red tag with a new UPC and price on the front? if they did, they are definetly returns. probably being re-sold after xmas, maybe your TRU had a major surge of VG returns. they could have been marked as "display copies" to get people to buy them easier than "returned and we don't know why so we might as well sell them again."

as far as "display copies" go, those things are called clamshells and they're just empty dvd cases sent to TRU by a supplier through airborne express. there are never any games in them.

so while he may not be smarter than you, he does have a greater understanding as to how the store works (or at least his particular store).
bread's done